September 11, 2004
European astronomers discover first extrasolar planet
The newly discovered planet is approximately 230 light years away and is the first that has been directly identified via imaging. The implications of this discovery are far reaching for those that debate the possibility of extra terrestrial life, intelligent of otherwise. This may mean that authoress will need to re-evaluate the ratio's in the Drake Equation. Along with recent discoveries such as the Earth sized planet recently discovered, there should be new debate as to the probability of life sustaining planets.
September 11, 2004
Scientists at UWE successfully test self sustaining predatory robot
The robot, called EcoBot II, is the brain child of Chris Melhiush and his team at the University of West England. The robot is powered by microbial fuel cells or MFC's. The goal is to be able to one day release robots of this variety that are self sustaining in nature. The technological implications are enormous. We are one huge step closer to creating self sustaining robotic systems.
September 9, 2004
The world's first movie recording on a preformatted
holographic disc
Optware Corp., the developer of Collinear Holographic* Data Storage System,
announced today that it had achieved successfully world's first recording and
play back of digital movies on a holographic recording disc. They do not specify
when the technology will be made available to the public, however sice a
prototype has been successfully tested, commercial availability should only take
a year or two conservatively.