Lt. Tever Nightwind, Tactical Officer/Chief of Security, USS Challenger

Age: 29 (terran years)
Race: Human (raised by Klingons)
Place of Birth: Unknown (possibly aboard cargo ship Nightwind)
Languages: Federation Standard, Klingon, Japanese
Marital Status: Single
Physical Characteristics
5' 10"
Weight: 224 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
(biological) Unknown, (adoptive) Jakor
Mother: (biological) Unknown, (adoptive) K'Elarra (daughter of Martok and Sirella)
Sister: Holly
Uncle: Worf (through house of Martok)
Cousin: Alexander Rozhenko (son of Worf)
Grandfather: Chancellor Martok
Grandmother: Sirella
Interests: Collecting and Fencing with antique edged weapons (particularly swords and daggers of Human and Klingon origin). Earth and Klingon history (particularly the age of Kahless). Klingon martial arts. Listening to music (particularly Human and Klingon).

Service record
2370 - 2374 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Tactical Training
2374 - 2375 Ensign, USS Squall, Akira Class Cruiser, Tactical Officer
2375 - Mid. 2377 Lieutenant, Starfleet Command, Combat trainer (hand-to-hand)
Mid 2377 - ???? Lieutenant, USS Challenger, Galaxy Class Cruiser, Tactical Officer/Chief of Security

Background: At the age of 7, Tever and his sister were found in the wreckage of an old cargo ship called the Nightwind that was stolen some thirty years earlier. The Klingons notified Starfleet about the children, but Starfleet had no information on the children or their parents. And since the little girl was only 2 at the time, she called her brother Tever when his name was actually Trever. And because of a head injury sustained during the crash, he could only remember his sisters name, which was Holly. Due to the fact that they did not know their last name, and their was no information in the ship's computer as to the names of the passengers, the Klingon female, who knew that humans valued last names, gave them the name of the ship as their last name.

Since her father was a high ranking general in the Klingon Defense Force, she asked him to talk to Starfleet and the Klingon High Command, to ask if she and her husband Jakor could adopt the children. With Starfleet's permission, K'Elarra took the children home, where she and Jakor raised them as their own. Due to the fact that the children were human, Jakor and K'Elarra promised Starfleet that they would teach the children about their human heritage as well as bringing them up in the ways of the Klingons.

Tever grew to be quite adept in the use of the bat'leth, which surprised his parents to see a human do so well in the once Klingon only competition. Even though he was not a true Klingon, he was respected and treated with honor because of his skills in the ways of the Klingon warriors. He was honored 4 times as supreme champion in the bat'leth tournaments held on Qo'noS every year. Because of his tremendous skills, his parents were filled with pride, and honored to call him their son.

Just before his 22nd birthday Tever asked his parents for their permission to join Starfleet. Because they knew of Worf's success in Starfleet, they gave Tever their blessing. Tever entered the academy with the hopes of becoming a Tactical Officer like his uncle Worf. After a few weeks at the academy, Tever met and became friends with an Asian girl named Madokah Ayakawa. Together the two befriended a former Borg drone named Five of Seven who had enlisted in Starfleet, and who was being harrassed by a number of other cadets. Because they chose to hang out with the "freak" as some of the cadets would call him, the three of them were known to all as the "Outcasts". The three of them graduated in the top of their repected classes. After graduation they went their separate ways, promising to someday get back together again.

Tever's first assignment after the Academy was as a Security Officer aboard the U.S.S. Squall. He was only aboard the Squall for a year when the ship was destroyed by a squadron of 4 Jem'Hadar warships. Tever along with 4 other crewmen were the only survivors. Due to his heroic efforts in keeping the survivors alive on the surface of the planet they were forced to beam down to, Tever was given the Christopher Pike Medal of valor, the Starfleet Cross for Distinguished Service as well as the Purple Heart for being injured during the battle with the Jem"Hadar. Also, due to his actions in the line of duty, he was given a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant and stationed at Starfleet Command where he served as a combat trainer in hand-to-hand combat. He was posted there until recently when he was assigned to the U.S.S. Challenger as its Tactical Officer/Chief of Security under the recommendation of Commander Worf and Admiral Paris, where he was once again reunited with his 2 best academy friends Lt. Cmdr. Madokah Ayakawa who had been assigned as the Ship's Counselor and Lt. Cmdr. Five of Seven who had been assigned as the 2nd Officer/Operations Manager.

Personal: Quick temper, yet quick thinking. In his Academy days, other cadets tried to test his pride only to end up with bloody noses, broken jaws, etc.. It would have been worse had it not been for his friendship with the calm level-headed Madokah Ayakawa, as well as his almost emotionless and strong Borg friend Five of Seven.

Current Assignment/Duties: Lieutenant Tever Nightwind is the Starship Challenger's Tactical Officer and her Chief of Security. The Tactical Officer's duties are to maintain battle readiness of the ship and crew. Although battle orders are given by the Captain and Executive Officer, they will often delegate much of the fighting of the ship to the Tactical Officer, just as they will allow the Conn Officer to take the initiative in maneuvering the ship in battle. As such, the Tactical Officer must be expert at the ship's defensive systems and offensive weapons in particular. In addition, he must research and know much about the offensive/defensive capabilities of any and all vessel types that might be encountered in the region of space that the ship is operating in. The Tactical Officer conducts readiness drills, equipment inspections, live fire and simulated exercises. As a department head, the Tactical Officer also coordinates with the Chief Engineer to ensure that all offensive and defensive systems are maintained in peak operating condition. The Conn Officer/Navigator will also coordinate with the Tactical Officer to come up with maneuvers that best complement the ship's offensive and defensive systems.

Department: Tactical Officer/Chief of Security
Rank: Lieutenant
Ship: U.S.S Challenger NCC-49925, Capt. John Erickson commanding
Signature: =/\= Lieutenant Tever Nightwind [oo] Tactical Officer/Chief of Security