Cher's Family

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Timothy Tomato is Cher's dad. He was born on January 6, 1954. Cher's mother, Meg Frillen Cucumber, was an active Fancy Frill, born the day after Timothy. Their marriage was considered a good match. They stayed together long enough to have Elena, Cher, Liz, Billy, Mary, Ruben, and Tommy, who died of the blight in 1998. They divorced in May 1999, and Tim is currently seeing Laurel Beechnut.

Elena Cecilia Tomato was always the rebel of the family. At 18, she has seen everything from alien civilizations to the Hot Labs of the Level 4 Biosafety Research Center, in Scientia, Dugh, USK. She was born on February 5, 1981. Meg tried to get her to be a Fancy Frill, but Elena flat-out refused, often starving herself when forced to do Fancy Frill activities. She disappeared in 1995, at the age of 14, and reappeared in 1998, at the age of 17. She has since dropped out of school to learn alien languages and teaches the art of speaking other tongues at Cattia Academy, the renowned university in Cool Cat City.

Elizabeth Mary Tomato was born on March 10, 1987. She is 12 now, and she picks up where Elena left off. Liz, as she prefers to be called, has a sense of style only found in the corridors of the Green House, styles only displayed by the Queens of the USK. Not surprisingly, since Liz found out, she has dreamed of becoming a Queen. She claims it's feasible, as they select the Queens according to certain characteristics, like fashion sense and insanity, both of which Liz has in abundance. She is just entering Vegetable High and this year will become a member of the Resistance like her sister Cher.

William Ruben Tomato, better known as Billy the Kid, was born April 9, 1990. He has a lot of strong connections to the Animalia Brotherhood, which in turn is tied into the USK Alliance, an underground association determined to rise above the popular groups of the world and take control. However, with a membership of only 1000, the possibility of the Alliance taking control is very, very small. He's not you average 9 year old. He's actually a protector of his baby sister, Mary, who just turned 5 last June. Billy is going into Vegetable Elementary along with his sister.

Mary Elizabeth Tomato, born June 22, 1994, is the erratic one of the family. She's best known for trying to do away with her baby sisters or brothers. She gained a victory when Tommy died in 1998 but was quickly presented with another challenge in October of that year, when little Ruben William made his appearance. Her rallying cry? "I'm the baby!" Mary is 5 and going into kindergarten at Vegetable Elementary.

Ruben William Tomato, born October 30, 1998, is the baby of the family. He is almost one year old and can't really do anything, so this space is really not going to feature anything about HIM for a while.

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