The Tomb Of Otaku

With in these pages have past a history belonging to Otaku.
The struggles and strife of our Clan to redeam the Emperor.
He is not dead, mearly sleeping.. And we Shall find him.

Billy Hone - 04/20/99 11:59:46


01/16/99 06:44:12
Name: Hollow_Moon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 27 Clan affiliation: Unicorn Best Stragigies: Attack!!!
Wins/loss?: I lost track... Tourneys?: 1 and I didn't win.. 2 cents...Hee hee: I don't know but I think I need a bigger site.. hee hee ;-)

This is going to be the Historical Chronicals. Of Who has won what and where.. so.. In a little while I will have the Where part on the Guestbook.. For now tho, This will do.. Have fun at the site and if you want to reccommend something or tell me somethi g LET ME KNOW!! Email me!! I will be here.. Thanks for stoping by and hee hee did you sign the guestbook? Hee hee :-)

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Thank you for adding your Clan to the Tomb. May the Records keep us.