Part 1

A Proposed Story for


By R. A. Stott


Barbara Doms

©1987 - 88 ARK NORTH - The Denivan//WBSI Inc.

©1997 ARKNORTH/Denivan Media Services


(BM) Beast Mode
(CAS) Cassette Mode
(CM) Car Mode
(GCM) Gun/Cannon Mode
(JM) Jet Mode
(N) Nubian
(NGM) Nubian Gun Mode
(NRM) Nubian Robot Mode
(RM) Robot Mode
(SM) Shuttle Mode
(TAM) Tank Mode
(TM) Truck Mode

(-M)>(-M) Transform from > to

[SCENE: Panning wide view of Cybertron.]

[SHOT: Camera starts a slow zoom in, landing on OPTIMUS PRIME, PERCEPTOR, BLASTER and his cassettes.]

NARRATOR: (Voice over)

It has been a year since the great revival of Cybertron. Now in its second golden age, the Autobots begin to re-discover their home planet. Optimus Prime has commissioned Perceptor, Blaster and his cassettes to start searching the old Decepticon strongholds to find any information lost in the great wars.

[SHOT/SCENE: Dissolves to a full shot of Metroplex. Dissolve to a group shot of Ultra Magnus and the Throttlebots working in the computer room of Teletran II.]

NARRATOR: (Voice over)

Down on Earth, Prime has Ultra Magnus and the Throttlebots working with Teletran II in an attempt to find a way of moving Cybertron to a safer orbit, away from the planet.

[SHOT/SCENE: Dissolve to a wide shot of an asteroid field.]

NARRATOR: (Voice over)

Meanwhile, the Decepticons, still smarting from their defeat, have made a discovery out near the old position of Cybertron.

[SHOT: Wide panning shot of the Decepticons Soundwave, Frenzy, Ratbat, Wingspan, Pounce, Cyclonus and Nightstick rummaging through the asteroids.]


Hey Cyclonus! Are you sure about this? All I've seen in this rock and junk is rock and junk!


Of course I'm sure! Would I bring us all the way out here just to look at a pile of rock?




Just keep looking, bias brains!


Cyclonus, I see something! About 100 yards off in that direction. It's about the ONLY thing in here that's ROUND!


Very good, Pounce! That looks like it may be it. Soundwave, come with me. The rest of you continue to look around. Maybe you'll find something else.


I'm coming too!

CYCLONUS: (RM) (Sternly)

You stay here with the others. This is MY expedition, and you'll do what I say!

NIGHTSTICK: (NRM) (To himself)

We'll see about that!

[ACTION: Cyclonus and Soundwave fly off toward the object. Nightstick follows at a distance.]

CYCLONUS: (RM) (Eager)

This is it!


Yes, but WHAT is it?


This is the data core from the Autobot's Storage Asteroid. I sent the asteroid to destroy Cybertron, but Ultra Magnus had it self-destruct.

SOUNDWAVE: (RM) (Touching the sphere)

This is shielded by duralluminum, one of the strongest alloys in the universe.


Exactly! I knew that the simple explosives used to detonate that asteroid could not harm anything as strong as this. THIS is a FIND!

Call in Astrotrain. Have him ready to head for Charr.


Not Scorponok?


And have the Nubian scum find out about this? Never! I had enough trouble getting this past Nightstick without him reporting to Zadek. Galvatron wants this for ourselves. He'll be waiting for us on Charr. Meanwhile, while we're heading there, I want you and Wingspan to start deciphering the data in this thing.

NIGHTSTICK: (NRM) (To himself)

Just wait, Cyclonus!


[SCENE: The planet Charr.]

[SHOT: POV looking past the back of Galvatron as Astrotrain (SM) lands. The doors open, and Cyclonus exits.]

GALVATRON: (RM) (Miffed as usual)

Well, did you find anything in that garbage dump?


Yes, mighty Galvatron. We found the data core, as I said we would! I have Soundwave and Wingspan working on it now.


Good, Cyclonus! Good! Let's see this bauble.

[ACTION: Galvatron and Cyclonus enter Astrotrain (SM). Shot cuts to a wide shot inside Astrotrain. Soundwave (RM) and Wingspan (BM) are plugged into the data core.]


Anything, Soundwave?


