Aleszu's Page

(My Favorite Band - Metallica - pics galore)

Kirk Hammett
(One of the best guitarists of all time)

(Sweet guitar pics and my Fender)

Guitar Riffs
(RealAudio guitar riffs)

(Tons of tabs here - all kinds for guitar)

(Cool programs to download - and some good links)

South Park
(One of the funniest shows ever!)

Blink 182
(My Blink 182 page - tabs, pics, info!)

(My Links Page)

News Updates

3/5/01 - I added some more Metallica tabs, and some cool Kirk Hammett pics with the KH-3 and the KH-2, check 'em out!

2/16/01 - I fixed the Kirk page, and put up some sweet tabs. That part definitely needed some remodeling... check it. I also added a site map at the top of all the pages.

2/15/2001 - Yo, I just put up the new Kirk Hammett page and fixed the Guitar page, have fun!

1/10/2001 - Wuzzup people. Just reformatted this entire section. Feel free to sign the brand new gustbook. Also, got some new tabs up, mostly Metallica. Have fun.

The Weather in Hell

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