A LACK OF EXISTENCE A Proposed Script for BEAST WARS/TRANSFORMERS By R. A. Stott ©1997 ARK NORTH - THE DENIVAN MEDIA SERVICES [Key] (BM) Beast Mode (RM) Robot Mode (CM) Car Mode (HM) HALF Mode (-M)>(-M) Transform from > to [ROLL CREDITS HERE] [SCENE: The camera flies over the Maximal base, the starship Axilon. It pans around to show the aft section. The camera continues around the ship, then starts flying down towards the hanger bay. Clanging and banging can be heard as the camera continues into the hanger bay. It comes to a rest on Bumblebee (RM) and Airazor (RM) who are cleaning out a large service room.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Aw, this is going to be GREAT! With all these blow-outs I've been having, a good old fashioned Autobot Repair Bay like Spark Plug used to have will be perfect! AIRAZOR: (RM) Well, I for one, will be glad for a place for you to change them at! How many times have we been riding around out there, and I wind up changing another flat? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Oh, come on! I've been able to fix most of my own flats! At least when it's my rear tires... AIRAZOR: (RM) (Teasing) Which is hardly ever! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Returning the jab) Well, if you don't want the ride, I'll just have to find someone else who does! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Laughing) Don't forget to show them where your cross-wrench is! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Ouch) Hey! AIRAZOR: (RM) Ha! I'm just kidding! It's not like there's many roads on this planet! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Umm... I'm going to have to switch to an all-terrain tire... At least I've flown home when I've had more than four flats... AIRAZOR: (RM) You know, if Rhinox could make your wings replaceable, why not your wheels? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I asked him... The energy needed to work both my wings and a possible wheel generator was too much for my "delicate systems" to take! AIRAZOR: (RM) So he gives you this ENTIRE service bay as a workshop? That's a lot for one Autobot! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well, that's just it... I'm an Autobot... The only part of me that's protoform is my outer skin and my energon pump! I still have a good chunk of a good old fashioned Class 7 Cybertronian hard-frame body under all of this proto-skin. Pretty high maintenance... And if we get Camshaft his body, we would BOTH be using this center. Heck, it'll be needed just to MAKE his body! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Looking around herself) ...And, it's not like you two would be the only ones using this area. Buuut - It's pretty well fried... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Yea... Well, that's what happens when you back into an atmosphere with your doors open! AIRAZOR: (RM) What were the bay doors doing open when Axilon entered the atmosphere? AH! The stasis pods! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Right! That chute outside this door leads to the pod room! This used to be the service room for the pods and the shuttles this ship had. AIRAZOR: (RM) The shuttles! That's right! This ship had two of them! What happen to them? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (pointing at a bulkhead) Well, from what I can tell, that's one of them imbedded in that bulkhead over there... The other one seems to have skipped out the hanger door when the ship impacted the ground. I found the remains of it in the river just over the cliff out there. AIRAZOR: (RM) Umph! That's a shame! We sure could have used them! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) True... but this facility may be of better use to us now. We've got this main room, two large workrooms on either side, and LOTS of storage lockers all around! There’s probably a good chunk of stuff left in them that could be of use for us! I saw part of a probe launcher in that locker over there... If we could get more parts together, we could put a probe in orbit! There's lots of goodies in here still! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Eager, rubbing her hands together) Well, if that's all the junk from in here, I guess we can start looking into these other rooms then! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Ah, just like a little kid in a candy shop! Have at it! Just remember, it probably is still more junk than treasure. AIRAZOR: (RM) (Opening a door) Aw! You take all the fun out of things! (Smell coming out door) PHEW! Whoa! It smells like hot polymers in there! (Yanking on sliding door) UMPH! UMPH! UMPH! Huh! 'No power to this door... AH! [ACTION: Airazor gives the door another yank. It opens slightly. A well burnt arm flops out. Airazor jumps back startled.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Startled) HUUUH!! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Also jumping back startled) WHOA! [ACTION: The door continues to slide open. The rest of the body falls out with a thud.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Crud! (Tapping his chest com) Bumblebee to Optimus and Rhinox! You'd better come down here to the service bay... We've found - er - someone... [SCENE: Dissolves to a view of the same room, only Optimus (RM) and Rhinox (RM) are now in the room with Bumblebee and Airazor. Rhinox has his back to the camera, and is scanning the body and the area beyond it in the hallway behind the door Airazor opened.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Sadly) Well, is it Togor? RHINOX: (RM) (Scanning) Yup. That's Togor all right. And he's not alone... I scan another body a few feet into the service room there... Looks like Sprocket. They both are quite dead, and non-recoverable. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Who were they? I think I remember Sprocket... RHINOX: (RM) Togor was the chief engineer for the ship. Sprocket was first engineer's mate. It looks like they were trying to get further into the ship when we started to back into the atmosphere... they're pretty well fried! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Shaking his head sadly) Have RatTrap set up another pair of preservation cases... We'll have the services tonight at the hold. [ACTION: Optimus quietly exits the room. Airazor and Bumblebee watch him leave with puzzled looks.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Confused) Preservation cases? ANOTHER pair? RHINOX: (RM) Umm... We don't have proper recycling systems on board. We need to take a deactivated Maximal back to Cybertron for proper recycling. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Oh, I understand the practice of interment and storage of terminally shut down Cybertronians - save what memory is recoverable - recycle what parts can be used by other Cybertronians - inter the remaining superstructure in a ceremonial crypt... I just never knew that you had any other crew members that have died! AIRAZOR: (RM) Neither did I! Was it during the crash? RHINOX: (RM) (Nodding) Uh huh... After we launched the crew into orbit in the stasis pods, it left the ship with an operational crew of 9 Maximals... essential services personnel... We lost 5 of these crew members when we crashed. We accounted for 3 of them... we thought that these two had been jettisoned when we found that the bay doors had been left open during the decent. AIRAZOR: (RM) Umph! So where is this hold Optimus was talking about? RHINOX: (RM) It's in the deck below that bay that I turned into the operation room for Bumblebee. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sarcastic) AH! I was wondering what that door was in there... What did you do, put the operation room close to that hold 'just-in-case?' RHINOX: (RM) (Matter of fact) Yup! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Faking shock) Oh, thank YOU so very much! RHINOX: (RM) Come on! I'll help you move these two... [SHOTS: The camera moves off the three of them and tilts towards the ceiling. It lands on something shining. The camera then does a quick zoom in to show an Insecticon (BM) watching the action below it. The shot cuts to a POV from the Insecticon. The camera pulls back to reveal the outer edges of a monitor screen. It then continues to back away until Scorponok (RM) is seen.] [SCENE: Inside the Predacon Base at Scorponok's work area.] [SHOT/ACTION: The camera continues to pull back from Scorponok until it is over a table across the room from where he is standing. A rack of Insecticons is on the table, as well as tools to work on them, and some accessories to attach to them. Scorponok comes over to the bench and starts to work on one. He starts mumbling to himself. He 'pampers' the Insecticons as he works on them. Beside the bench of Insecticons is a trio of cyber-bees. These bees have been modified with ejectors behind their abdomens. Scorponok opens one up. He takes 6 Insecticons, stacks them on top of one another, then lays them inside the bee. He closes the bee, loads it into his launching claw, and stores it away. He proceeds to do the same with the other two bees. He exits the shot.] [SCENE: Outside the main entry to the Predacon Base.] [SHOT/ACTION: Scorponok exits the Predacon ship. He takes a stance, pointing his launcher claws in either direction. He opens them up, dropping a bee into launch position on each. He fires his right, then his left, then resets the right claw. He points it straight in front of himself, drops the bee, then fires it off as well. The three bees fly off in their respective directions. Megatron (BM) then tromps in from behind Scorponok.] MEGATRON: (BM) Giving your drones an early morning workout, Scorponok? SCORPONOK: (RM) (Startled) Mighty Megatron! No, I'm sending out fresh Insecticons to the Maximal base! The old ones had run out of power! MEGATRON: (BM) You surprise me, Scorponok! That is a wise and intelligent thing to do! Yesss! Carry on! [ACTION: Megatron continues into the ship. Scorponok watches him go. He then turns to the camera a wipes his head.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Relieved) Phew! THAT was close! 'Hope I sent enough Insecticons! Ha ha! The Maximals are in for a surprise! [SHOTS/ACTION: Dissolve to a MCU shot of a cyber-bee flying. The camera follows the drone as it makes a low-level pass of the area around the Maximal base. As it skims the ground, an aft hatch opens and the 6 Insecticons drop out. They are all rolled up into balls, so they bounce along. They wind up near the middle of the Maximal Base, outside Sentinel's shield. Once they settle down, they gather together. As the camera gets a close up, it can be seen that two of the Insecticons are slightly different than the other four. These two odd ones have boring drills on their forelegs. They scamper up to the edge of Sentinel's shield and start drilling into the ground. As they bore holes into the ground, the other Insecticons follow. The view quickly moves to the front side of the base to show that the second group of Insecticons are following the same process.] [SCENE: Landing site of the third group of Insecticons, aft of the Maximal Base.] [SHOTS/ACTION: The third group of Insecticons are having a slight problem. The two boring Insecticons are in CU, swinging wildly with their drills at the camera. The camera swings around to show