Not much, mighty Galvatron. There seems to be a jam-up of data in the process center. I keep getting references to Ultra Magnus, then attack orders for the security guards.

GALVATRON: (RM) (Uninterested)

What are you babbling about?


If I may, mighty Galvatron - The security system was trying to destroy the Autobots when I arrived. I would say that security buffers were glitched.


Well, I don't care if it was glitched or not! I want information out of this thing, and I want it NOW!

[ACTION: Galvatron brings his fist down on top of the core. Soundwave reacts to the strike.]


That did it! I am receiving information now.


Transferring data feed to the main viewer.

[ACTION: On a screen behind them appears a schematic of an Autobot.]

GALVATRON: (RM) (Awed at what he is seeing)

What is it?


It is the building plans for Ultra Magnus. Now working on Optimus Prime!


Beautiful! We'll know all their weakness' from the very day they were constructed! HA ha ha! WHAT!?

[ACTION: A crackling sound is heard. Galvatron turns in time to Soundwave and Wingspan get tossed across the room.]


What happened?

WINGSPAN: (BM) (On his head)

Power lock on Optimus Prime's data. The data core will now log down for the next 58 Cybertronian hours for reprocessing.

GALVATRON: (RM) (More miffed)

What does THAT mean?

SOUNDWAVE: (RM) (Clearing the sparks from his head)

That means that we can't retrieve anything for 58 Cybertronian hours!


BLAST IT ALL! I've been on Earth too long! How long is that?


348 Earth hours. 14.5 days.

GALVATRON: (RM) (Astonished)



Remember, mighty one, it stores the ENTIRE Autobot data archive! The data compression codes alone take up a quarter of its data stream!


Blast! Did you get ANYTHING out of this giant basketball?!


Yes. Because someone had requested Ultra Magnus' file before the power lock, we have all of it. We also received some of Optimus Prime's file. Stand by...



This is interesting..... Interesting... Fascinating!...

GALVATRON: (RM) (Impatient)

What is? What!? WHAT!?


Stand by... Information retrieved... Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime share many component designs, both internal and external.


But they don't look alike.


Correct. Prime was a modified Autobot worker. Ultra Magnus was built on the basic layout of Prime's modified body print.

GALVATRON: (RM) (Impatient)

Big deal! I didn't ask for a lecture on Ultra Magnus' basic layout! Find me his weakness! Find me something that we can use AGAINST him!

SOUNDWAVE: (RM) (Pointing at the schematic on the screen)

Perhaps you should look at this, mighty Galvatron.

[ACTION: Galvatron and Cyclonus get closer for a look.]

CYCLONUS: (RM) (Shocked)

I DON'T believe it!


Is that what I think that is?


Yes, it is. It is a SECOND MATRIX. It is a BACKUP for the main matrix. It was placed in Ultra Magnus when he was being built. There is a GOOD probability that he DOES NOT know that it is there.


This is unbelievable news, Soundwave. Is there anything else?


Affirmative! If we can switch the backup matrix on, whomever has the main matrix will be shut off while it awaits for the backup to download to it. In other words, it would render its current bearer, Optimus Prime, useless.


This is too good to be true!

FRENZY: (RM) (Working at a console nearby)

What do you mean, too good? How do you expect to get it out of him? He's a bit large to just haul off and disassemble!


Correction... All we need is the trailer section. The cab section would only be in the way. The backup matrix is inside the transformed trailer section!


Then we must attack him when he is in his carrier mode. If only we had a null ray! That was the ONLY thing I can think of that Starscream was of any worth for!

NIGHTSTICK: (N) (Coming out of the shadows)

I think I can handle that, Galvatron!

CYCLONUS: (RM) (Angry)

Nightstick, what are you doing here?


I'm keeping my eyes and ears open to a very profitable situation. Besides, you need me.


Why would we need a miserable flesh creature like you?


Because of my black beam gun, fuzz brain! Or do you forget that a null-ray is simply a modified black beam? All I need do is modify my gun's output and you'll have your null-ray ready for Ultra Magnus!


[SCENE: Interior of Metroplex.]

[SHOT: MCU of Ultra Magnus in Metroplex's command center. He is working with the Throttlebots and Teletran II.]


Is that the best way to move Cybertron, Teletran II?

TELETRAN II: (Over com)

Yes. Without using the thrusters Galvatron installed, it is the only other logical way to move the planet.


