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The Avenger Deathmatch: The online event where we at Avenger Unlimited find some opponents who have something in common and pit them against each other in a WWF wrestling ring! We dont't actually make them fight but instead we put perfectly duplicated computer generated simulations of each person into our computer(N64) using a specially designed program and let them tear the ring apart until someone is victorious. The results are posted on HERE and every week we have a new match and do it all again. This week's main event:

The Battle Of The Summer Sci-Fi Box Office Hits:



Luke Skywalker

It's The Matrix vs. Star Wars




 Avenger Unl./Intense Shock Sites

The Avenger's House Of Wrestling

Intense Shock Web Design

The Rock's Electrical Plant

Intensity's Rock Site

If you don't know what Mp3s are let me tune you in. Mp3s are the future of music that you get for your computer and can play on your computer for absolutely free! All you need is an Mp3 player which you can get by clicking here for Mac and clicking here for Windows. Then,to get the songs you want , go to Avenger Unlimited's Mp3 Search Engine powered by Audiofind and type in the song or artist you want and after it finds it , download it on the spot!




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