Welcome to my Guestbook!

Talin/Kevin - 02/04/00 23:50:04
My Email:talin@1st.net
Favorite Game: Roleplaying games (many)
Hello, Brad! Nice to see another NERO page.

Johan - 08/07/99 16:14:33
My URL:http://fly.to/fogel
My Email:jofo.data@falun.mail.telia.com
Favorite Game: Warhammer 40K
Your page sux !!!

Jerald - 05/25/99 06:21:40
My Email:deevil@most-wanted
Favorite Game: Warhammer
"Comment removed because of vulgarity"

Shawn Pierce - 02/08/99 14:32:05
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~vesselka/valor.htm
My Email:spierce1@osf1.gmu.edu
Favorite Game: NERO

Ernest M. Miller - 02/01/99 08:41:10
My Email:JulTekel@bigfoot.com
Favorite Game: NERO, AD&D, Runecrest
Hi Brad, Great web site. Hopefully folks will take advantage of it soon. I wiil keep checking to see how it is going. Ernest M. Miller NERO-DFW General Manager

Seth Warfield - 01/06/99 22:35:54
My Email:glithias@aol.com
Favorite Game: LARPing
Comments: :0)

Brad Weyers - 01/06/99 18:31:08
My URL:/Area51/Portal/6053/
My Email:LatemYvaeh@aol.com
Favorite Game: Any RPG
Just getting my guest book started

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