Well, we can't use the thrusters without draining Vector Sigma, so I guess we're stuck with this idea. Goldbug, contact Prime.


Right away!


[SCENE: Com station on Cybertron.]

[SHOT: POV from Optimus Prime looking at Ultra Magnus on a monitor screen. Outback is also in the room.]

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Over com)

The idea is to use the Decepticon's old space bridge system to teleport Cybertron into an orbit between Earth and Mars. It won't be a great orbit, and nowhere near our old orbit space, but that's as far as Teletran or I feel that it is safe to teleport the planet.


Having seen that done before, I'm not too thrilled with the prospects of doing THAT again! We could build our own thrusters.


Teletran advised against that. The ones Galvatron used nearly shook the planet apart. There would be no way for us to compensate for that.


Understood. Very well, Magnus. Start setting up for the teleport. We'll get the towers here ready. Prime, out.

[ACTION: Prime presses a button on the com panel, and the screen shuts off. Perceptor runs into the room.]


Prime! Prime! It's unbelievable! We've found them! We've found them!


Easy, Perceptor! Slow down before you blow a circuit! Now tell us what you've found!

OUTBACK: (RM) (Off to one side)

We can always tell when you've found something good Perceptor! You start talking faster than Blurr!


Well, this is worth it! Prime, we found a Decepticon detention center!


A detention center? Where? Who did you find?


We found it in sector 10, right under where Shockwave had his headquarters. As for who we've found, well most of what we've found intact are personality chips. But we checked a storage locker nearby, and found three bodies for three of the chips! Blaster is right now installing them.....

OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Slightly inpatient)

WHO, Perceptor, WHO?!


Prime, it's the OMNIBOTS! Downshift, Overdrive and Camshaft!


The Omnibots! I thought we had lost them when we fought Megatron's forces at the Fission Point Power Center.

[SCENE: DISSOLVE TO FLASHBACK - Battle of Fission Point Power Center]

[SHOT: Low shot looking up. Prime is on the ground. Megatron is standing over him with his gun pointing at his head.]


This is it, Prime! Say good-bye to your diodes!

OVERDRIVE: (Off screen)

Sorry, Megaclod, but Optimus would like to keep his diodes, thank you very much!

[ACTION: Megatron looks up startled. Overdrive (CM) flies into Megatron's back, flinging him away from Prime.]


Who in the world was that?


Prime! Over here!


Ultra Magnus! I haven't seen you since you left Cybertron! It's good to see you!


And just in time, too, I see! What's the situation?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pointing to the building in front of them)

We had them cornered in that storage building. They've been coming out one-by-one. As they do, they're picking hand-to-hand combat over flight.


Sounds like a diversion.


You're as good as ever with tactics, Magnus! It was... Thundercracker went into the reactor building while we were fighting out here!


Not to worry, Prime! My Omnibots and I will take care of Thundercracker and the rest of the Decepticons!

Omnibots, flanking maneuver Delta One-Two Theta! ATTACK!

[ACTION: The Omnibots race into the fray.]

[SHOT/ACTION: Wide interior shot of the reactor room. Thundercracker is trying to siphon off the power of a nuclear reactor by himself.]


My energy absorbers! I can't believe that they're full already! I'll have to disconnect!

[ACTION: Thundercracker suddenly realizes that he can't disconnect.]


C-c-c-can't disconnect! GOT TO! I'LL EXPLODE IF I DON'T! AAAAAAAH!!!

[SHOTS/ACTION: Thundercracker doesn't make it, and his absorbers detonate, taking the reactor building (NOT the reactor) with them. The view switches to outside the containment building, as the Omnibots rush towards it. The blast of Thundercracker's energy absorbers reach them. The blast continues to expand outwards, flinging Autobots and Decepticons all over. As the smoke and debris settle, Prime and Magnus can be seen extracting themselves.]


Magnus! Where are you?


Over here, Prime! Where's the Omnibots?


Optimus! Look! The reactor didn't blow!


It must have been Thundercracker! He absorbed too much energy! We must shut down this reactor before it goes critical! Perceptor! Front and center!


Come on, Ultra Magnus! We'll look for the Omnibots!


Go ahead. We'll call if we need you.


