Welcome to my Guestbook!

- 06/14/00 19:39:34

give me your icq number . write email to sun_michelle@yahoo.com. then i can reply you. well.. take care.. Cheers feifei

feifeigal - 04/07/00 09:04:28
My URL:/Tokyo/Palace/7690/sunmichellepix.html

i just want to tell you that i had immigrated to Toronto Canada, i wonder if Canada is near USA, i heard that is. well.. it is long time no connect you. you are very very .... guy . you should keep it. i only remember special guy you know Feifeigal

Used to Date Toby - 03/05/00 23:32:19
My Email:nevermind
Person you most want to have sex with: Toby
Favorite disease: Alcoholism
Favorite type of bread: Chullah
Favorite Star Wars character: Yoda
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: Yes, I love shit
Favorite quote:: Real men drink cough syrup

Toby, are you still evil?

BRANDON - 01/31/00 19:33:27
Person you most want to have sex with: ALI LANDRY
Favorite disease: FLESH EATER
Favorite type of bread: STALE
Favorite Star Wars character: CHEWIE
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: HES NOT HE IS A GAY FAG!!
Favorite quote:: FUCK YOU!!


feifeigal - 08/13/99 14:07:04
My URL:http://homepages.lycos.com/~misspiggy98/lypersonal/sun.html
Person you most want to have sex with: not your business..papa
Favorite type of bread: chinese don't eat bread!! you stupid thing!
Favorite Star Wars character: what is star wars???
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: cause he is my papa

i just miss you lah.. papa! so wrote to you. mmm, have you found new step-mother for me lah.. hahaha take care.. and earn more money for me.. papa. cya in USA soon feifei

Minerva's Homepage - 07/ 4/99 10:42:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/4776
My Email:ohmousie@yahoo.com
Person you most want to have sex with: oh behave!
Favorite type of bread: JALAPEŅO/CHEDDAR
Favorite Star Wars character: obi-one k...hmmm, or however you spell his name
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: um....hmmm, moving on...

So, I see you got rid of those horrible pop up ads, about time too!!! Sheesh, you get to a page and the first thing you get is a pop up ad! <-:3_)~

Rage da pimp - 07/07/99 05:58:19
My URL:http://ask silver i forget it
My Email:jbdapimp@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: Silver
Favorite disease: Genital Herpes
Favorite type of bread: Garlic
Favorite Star Wars character: that Vadar Guy
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: i have no clue he just is
Favorite quote:: Sex is like a gun, you aim, you shoot, you run. - Aerosmith

pretty cool site man oh damn they ar eplaying the rolling stones on te radio right now, damn the ys suck man , why does anyone like the stones? aeromsith is the greates oh yeah and i am the greatest pimp ever. //peace

kevin bargo - 04/18/99 00:31:56
My Email:bargo@southwind.net
Person you most want to have sex with: carmen electra
Favorite disease: flu
Favorite type of bread: white
Favorite Star Wars character: chubaca
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: his voice
Favorite quote:: howdie hooooooo


SirPsychoSexy - 04/07/99 02:01:47
My Email:sirpsychosexy14@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: A young Lyle Alzado.
Favorite disease: CRABS! CRABS!
Favorite type of bread: White
Favorite Star Wars character: Leia! Leia!
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: He likes rodents as much as I do.
Favorite quote:: "You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to." (Roger Waters, Animals)


Lovely (Yvonne) - 03/31/99 03:52:46
My URL:http://Lovely.web-page.net
My Email:yvonne_thorburn@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: OHMYGOSH.. you of course LOL
Favorite disease: ewwww...
Favorite type of bread: White... Triple Decker yummm
Favorite Star Wars character: I WUV Ewoks
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: hmmm cause we can fight and have make up sex after hehe

Dum de dum.. what to say... Hey baby.. wanna cyber LOL

Kelsey - 03/30/99 02:57:17
My Email:WILDegrl@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: u of course:)
Favorite disease: none
Favorite type of bread: white or wheat, don't matter to me
Favorite Star Wars character: spark
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: he just is
Favorite quote:: nice shoes, wanna fuck? i need some now!!!

