Welcome! As you can see, I've moved some things around. No absolutely major changes, just a few adjustments to make things easier on the eyes - and on me. Here, you'll find all my fanfiction, old and new, good and (very) bad. Enjoy!

NEW!!!!Coffee Talk
Summary: I've broken my cardinal rule of Trek . . . I wrote "Enterprise" fanfic. Please forgive me. This is the origin of coffee on starships, starring Captain Archer. Enjoy!

Direct Order
Summary: Immediately follows fourth season's "Scientific Method" and plays off of Tuvok's famous line. Very short.

Home Again
Summary: Set after "Homestead." Neelix is gone - can life get back to normal? B'Elanna wonders and has a talk.

Summary: Janeway's musings: moving on and looking back.

Summary: I wrote this in forty minutes. No beta. It's J/C. Or not. After they get home. Or not. A melancholy piece about life, death, and living.

A Taste of Home
Summary: An epilogue to the 7th season episode "Inside Man." Yet another Harry Kim story, it details his thoughts immediately following the conclusion of the episode. That kid can never cut a break, can he? Enjoy!

Chasing a Dream
Summary: This has absolutely nothing to do with canon. Rather, it's how I thought Kes' return to Voyager should have been handled. It's mostly a friendship story, though there is P/T. Have fun!

Trials By Fire
Summary: This traces Harry Kim's thoughts through the fifth season episode Thirty Days, in which Tom Paris is consigned to the brig for that duration of time.

Who We Have Become
Summary: Seperate thoughts as the crew returns to the Alpha Quadrant. This is a series of ten vignettes - and it's one of my favorites.

As Simple as a Smile
Summary: A different take on Kathryn Janeway, from Tom's perspective. Originally entitled Thoughts on a Captain.

Summary: A sentimental piece about moving on and saying goodbye.

Summary: Continuing on is harder than it should be.

Learning Lessons
Summary: My first "attempt" at P/T. It's one of my longest stories and one of my oldest. It brings together almost every cliche in the book - but I still like it. Go figure!

Placing Bets
Summary: Easily my oldest fanfiction (though probably not my worst), this is a simple fluff piece about the crew finding out about Janeway's relationship with her first officer.

Listening In
Summary: Another old one, this time about the crew conspiring to get Janeway and Chakotay together - by stalling the turbolift. Yup, this is my turbolift story! Rated PG!

Defining Parameters
Summary: A J/C epic about absolutely nothing . . . I wrote this LONG ago. It's amusing, if you want hints of P/T, K/7 (what was I thinking?), and a few more cliches!

Summary: I wrote this as a "pre-epilogue" to Counterpoint. At the time, I thought I would hate the show - and now I'm a rather devout J/Kashyk fan. Either way, beware! And have fun!

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