Thanks, Prime. Come on, Bumblebee. Those Omnis are always rushing into situations that I have to get them out of!

[ACTION: Bumblebee and Ultra Magnus transform (RM)>(C/TM) and drive off into the wreckage.]

[SCENE: Returns to Optimus Prime, Perceptor and Outback at the com station on Cybertron.]

[ACTION: The Omnibots drive up. Blaster gets out of Overdrive. Rewind ejects from Blaster and transforms (CAS)>(RM). The Omnis then transform (CM)>(RM).]


Greetings, Optimus Prime! The last time I saw you was from behind Megatron's back!


And the last time I saw you, you were flying into an explosion that should have launched you three into orbit! What happened to you? Ultra Magnus looked for you three for a week after, without ever finding a trace of you.

OVERDRIVE: (RM) (Scratching his head)

I can't remember, Prime. Maybe Camshaft can tell us. Any of those fancy cameras you were always telling us about still have anything on them?

CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Patting himself down looking for lenses)

I'll check, Overdrive. It's been so long since I've been in this body that I've forgotten how to load them up!


Now there's a switch! The Autobot that could shoot a picture faster than he could fire a laser rifle has gone and let his shutter get rusty!

CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Grabbing Downshift's trunk-lid and dropping it over his head)

Ah, drop your transmission, Downshift!

Now then, now that I've cleared the air, let us see what my little gems have... if they still have anything after all this time...

[ACTION: Camshaft starts popping lenses left and right, while Downshift fights with his hood.]


Ah! There's something! Stand by! It'll be coming right up!

[ACTION: Camshaft inserts a finger into a hole in the com station's monitor board. On the screen begins a Camshaft eye view of the events that led up to their imprisonment.]

[ACTION ON MONITOR: An explosion in front of him - The picture scrambles - The picture clears with Megatron emerging from the wreckage in front of them - Audio comes up.]


What happened? Where's Thundercracker?

STARSCREAM: (RM) (Coming into view from the left)

I think the overbearing boob overloaded himself at the reactor. I don't think we'll find much of him back there! Look, Megatron! I've never seen these Autobots before!

MEGATRON: (RM) (Pointing off frame)

Neither have I. But that's the one who prevented me from destroying Optimus Prime! Starscream! Take these Autobots to the space bridge. I want them taken to Shockwave for interrogation!

[ACTION ON MONITOR: The picture gets blurry, then scrambles - Picture clears showing Shockwave standing near a control center speaking to Megatron on Earth. Starscream is standing next to Shockwave.]


...Autobots have not returned to a functioning state that can be interrogated, Megatron. Until they do, I can not do anything to them.

MEGATRON: (RM) (Over com)

Very well. Starscream, have their personality chips removed and stored in detention until I can get to them.

STARSCREAM: (RM) (Gleefully)

Understood, Megatron. With pleasure! Dr. Acrhaville, over here!

[ACTION ON MONITOR: The picture scrambles again, until it shows Blaster and Rewind standing over them. Camshaft shuts down the monitor.]


Can I wipe that roll, Optimus Prime?


Why? Does it give you bad memories?


No. Bad photography! Maybe if I push it one stop...


Do whatever you wish, Camshaft. You've earned it. Perceptor, take the Omnibots over to data retrieval and debrief them on what they missed during their absence. After that, I want you to go to Earth and rejoin Ultra Magnus. I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you.

[SHOT/SCENE: Dissolves to Space Bridge Site #2 on Earth. Magnus and the Throttlebots are assembling a space bridge. Magnus (TM) is carrying a large part on his carrier. Goldbug drives up.]


Ultra Magnus! Optimus Prime wants you. He's on the telemonitor.


Okay, Goldbug. Be right there.

[SHOT: Dissolves to an MCU of Ultra Magnus at the telemonitor station.]

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Shocked - surprised - elated)

The Omnibots? You're kidding! You've really found them on Cybertron?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Over com)

Indeed we have, Magnus. I'm sending them to you on the next shuttle. Meanwhile, continue work on the space bridges. The sooner we've moved Cybertron, the better!


Okay, Prime. I can't wait to see them again! Magnus out!

[ACTION: As the screen goes black, noble Magnus leaps into the air. The Throttlebots, not expecting this, jump.]

