You open your eyes briefly, then close them as the dark world swims in front of you. Inhaling slowly, you open your eyes and concentrate on the rocky, yet sparkling with quartz ceiling of...well...where ever you are. Slowly your prop yourself up on your elbows. The room is still hazy, and the warm floor is smooth under your skin.
You slowly gaze about and sit up, your head calming down. Light shines in beams, so there is an exit. You hear soft noises from outside- wings fluttering, creatures whinneying, and the occasional screech or roar.
You hear a soft clicking, like talons on granite. A delicate head peeks around the corner; red feathers with huge, arched ear tufts frame it. The Griffon comes out, its entire body covered in ruby red feathers. It sits in front of you and regards you regally.
"Welcome, Traveller. You have stumbled upon our Realm. It's name is not widely known. This is the Realm of the Winged One...but it is known as Jashia. Welcome to our home." The Griffon spreads its wings, beats them once, blowing your hair into your face and then it settles again. "I am Tempest, Gaurdian of all who set foot into this Realm. I am here to protect them," he cocks his head to the exit, "From people who should not intrude."
You hesitate, almost fearful. Tempest gazes at you critically, as if assessing if you're dangerous or not.
"However, I am certain you will not cause too many problems. If not, I'm sure the other Guardians will find some way of opening an exit portal." Tempest winks at you, and his whole aura grins.
"Come along with me, Wanderer. I will show you the way to the fields...I will show you to the land of Jashia, if you so desire to explore it.
He stand and turns, flicking his great barred tail at you, almost mockingly. He eyes you, and chirrups, and arches in wings in gesture for you to come.
Do you follow and exit to Jashia?