My Canada Page!

I love Canada.
I love living in Canada.
I love my freedom.
I love being able to say whatever I want.
I love being able to read whatever I feel like reading.
I love it that we are peace makers.
I love it that we are the common ground.
I love it that we are negotiators.
I love it that there are no bombs being dropped on my house.
I love being able to go to school for free.
I love knowing I can go for a walk without being fired on.
I love knowing that my passport is the most valued in the world.
I love knowing that I live in the best country in the world.
I love the snow.
I love the rain.
I love the lightening storms.
I love the glaciers.
I love it that I can talk to whomever I want.
I love it that I have the right to a fair trail.
I love it that I am innocent until proven guilty.
I love it that I have the right to a fair trial.
I love it that I have the right to vote when I am old enough to do so.
I love that I am treated equally to anyone else in Canada, regardless of race, age, sex, or religion.
I love that I can believe whatever I want.
I love knowing that I can leave Canada at anytime, and go from province to province.
I love the Canadian spirit.
I love the Canadian wildlife.
I love the Pacific Ocean.
I love the Canadian Rockies.
I love Stanley Park.
I love the Sunshine Coast.
I love the clean air.
I love my freedom.
I love living in Canada.
I love Canada.



AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

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