I love them! They are my preferred snack, meal, and common
fruit. I say common because you can get oranges at any time of
the year, where as strawberries and avocados are better at certain
times.... They are a very versatile fruit, and the sweetest thing to
have when you come home from a hard day. If I fell sick or tiered, and orange makes me feel better. I've learned to feel if one orange
will be sweeter than another... I like juice too, but good fresh real cold orange juice. My preference of brand is Sunkist, and whenever my mom buys a bag of oranges (10 whole pounds of them), they are usually gone within a couple of days. I probably get more vitamin C than anyone else... Hehe, to show you just how many oranges I eat, here is an ICQ transcript of me explaining it.
Derek: I like apples
Me: I am more of an oranges fan myself....
I've actually consumed more oranges thease past 2 months than the whole of Alberta does in a year. Think about it.Derek: 3 000 000 000 000 oranges...that's alot
Me: Ya. Man, I am I full.
Derek: I'll bet!
Me: You can't even imagine.... Hey, if I move, look out yer window, you might even be able to see me.
Derek: Eeeewwww
Me: Just kidding. Actually, afterI got home, I chugged a thing of apple juice, then ate a tin of apple sause. Dinner.
Some orange I scanned,
And After I ate it....
As you can see, I am slightly weird (actually, if you ask the ppl at my school, I am VERY wierd)... But this is one wierd person who loves oranges!!!!
Oranges are an exelent sourse of good stuff!