Lt. Cmdr. Madokah Ayakawa, Ship's Counselor, USS Challenger

Age: 27 (terran years)
Race: Human (Japanese)
Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan
Federation standard, Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran, Romulan, Rigellian, Andorian, Caitian, etc.
Marital status:
Physical Characteristics
5' 7"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Mother: Keoko
Sisters: Kimiko, Mariko
Brother: Tai

Interests: Listening to music. She also loves to sing songs from Earth's 20th and 21st century, and loves to use the Holo-deck to create a stage, and an audience to sing in front of.

Service Record

2370 - 2374 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Counselors Training
2374 - 2375 Ensign, Starfleet Psi Recovery Station 9, Counselor
2375 - 2376 Lieutenant j.g., Starfleet Psi Recovery Station 9
2376 - Early 2377 Lieutenant, Starfleet Psi Recovery Station 9, Counselor
2377 - Mid. 2377 Lieutenant, Starfleet Psi Recovery Station 9
2377 - ???? Lt. Cmdr., USS Challenger, Galaxy Class Cruiser, Ship's Counselor

Ever since she can remember, Madokah has known nothing but the love of family and friends. Since the age of 5, she has been studying languages of all kinds. By the age of 10, she could speak 12 alien languages. By the age of 15 she had learned 25 alien languages. At the age of 18, she entered Starfleet Academy. At first she entered as a medical examiner. It was only after helping her new friends Five of Seven and Tever Nightwind, who were considered outcasts, overcome some of their problems that she decided to transfer to Counselor's school. She graduated at the top of her class and was assigned to Starfleet Psi Recovery Station 9.

She stayed there until she made Lt. Commander, then she asked to be assigned to a starship. She wasn't told the name of the ship, only that she was to report to Starbase 28 where her ship would pick her up. It was when she arrived at Starbase 28 that she was reunited with her old friends Tever Nightwind and Five of Seven. Also, after arriving at Starbase 28, she learned that she had been assigned as Ship's Counselor for the U.S.S. Challenger.

Current Assignment/Duties:
Lieutenant Commander Madokah Ayakawa is the Ship's Counselor aboard the USS Challenger. The Ship's counselor is resposible for the emotional well-being of the ship's crew. A counselor's duties include providing individual guidance and advice to crew members, as well as periodic crew performance evaluations, usually performed with the ship's executive officer or other department heads. A counselor is also expected to to provide advice to the ship's captain on command decisions.

Quiet, yet always willing to say what's on her mind.

Department: Counselor
Rank: Lt. Commander
Ship: U.S.S Challenger NCC-49925, Capt. John Erickson commanding
Signature: =/\= Lt. Cmdr. Madokah Ayakawa [oo-] Ship's Counselor