The Real "Bobo's In Paradise..."

Author David Brooks has written a book on Social Groups Called "Bobo's in Paradise"  The terminology refers to Bohemian Bourgeoisie, hence BoBo...and states that the Bobo's in our society are portrayed as Latte drinking yuppie snobs.  OK, so he wasn't so far off the mark... Contained in these pages you will find the real story of the Bobo's, and their own little paradise, also known as the area around Cape Croker Indian Park on the Bruce Peninsula of Ontario, Canada. A few years ago, the elder Bobo's Alan and Barbara purchased a run down dump of a place and transformed it into a real paradise on Hope Bay, just one bay north of the Cape Croker Indian Park where their offspring spent many a fun summer vacation. 


MAP OF THE BRUCE PENINSULA  The Bruce Peninsula is located about 4 hours north of Toronto, between the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron itself.

Contained herein is a collection of poems that are our family favorites.

Just click on the book to access them.




The pictures on view below show various shots taken during those 80'ssummer trips aboard the 21' Windspirit sail boat, Alan and Barbara Sailing, Morgan dangling on the trapeze....Alex co-owner with brother Morgan, now 22 paddling his kayak at the beautiful Cypress Lake shore of Georgian Bay...Aaron and Alan at the tiller, and a mid 80's shot of Alan and Barbara dancing at the Cape Croker Indian Pow-wow.... The flag is the "Indian Flag" (Native face superimposed on stars and stripes) More recent shots show married daughter Emily snoozing with her giant long legged Lab "Nana" on a recent trip....her husband Aaron fixing breakfast while she sleeps in!  Yeah Aaron....great pancakes....their campsite is in fact in the Indian Park...Alan and current dog "Sootie" on the escarpment when Sootie was a little pup!  Probably about 1996


The contents of these pages will continue to grow as we as a family add to them.  If you would like to send me something to add to the website, click HERE.