Sgt Crispys World


 : DownLoads

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: Doom Radio

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W E L C O M E  D O O M E R

Welcome to Sgt Crispys World! This is my little corner of the Internet and the Doom community.
Here you can check out my news, Doom wads, and even my Real Audio Show "Speed Map Radio"!

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Update 10-8-02

Doom Radio Episode 7 is done, however its not linked yet on DoomCenter and on Scragadelics pages..

I'm currently waiting word from 3DActionPlanet to see if I will be hosting on the The Phobos Labs or not.

/me crosses his fingers...

"Keep On Doom'n!!!"
Update 10-5-02

Doom Radio Episode 6 is being uploaded to DoomCenter and Scragadelic's mirror of SgtCrispy's DOOM Radio so you can grab it later on tonight!


"Keep On Doom'!!!"

Update 9-21-02

Ok Doom Radio Episode 5 is uploaded, however its not on this site here. Got to either Doomcenter or Scragadelics Doom Radio mirror to grab it, they should have them posted shortly

I will have some better hostng shortly, but until then this will have to do.

"Keep On Doom'n!!!"


Update 9-18-02


Tripod has totally canceled my account. So until I get hosting, my site is offiicially dead. The link page here will work, but none of the pictures and other site pages wiil.

Damn Tripod...

Doom Radio Episode 4 is up!

The show is also mirrored at Doomcenter and Scragadelics Doom Radio mirror aswell.

Update 9-14-02

Doom Radio Episode 3 is uploaded and ready for yer love'n! Come get some!

"Keep On Doom'n!!!"

Update 9-11-02

Doom Radio Episode 2 is out! Go grab it at the Doom Radio page!

I know it's 9/11 but I really have nothing to say about it really. I have some comments in the show if you wanna take a gander at it.

"Keep On Doom'n!!!"

Update 9-04-02


Well after I realized that today is the fourth and not the third I decided to upload Doom Radio Episode 1! I will admit Im kinda rough for speaking at least for something like this so please ignorne that aspect at least. :) I'll get better as time passes Im sure!

So if you have any comments about the show or even better about the status of the Dooming community (IE people leaving, will it survive Doom3, the fighting and other crap in the DW forums) Please send them or DCC them to me!


Howdy fellow Doomers! I've returned with another big update of sorts. I've been "gone" recently due to both my monitors dying on me. I've gotten a brand new Sony Trinitron Multiscan G400 19" (18 inch viewable) and it's quite yummy to say the least.

After I got my new monitor I have been lurking around the DW forums a bit and posting here and there a tad. I've worked my map03 of my FreeDoom map a little finally, and other boring stuff as well.

Anyway here's the big update I was talking about earlier. Doom Radio!

Yes you heard me. Doom Radio. After my failed Speedmapping Radio experiment went kaput I still wanted to get some kind of show put together.

But I need your help. yeah yeah I know. I've heard a things on IRC lately that really should be brought to light where or not you think you shold be. Cause frankly, this is getting stupid, and feel that it should be more int he open than it is.

So DCC me or email and some comments, rants, raves, and pr0n ( :) ) in mp3, wav, or ogg. whatever. Cause I need some more material than what I have, which is kinda small now. Making a little voice rant isn't that hard. If you can type it out in a forum or chatroom you can certanily say it too. :)

I will be going full speed ahead with this and I hope you guys and tag along. :)

Here's is the trailer. Next week will be the offical first show, cause I want some feedback from you guys as much as possible. Its in ogg format because it rocks I'll might post a mp3 version if demand comes in. yeah right...

I'll be idling in #zdoom, #doom, and #zdaemon on so DCC me if you wish. It'll be alot easier for everyone i guess.

Also, if this actually does go some where I might be looking for different hosting options since Tripod is kinda limited in space and whatnot. I will try later on to do a live streaming show once I get some crap figured out. So I might ask for a live interview or something like that.



