Terrania Chronical

Terrania Chronical

October 8, 240


"A Fallen King"

As the peace negotiations continue between Terrania and Oren there was a very shocking event which leaves the negotiations in serious question. Oren had sent two of their negotiators to Terrania Palace in order to meet with the King and discuss further arrangements to end the hostility between the two continents. As the two negotiators arrived they were searched by the Kings guards before being escorted to meet the King. One of the negotiators, much to the guards surprise turned out to possess a assassins dagger with the intent on murdering the King. Judgement was swift and brutal as both negotiators were executed for their outrageous act. Afterwards a more costly event came to pass as a Hellraiser appeared before the King bearing a package with Terrania's ambassadors head inside along with a gate generator. The generator activated before much else could be done and a so-called Fallen Lord believed to be named Aron assaulted the Palace leaving in his toll a massive and bloody battle resulting in many casualties. Once the attack had ended the King was discovered dead leaving no answers and many questions. With the King dead the only Heir to the throne being 13 with his only living family consisting of a step-brother and a Uncle, whose to say what will come of this. There are rumors though, that SOFT has taken action on this issue. Though only rumors, lets hope SOFT can bring some peace to a nation in turmoil... Or revenge.

"S.O.F.T's Assault"

During a mass training exercise at SOFT Academy, it seems that they were all caught by a surprise attack via Oren troops. They weren't caught off guard though, for they were quick and effective as they met the Oren troops with a ferocity that Oren appearently had underestimated. The battle had lasted for quite a while but in the end reinforcments had arrived from SOFT leaving the Oren troops overpowered and in the end, defeated. There were minor casualties for SOFT but compared to the casualties suffered by Oren they don't seem to hold much consolation. Pending the exercise turned attack all the ranking SOFT members involved were moved up to Cadets. Go SOFT!


"A small town nuisanse"

It appears there have been a few sightings of a disturbing nature latly. Thieves and Ninja's have been reported being seen in the night causing a state of insecurity for small towns. The Mayors have instructed that all citizens lock there doors during the night and keep a close watch on their possessions. A train conductor of one of these towns near the area of Winchester quotes to the Chronical that "It'd be a wise thing to go get yourselves a thieves guild protection card... I know I sure hate not being able to wear my pants." another quote coming from a homeless man who reports hearing a thief mutter "Like stealin' candy from a baby." further warrants the advice such as the train conductors may not be so far fetched... This Reporter is getting a thieves guild card.

"Winchester Beseiged?"

Pending the recent attack on Terrania Palace, Winchester has also fallen victem to the ongoing battles. The town known as Winchester which is a shorelined port town and home of the infamous Thieves Guild fell under attack by Oren forces lead by Vrayan. Resulting in minimal damage and casualties, the town was saved when three brave heros appeared and fought back killing Vrayan and ending the assult. Winchester gives it's thanks to GloomSpirit, Bladesemmer, and Seifer for their support and aid in the conflict.


S.O.F.T. Corner

A note of recognition for all those valiant and brave men and women of SOFT. Although a little late, the Chronical would like to put in the spotlight all of the following members of SOFT's special forces team. Bayton the General, Zemarchus SO Cadet, Jannu Slasher SO Cadet, Cyriac SO Cadet, Nicodemus Delacroix SO Cadet, GloomSpirit SO Cadet, Zozma SO Recruit, Arachnia SO Recruit, Prince Dolph SO Recruit, and Motoko SO Recruit. We here at the Chronical would like to give our thanks to all of you who work to make Terrania a safer and more interesting place. Congrats to all of the outstanding members who already made Cadet!

Soul Knights Edge

These Righteous knights on the continent of Oren have also earned a spot for their proud acts of defense and honor. Those of the Soul Knights that the Chronical would like to spotlight are Commander Fyro a Soul Knight, Apprentice Inred a Soul Squire, and Page Melegant a Soul Knight.

Soul Scourge's Block

These evil doers and trouble makers have earned a spot as well for there wicked deeds of which bring good business to the likes of the merc's at SOFT. Those we at the Chronical would like to spot light are Commander Yerra a Soul Knight, and Apprentice Leguite a Soul Squire.

Weddings and Births

Planning to be married or having a baby? This is the place to get noticed for any of those happy events.

Obituaries and Arrests

Key: †= died X= arrested

†- Johnny, was a young and confident man looking for adventure. This poor soul's body was found with a arm and a leg ripped from their sockets and large claw and teeth marks covering his body after entering the Ninetail Ruins looking to defeat the great hounds and gain the legendary treasure rumoured to be there... looks like the starting price for that great treasure is a arm and a leg.

†- King of Terrania, our noble and kind King has been found dead. Lack of details and answers have left many in a shocked, confused, and disbelieveing state... He will be dearly missed.

X- no current arrests to date.



If any of you have any services you wish to offer, this is the place to let people know you are for hire.


Do you need added members for your staff? Or perhaps a helping hand around the shop? This is the place to list and find applications.

Wanted Cont'd

Criminals beware! This is the place for you bounty hunters or brave individules to find a list of active villians wanted by the authorities. A note to the thieves guild in Winchester, better take extra care of covering your tracks in your travels.


"Business Booming?"

The sale of weapons, and weapon production has gone up to a considerable high with the land of Terrania being in a tense atmosphere. Weapon, armour, and magic sales have even bypassed the sales of food, imports, and raw material stocks. Could it be a war is in the midst? Or have the people all fallen paranoid do to the increasing activities of monsters and the result of a fallen King. If you own a business, perhaps this is the time to take advantage of the situation and buy some weapons for your stock.


There are no advertisements at the time. If you wish to add a advertisement for your shop or business here, contact the Chronical and make the proper arrangments.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or stories to submit to the Chronical, feel free to write or contact Motoko_@webtv.net.