Welcome! As you can see, I've moved some things around. No absolutely major changes, just a few adjustments to make things easier on the eyes - and on me. Here, you'll find all my fanfiction, old and new, good and (very) bad. Enjoy!
NEW!!!!Coffee Talk
Direct Order
Home Again
A Taste of Home
Chasing a Dream
Trials By Fire
Who We Have Become
As Simple as a Smile
Learning Lessons
Placing Bets
Listening In
Defining Parameters
Summary: I've broken my cardinal rule of Trek . . . I wrote "Enterprise" fanfic. Please forgive me. This is the origin of coffee on starships, starring Captain Archer. Enjoy!
Summary: Immediately follows fourth season's "Scientific Method" and plays off of Tuvok's famous line. Very short.
Summary: Set after "Homestead." Neelix is gone - can life get back to normal? B'Elanna wonders and has a talk.
Summary: Janeway's musings: moving on and looking back.
Summary: I wrote this in forty minutes. No beta. It's J/C. Or not. After they get home. Or not. A melancholy piece about life, death, and living.
Summary: An epilogue to the 7th season episode "Inside Man." Yet another Harry Kim story, it details his thoughts immediately following the conclusion of the episode. That kid can never cut a break, can he? Enjoy!
Summary: This has absolutely nothing to do with canon. Rather, it's how I thought Kes' return to Voyager should have been handled. It's mostly a friendship story, though there is P/T. Have fun!
Summary: This traces Harry Kim's thoughts through the fifth season episode Thirty Days, in which Tom Paris is consigned to the brig for that duration of time.
Summary: Seperate thoughts as the crew returns to the Alpha Quadrant. This is a series of ten vignettes - and it's one of my favorites.
Summary: A different take on Kathryn Janeway, from Tom's perspective. Originally entitled Thoughts on a Captain.
Summary: A sentimental piece about moving on and saying goodbye.
Summary: Continuing on is harder than it should be.
Summary: My first "attempt" at P/T. It's one of my longest stories and one of my oldest. It brings together almost every cliche in the book - but I still like it. Go figure!
Summary: Easily my oldest fanfiction (though probably not my worst), this is a simple fluff piece about the crew finding out about Janeway's relationship with her first officer.
Summary: Another old one, this time about the crew conspiring to get Janeway and Chakotay together - by stalling the turbolift. Yup, this is my turbolift story! Rated PG!
Summary: A J/C epic about absolutely nothing . . . I wrote this LONG ago. It's amusing, if you want hints of P/T, K/7 (what was I thinking?), and a few more cliches!
Summary: I wrote this as a "pre-epilogue" to Counterpoint. At the time, I thought I would hate the show - and now I'm a rather devout J/Kashyk fan. Either way, beware! And have fun!