I'm still here, the question is do you really want to read what's in here? Because some of it might be rash and somewhat crude...Ohh my my can't have that infront of the children now..Tell you what, If you don't like me, if you don't like speculations of opinionated thoughts on subjects most wouldn't bother to think about...don't come in, because i don't want to hear your pitiful moaning about respect and morals, so piss off you bloody whiner. If you do choose to come in you WILL follow by the disclaimer first won't you, or you may be subjected to changes which may or may not alter your current life situations, online, offline, mental, and physical status.

Please note the following:
1. I am not responsible for you or anything that happens to you in result of you visiting this site.
2.While here you will not leave messages on my boards of sexual implications or harrass anyone through my boards, unless they are subjected to a spam bashing do to unacceptable behavior.
3. Don't piss me off please, i have enough to worry about.
4.Have a drink or two before this page, you will need it, may want to get your glasses to because reading is involved ( alot ).
5. If you piss me off, or leave messages on my boards that are not acceptable by my standards ( which means you would have to type some seriously weird shit in there), you will be subject to a "Spam Bash" i am not responsible for this because i have nothing to do with you being "spamed", this is something i do not know about and that is taken care of by an outside group that chose to be known as "unknown". Don't do anything bad and you won't have to worry about it.

So unless you are a complete shit, you don't have anything to worry about.