Welcome to my Star Trek: Voyager fanfic site!

It's always under MAJOR construction.

Updated September 19, 2001.

In remembrance of all who died Tuesday, September 11, 2001.


*Grumble* Dang guestbook services . . . The guestbook isn't working - what else is new? I'll try to find a new service ASAP, but RL is cutting into time. So, e-mail me instead!

The banner above is for "Deep Space Nine: Horizons." They're sponsoring a petition to bring DS9 back on the big screen - and I'm all for it! So . . . sorry this has just gotten so graphics intensive, but . . . it's a worthwhile cause. The banner stays. ;-)

What's Coming
Basically, what the title says. This is a page previewing what's coming to this page - or what I hope is coming to this page! Go, check it out!

My Fanfic Page
Here, you can find all of the fanfiction I have written over the past years. I've moved things around so that the new stories are towards the top of the list, but other than that, everything remains the same.

My Drabbles Page
Stories that are exactly 100 words long, not including the title. I write more of these things than I care to count, and the number is growing every day. I try to update as fast as I write . . . but if wishes were fishes, we'd all be sharks.

Character Page
I started this very recently, so be kind . . . it's the beginnings of pages devoted to different characters on Star Trek: Voyager. Currently, there are quotes regarding all ten main characters and some favorite aliens.

The Round Robin Page
My friend Surel and I have taken to writing round-robin stories. These stories are rather funny and totally implausible. Mostly, they make fun of Harry Kim . . . go check them out!!

Stories by Other People
A page for any pageless authors who wish to publish their work! It's growing! There are now four stories, one of which is brand new!!! "Forgotten" comes highly recommended! Go read! Now! :-)

About Me!
Everyone who has a website is obliged to have this kind of page! It's about me and the site. If you're curious as to what kind of nut I am in the real world, check it out!

Another obligation, though certainly less of a hassle! These are some of my favorite links on the web - it's a short list, because this isn't a links site. If you're curious, I've linked to some links sites . . . whatever! Go check it out!

Many thanks to my friend Skeppy for help putting this together.
Look back later for more stories and pics!

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This is Sally! She's been sitting around on my harddrive for a while now - and is finally here! My friend Surel named her - there's the explanation!
You can get your own targ at: The Adoption Main Site (Steve's Page)

I adore feedback, so e-mail me at LLROK@aol.com, please!

Disclaimer: All characters and scenarios belong to Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement intended.