Anyone who wants can use these pictures on their web pages under ONE condition. Basically, just put a link for my page in your links, that's all I ask. Since no one else is gonna try to save Shatterstar's reputation of him needing to be killed or thrown in limbo, I might as well give it a try myself.

Without further mess, cause I'm tired, on with the show! Basically there are pictures out of the comics here and some very odd pictures at that.

First off you can hit tradecards to get to the pictures of Shatterstar off his trading cards by himself.

Second you can hit HERE to acess trading cards scans of Shatterstar with someone else. (Get your minds out of the gutter!)

Next is the first gallery of Shatterstar scans from the comics. You can get there by hitting Gallery 1

This is the picture gallery of Adam X, the X-Treme and Shatterstar. Adam X and Shatterstar

And I am FINALLY getting a page with pictures of Shat's teammates...without Shats! Hit here to go to the X-Force picture gallery

Shatterstar's Shrine

Shatterstar's Fan-art

Shatterstar's Fan Fiction

Disclaimer: Shatterstar and the rest of X-Force belongs to belongs to Marvel (PLEASE bring back Shatterstar comics) and in no way belongs to us. Also we are not being paid for this page. If you THINK we're being paid then please e-mail us at so we can laugh in your face. Remember, comedy is good for the soul. ; P