The Resistance

(or: Just why are they all wearing those coats, anyway?)

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Cher is one of three leaders of a group called the Cattia Resistance, after Queen Cattia, the Fairies' Princess and Guardian of the Cattia District. After seeing the Horatio Hornblower films on A&E, Cher decided to split the groups up into divisions of eleven each: one captain, one acting-captain, five lieutenants, and four midshipmen. (This is where the influence comes in...) Until this summer, Sherry Wine was the head of the honors division; now she is replaced by Liz Tomato.

* denotes human

** denotes fairy

***denotes animal


I- Captain: Cher Tomato

Acting-Captain: Ancelin de Warwick*

Lieutenants: Shirin fan Dudrinach (sister to Elene, one of the USK Fires)*, Sandemere deNade*, Dara Tomatta, Lali Bombay*, Sami Broccolia

M'men: Serena Broccolia, Gaby Eggplant, Alina Oysterbrook, Decima Nombre*

II- Captain: Sunny Wildfruit

Acting-Captain: Arlene la Fruit

Lieutenants: Duchess Katrin de Samhin*, Alanna Tangerina, Miri Halinn*, Doria deNade*, Sametta Hopefruit

M'men: Graceful "Gracie" van Greenbean, Carlina Appélia, Mariette O'Banana, Linnette Egge

III- Captain: Angela diTomate

Acting-Captain: Catriona MacDuff*

Lieutenants: Riah deNade*, Bora-Bora Islander*, Delilah Samsonita*, Elena Parsley, Fari Papaya

M'men: Gillian la Faerie**, Harriet Espion*, Iliana Rus*, Jellicle la Faerie**

HONORS- Captain: Liz Tomato

Acting-Captain: Michelle de Réné*

Spies: Jesse Feline***, Sophie deNade*, Maisri MacDuff*, Moria deNade*

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