Insaneandicy Fan Humor

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Reasons Why Bulma is Cooler Than Vegeta

1.She knows everyone in DBZ.
2.She can scream in his face and he does nothing.....(Poor Veggie)
3.She has better control over Trunks.
4.Her hair isn't 4ft. tall!
5.She doesn't run around saying"I'm the PRINCE OF ALL SAYIANS!"
6.She never wears spandex.
7.Can he even keep himself in line?
8.Her hair is blue.....(Like mine)
9.She has the dragon ball radar.
10.She is woman.....HEAR HER ROAR!!!!
11.Can Vegita fix computers.....(I think not!)
12.She doesn't call people by their sex...such as woman.
13.Bulma NEVER thought of destoring planet earth.
14.She isn't always smirking.(But smirking can be fun ^_~)
15.Bulma doesn't always think Kakarott needs to be surpassed.
16.Two word :Fusion Dance.
17.She can yell at anyman without getting beaten up!
18.Doesn't need to fly to feel cool.
19.Can easily tease Vegita with one name:Yamcha.
20.Never has one hairstyle.........


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