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Welcome to Project: Chrono-Warp's homepage! If you viewing this site, you obviously are interested in either this project, or the show Sliders. I am the ambassador for a small-funded international project called Project: Chrono-Warp. It's main purpose is to make the science fiction of the show Sliders into a reality. I know I said in the summary of the conference that I most likely wouldn't keep the position of Project Leader, but I have decided to keep it anyways. Also, in mass response to all or any of your recent emails, if you signed up for the Project a while back and have not received a reply OR your name has not been put in the Members section yet, PLEASE EMAIL ME AGAIN and I will respond as soon as I can. I have an unfortunate habit of not checking my Project email box. Please forgive me. Trent @ 18:31 cst - 2.7.02 Greeting Project members and fans! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wow, it's been more than 2 months. Boy am I embarassed! Anywho, I'm sorry for not updating so long, but I won't make a big deal out of it if you don't. On an interesting note, I have come up with a completely NEW idea for the new layout and I am going to use that instead. It's fairly simple and shouldn't take very long to do, but then again, you know me. I have yet to check my mailbox, but I know you guys sent me like 200 emails. Hopefully I'll update again soon. That is all. Trent @ 18:39 cst - 12.3.01 Whoa, sorry for not updating so long Project members and fans. It's been almost 2 months since I last updated, that's really pathetic. Well, I'm not gonna sit here and give you a big excuse explaining my actions for my 2 month absence, mainly because I don't have an excuse. The only excuse I can think of is that I got somewhat 'side tracked' working on my secret side project. But that's not a very good excuse though. On another note, I have scrapped the entire idea of the cascading menus idea and I am just going to use the other one I came up with. And since we're being honest here, you can expect the new layout up sometime Q1 2002. Hey, at least I'm not lying to you about it. Trent @ 16:00 cst - 10.17.01 The new layout might take a little longer than I originally anticipated. The whole navigation system I originally came up has been scrapped and I making a much, MUCH better one, complete with cascading menus. Very cool. I hope to have the new beta page working by the end of the month, and as you may know, the month ends the week after next. That is all. Trent @ 17:09 cst - 10.12.01 The beta page was acting up a little yesterday, but I fixed it. What you see there now is essentially what it will look like. I plan on adding a few things before I apply the new layout to all the sections. Also, plan on the Theories section to be up and running fairly soon. Probably a day or two after the new layout is up. Trent @ 18:16 cst - 10.11.01 For the past week or so I have desperately been working on a new layout for this page, though I did not announce it until Monday. Anyway, I FINALLY managed to get a beta page up and running. It looks really cool and I am very proud of myself. I used W3e 2000 and Adobe Photoshop 5.5 to make it. Please tell me what you guys think of it. I still need to fix and add a few things, but that link above should give you the general idea of the layout. Trent @ 16:17 cst - 10.8.01 Sorry for not updating for so long. My new past time has been watching CNN and this whole mess. It really interests me, as well as sickens me. Anyway, this new layout obviously isn't working very well. I am going to can it as soon as possible. I have a new layout much, MUCH more advanced than this one planned. It is going to be really cool. I will try and have a beta test page up for viewing here in a few days. It involves A ALOT of JavScript, so the coding takes a long time. Of course, as soon as I get the template done, I can just copy and paste the rest of the information to that template. Oh yes, and in case any of you are like me and want to bust a cap in bin Laden's ass, go here. It should help a little :). Trent @ 16:00 cst - 9.13.01 Project: Chrono-Warp would like to send our deepest thoughts and prayers out to those who were victims of the tragedies in the New York, D.C. and Pennsylvania areas. Especially to those whom have not heard from their friends or relatives yet. We can only hope this is the end of the attacks and that the ones responsible for this horrible deed shall be caught and given the punishment they deserve. Progress here at the Project shall be halted for the moment until we all have the mind set to return. I can only hope that none of our members lived or worked anywhere near those areas. Trent @ 21:38 cst - 9.6.01 I think it is quite pathetic of me that I have made more updates in the past month than in the past year. I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm also very ashamed of myself because I promised to fix the "blue boxes" this past weekend, but I didn't. I AM SO SORRY!!! I'm sorry about my bad habit. That habit being that I can't keep my promises very well. I'm too embarrassed to update anything or add anything new. I'll be back when I learn how to keep my promises, at least when it comes to the important things. I must go now. Trent @ 20:08 cst - 8.31.01 I somehow managed to finish the new(or improved) Hyperspace, Quantum Mechanics, Modern Physics, and Theory of Relativity sections. Although I have not gotten around to putting links up for most of them on the left side of the page, you can view the new sections by clicking on their respective links above. I have NOT however managed to create(or improve) the Super Space, Planck Energy, Theories, and Zero Point Energy sections yet. I will do that either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. In other good news, I think I know for sure now how to fix the "blue box" problem. At first, I thought it was the boxes themselves. Actually, it turns out that it is the Javascript coding that I used to program this page. At least I know what the problem is now. I am going to attempt to fix that either tomorrow, Sunday, or Monday. Trent @ 18:45 cst - 8.30.01 I plan on updating and creating