
My name is Michael D. Anthony 23years old I live in Pa, near Pittsburgh. i'm one poor ass artist who fills the time with landscaping and home maitnence, had a full time desk job as a laser tec but could not stand sitting around all day. My hobbes are painting, fixing things noy pets, camping, snowboarding, ice skating and all kinds of other good stuff. On dates some times amovie is good ather times food is good but what i like the most is jusy long talks under the night sky if possable.

I'm just some guy looking for whats good and right in the world and not sucsess. i don't read vary much though some of my friends try to get me to some have evin came pretty close to getting me to read a normel story, but don't give up some day some one will get me to read.  i do love to think witch is one of the big reasions i'm still lands scape thier is all the time in the world to think and solve problems in my head, it tuly  peacfull.
well thats it for now i'll come up with more later.
tofast47mikey    AIM