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This reminds me of those handheld games from the early 80s. I'd buy it just for nostalgia's sake.

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Keep it, I need a break from my hard life as an IT professional.

Keep it, everyone in my company plays games at work.

Lose it, I don't care about games.

Once in awhile is OK.



Best Comment from Yesterday's Poll: "As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own. -Margaret Mead (1901-1978)"


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Dot Com Bomb



What Happened:
Rumor has it that they are laying off loyal employees right and left.

Though this industry is thriving, apparently UGO got too big for their britches.
What do you think?

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You'll Need These Once You Register Your Domain Name!
1. Cool Page
A simple tool for creating Web pages. No need to learn HTML!

2. AceHTML Freeware
For the more advanced. Create Web pages with Java applets and JavaScript.

3. Adobe Photoshop
The old standard. An excellent tool for graphics.

4. 1st Page 2000
Simplifies HTML authoring and Web page construction.

You'll want a good FTP program to make changes to your site.

Click here for Ed.'s Update!

Wednesday Edition
March 7th, 2001

Hey Folks:
Today I got an e-mail from a 13 year-old child prodigy with an IQ over 235. He knows the difference between various strains of Philectenular Conjunctivitis (he can spell it also). I think he'll come in handy for the more difficult questions you send in so when it's appropriate, I'll defer to Doogie. You can see our interchange, so far, here.

Lots of you have been asking about how to start a Web site. The first thing to do is register a name. Then go to our Downloads section. This is a great gift idea also. If you use someone's full name it might still be available! -Ed.



Wacky Site of the Day

Eric Conveys an Emotion

Click here

Eric is awesome. A real star.
Click Here!

Want to See More Wacky Sites?
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This Could Be Your Personalized Email Address!
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CNET.com News

Microsoft mulling fee-based services for MSN
The company is testing the waters with a number of new, fee-based MSN services including virus protection, music subscriptions and even an e-mail-via-phone plan, sources say.
Click here for full story

Netscape tops off AOL Time Warner sites
The media titan is using a Netscape "tool bar" to link together the Web sites of its popular media products, the latest sign of its efforts to weave the Internet through all of its businesses.
Click here for full story

Judge issues injunction, gives Napster breathing room
A federal judge issues a preliminary injunction against Napster that hands the controversial company its first small court victory in the course of the yearlong lawsuit.
Click here for full story

Full text of Napster preliminary injunction
The text of the Napster injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel.
Click here for full story


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Industry Standard News

The Triumph of Unreality
Technology is blurring the already fading lines between real life and simulation thereof.
Click here for full story

Stick to the Rules
The advent of the Web shouldn't change the way writers write. Hypertexts must be as immersing as print media - for both author and reader.
Click here for full story

Planet Web: High-Tech Passage to India
MIT is considering the country as the site for its next Media Lab, with plans to invest as much as $1 billion over 10 years.
Click here for full story


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Deep Thought of the Day

"If you work on a lobster boat, sneaking up behind someone and pinching him is probably a joke that gets old real fast."

(excerpt from Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey)

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Mail Bag

Love Mail, Hate Mail, Weird Mail

"I would unsubscribe just to hurt your feelings and therefore feel powerful, but I would miss you so much if we were separated! Can you spell 'control freak'?" -Barbara in Indiana
I'd like to hear Foucault and Freud discuss this comment. But mainly I'm just glad you're staying with me. -Ed.

"Hello Tomed, I am glad to hear that the pink eye is gone. But now repeating yourself, repeating yourself, has taken it's place. Maybe it was a side affect of a medication you were taking,... or some other sort of drug... maybe." -Swiney
Yep, I goofed. I have a tendency to write "of course of course," for emphasis, but everyone keeps cutting it out. In any case, that double Travolta was not intentional. And of course of course I don't take drugs. Do I look like a graphic artist to you? I'm as clean as the A*Teens taking a bath in an Ikea showroom. -Ed.

Please send your comments to: mailbag@intelligentx.com

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