My Sword Page

Here are some of the swords in my collection.  Below are closeups and information on some of my more unique pieces.

Silver Griffin
Makers: Brent Junkins(blade&handle), Lars Lunde(furniture)
Blade Material: 5160
Handle Material:  twisted steel wire wrap
Hilt Material:  white bronze
Total Length:  37"
Blade Length:  29"
BladeWidth at Ricasso:  1.6"
Weight:  3lbs 3oz
Point of Balance: 4.0"

Silver Griffin is a one-of-a-kind sword created to represent the type of weapon a drow, dark elf in the Forgotten Realms books, may carry as part of his character.  I'm partial the Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore whose main character, Drizzt, carried two magical scimitars.  I can imagine Silver Griffin being stolen by a dark elf from a Dragon's hoard and using the magical blade to fight his way to freedom.

Makers:  Rob Johns(blade&handle), Peter Farquhar(furniture)
Blade Material: D2
Handle Material:  Cocobolo
Hilt Material:  Bronze
Pommel: 40mm Malachite sphere
Total Length:  44"
Blade Length:  31 inches
Blade Width at Ricasso:  1.75 inches
Weight:  4lbs 8oz
Point of Balance:  5.25"

Like most who have seen the movie, Conan the Barbarian, I've always wanted a fantasy barbarian sword.  This is my one-of-a-kind rendition of such a sword.  When designing this piece, I couldn't decide what stone to use as the pommel.  Fortunately, Peter created a pommel system that has the capability of changing colored stones in a matter of seconds to fit my mood or my outfit.

Salamanca Rapier
Maker: Jim Hrisoulas (aka Atar)
Blade Material: L6
Handle Material:  Water Buffalo horn
Hilt Material:  black iron
Total Length: 42 inches
Blade Length: 36 inches
Blade Width at Ricasso: 1 inch
Weight: 2lbs 2oz
Point of Balance:  3.75 inches

In the spirit of The Three Musketeer and The Pincess Bride, I made my request to Jim to make me a one-of-a-kind rapier that can bend 90 degrees and return true.  What you see above is the result.  Cool, huh?

Sword of Crom
Maker:  Jody Samson/Al Massey
Blade Material:  5160
Handle Material:  deerskin wrap
Hilt Material:  bronze
Total Length:  39.5"
Blade Length:  29.0"
Blade Width at Ricasso:  3.0"
Weight:  5lbs 8oz
Point of Balance:  3.0"

This is a limited edition sword by Albion Armorers and was modified specially for me (redesigned tip & ricasso width).  In that light, I guess there is not another like it.  The sword is accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity by Jody Samson and Al Massey stating this sword is an unnumbered prototype, P2, of The Sword of Crom limited edition.  The sword is similar to Conan's father's sword and also has runic inscription that reads: "Suffer no evil ye who wield this in the name of Crom."

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