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Too happy)


[SHOT: Shot pans left and backs away from the joyful Magnus. The camera pans to a line of trees off to one side of the space bridge project. There we see the Decepticons listed earlier.]

FRENZY: (RM) (Clearing his ears)

Whoa! What the heck was that?!


I don't think I've ever heard Ultra Magnus yell like that before! He seems happy about something!


Big deal! It just leaves him a little more vulnerable. He'll be preoccupied with whatever that was all about. Everyone get ready to attack! Ready Nightstick, Cyclonus.


I'm always ready! The last thing I need do is wait for Cyclonus to be ready!


Ready your pile drivers, Frenzy.


Pile drivers? That's Rumble's thing to do! Where IS he anyway?

SOUNDWAVE: (RM) (Pointing his gun at Frenzy's head)

On assignment! You WILL set up your pile drivers! That is an order!

FRENZY: (RM) (Setting his pile drivers)

You always did like Rumble more than me!

[SHOT/ACTION: POV shot from Galvatron of Ultra Magnus, still happy, transforming (RM)>(TM). He then picks up another load of stock for the bridge.]


Ready. Magnus just picked up another load. Wait for it!... Wait for it!... NOW, FRENZY! NOW!

[SHOT/ACTION: Shot cuts to a full view of Frenzy as he leaps out of the tree line. He starts pounding the ground with his pile drivers behind Magnus.]

FRENZY: (RM) (Griping about doing Rumble's job - in time with his drivers)

THIS - IS - RUMBLE'S - JOB! - NOT - MINE! - I'M - AM - AN - artist! (Gives a little curtsy)


ULTRA MAGNUS: (TM) (Screeching to a halt)

What in the world is that?


Ultra Magnus! Look out! It's the Decepticons!

[SHOT: MCU of Cyclonus. He fires Nightstick and hits Magnus square on.]


Come on, Throttlebots! Transform!

[ACTION: The Throttlebots transform (RM)>(C/TM), then head for the battle. Frenzy creates a trench in front of them. Nightstick picks them off one by one as they fall into the trench. The battle is over.]


Very good! Astrotrain, transform! Wingspan, Pounce, get Magnus' carrier section. I'll take care of this space bridge!

[ACTION: Galvatron transforms (RM)>(GCM) and blows the bridge away. While he is doing this, all of the Decepticons get aboard Astrotrain (SM).]

GALVATRON: (After transforming (GCM)>(RM).)

To Charr, Astrotrain! And don't stop for anyone!


[SCENE: Space between Cybertron and Earth.]

[SHOT: Travelling view of Sky Lynx flying through space.]

OVERDRIVE: (Voice over)

I can't believe that Hot Rod could have ever been leader of the Autobots! How was he, Sky Lynx? I mean, how did Mr. Party manage as the matrix bearer?

[SHOT: View dissolves to a wide shot inside Sky Lynx.]

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

I could not say, Overdrive. After all, he was our commander. It is not my place to say that some of the time he acted like a somber hole in the ground! He was very good at getting people together, though. He did get the trans-galactic peace conference together.


I wish I could of had a picture of that! Hoo, boy! Rodimus Prime? Who came up with a name like that?


Tell you what. Just think of what the matrix would have come up with if it had been Magnus who had received the matrix! ULTRA MAXIMUS! MAGNUS PRIME! LOOK! Up in the sky! It's a Decepticon turkey! It's an Autobot wombat! NO! It's ULTRA PRIME!! HA!

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

I see that years in a detention center did not dampen your warped sense of humor, Downshift. It's like old times, again.


Aye, we had some good times, didn't we Sky Lynx? Remember on Tornella Zo V.....

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

Hold that thought, Overdrive. I'm receiving an odd signal from the number 2 space bridge site. I'm putting it on speakers!

GOLDBUG: (Over com) (With static in background)

...bug to Cybertron. Goldbug to Cybertron headquarters. Come in.


Who or what in the ever lovin' blue optics world is Goldbug?

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

He was Bumblebee. Didn't Perceptor debrief you?


At this rate, we'll be in the study-hall for the next galactic year or so!

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

Goldbug, this is Sky Lynx. Can we assist you in any way?

GOLDBUG: (Over com)

Sky Lynx! Boy! Am I glad to hear from you! Get down here right away! We've been attacked by Decepticons, and we can't find Ultra Magnus!

