My name is Jess, and this is my little corner of the World Wide Web. This page is entirely devoted to the U.S.S. Voyager and the relationship between her Captain and First Officer.

What's New?

Well, it's been four months, and I finally got around to making an update! I've been super busy with work, school, and karate. I'm sorry it took me so long! I've revised The Return Part 1 to make it (hopefully) easier to read. If all goes well, I'll revise all of the stories into this format. I'm still writing, and I hope to get at least one or two new stories up in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for all the emails and guestbook entries (good and bad). I found some really weak spots on the site thanks to you, and now I can fix them! Another update soon, I promise!

These pages last updated 10/29/99

My Stuff

Voyager MY Way

My fanfic page, devoted to J/C.

J/C Picture Archive

All of my favorite pics, including a few pages of the rest of the crew.

Who are You?

All about me, what else?!

My Favorite Links

All my favorite links.

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since 03/24/99

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Star Trek is owned and copyright Paramount. I intend no infringement of those copyrights. No profit is being made from this page. Entertainment only! This page was created and is maintained by Jessica Arnold. Most of the pics on these pages came from The Secret Lives of J&C and Joan's Voyager Photo & Star Trek Fan Art Gallery. I don't know where the rest of them came from, so if you see one of yours, and would like a credit for it or would like it removed, please contact me. Thanks to my ICQ buddy Kevin Hill for the great midi on these pages.