All of these are pictures of Shatterstar. For the life of me I CAN"T remember what each one looks like, so good luck people!

Picture 1
- If I remember coorectly this is the picture that we have for adoption in the comic book adoption center.

Picture 2
- Here's Shats with a foot on a rock.

Picture 3
- Here's Shats jumping with a black sun behind him.

- a pic of Shatterstar

Pictrue 5
- Wow! Another pic of Shatterstar. Who would have thought?

Picture 6
- Here's a cartoony looking Shatterstar

Picture 7- Shatterstar is coming through a window or something. Done by Hildeerbrant brothers

Picture 8- Another pic of Shats jumping. What can we say? Apparnetly he LIKES jumping.
Picture 9 - a pic of Shats when he NEEDS to go to the bathroom