(more of)
Gillian Anderson's Perfect Size 7's....
Gillian found out that there was a webpage dedicated to, of all things, her feet!  Click here to see her reaction..... when asked if misterfeet could actually kiss her tootsies, this was her reply!
(this is, of course, a joke.  I do not know if Gillian knows (or cares) about this page, but I feel that if you can't laugh at yourself, then you don't know what you are missing!)

11 March 2000
The first pic is a bigger & better version of a perviously posted pic.  The last three are from the video Extremis, by Hal.
A pic from the episode of The X-Files that Gilllian wrote & directed.  Glad she appreciates perspective!  Click on the pic for a bigger, better version.  It is a vidcap made by Drummin Man.  Click here to visit Drummin Man's page.
13 May 2000
If you like this pic above, there are four poses like it.  They are similar to this one.  Click for pose 1, pose 2, pose 3, & pose 4!

Fans can write to Gillian Anderson at the following addresses:
Ms. Gillian Anderson
The X-Files
20th Century Fox
10201 Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA  90035


Ms. Gillian Anderson
The X-Files
1201 Fox Farm
Big Bear Lake, CA  92135

I do not know if there is a differance between the addresses or not, I only know that Gillian answers fan mail
herself, but only"when (she has) the time."

Take me to page 3!!!