SKY LYNX: (Over com)

I shall be there post-haste!

[ACTION: Sky Lynx fires extra boosters.]


[SCENE: Wreckage of Space Bridge #2.]

[ACTION: Sky Lynx lands at the sight of the space bridge. There is smoke everywhere preventing a clear view of the area. The Omnis leave Sky Lynx. Sky Lynx transforms (SM)>(BM).]


Sheeesh! Look at this mess! Can anyone see high or low of anything?

DOWNSHIFT: (RM) (Straining to look through the smoke)

I think I see a gold bug approaching!


Good grief! Would ya get a load of the paint job on Bumblebee!

GOLDBUG: (Transforming (CM)>(RM)) (Insulted, then surprised)

It's Goldbug you lead head!... Camshaft?

Great Cybertronian power converters! Camshaft, you old Brownie camera! How's the best scout Optimus Prime ever had next to me?


I see modesty didn't come with your new body! Besides, I don't see anywhere for cameras on that chassis!


You and your overexposed, underdeveloped cameras couldn't air brush a decent picture without my help when we were back in data input academy!

OVERDRIVE: (RM) (Wanting to get ON with it)

Yea, yea. Good to see you again too, Goldbug. Where's Ultra Magnus? Have you been able to find him yet?


Not yet - Overdrive is it? Maybe we can get somewhere if super-lens here could put some of those "little gems" of his to work, if it doesn't strain you too much!


Adjust your f-stop to this! Infrared on!

[ACTION: Camshaft starts scanning the smoke banks. He stops at a spot when he spies a large square shape.]


Well, there's something in there, but it's too small for Magnus.

[ACTION: The shape transforms (TM)>(RM).]


Whooops! It's moving!

DOWNSHIFT: (RM) (Security protocol kicking in)


GOLDBUG: (RM) (Looking at Downshift)

I forgot how corny you got when you got serious, Downshift!

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Through the smoke)

Downshift? Downshift, is that you? It's me! Ultra Magnus!

[SHOT: POV from Ultra Magnus as he comes out of the smoke to see Goldbug, Sky Lynx and the Omnis, who are looking at him aghast.]


HOLY ALPHA TRION! Is that you, Ultra Magnus?


That's no Magnus I know of!

DOWNSHIFT: (RM) (Working with his security deck.)

The voice-print matches, Camshaft. That's Magnus all right!


Magnus, what happened?

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Still from his POV)

I was attacked by the Decepticons... They hit me from behind... Why? What's wrong?

[ACTION: Sky Lynx picks up a large piece of reflective metal from the wreckage of the space bridge.]


Magnus, I think you'd better get a look at yourself.

[ACTION: Sky Lynx places the sheet in front of Magnus. He looks at it, and see an all white OPTIMUS PRIME.]

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Shocked)

Great moons of Saturn! Where's the rest of me?


For THAT matter, where's your MOUTH?

GOLDBUG: (RM) (Ignoring Camshaft)

The rest of you? What do you mean?


This is my emergency transformation, Goldbug! This is what I look like if I transform without my trailer attached! Is it in there, Camshaft?

CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Looking hard into the smoke)

Nope! You're all that was in there.


The Decepticons must have taken it for some reason. But why?


Why, indeed! There's nothing in it that is of any use to them.


[SCENE: The planet Charr.]

[SHOT: Wide aft shot of Astrotrain (SM) as the Decepticons unload Ultra Magnus' trailer section.]


Right! Now that we have this lump of Ultra Magnus, let's get that back-up matrix out of it! Stand back! I'll TEAR it out!

SOUNDWAVE: (RM) (Interrupting Galvatron's fun)

Mighty Galvatron, wait. We must first force a transformation of this unit, or risk damaging the matrix.

GALVATRON: (RM) (Miffed)

Well, thank you Soundwave. I'm so glad you came along! TRANSFORM THIS HEAP! I'm growing impatient with this mess!

NIGHTSTICK: (NRM) (To himself)

Understatement of the year!

[ACTION: Soundwave reaches under the carrier and plugs in. It slowly starts to transform, first lifting the carrier bed and Soundwave up into the air. The arms start to form, but never show fist. A large square hole forms at the top of the body section. As everything seems to lock into position, Soundwave unplugs himself. He stands on the top of the body. He ejects Frenzy, who transforms (CAS)>(RM).]


