Hello and welcome to the VSPS - the Voyager Slash Perspectives list.

This list is a new idea we were considering, a mailing list for all the slash relationships in the Voyager universe. Why? Why not? We figure there's similarities between all fandoms, from C/P to P/K and even J/T and J/7. Like P/N...have a story about them you're dying to post somewhere? We'd love to see it. Think we're crazy? Possibly. But we'd like to think it'll work.

So welcome to the List. Feel free to post whatever comes to mind. Stories are gladly accepted...musings on the possibilities of say...Tuvok and Kim together are wonderful...musings on life in general are great too. There's a few rules and guidelines we've come up with...just to try and keep some order to the list...but other than that, the sky's the limit. Be sure to check out the Official VSPS List Page at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Portal/7376 for more guidelines and ideas.

Finally, we're here to have fun...that's the most important thing. So...welcome to our little sandbox, and hope you find it as much fun as we hope it will be.

ListMommy Keikimo
ListMommy Terabithia
(ListManagers, SlashSisters and ListBabies at heart)