Jerome "Tha Playa From Tha
Himmalaya" Jenkins
7969 Turbo Game Blvd, · Flauston Paradise, CA 94079 · (650) 762-2567

Objectives · Education · Employment
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Associate of Science degree, Aiming toward a Masters degree in Information Sciences.
Fascinated with the technical
world of computers and the future to come. Held a position at Active Research Inc. while working with Java
programmers making programs to automate consumer shopping prices online. Highly skilled in the use of computers, networking,
programming, audio/video programs and equipment and data mining.
Cal State Long Beach (2001-2003)
- Graduated June, 2003 B.S. Business Administration focused in Information Systems
- Grade Point Average 3.0, 3.5 in Major
College of San Mateo (1997-2000)
- Obtain AS. degree June, 2000
- Grade Point Average 3.8 overall
- Ethnic Studies Society Representative
- Student Body Consul Member
Data Operations Specialist (Active Research Inc. 2000 - ) Obtained data from various consumer
portals/websites to automate pricing on website to assist market research.
Upgrade Technician (CompUSA 1998-1999) Worked with various consumer computers installing software and hardware.
Cashier and Shrink Protection
Waiter (Chart House Restaurant
Inc. 1997-1998) Waiting Tables and Bussing