Here on this page you'll find some info on one of my favourite heroes, The ORIGINAL Captain Marvel. Though created by Fawcett Comics to compete against DC Comic's Superman (THE FIRST AND GREATEST OF ALL SUPERHEROES), The "Big Red Cheese", as he's sometimes called, has come into his own as one of the premiere heroes of the Golden Age. While his comic had been cancelled recently, "The Power of Shazam!" was one of the more successful Captain Marvel series to come out in recent times.
Writer/Artist Jerry Ordway had brought Cap back to his former greatness and modernized him for the 90's. While retaining the youthful optimistic outlook that the original Captain Marvel series had, Ordway (in my opinion) successfully blended in modern sensibilities and real world problems.
Ordway had taken Captain Marvel and placed him exactly where he the forefront of modern comic book mythology, where his exploits can be enjoyed by young and old fans alike. Even now, Captain Marvel has been portrayed as an integral member of the DC Universe. Holding key positions in major storylines (The series Kingdom Come and the new, JLA "Crisis Times 5" storyline come to mind) and (in a bold stroke) the respect of DC flagship character, Superman. A distinction that (in this writer's opinion) is LONG overdue.
Please take the time to peruse my page. It's always changing but I promise to add pics and links galore, to keep you, constant web browser, enjoyed. So, scroll up and down, enjoy the eye candy and remember, you can always hope that things can change.......with one magic word.
Captain Marvel, Shazam, Captain Marvel, Jr., Mary Marvel, The Marvel Family and any other prominent characters or logos, except where otherwise noted, are ™ and © by DC Comics. This web site is not officially endorsed or supported by DC Comics. Visit the Official DC Comics web site.
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