Links: These three sites are all part of The Portal of Evil Network and are too hilarious to describe. Though not part of Portal
of Evil, Shuttle-Japan was
referred to me by them, and I am eternally grateful for the fucked-up
japanese pornoness. Online comics are fun and
funny. Gaming links out the wazoo. And here's a link to Slashdot, to show my geek pride.
Welcome to MikeylandLast update: 11/25/2000 Added letters from Shen's girlfriend, Maggie on the Shen letters page. Also, as you can see, this page has a new look to it. Disclaimers/WarningsThis is not a web page. It's
my own sovereign nation in cyberspace, so I've got some rules. Craptacular ContentAll of the pages on my site that you, the unwashed masses can access. They are presented in an order that has no real significance other than making my made-up word "e-hatred" more prominent.
Shmee!![]() That would be nice. Note that this poem is not by me. I just found it sufficiently strange and bad to put here. I really should get it scanned so you can get the full effect. It's um, scrawled on a piece of notebook paper. There's always the chance that the author of this poem may find this and hunt me down in a homicidal rage, but that's not necessary. Email me and I'll take it down. LIARFOR U MY LUVATTRACTION, AFFECTION, CONNECTION, CONFUSION, SEDUCTION, ANGER, FRUSTRATION, CONFLICTION, REACTION, DISTRACTION, LOVE, HATE, NEGLECTED, UNWANTED, UNNEEDED, NEED, WANT, DESIRE, ON FIRE, REFUSAL, REDUNDANT, DELIRIOUS, HAPPINESS, UNNEEDED, SADNESS, ANGER, RED, red, red, jealousy, green. Gray, GRAY, FADING AWAY, WHAT HAVE i DONE? 3:30 AM ON A SUNDAY, the THOUGHT OF HOW GOOD IT WAS TO BE NUMB! HOW MUCH EASIER... DRUGS, WANT, NEED... WANT, LOVE, GET, HATE, DENIAL, illusions, disbelief, DEFENSIVE, "REMEMBER THE GUTTER",HOW HARD TO FORGET, LIVES LOST 2 MISTAKES LESS SEVERE THAN MINE, PLASTIC, INGENUINE, FAKE, FEAR, DEATH, AUTUMN, NEED LOVE, MISSING SOMETHING THAT WAS NEVER MINE, WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? THE PARK'S 2 DARK, GIVE, TAKE, SCREAM, YELL, FIEND, FIEND, FIEND, SHOUT, DEAF - DEAF - DEAF, IF YOUR READING THIS I HOPE U KNOW THE TRUTH, TRUTH... TRUTH, LIES, LIES, TELL ME YOUR HEART, I KNOW THE SIGNS, I[F] YOUR SEX IS WATER, THEN I'LL BE CLAY, IF AIR FEEDS FIRE WHERE ARE THE FLAMES???? RAGE, BREAK, SHATTER, DRIP, DRIP, DRIP, HIS SMILE AND A STREET LIGHT, HOW COULD U RESIST, CUPID'S BLIND, AND SO AM I, NYMPH, PYRO, ABSURD COMPULSIONS, ENDEARMENT, MY CRACK ROCK, TRYING 2 GET 2 SLEEP, HAUNTED, YOUR FACE, ANTIQUTIES OF MINE, YOUR NOT MY MERMAID, O' CRACK ROCK OF MINE... QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, DROWNING IN THE FLOOD, CAN'T HOLD BACK FOREVER, SOMETHINGS GOTTA GIVE, GIVE, GIVE IN, GIVE IN, NO, NO[T?] A LIFETIME OF WASTE, PUT ME 2 USE, CAN'T U SEE,??? DON'T U HEAR? THE INVISIBLE GIRL, SHE FLIES LIKE THUNDAH! SWEAT, RUSH, BLEED, SCREAM, XTASY, DANCE, FEEL, FEEL, FEEL... CAREENING, SPINNING, DIZZ[Y]ING STEPS THIS DANCE OF YOURS, FIRE HEAT, AIR, FIRE, WARMTH, WARMTH. MY SOFT SNOW SPRITE, NOT MINE... STOP! WHERE R U NOW? CAN U REMEMBER? WHO R U? DO U KNOW? WHAT DO U WANT? WHAT DO U WANT? WHAT DO U WANT?(sound of fingers snapping for applause) Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.In the interests of actually contributing something to the porn industry, which has done so much for me, here is an actual photo that shows Claire Danes' nipple. As far as I can tell, it's the only actual, real shot of her naked out there. I'll have to conduct extensive research on this subject just to be sure though. It was probably also taken when she was under 18, probably making this child pornography. But hey, this link is at the bottom of the page, maybe no one will notice. However, should I or this page disappear, go see The X-Files movie. I'm sure it will all be explained in there. Fight the Future!!! Note: I saw the X-files movie, and it wasn't all explained. On the semi-related topic of TV and porn, I missed the PBS show on Asian hookers a few weeks ago. I was greatly disappointed. Then someone tells me that Lolita sucked, but I'm going to see it anyway. I'm also going to have to see The Governess, because Minnie Driver gets nekkid. Full frontal nekkid. But since I have no money, I'm reduced to watching The Traci Lords E! True Hollywood Story. I did get to see 90% of Lolita though. It was the most erotic movie I've ever seen. I know what you're thinking, and shut the hell up. This is my web page, I can say what I like. And this is all the way down at the bottom, why are you reading it? You should have left long ago. Don't you have a life? Not that I have any room to talk. Anyway, go away now. |
Do you, for some strange reason, want to e-mail me? Possibly to tell me about Claire Danes dying horribly? If you send me something really funny, even about how much I and my webpage suck, I'll stick it up here. I know, I know there's so much other crap here, but I'll make room for your crap too. Note: Send death threats here.
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