Commander William H. Beard
Race: Extra-galacular
alien species (Name Unknown)
39030.13 (2362) - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander after extraordinary service to his ship and crew. Transfered to the USS Hood, much to the dismay of the Psions's captain.
45674.86 (2368) - Transfered to the USS October as Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer.
3/20/2374 - Promoted to Commander after actions aboard the USS October during the Battle of Earth with the Borg. Transfered to the USS Challenger as 1st Officer and oversees the last six months of the ship's construction at Utopia Planetia.
51734.24 (9/26/2374)- Challenger Launches.
Mother: Status Unknown
No other known immediate family in Milky Way Galaxy.
Located Kara, one of the three other children, during recent battle at Starbase 28. Kara was discovered by the Founders and served them until Bill got her out of that situation. Kara is Commander Beard's betrothed from an agreement between Bill and Kara's parents, but this relationship is on mild hiatus until Starfleet Intelligence clears her.