a whole bunch of new sections. Those sections include: Hyperspace, Super Space, Planck Energy, Quantum Mechanics, Modern Physics, Theory of Relativity, Theories, and Zero Point Energy. I have a few more planned as well. For the new sections, I'm not quite sure where I am going to put them yet. I also plan on fixing those damned "blue boxes" by as early as tomorrow even. I plan on doing all this and more real soon. I hope to do all of this, if not at least most of it, this weekend, since I will have a lot of time on my hands. I might have some of these sections up later tonight. I'm not sure yet. Trent @ 14:43 cst - 8.26.01 Once again, I did a massive overhaul. This time, on the Information section. The Parallel Universes(formerly Parallel Dimensions), Wormholes(formerly ERP Bridges), and the new Black Holes section are now bigger and better than ever. I also added a few things to The Lab section too, including the Laws of Interdimensional Travel. As you can see, I haven't fixed the "blue boxes" yet. Sorry. I tried to fix them last night, but my plan failed. I have a new plan now though. I am going to try it here in a little bit. I am going to try and update a bunch of other sections first. Trent @ 19:10 cst - 8.25.01 I did a massive overhaul on The Lab section. I finally remade the Timers and Timer Parts sections, even though there's not much information in there right now. I also remade the Sliders section under the Information section to the left. I also added a new Character Bios section for each of the Sliders while I was at it. I also gave the Terminology section a huge update as well. As you can see, I haven't fixed the "blue boxes" yet, but if I don't end up doing it tonight, I promise I will get them fixed by the end of tomorrow. On a more important note, while I was cleaning out some old files on my computer earlier this afternoon, I found a list of people who had joined the Project, but their names had not been put on the Members section yet. Obviously, I immediately added their names to the Members section. I would like to apologize on behalf of the Project. PLEASE EXCUSE MY STUPIDITY! I AM SO SORRY! I REALLY AM! I'M SORRY! I really am sorry, fellow members. I would really appreciate it if you forgotten 7 would stay here, with us, for the cause. Especially you, Mr. Chuck Philips. You more than qualify for this Project, and I deeply regret not adding you until now. On one last note, I plan on giving the Information section a massive overhaul tomorrow. Trent @ 13:16 cst - 8.25.01 I added two new articles to the new "Other Power Sources" section, which I have appropriately renamed "Other Information" in The Lab. Again, they are from Mr. Francis Simpson. I am going to try to fix those pesky blue boxes here in a couple hours. I can't do it right now because I have to go run some errands. I also promise to have at least 1 or 2, maybe 3, of the Information sections up by the end of today. I ALSO updated the Members section by adding our 3 newest members. Trent @ 14:50 cst - 8.19.01 I added a new section the The Lab section called "Other Power Sources", containing information about other power sources(go figure) besides the proposed reactor. I have posted a news article from the National Post in there. It's a very interesting article. You should check it out. Thanks go out to Francis Simpson who pointed this story out to me. Also, I have come up with an idea that I think will fix the problem with the "blue boxes" on the left. I'll try to have them fixed by the end of the week. On one last note, I hope to have most, if not at least a few, of the Information sections on the left up by the end of the week also. Maybe earlier. I don't know. Trent @ 19:45 cst - 8.17.01 Just thought I would update real fast to say that I've FINALLY finished converting everything into the new layout. Unfortunately, I had to shut down most of the Information sections on the left. Sorry. I'll have them back and way better than before as soon as possible. Still having problems with that layout too. Sorry again. Trent @ 17:32 cst - 8.17.01 I am sorry to announce that I DO NOT have all of the sections converted to the new layout quite yet. So far, the only sections I have converted completely are the Members and Lab sections. So, at least you guys get one good thing out of the deal. YOU FINALLY GET TO SEE THE LAB SECTION!!! Unfortunately, at this moment, there's not that much information in there quite yet. But that will change very soon. I'll try to get them all converted by the end of the weekend. On another note, I've noticed that a lot of our newer members have not been put in the Members section yet. PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH YOUR NAME AND YOUR USES TO THE PROJECT. Please excuse my bad habit. On one last note, I seem to be having some "issues" with the new layout. Sorry about that. Please excuse the problems we've been having with it lately. Trent @ 18:52 cst - 8.14.01 HURRAY! The new layout is finally up! HURRAY! Well, it's about time. I've got more good news as well. Not only is there a new layout for the homepage, I have decided to remove the pesky password-system from The Lab section. Now it is ready to be viewed by all! HURRAY! One small piece of bad news though. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time today to apply the new layout to all the sections. Sorry. I promise I will have all of the sections converted by the end of tomorrow. Trent @ 17:35 cst - 8.13.01 Again, I must say I am very disappointed with Mr. Dan Gillies. He still hasn't done anything around here since I signed him to back in November, almost a year ago. But enough of that. I am VERY sorry for not updating lately. To make up for it, I plan on giving this site a HUGE face lift, hopefully sometime this week. Also, after much thought, I have decided to remove the suggested password system and make The Lab available to all, corporate spies and everyone else. The way I see it, we don't have anything solid yet anyway, so there's nothing to hide...yet. I'll try to get the new layout up by tomorrow or Wednesday. I really want to get it up before Friday though. I'll update again when it's up.
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