Strakul's HomePage

Welcome, human, to the newly improved version of Strakul's HomePage. I am Vir Strakul, your guide through this elaborate maze of links you humans refer to as a 'website.' I am here to inform you of recent intragalactic updates within this arm of the galaxy or anything else that I have seen you humans enjoy.

If you are new to this website, click here for a simple intoduction of it. If you are a returning visitor from a time long past, most of the sections in the previous version of this website can now be found under articles section. There are also some new sections that might interest other members of your species so be sure to inform them of it. If you are caught within someone's frames, click here to break free.


  • 7/12/2002

  • Uploaded the Galard font and pronunciation.

  • 3/30/2002

  • Nothing much, just added a link to The Last Wizards, check it out.

  • 3/11/2002

  • Added several midis from Final Fantasy 6(3) and one from FFX. I also uploaded the Profile Section.

  • 2/14/2002

  • Most of the site is updated. A new counter from Bravenet has been placed since the previous one was not that good.

  • 2/9/2002

  • More changes are being made.

  • 2/7/2002

  • The site has been totally, or almost totally, remade.

  • For more updates visit the Updates section.