a large toad in CU. Then two more large toads appear. The shot cuts back to the boring Insecticons, who make their escape into the ground. The remaining four Insecticons are not fast enough to escape with the boring bugs, and are devoured by the toads.] [SCENE: First Insecticon landing site, inside the shield.] [SHOTS/ACTION: CU of the ground inside the shield as the two boring Insecticons of the First Group come up. Having used up their energy drilling through the ground, they collapse, and break apart. As the other four Insecticons emerge from the hole, they devoured the two dead boring Insecticons. As soon as nothing is left, they head for the ship. The camera pans quickly to Group Two to see that they too are heading for the ship after eating their two drillers.] [SCENE: The Memorial Hold. It is in the same storage bay where Rhinox operated on Bumblebee in FIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide panning shot showing Optimus (RM) giving his memorial to the two Maximals Bumblebee and Airazor found earlier.] OPTIMUS: (RM) ...So we commit the bodies of our fallen comrades to the Memorial Hold till the time comes for us to return to Cybertron. We know that without their sacrifice, the lives of our fellow Maximals would have been lost if they had not been able to launch the stasis pods in time. We commend them, and honor them... RatTrap... [ACTION: Optimus nods to RatTrap (RM) who presses a switch on the ends of each case that the bodies are in. A door swings over top the case and seals shut. Optimus looks over at Rhinox (RM), who is at a console across the room from him. Rhinox keys in on the console, and a service hatch opens on the floor. There are 3 more of these cases inside the hold. RatTrap attaches a pair of chained magnet clamps to the top of each case. Rhinox raises both off the deck and swings them over to the hold. All of the Maximals (RM) bow their heads as Rhinox lowers the two caskets into the hold. Removing the chains, Rhinox closes the hatch.] [SCENE: Outside the Maximal Base.] [SHOTS/ACTION: Insecticon Group 1 finds a crack in the hull of the ship at a ground contact point, and quickly scamper in. The camera swings along the edge of the ship towards Group 2, who have also found a hole to enter the ship by. Cutting to an inside shot, Group 1 finds themselves in a ductwork conduit. They move off in different directions. Returning to Group 2, they have found some sort of chute, and are tumbling down it. It deposits the Insecticons in a heap outside a vent grill in a hallway. The group right themselves, and are about to do the same as Group 1, when a large clawed foot comes down on three of the four Insecticons. The forth one looses a leg, but manages to scamper away. The camera swings up and shows that the foot belongs to a surprised Dinobot (BM).] DINOBOT: (BM) What in the inferno? (Looking under his foot) Humm... Insecticons... (Tapping his chest com) Dinobot to Optimus... I am in the hallway near the forward hold, by the shield generators. I have just stepped on a nest of Insecticons. [SCENE: Maximal bridge, com station.] [SHOT: CU of RatTrap at the com station.] RATTRAP: (RM) WHOA! Pest alert! Hey Sentinel, ol' buddy, why are ya lettin' Insecticons back into our humble abode? SENTINEL: (Voice Over) Scanners have not recorded any Insecticon infiltration. RATTRAP: (RM) Den I'd tell yer delicate scanners ta look at da bottom a Dino-dip's foot, ya digital dingdong! RHINOX: (RM) (Looking over RatTrap's shoulder at Sentinel's reading.) Humm, this is interesting... The scanners are just NOW reading the Insecticons as their energy levels drop. (Reaching in to key a switch) Dinobot, bring me the remains of those Insecticons so I can look them over. AND DON'T EAT THEM! [SHOT: MCU of Dinobot (BM) as he is about to munch on Insecticon chips.] DINOBOT: (BM) (Examining the flattened Insecticon) Phah! They'd probably taste better fried anyway! [SHOTS/ACTION: Dinobot reaches down to his foot to peel the other two Insecticons off while balancing on his left leg and tail. He removes the first one, but starts loosing his balance while trying to get the second. He begins to jump up and down to regain his posture, but finally looses it, falling backwards out of frame. The shot cuts to an ECU of the forth Insecticon reacting to crash heard of Dinobot hitting the floor. It turns, showing its missing leg to the camera, then scurries away.] DINOBOT: (Off frame) SLAG!! [SCENE: Rhinox's workroom.] [SHOT: Wide shot of Optimus (RM) and Rhinox (RM) looking over the remains of the three Insecticons. Rhinox is using a set of stereo-microscopes to examine the chunks.] RHINOX: (RM) (Impressed) Humph! You know, Optimus, if I didn't know that this critter had been made by Scorponok, I would have thought it came from the engineers at the Academy of Sciences. THIS is impressive! OPTIMUS: (RM) Or he stole it! RHINOX: (RM) Umm... That's more like it! He must have got his claws on something! Look at this... I was afraid I'd find this on his Insecticon... OPTIMUS: (RM) (Looking closely at what Rhinox is pointing out) You must have better optics than I do... I can barely see anything there but scrap! RHINOX: (RM) Here, I'll put it up on the holo-projector... [ACTION: Rhinox flips a switch on the microscope. It projects an enlarged image of the Insecticon remains on the wall behind them. A probe Rhinox is using to point out objects in the projection moves about the image.] RHINOX: (RM) There... See this? It's a phase discriminator! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Looking hard at the image, surprised) You're kidding! I've never seen one so small before! Why would an Insecticon need one of these? RHINOX: (RM) It's what they used to avoid our scanners... From what I can tell, the Phase Discriminator is hooked into a small field generator. When operational, it places a slight warp field around the Insecticon. Scanners see right through them. OPTIMUS: (RM) Prime... Then we could be hip deep in them right now, and not even KNOW it! RHINOX: (RM) We could be, but I think we would have noticed. We'd be hip deep in non-functioning Insecticons. OPTIMUS: (RM) Why is that? RHINOX: (RM) (Moving some parts of the Insecticon on the projection) A system like this would use a bunch of power! These three would have used up their power supply by now. As a matter of fact, I found pieces of ANOTHER Insecticon inside this one's reprocessors! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Aghast) It ATE another Insecticon? RHINOX: (RM) Sure did! I think these were special mission bugs. What for is hard to say. [SCENES: The inside of the closed Memorial Hold and Scorponok's workroom at the Predacon Base.] [SHOTS/ACTION: The camera runs along the top of the caskets. As the camera swings over the last case, it looks down at the base of the hold's wall. The corners do not meet properly (probably from the crash landings the ship has gone through). An Insecticon crawls through the hole. Then another. Then another. The first one starts climbing up the side of the first case. At his monitor at the Predacon Base, Scorponok is watching what his bugs are doing. An alert flashes on his screen.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Flicking a switch on his console) Hurry! Find a power source and plug in. You all need a recharge. [SHOTS/ACTION: MCU of an Insecticon climbing the side of casket #1. The Insecticon stops at the control panel on the side of the casket. It transforms (BM)>(RM) into a tiny robot no bigger than the bug it started as. It opens its wing covers, reaches into a supply housing it has back there, and pulls out a small box with a cable attached to one end. It then rears back and lets the control panel have it with a left hook, shattering it, and exposing its circuitry inside. The camera quickly shows that four other Insecticons are doing the same at the other cases. The first one then places the cable ends onto both of its pincers, then places the box onto some live circuitry inside the control panel. Power feeds into the Insecticons. The shot cuts back to Scorponok. He notices that the last Insecticon is having trouble hooking up. It turns out that it was damaged when Dinobot stepped on its comrades. Scorponok urges it on like a mother hen.] SCORPONOK: (RM) Come on... you can do it... a little energy will do you a world of good! That's it! Goood bug! That's my Insecticon! [SHOTS/ACTION: Shot returns to the first Insecticon while it is still recharging. It reaches into its supply storage and pulls out some tools. Using the tools, it reaches into the control panel and starts tinkering with the systems. With a few short sparks, the hatch pops open. The Insecticon transforms (RM)>(BM), detaches from its recharge cables, and crawls into the casket. The shot cuts to an interior view of the case, as the Insecticon crawls down it. It jumps over to the body. It quickly scans the body. The shot cuts to a POV view over Scorponok's shoulder at a diagnostic readout appearing on his screen.] SCORPONOK: (RM) Hea, hea, hea... Attach! [SHOTS/ACTION: The Insecticon moves below the body, behind the head, at the top of the neck. It then proceeds to transform in an unusual manner. It opens its pincers wide, opens its wing covers wide, deploys its robot legs, but backwards like a bird's leg, then brings all of its legs and pincers forward (HM). The tips of all of these extremities start to glow as the Insecticon leaps onto the dead Maximal and imbeds itself into the neck. The camera swings around to show the faceplate of the Maximal. The eyes start to dimly glow. Suddenly, the body gives a convulsive twitch. The shot goes black.] [SCENE: Bumblebee's repair bay.] [SHOTS/ACTION: A crack of light appears. The repair bay starts to appear as the crack widens. Airazor (RM) peeks around the corner of the crack/door.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Anyone home? [SHOT/ACTION: Airazor continues to open the door, lighting the room with a flashlight. Finding nothing but junk, she opens the door the rest of the way. Bumblebee (RM) is behind her, pulling a large chunk of drive-plate across the room. Realizing her folly, Airazor is frustrated with herself.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Frustration) OHWOOF! What am I doing!? I'm jumping at shadows! [ACTION: Bumblebee, noticing Airazor's frustration, puts the plate down and comes over to her location. He peeks into the room she just opened.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey, are you okay Airy? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Frustrated) Yea... I'm just a bit spooked by finding those two bodies earlier. I'll be alright... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey, you're allowed to have the willies after something like that! Take a break and stretch your wings for a while - I can clean up in there. AIRAZOR: (RM) (Slightly irked at being told to take a break) That's okay... I'll be fine... [ACTION: A large metal pipe clangs to the deck inside the room Airazor was about to work on. She nearly jumps out of her sox. Bumblebee is startled as well, but suddenly finds himself with Airy hanging onto him.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Surprised at Airazor hanging on him) Hey! Take five! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Slightly embarrassed, smiling sheepishly at him) Okay. [ACTION: Airazor gives Bumblebee a peck on the cheek, then heads for the exit. He stands there for a moment letting what just occurred sink in.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Stunned) On second thought... I think I'll join you! [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee follows Airazor out the main door. They both transform (RM)>(BM) and fly off. The camera continues to pan around until it is looking into the darkened room that Airazor was about to clean out. Some more clanging can be heard. Then multiple illuminated eyes appear.] [F T B] [SCENE: Rhinox's workroom.] [SHOTS/ACTION: F F B. MCU of Rhinox (RM) in his work room studying the Insecticons remains. Suddenly, he can hear loud banging and clanging coming up through an air duct. Some of the banging can be felt throughout the ship. It seems to be coming from the aft section of the base.] RHINOX: (RM) What in the cybertronic world? [SHOTS/ACTION: Rhinox gets up from his workbench. He listens to the duct. Banging and clanging can be heard. Shot cuts to an MCU of RatTrap (RM). He is carrying a case when he hears the clanging and banging.] RATTRAP: (RM) (Putting the case down) What da heck are dey doin' back there? Changin' da wall colors? [ACTION: RatTrap heads down the corridor towards the rear.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey, you two! Leave some of da deck-plates, will ya? (Out of picture) WHOA! Who are YOU’S? YEOW!! [SHOT/ACTION: Shot cuts back to Rhinox in his workroom. He looks out his doorway towards the bridge. Cheetor (RM) is lazily looking at a scanner monitor, bored silly.] RHINOX: (RM) What is Bumblebee hauling out of that bay back there, the engine core? CHEETOR: (RM) (Startled) What!? Huh? Bumblebee? I thought that was you making all that racket! RHINOX: (RM) Naw... That's coming from the back of the base. CHEETOR: (RM) (Turning to his console) Well, it's not coming from Bumblebee either! The Bug and Airy are having an early evening fly-around. Is it me, or are those two becoming a bit more than chummy? RHINOX: (RM) (Dinging Cheetor in the head as he comes over behind him) None of YOUR business, Cheetor! [ACTION: The bridge shakes to another clang of metal. Rhinox punches a com button.] RHINOX: (RM) Rhinox to Bumblebee - Rhinox to Bumblebee. Come in! BUMBLEBEE: (Over com) Go ahead RB... What's up? RHINOX: (RM) Hey Bug, did either of you leave anything running down in that hold you're making? Something down there is making a real racket! [SHOT/ACTION: 2 shot of Bumblebee (BM) and Airazor (BM) flying along. They look at one another for a moment.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) No, there's nothing down there TO run! [SHOT/ACTION: Shot returns to the bridge of the Maximal ship. The base rocks violently to a MAJOR crash.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, get back here pronto! Something down there is causing this ship to jump around on its foundations! BUMBLEBEE: (Over com) Be right there! RHINOX: (RM) Cheetor, where are the others? CHEETOR: (RM) It looks as if Big-Bot and Dinobot are already looking into the situation! Tigatron headed out earlier for his patrol. I've got NO idea where RatTrap is! RHINOX: (RM) (Punching another button on the com station) I sent him down to get a few supplies from the hold! Rhinox to RatTrap - report! RATTRAP: (Yelling over the com) Rhinox, ol' buddy! If you're ever da one I wanted ta hear from! HELP MEEEEE! NO! WAIT! GO AWAY! TOGOR, NO! SPROCKET, STOP! NO!! NO!! YEAAAAAAA! - kizzzzzit - UGH! - zzzzzzzip! [ACTION: The bridge shakes to another heavy thump.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Wide eyed) Togor? Sprocket? But they're... RHINOX: (RM) ...Dead. [SHOTS/ACTION: The camera follows Bumblebee (BM) and Airazor (BM) as they dive into the aft section of the ship. They enter the landing bay and transform (BM)>(RM). Bumblebee pulls out his small gun. Airazor cocks her wrist missiles. They cautiously enter the bay. There, they find the bay that they were working on a pile of rubble. Most seems to have come from above, as if someone had brought a chunk of the drive room down.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shocked by what she sees) Huuh! Oh, Bumblebee! Look at this! All of our work! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking up at the hole in the roof) Well, it's not the drive unit... That hole is the floor from above... And look at that! AIRAZOR: (RM) What? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pointing at a section of ceiling) See that chunk of roof? That didn't fall... that was yanked! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Pointing at the pile of rubble) Bumblebee, what is THAT? [SHOT: Camera follows Airazor's pointing. It lands on a pile of rubble near the doorway she was going to clean earlier. RatTrap's right arm is sticking out from under it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Rushing over to the arm) Great Cybertron! That looks like RatTrap's right arm! [ACTION: Bumblebee attempts to remove RatTrap from under the junk, but as he does, all he gets is the arm. RatTrap isn't attached to it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking at the arm) Oh great! RatTrap!? RatTrap, are you here?! RATTRAP: (RM) (Weakly, from under the junk) Yo, Bug! Over here! And a bit over der... and over der! HA! oooooh! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pointing over to one side) Over there! [ACTION: Airazor and Bumblebee dive into the middle of the pile and start digging. Airazor finds RatTrap's left leg.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Digging) Huh! Here's one of his legs... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Digging - Uncovering RatTrap's face) Here's his head! Umph! RatTrap! What are you doing under all this junk? RATTRAP: (RM) (Panicked - Rambling - Scared) Man! Get out'a here! Get OUT! They're not alive, man! They are not even alive! I fired point-blank into one a'dem - went right through him! Didn't even stop him! [ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor look at each other.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) He? Who?... AIRAZOR: (RM) (Grabbing Bumblebee by the shoulder) Watch it! [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor react to noises coming from behind the main door to the bay. They both pull out their guns. Shot switches to the door as it drops to the floor. Optimus (RM) and Dinobot (RM) enter. Optimus is looking up at the roof.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Looking at roof) Oh brother! It's a good thing that drive isn't working! We'd have one PRIME core breach there! BUMBLEBEE & AIRAZOR: (RM) Optimus! Dinobot! Over here! [ACTION: Optimus and Dinobot head over to Bumblebee and Airazor.] DINOBOT: (RM) (Ribbing Bumblebee) I LOVE your redecoration! Early junk heap I presume? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pointing to RatTrap) Ha ha... Give us a hand getting RatTrap out of this, would ya? OPTIMUS: (RM) By the matrix! RatTrap! You're a mess! What happened? RATTRAP: (RM) (Weakly) Oh MAN! I think I just did a workout with a walkin' recyclor! Uhh, I'm scrapped! (Grabbing Optimus with his still attached left arm) Optimus, I BURIED them! You'd think dey'd show some RESPECT! [ACTION: RatTrap falls back, blacking out.] OPTIMUS: (RM) Buried them? What do you think he meant? DINOBOT: (RM) Hisss... I'm not sure, but I don't like the FEEL of this! (Looking up at the hole in the roof) It would take someone of MASSIVE strength to tear the engine room's reinforced deck plates like that! RHINOX: (Over com) Rhinox to Optimus! Rhinox to Optimus! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Tapping com) Go ahead, Rhinox... [SHOT: Low shot looking up through a torn hole at Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) Optimus, I think you'd better come to the memorial hold. You've GOT to SEE this! [SHOT: Wide shot of the destroyed service bay.] OPTIMUS: (RM) We'll be there as soon as we can, Rhinox... DINOBOT: (RM) We'll need to unearth the vermin quickly! [ACTION: Dinobot starts digging while Optimus looks at him a bit stunned by his sudden concern over RatTrap. Optimus then joins in with the others.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Digging) Bumblebee, you and Airazor take RatTrap to the bridge... Get him into the R-Chamber, while Dinobot and I find out what Rhinox has found. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Digging - Counting parts) Right! Just as soon as we find his right leg! Anyone see it? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Digging) Here it is! Here, give me a hand... Dinobot, isn't that his gun there? DINOBOT: (RM) (Looking down beside himself) Humm? Oh, so it is... Here... (Handing it to Bumblebee) BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Armful of RatTrap parts) Thanks... Okay, everyone take some parts and follow me... We'll put them in my rear seat when I transform outside in the hallway... [ACTION: They all exit the service bay. Bumblebee puts down his armful, then transforms (RM)>(CM). He opens both doors. Optimus, Dinobot and Airazor place RatTrap's smaller parts into his rear seat, and his head and torso into the passenger front seat. Airazor then climbs into his driver's seat.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Shutting Bumblebee's door and patting his roof) There you go! Roll for it! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Burning rubber) Humm! I haven't heard THAT in a while! I'm off! [SCENE: The memorial hold.] [SHOTS/ACTION: Shot dissolves to a wide view of the memorial hold room. Optimus (RM) and Dinobot (RM) arrive. Rhinox (RM) and Cheetor (RM) are checking out the hold. The hold's door has been wrenched out of its mount. All of the casket cases are opened, and bodies contained within missing, except one (the one with the damaged Insecticon).] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Shocked) Great Cybertron! What happened here? DINOBOT: (RM) (Surprised) Where are the bodies? CHEETOR: (RM) (Miffed) The Preds have sunk to a new low! Takin' the bodies of our dead comrades! Totally bogus, man! DINOBOT: (RM) (Shocked himself) Strangely, firball, I am in agreement with you! This is NOT the Predacon way! Going clear back to the Autobot and Decepticons, both sides have always TRIED to respect each others honored dead! OPTIMUS: (RM) True... Though the matrix is telling me of some instances where Decepticons DID attack Autobots on hallowed grounds... But THIS doesn't make any sense! Why would the Predacons steal the bodies of dead Maximals? RHINOX: (RM) Well, I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet... There's some oddities here I can't explain yet! OPTIMUS: (RM) Like? RHINOX: (RM) Well, it may have been the Predacons, but I think these bodies may have stolen themselves! See this case cover? It's bent from the INSIDE - OUT. Same with the hatch cover. DINOBOT: (RM) (Looking at Optimus) Humm... It looks like RatTrap was correct in his description of his attacker. OPTIMUS: (RM) Yes... Our own crew members somehow tearing our base apart! But why are our dead comrades walking about? And what about this one here? [ACTION: Optimus points to the last body in the crypt. Just as Optimus does this, the eye on the body light up. Its arm, having been crossed, whip across the case, grabbing its edges. The body hauls itself up. Cheetor jumps back. Rhinox is scanning the body as it rises.] CHEETOR: (RM) ROWL!! Zombie alert! Rhinox, why is it doing this?! RHINOX: (RM) (Reading his scanner, waiving a probe over the zombie) Bizarre! I scan no life in this body, but its repair systems are working overtime. Cydrenilan pump is about to go hyper! This is a walking NIGHTMARE! YAAOOOF! [ACTION: The zombie Maximal tears the lid to its case off and swats Rhinox with it, sending him flying. It then leaps from the case.