i hope that this means what i think about your web page cuz i have no idea what this means. well, i'll just talk to you anyways and remind you of who i am. well, i'm from california. i'm 5'10, long brown hair with blond highlights and hazel eyes. we talke once. i don't think you remember though. i like to party and hang out with friends and do all kinds of shit. if you want to e-mail me, that would be cool or even im me. my screen name is WILDegrl16. well, i'll talk to ya some time in the future. bye. kel ey

Kelsey - 03/30/99 02:38:26
My Email:WILDegrl@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: u of course:)


Morri - 03/19/99 06:13:10
My Email:maensland@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: not you lol
Favorite disease: aids lol
Favorite type of bread: italian
Favorite Star Wars character: ewok people
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: he's not:)
Favorite quote:: don't got one

cute page, dude:)

Playboy - 03/18/99 01:07:49
Person you most want to have sex with: myself
Favorite disease: crabs
Favorite type of bread: yeast infection
Favorite Star Wars character: Jaba
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: he smells good


SilverScreamGrl - 03/18/99 00:26:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eureka/mine/7143
My Email:SilverScreamGrl@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: you! ha! you know, if I had to think on that one really really really hard, I wouldn't know what to say. Perhaps President Clinton because then I would be a BimboGrrl and the world would know all about me and I could write a book, tell my story, pretend that I was an innocent victim, oh, and then I could have my own brand of cigars! ha!
Favorite disease: it has to be cholera, perhaps carpal tunnel (since I'm a junkie), but then Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is cool too. Everyone's all time fave disease tho, has got to be genital warts.
Favorite type of bread: sourdough, but then, yeah, I was gonna change it, but then I decided that if I said anything else, say, pumpernickle, I would be lying because sourdough is the bread of my choice. Okay?
Favorite Star Wars character: First I was gonna say the Wookie. But then I realized that Darth Vader was actually pretty cool with that sexy heavy breathing thing going on. But he is everything that is evil in the empire (can't wait to see the story of when he was a g od Jedi). So I think it has to be Han Solo because he was such a major fuck up butended up pretty much with the world--a girl with donuts on the side of her head! Rock on Han!
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: hehehehe wouldn't you like to know? Um, you can read the story of why I think he'scool here
Favorite quote:: Voodoo unto others before voodoo unto you (on a tshirt purchased at Marie Laveau's Voodoo Museum in NewOrleans). But seriously lemme think okay? "Can't we all just get along?" (some dude that got the shit beaten out of him and wa "lucky" enough for the incident to be caught on video).

Should I bother ranting? Isn't what I put in the above *points up there* enough?? Good grief man! Okay, so like, am I the first?? *looks around* I dunno until I click "view my guestbook" right? Okay I could go on here, in fact I will. Once, when I was a little child, oh, say about five or so, I was given a banana for dessert. My brother, sister and I went out running around and playing and stuff and then we decided to sit and eat our bananas. Well I think Silver ran too much in the hot sun because th t banana never agreed with her and *oops!* she was ill. I've never let a banana pass my lips again. Why is that? It's psychological, I know, but why is that? I mean, I never will drink Southern Comfort again because, unlike the little Silver, I was a ittle older, and wasn't running around, yet spewed and I haven't ever touched S.C. again. What is up with that? Perhaps I should do that more often? Become ill so none of that crap passes my lips again? Just a thought...sometimes late at night I wonde ...

Black Lady - 03/18/99 00:18:43
My URL:http://www.sailormoon.com
My Email:nanneita@hotmail.com
Person you most want to have sex with: ummm sex? what is that?
Favorite disease: I can't think of wanting to keep any of them but my fav to give money to is diabetes (sp)
Favorite type of bread: Zuchini
Favorite Star Wars character: R2-D2
Why is MrHankey the coolest peep you've ever met?: because he is the only peep I have ever met.. oh wait I havent met him so I guess he doesn't qualify
Favorite quote:: No playing patty fingers in the holy water

rants and ravings.. hmm where have I seen THAT before some peeps just aint original.. not mentioning names or anything... anyways nice page but I wouldn't stick your face right out front.. it's kinda scary and tends to scare people away.. anyways nice pag keep up the good work and all that Black Lady (the older/evil rini)

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