The Clan of F.A.E.R.I.E.
welcomes you to the
Realm of the Myste.
You stand at the Portal to a magical world known to those who dwell there as The Realm of the Myste.

It is a land where Elves still dwell, & faeries of all shapes & sizes weave their Glamour.  Warriors guard and protect what they believe in and Magics of both Nature and the Arcane are practiced by Priestesses, Mages, Hedge Wizards, Druids, Healers & the Mysterious Ranai.

You are standing at the doorway to the Land wherein dwells the F.A.E.R.I.E. the Clan of the Myste.  If you choose to venture further and step through the veil that protects the land, you will learn about the various races that dwell there, their customs and you may even glimpse a few of the Leaf Bearers of the Clan of F.A.E.R.I.E.
It's Summertide in the Realm of the Myste!
Follow the Fairy lights & they will show you visions
of the Clan of F.A.E.R.I.E.
As in all Realms of Faery time passes differently. 
This Realm will shift its form from time to time so the dwellers in this Realm encourage you to visit
at least once a moon.

This Realm last shifted:
July 7 , 2005
Oh, Traveler, You are visitor
to this Realm.
This Site is maintained by Dubh