Frenzy, enter the body and remove the back-up matrix.


On my way!

[ACTION: Frenzy jumps into the trailer section. Galvatron peers in. Shot moves with Frenzy into the body.]

GALVATRON: (RM) (Hysterical)

Hurry, Frenzy! Hurry! Rip it out of this thing if you have to! Pull it apart in there! Yank it out! HURRY!

[ACTION: Frenzy, who was looking up at Galvatron, looks down in front of him. He pushes a large square button in front of him, and out pops the matrix into his hands. He looks at the camera and shrugs. He then hold the matrix up.]


Is THIS what you wanted?

GALVATRON: (RM) (Ticked at how easy that was)

Give that to me!

[ACTION: Galvatron reaches in and snatches the matrix from Frenzy.]


Hey! Leave the fingers!

[SHOT/ACTION: Frenzy looks at his hand counting his digits. The shot cuts to an MCU of Galvatron holding matrix.]


At last! Now, let's give Prime a headache he'll never recover from! How do you start this thing?

[ACTION: Put off that he can't do anything with the matrix, Galvatron starts to hammer on it.]


Galvatron, please! It must be activated correctly, or it will self-destruct!

[ACTION: Galvatron flings the matrix at Soundwave.]


Very well, Soundwave! Turn this glowing spittoon on!

[ACTION: Soundwave inserts a probe from his fingers into the matrix. Shot cuts to the Omnibots on Earth.]


Omnibots, to Cybertron! Emergency! Optimus Prime, come in!

[SHOT: Shot cuts to Optimus Prime on Cybertron.]


We receive you, Overdrive. What's the problem?

[SHOT: MCU cuts to Soundwave. He makes a bleeping sound, and the matrix turns from a blue color to a flashing red.]


Set! In ten seconds, the matrix in Optimus Prime will shut him down!

[SHOT: Shot cuts to Ultra Magnus.]

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (Sensing something)

What the... something is wrong!


Of course something's wrong, Magnus! You're missing something rather large! You know, red, white and blue with eight wheels in the rear...

ULTRA MAGNUS: (RM) (REALLY Sensing something)


Prime! Eject the matrix shell! Quick!

[SHOT: MCU of Optimus Prime at the com station on Cybertron.]


Who was that? Identify....

[SHOT: CU of monitor screen with white Ultra Magnus on it.]


Good grief! Magnus!

[ACTION: Optimus reaches for his matrix center.]


If he says remove the matrix when he looks like that, I had better do it!

[ACTION: As the doors open, the matrix starts flashing red. Prime erupts in electrical shrouds of light. He stiffens and falls backwards with the matrix glowing from his chest. Perceptor comes over to Prime.]



[ACTION: Perceptor tries to reach for the matrix. As he does, an energy surge zaps him.]



Ooh! That smarts!

Perceptor to Omnibots! Prime's out cold! I can't get the matrix out of him! Can you tell me what's going on?

[SHOT: Wide shot of the Omnis and Ultra Magnus.]


That's what we'd like to know, Perceptor! What about it Magnus?


I wish I could tell you, Overdrive. I just got this feeling that the matrix was now dangerous to Prime! It has to have something to do with my carrier section! Come on! We're needed on Cybertron! Perceptor....

PERCEPTOR: (RM) (On monitor)

Great Cybertron! Ultra Magnus, is that you?


Let's not start that again, Perceptor! I need you to find Hot Rod for me. I have a feeling that he can help us with this situation.

[SCENE: The planet Charr - Magnus' trailer.]

[SHOT: MCU of Soundwave.]


I can sense a reaction from the master unit. Optimus Prime is off line! We can track him down with the backup matrix!


Why bother? We know that he is on Cybertron! Cyclonus, organize a strike team! Today, we finish Optimus Prime off for good! And this time, I DON'T WANT ANYTHING LEFT FOR ANYONE TO PUT BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!!! PRIME DIES FOR GOOD!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - END OF PART 1 - - - - - - - - - -

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©1987, 88 ARK NORTH - The Denivan//WBSI Inc.
©1997, 98 ArkNorth - Denivan Media Service

Transformers, Autobots, Decepticons, and their names are ®™ of HASBRO, Inc. and TAKARA, Inc.