Real Name: Abner "Abe" Jenkins
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, now black after surgery.
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record and received an official pardon.
Place Of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland
Known Relatives: None
Former aliases: The Beetle
Group Affiliation: Thunderbolts, former leader of the Sinister Syndicate, former employee of Justin Hammer, and former member of the Masters of Evil III.
First Appearance(as Beetle): Strange Tales #123
First Appearance(as Mach-1): Incredible Hulk #449
First Appearance(as Mach-2): Thunderbolts #37
First Appearance(as Mach-3): Thunderbolts #57
A master mechanic at an airplane-parts factory, and bored with his job, he tried to interest the company in a set of plans for some new innovative hydraulic technology he'd created. When rebuffed, he used the plans as the basis for his first Beetle armor, turning to crime in hopes of winning the fame, wealth, and thrills denied him at work. Since that time, Jenkins has been increasingly upset with his failure to achieve success in this career, having been defeated many times by Daredevil or Spider-man. His original armor has been reworked twice--once with the help of the Tinkerer and once, turning it into the M.A.C.H.-1 armor, with the considerable assistance of Techno. As M.A.C.H.-1 (the acronym stands for Mobile Armored Cyber-Harness), he's capable of high-speed flight and maneuverability, and has a wide variety of on-board sensors, communications equipment and weaponry, including machine guns and mini-missile launchers.
With the Thunderbolts he started a relationship with Melissa (Songbird) and started acting more heroic as time went on. When the Thunderbolts were on the run from the law and Hawkeye wanted to become their leader to give them a chance for redemption Abe surrendered himself to authorities. He did this for the good of the team since Hawkeye wouldn't lead a team with a known murder on it. In prison Abe stopped an attempted Prison escape, which lead to the Commission on Superhuman Activities taking an interest in him. Henry Gyrich and Valerie Cooper, who were part of the Commission, later transferred Abe from prison in the middle of the night.
The commission had ideas for what they could use Abe for and soon there was someone robbing a bank, and calling himself the beetle. The armor was a modified beetle design that was much bigger. This left the Thunderbolts to wonder if it was really Abe doing a job for the Commission or another villain using the Beetle name.
Abe was using the new Beetle armor in a bargain with the Commission. With the new Beetle armor he stole something called Omega-32 from a Roxxon facility. The Beetle later confronted Justin Hammer and fought his bodyguards, Speed demon, Hydro Man, Whiplash and Blizzard as his 'interview'. He also gives Justin Hammer, the Omega-32 that was stolen as a show of good faith. The Thunderbolts interrupt the Beetle and Justin Hammer, causing a battle to breakout.
The Thunderbolts chase after the Beetle who ends up back in Burton Canyon. With the help of Techno the Thunderbolts bring down the Beetle only to find that there was no one inside. Someone was controlling it by remote control. When all is revealed the Thunderbolts find out that Abe thought that the Commission would never keep their end of the bargain so he double-crossed them. The Commission don't want what they were doing public so they couldn't do much about it and with the help of Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts, Abe is no longer in Jail. Later Hawkeye has a talk with Gyrich that unofficially Abe isn't going back to jail among other things.
Abe had his armor modified by Techno who was disguised as Ogre and Abe calls himself Mach-2. The new suit is forty seven percent faster than the Mach-1 suit. The Mach-2 suit also has improved reconnaissance surveillance and electronic countermeasure capabilities.
Since the Thunderbolts can't announce Mach-2 to everyone without them being suspicious of it being Abe Techno gives Abe a new face so people won't be suspicious. Techno studied the available information on Dermaplasty but didn't know everything about the technology. So he darkened Abe's skin more than he expected and now Abe is black. Abe also has a new name to use, Matthew Davis. Songbird and Abe are now trying to get comfortable with his change.
Upon receiving an official pardon after Hawkeye turns himself over to the Commission on Superhuman Activities and goes to prison so the Thunderbolts would have a chance for a normal life, Abe adjusts remarkably well to a normal life with Melissa. Abe loses one job only to get another with the Burton Canyon police department.
His try of a normal life with Melissa is ended when Citizen V comes in need of their aid in the Graviton crisis. Given new equipment by the V-battalion, Abe uses the new Mach-3 suit to help defeat Graviton, as does Melissa as Songbird. The conclusion of the conflict causes Abe to go missing along with most of the other Thunderbolts. Now Abe is stuck on Counter Earth with the other Thunderbolts, while Melissa is on Earth.
On Counter-Earth Abe initially seems cold and just wants to get home but then the Thunderbolts are stranded on the world. Under the leadership of Zemo and with the use of Attilan a huge floating city the Thunderbolts start trying to save the world. He's not enjoying being a hero and helping people as much as he should since he wants to be back on Earth with Melissa.
After saving both Counter-Earth and the Earth, the Thunderbolts are reunited. Melissa and Abe's happiness is short lived however when he tells her that he's made the decision to go back to Seagate prison. He believes that everything since his blackmailed release was a cheat. He wants to stop cheating himself and earn redemption. The Crimson Cowl tricked cardinal so he decides to leave for Seagate prison with Abe. Seagate's a rough place so he will be able to watch Abe's back as well. Abe thanks Hawkeye for everything and Hawkeye tells him that he's the one that showed him that a villain becoming a hero could work. Abe then tells Melissa to be a hero and that she deserves it, she says the same to him. Then he flies away with Cardinal to Seagate Prison.
Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.