This beautiful lady to the right is my fiance Mary Louise Ohl, she and I first met at CWU. She is now in Japan teaching Middle school children english.

I have been collecting a bunch of images over the years. Collecting is kinda of a hobbie of mine.
So check them out, the photos that is.

I'm an enlisted soldier in the Army , my Military Occupation Specialty MOS31S is Satellite Communications Systems Operator/Maintainer. Things are going quiet well for me and I am having a good time to boot.

My brother and sister in law had a child in March, this is Grant. He will be president one day.

Grant is now about eight months old and growing up quick. From what my mom has told me, I am certain he is a genius. He will ignore his regular toys in favor of the little spring door stops. Apperantly he enjoys making them vibrate.

Adam's online resume.

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