Welcome! This is the Round Robin Page. It currently features four stories, one very odd list, (all of which are by the two of us - Surel and I), and a few limericks by Surel.

We write the stories in (quite obviously) a round-robin format, and the result is hilarious, if also quite worrying.

The list is . . . erm . . . well, the fault of a few too many Klingon jokes, a 4-hour car ride, and the excitement of attending a really cool convention.

I, for one, find myself laughing, but mostly at the fact that I can't believe I actually wrote this stuff!

The first two stories are rated R (and I'm sure I'm not old enough to do that, but that's okay . . . *grin*). The third one is rated PG, if you want to give it a rating, but I'd rather just go ahead and say it's purely silly! The last, and most recent, story is also rated R, though it's a heck of a lot cleaner than the second!!

The list, I suppose, does get an R-rating . . . can you rate that kind of thing? Ah, whatever! Read, and enjoy!

Parody #1
Summary: Entitled Harry the Cow and Other Stories this stems from some weird conversation about the episode "Spirit Folk," and a rumor that Harry could be getting promoted - eventually. One thing led to another - and we were off! Read, and enjoy!

Parody #2
Summary: This actually defies explanation. It's . . . the result of a weird conversation about Harry Kim's lack of a love life - and about the remaining women on board. We came up with . . . Janeway! Ick. Ah, well. It's hilarious, I think. Read, and enjoy!

Parody #3
Summary: Um . . . if the last one was strange, this is just looney. Tuvok's purple, Tom's fighting a biobed, and Janeway's coffee is making faces . . . could there be an explanation? Read and find out!

"Bite Me" - 100 Responses
I can't really summarize a list, especially considering a title like that! 100 responses to "Bite Me" - in different situations. Have fun!

Parody #4
Summary: Entitled Practical Practicality. The senior staff has too much fun with practical jokes, Tom and B'Elanna realize the depth of their relationship, and Harry Kim gets yet another girl.

NEW!!!Surel's Limericks
Summary: With a title like that, who needs a summary! Go LOOK SEE! NOW!

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E-mail me or Surel!