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Firing his gun at the zombie) BAG THAT BODY! [ACTION: The zombie twists, turns, and avoids all of Cheetor's rounds. In all of its jumping around, Cheetor notices a patch of blue-green on the back of its neck, just as the zombie plants its foot in Cheetor's chest.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Pained) HUH!! For someone who's DEAD, it sure has a radical kick! WHOOSH! [ACTION: The zombie does a back-flip, and land directly in front of Dinobot, who skewers the zombie with his sword.] DINOBOT: (RM) RAAAAAA! [ACTION: The zombie looks at the sword and simply backs out of it, undamaged. Dinobot rears back to get another shot on the zombie, but it gives him a shot to his chin with its foot.] DINOBOT: (RM) (Rubbing his chin) Impressive! [ACTION: The zombie quickly turns to face Optimus. But before it can react, Optimus is right on it, and gives the dead Maximal the back of his left hand, sending it smashing against the bulkhead.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Miffed) RAAAAA! [ACTION: The zombie stops for a moment. Its eyes turn from a red to a blue. It grabs its head, rubbing where it smacked the wall.] ZOMBIE: (RM) (Raspy - Badly modulated - NOT THROUGH ITS MOUTH) Ohh! What... what... what's going on? (Quickly looking about) The ship! The ship is about to crash! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Standing over the zombie, looking down at it) Rhinox, what is going on? RHINOX: (RM) (Coming over to the zombie scanning) Ramming her into the wall must have engaged her memory systems. She still scans as having no life, but many of her systems are coming on-line! Pacer, Pacer, can you hear me. Do you understand me? [ACTION: Optimus reacts to Rhinox reference to the zombie as "Pacer."] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Shocked realization) HER? PACER! By the makers! That's Pacer's body! DINOBOT: (RM) (Rubbing his chin) Pacer? - GRRR - What was she? Tactical officer? Head of security? CHEETOR: (RM) (trying to get his breath) Chief Medical Officer - huhh - huhh! Hey, Doc Pacer, what gives? PACER: (RM) (Blind - senseless - NO MOUTH) Fornox, Cantor, what - what - what is happening to me? I'm - I'm alone... I can't feel... I... Help me! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Concerned) Pacer, it's Optimus. Can you hear me? PACER: (RM) (Blind - NO MOUTH - Stumbling, arms stretched out) Optimus? Optimus, where are you? RHINOX: (RM) (Scanning) Easy, Pacer! Easy! (To Optimus) Whatever has happened to cause this has reactivated her memory system buffers. I would assume some major degradation of the memory tracks. But whatever is causing her repair systems to function so hard is actually fixing some of those problems as well! CHEETOR: (RM) Cool! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Nodding - Taking a deep breath) (Calmly) Pacer, do you know where you are? Do you know what you are doing? PACER: (RM) (Blind - NO MOUTH - Audio clearing) Optimus - the last thing I remember was prepping the stasis pod scanners from sick bay. Section 11 takes a direct hit! Hull breech! The roof of sick bay is torn away! The plasma sterilizer bursts! I'M ON FIRE! AAAAUGH! [ACTION: Pacer grabs her head and falls to her knees.] RHINOX: (RM) (Sternly - Reading a spike on his scanner) Whoa! Optimus, careful! Having all of that information flow back into her isn't exactly a GOOD thing! [ACTION: Optimus kneels beside Pacer.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Taking her hand - Calmly) I'm sorry, Pacer. I didn't mean to hurt you. But I need to know what is going on now. PACER: (RM) (Blind - Mouth starts to work with her voice) You have a good bed-side manner, Optimus... (Shuddering - Whispering) I died, didn't I? My spark was extinguished, wasn't it? OPTIMUS: (RM) (Quietly) Yes... And I need to know by what miracle you've come back to us? PACER: (RM) (Eyes start to work) I wish I could tell you - OH! I can see! I can feel my scan tips again! (Looking at a blurry Optimus) Whoa! Optimus! What happened to you? Is that you Fornox? RHINOX: (RM) (Adjusting his scanner, getting closer to Pacer) It's Rhinox now, Pace... CHEETOR: (RM) Hey Big R - Hi Doc! - I saw something on the back of her neck while she was knocking my spots across the room earlier... RHINOX: (RM) Oh? Let's see... Ah! There IS something! PACER: (RM) (Reaching behind her neck) What is THAT? Ew! It's MOVING! RHINOX: (RM) (Sternly) DON'T REMOVE IT! Let's have a look at it OPTIMUS: (RM) Here, bend over Pacer... GREAT MAKERS! Rhinox, what IS that? CHEETOR: (RM) (Grabbing his belly) Oh man! I think I'm gonna be sick! DINOBOT: (RM) Fascinating! RHINOX: (RM) (Scanning) Dang! It's an Insecticon! That's a new transformation, though. OPTIMUS: (RM) What is it doing? RHINOX: (RM) It's acting like a battery jumper! It's operating all the vital systems needed for a spark! It's got the repair systems working like gang-busters - body functions and motor reflexes, you name it! I think we're seeing that 'Special Mission' I told you about earlier - Humm - That's interesting... This Insecticon is damaged... See? That