Lieutenant Commander Five of Seven, 2nd Officer/Operations Manager - USS Challenger

Real Name: Mackenzie Jacob Hansen
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Age: 27 (terran years)
Race: Human, male (assimilated by Borg as child but severed as an adult, retaining portion (20%) of cybernetic implants)
Place of Birth: Tendara Colony (SD, 27699)
Languages: Federation Standard, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Bajoran, Trill, Andorian, Caitian, etc.
Marital status: Single
Physical Characteristics
5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Physical features: Short Blond hair, Blue eyes (cybernetic), Borg implants (ocular nodes around both eyes)
Magnus Hansen (assimilated)
Mother: Erin Hansen (assimilated)
Sister: Annika Hansen (assimilated)
Aunt: Irene Hansen
Interests: Ancient civilizations (particularly Earth and Vulcan) Vulcan and Earth culture. Cybernetics (particularly Borg technology). Computer programming (particularly with Borg algorithms). Earth chess. Kal-toh. Games of strategy

Service Record
2370 - 2374 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Operations Training
2374 - 2375 Ensign, Starbase Deep Space 7, Operations Officer
2375 - 2376 Lieutenant j.g., Starbase Deep Space 7
2376 - Early 2377 Lieutenant, Starbase Deep Space 7, Chief of Operations
2377 - Mid. 2377 Lieutenant, Starbase Deep Space 7
2377 - ???? Lt. Cmdr., USS Challenger, Galaxy Class Cruiser, 2nd Officer/Operations Manager

Background: Five of Seven was born Mackenzie Jacob Hansen on Stardate 27699 (2350). He is the brother of Seven of Nine aka Annika Hansen. He is from an alternate timeline in which Magnus and Erin Hansen had a second child before venturing out after the Borg. In that timeline at the age of four, Mackenzie (who would later become Five of Seven tertiary adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One) was assimilated along with his father, mother and sister on Stardate 31652 (2354)

He was severed from the collective 15 years later, when the small Borg vessel he was aboard entered a spatial anomaly, crossed over into this reality and crashed on a planet in the Alpha quadrant. Five of Seven was the only survivor of the crash. He was found by an Away team from the Federation Starship USS Phoenix. The Chief Medical Officer(s) on-board the Phoenix were only able to remove 80% of his Borg implants. The remaining bio-implants were stabilized and remain critical to his life support. The CMO also stimulated his human metabolism and immune system, though the Borg Nanobots in his bloodstream would more than suffice until he had stabilized.

At the time of his assimilation, Mackenzie had suffered an injury to his right eye when his parents ship crashed. Therefore both eyes were replaced with artificial organ replacements, simulating his own organic eyes. Due to the fact that he had no recollection of his family, and also because he was not from this reality, Starfleet had no record of his identity, and therefore he decided to continue using his Borg designation.

Five of Seven entered Starfleet on Stardate 47323 (2370) at the age of 20. Shortly after entering Starfleet, he met and was befriended by two of his fellow cadets. A human male named Tever Nightwind who had been raised by Klingons and hoped to become a Tactical Officer, and An asian girl named Madokah Ayakawa who had the hopes of becoming a medical specialist, but later decided to enter Counselor's School after she helped Tever and Five as they came to call him, overcome some problems Tever and Madokah befriended him when they witnessed some fellow cadets harassing him and calling him a Borg "freak". Realizing that he would not fight back, Tever decided to intervene on his behalf. Thus was the beginning of a friendship between the three, whom many of their fellow cadets called "the Outcasts". He graduated on Stardate 51334 (2374) along with his friends, and was posted to Starbase Deep Space 7 as an Operations Officer with the rank of Ensign. On Stardate 53614 (2376) He was given a promotion to Lieutenant junior grade. On stardate 54479 (2377) he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and given the position of Chief of Operations. As of Stardate 54803 (2377), Five of Seven has been reassigned to the USS Challenger as its 2nd Officer/Operations Manager and has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Current Assignment/Duties:
As Operations Officer aboard the U.S.S. Challenger, Lieutenant Commander Five of Seven's primary post is at the Ops console on the main bridge. Aboard Starfleet vessels the Operations Officer is in charge of communications, sensors, environmental systems and hangar deck operations. This duty assignment is tasked with conducting all forms of sensor sweeps including planetary reconnaissance scans. The Ops Officer often must coordinate directly with the Chief Engineer to ensure that all of her systems are maintained at optimal performance. When no engineer is on the bridge, the Operations Officer sees to any engineering matters that may arise. Although the transporter systems are Engineering Department assets, it is the Operations Department that puts them to use. In regards to special environmental conditions required for alien crewmembers or visitors, the Operations Officer must coordinates with the ship's Chief Medical Officer. The Ops Department head position is in charge of the recreation areas of the ship as well, such as the various recreation rooms, gymnasiums and holodecks. The Ops Officer will also work very closely with the ship's Conn Officer with respect to the use of the Challenger's two hangar decks, since the Conn Officer is responsible for flying the shuttles and training shuttle pilots. While the Operations Officer is an important job, this post is often filled by junior officers, Lieutenants and below. Essentially, the Operations Department monitors and controls the use of all ship systems not ostensibly involved with propulsion, navigation, or combat.

Introductory Medical Notes: Drs. Daniel/Danielle Barnes CMO's The Borg formerly known by the designation "Five of Seven" has been disconnected from the Borg collective mind by the neutralization of the upper-spinal column neurotransceiver. In total, I/We have extracted eighty percent of his Borg hardware implants. The remaining bio-implants have been stabilized and remain critical to his life support. I have also stimulated his human metabolism and immune system, though the Borg Nanobots in his bloodstream will more than suffice until he has stabilized. Hair follicles have been repaired and stimulated. Due to damage to his right eye, which I/We believe occurred before his assimilation, both eyepieces have been replaced by artificial organ replacements, simulating his own organic eyes. Starfleet records were unable to ascertain what his identity was before his assimilation, therefore he has chosen to continue using his Borg designation. For detailed records of the implant removal process, access USS Phoenix Medical Database 01-022473-007. See also: Medical logs, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, SD 44001.4, CMO Beverly Crusher. Subject Locutus, aka Jean-Luc Picard. All records classified.

Department: Operations
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Ship: USS Challenger NCC-49925, Capt. John Erickson commanding
Signature: =/\= Lt. Cmdr. Five of Seven [oo-] 2nd Officer/Operations Manager