
If the word is surrounded by: ~. . .~ , it is a link!

~Aine Jacey~
1. "radiance" (Gaelic)
The name of the queen of the fairies in Celtic Mythology
Also an Irish form of Anne which a form of Hannah meaning: "favour" or "grace"
2. an abrivation for Jacinda which is a form of Hyacinth,from the name of the flower.
The flower is so named because in a Greek legend it arose from the blood of a beautifule youth named Hyakinthos, whom Apollo loved.

Ai Shiteiru
Japanese for 'I love you'

1. Jappenese Animation brought to America. These cartoons were dubbed Anime by the fanboys and fangirls.
2. Anything with those big eyes that is animated. Anime is animated

Japanese for 'fool'

beautiful men
(anime style . . . of course!)


~Friend ~
a person on intimate or affectionate terms with another

~Fushigi Yuugi~
"The Mysterious Play"
"This is the story of a girl who gathered the seven Seishi of Suzaku and gained omnipotent powers. The book itself is an incantation. Whoever finishes reading it will also revieve these powers. When the page is turned, the story will become the truth and begin."

~Gundam Wing~
New Mobile War Chronicles: Gundam Wing is perhaps one of the most successful Japanese anime this decade. Gundam Wing begins in the years of AC (after the colonisation of space colonies by humans). Perpetual war occurs on Earth, while the inhabitants living in space colonies live in peace. After the war on Earth was finally over in about 175 AC or so, the Earth government established an "Earth Sphere Unified Alliance" which was to promote peace on Earth and the space colonies. However, the Alliance was only a puppet for the industrialist group, The Romeller Foundation. In the name of peace, the Alliance's Army, known as "OZ" seized control of all space colonies, crushing all oppositions with mech-like fighting machines known as Mobile Suits (MS). After two decades of oppression by Earth, a group of rebels amongst the space colonies decided to fight back. With the help of the 5 scientists who first developed the MS, the rebels created five super fighting MS machines, known as Gundams. However, no ordinary pilot can control these machines due to their advance technology. Therefore, 5 children were adopted and trained from a very youg age with each having VERY distinct personalities, their mission, to destroy the Earth Alliance. This sets the scene for the start of the series. The story revolves around the "I'm the best and I don't care about anyone else" central character, Heero Yuy, who pilots the 01 Gundam- Gundam Wing. Along the way, there are various twists and turns to the series followed by a near apocolpytic finale.




Lemon or Lime
depictions, written or drawn, of sexual situations or just plain sex

~Leisure Enlighteners~
knowledge furnished during times which are free from the cessation of activities, such as work, homework and other duties.


the comic form of anime

~Mi Amici~
Latin for 'my friends'

~Mi Sapientia~
Latin for 'my wisdom'






1. the human soul
2. the mind

"Psyche was the Greek word for both'soul' and 'butterfly,' dating from the belief that human souls become butterflies while searching for a new reincarnation. The mythical romance of the maiden Psyche, beloved by the god Eros, was really an allegory of the soul's union with the body and of their subsequent separation. The Celts also believed in fly-souls and butterfly-souls which flew about . . . It is still said in Cornwall that the spirits of the dead take the form of white butterflies. . . The Chinese considered a jade butterfly the essential emblem of love, suggesting a wedding of souls. The most appropriate gift for a bridegroom to give his bride in China was a jade butterfly."
~ from Barbara G. Walker's
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects

~Ranma 1/2~
Ranma 1/2 is a series about a boy and his father who go to China and fall into the cursed springs at the ancient training grounds of Jusenkyu. Now whenever Ranma is splashed with cold water he turns into a pretty girl. Genma, Ranma's father, turns into a panda. Genma and his friend Soun Tendo decide to marry their children so that they can carry on the family dojo. Only when Ranma is splashed with warm water does he change back into a guy, and it was a cold and rainy day Ranma met Akane...

meditations, comments

acronym for "yama-sahi ochi-nashi" - used to describe manga or anime which deal with male relationships, and are written for girls or women

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