Update 7-07-02

Well I've updated again with another download for you all. I've updated Chainsaws and Boomsticks SE to ver 1.1. I've added a fixed a few texture bugs, changed some item placement, and made a few map changes.

Head on over to the DownLoads section to give'r a go!

"Keep On Doom'n!"

Update 5-10-02

Holy Shite! A update! Unthinkable! After a long htis, I've returned to the doom arena to start anew. I was going to try to restart some projects I was doing when my other HD took a dive, but I'm gonna do something else. You see there's this little project called FreeDoom, I'm sure you've heard of it. Well Im on the bandwagon now and im gonna start getting some shit done for it so it wont go belly up. Besides, I need to try something diffrerent Doom-wise anyway.

So heres to fast version. Im working on FreeDoom and dropping Rhea and my Chainsaws & Boomsticks Single player projects until FreeDoom is total complete. Or it's killed by fraggle or jon, whichever.

Whew! So what has the good ol'e sarge been up to? (like you really care. :)) Well my little bro has moved into my apartment with me and I've been trying to find him a job. Actually he had one at the place when I work at but he decided to quit. Ass...

G-Damn freeloader...

Oh well. Plus I've been playing lot and I mean ALOT of RagnarokOnline. Which you should check out if you like MMORPGS. At the moment it is in a open beta test so it's free to play, but you have to deal with server problems and the like. But hey its free so no bitching. ahem.. sorry

RO and Work. RO and Work. Thats my life right now. A little sleep here and there and getting my bro outta bed to look for a job.

Anyway, for FreeDoom Im currently working on map09. I emailed fraggle last night and im on the list already. oh god that reminds me. Some of these sounds are um... bad. I mean of course the actually sound quality. 11khz just sounds like totaly shit. Im sorry but its true. plus one the pain sounds is total garbled. But I digress...

I'll post some pics of the map as it progresses, and I'm thinking about doing more maps but only one for now.

Oh I've also updated my links section if you want check that out, um...

"KEEP ON DOOM'N!!!" Now, more than ever!


Update 10-3-01

I've got a ZDaemon server running CBS SE up and running now so you can play it all you want now. I will most likely be leaving it up as much as possible, unless I get no people join at all in a month. Which is mostly likely but oh well whatchagonndo?

Anyway download CBS SE and give me some feedback. Im in alot or just email me.


Update 10-2-01

At long last Chainsaws and Boomsticks Special Edtion has been finished! This took quite some time to finish, with moving, death of friends, and other things getting in the way. Finally getting this project done is a great weight off my shoulders, so now I can get on with my other projects rotting away on my HD.

So head on over to the DownLoads section and grab CBS SE m'kay?

Oh BTW, I'll be setting a ZDaemon server for CBS SE in a little while, so if you want to create one yourself go right ahead!

Update 9-01-01

Guess what I found! A couple of days ago, after I got off work, I went down the convience store to get some smokes and a drink, and I saw this candy by the register.

Hmm... Boggles the mind don't it?

Plus the candy is orginally from Sweden too!. hehehe

Here's little AVI also. moo.

Update 8-24-01 I've have returned with tons'o screen shots from Chainsaws and Boomsticks SE. All the included maps have 4 shots each so head on over the ScreenShots page and have a look see. And I know that people had issues with the DEMO having misaligned textures, well so do these screens. But these are here to show off the maps and not my l33t texture aligning skillz. (Which I have none.)

I was going to have 9 maps, but the last one is going no where, and I'm just burned out on DM maps for the time being. This release is in honor of a friend of mine and my family, that died in a car accident last november. The last map is supposed to be a tribute map for him, but its going no where and I can't think of something that would be a good map for something like this. :(

I really hope Sunday will be the magic day, but I doubt it. I asked my older bro to make some Title and Credit screens for me since he's a bad ass artist and modeler. (not 3D)

The release is so close I can taste it! Can you?

"Keep on Doom'n!!!"