leg is broken off... DINOBOT: (RM) (Looking closely at the Insecticon) Do you think it was the one that got away when I stepped in that nest of Insecticons earlier? RHINOX: (RM) No doubt... and I'd say that there was another nest somewhere... CHEETOR: (RM) (Scratching his head) Well, it's all radical and all, but something here is majorly bogus. Obviously, the Predacons sent these Insecticons... why reactivate our Maximals buds just to rejoin us? DINOBOT: (RM) Humph! Sounds like another of Scorponok's failed attempts at creativity! RHINOX: (RM) (Pointing at the missing leg on the Insecticon) Uhh, I wouldn't say that it was a total failure... From its position, if this leg had hooked up, it would have cut off Pacer's memory monitor, making her body a nice little Predacon controlled zombie. PACER: (RM) (Grabbing Optimus' arm) Optimus, I'm afraid... I've died once, I don't want to do it again... OPTIMUS: (RM) (Sadly) I'm not sure there's anything we can do, Pace... There isn't a spark doing this. If the Predacons are controlling this, then they could turn the Insecticon off at any time. DINOBOT: (RM) (Noticing the "relationship" between Optimus and Pacer) Humm... maybe I can help... Sentinel, set up a new program - Dinobot-1.1... scan for Predacon transmission signals, ranging from the upper Alpha to lower Beta levels from this unit (pointing at the Insecticon). SENTINEL: (Over com - slight delay) Two signals found - Alpha 295.830 Video/Audio... Beta 1.00279 digital control... DINOBOT: (RM) Override Beta 1.00279 and take control of said signal! Randomly recalculate and reprogram this signal so that only YOU have control over it! SENTINEL: (Over com) Acknowledged... [ACTION: Optimus looks at Dinobot in mild surprise. Dinobot notices this.] DINOBOT: (RM) (Embarrassed) Humph! I've been around you Maximals too long! My compassion circuit seems to be operational again! PHAAA! [SCENE: Scorponok's workroom at the Predacon Base.] [SHOTS/ACTION: Camera does a wild zoom-in on Scorponok reacting to a grid on his screen. Presuming that the grid, which is showing a drop of something, is showing him a loss of control over that Insecticon on Pacer, Scorponok is having a mild fit.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Panicking - hitting switches on his console) No - NO! STOP! You CAN'T take control of MY Insecticon! NO! PRED COMPUTER: (Over com) Loss of control - 60% - 70% - 80% - 90% - Total loss of control signal, Insecta-drone Number 12... SCORPONOK: (RM) (Pounding his controls) Boost signal! Switch to back-up settings! Get it BACK!! PRED COMPUTER: (Over com) Unable to comply... Sentinel has total control of unit... Unit is too close to Sentinel's transmitter for our signal to get through... SCORPONOK: (RM) (Enraged) Well, if they think that they can take any of my Insecticons using that computer of theirs, I'll just shut it down! Insecta-drones - head for the bridge of the ship! Destroy Sentinel's command center! [SHOT: MCU of Scorponok giving orders to his Insecticons. Far behind Scorponok is a large shadowy figure watching what he is doing.] [SCENE: A hallway heading towards the bridge of the Maximal Base.] [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee (CM), with Airazor (RM) in his driver's seat, is seen heading towards the camera. He reaches the outside of the doorway leading to Rhinox's workroom when he comes to a screeching halt.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Pulling herself off Bumblebee's windshield) Hey Bug! What's the big idea? YEOWP! [ACTION: Bumblebee quickly shifts into reverse, and steers into Rhinox's workroom.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Confused) What's wrong? Why did you back into here? BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) My early warning systems just keyed in! I thought I saw something on the bridge. Quick, get RatTrap out of my cab! [ACTION: Airazor quickly removes RatTrap from Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) Bumblebee, MAXIMIZE! [ACTION: As soon as Airazor is clear, Bumblebee transforms (CM)>(RM) and pulls out his missile launcher.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Noticing the large bang-bang) WHOA! Isn't that a bit of overkill? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking at Airy with a "Yea, Right!" look) If you think I'm about to fire this thing in here, you'd better downshift to a lower gear! I'm using its scanners to see what's going on in the next room... [ACTION: Bumblebee places the muzzle of the launcher against the bulkhead.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking through Targeting Scope) Scan-zoom, 5 feet... [SHOT/ACTION: POV of the Targeting Scope's screen. It shows 4 dark shadows with small Predacon marks on the back of their necks. They are moving about the bridge, around Sentinel's central table.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Sentinel - intruder alert - bridge - 4 targets... SENTINEL: (Over com) Negative - no scannable targets located... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Peering at Airazor from behind the Targeting Scope) You've got to be kidding! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shrugging) Tough computer to convince! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Turning back to his Targeting Scope) It's about to be little pieces of computer if it doesn't listen to me soon! (To himself) Teletran was never THIS difficult to talk to! Sentinel, YOU are about to be trashed. Override your scanners and lock onto my targeting scope! (Highlighting the targets on his scope's screen) THESE are your targets! SENTINEL: (Over com) Acknowledged - Ejecting unknown objects... [SHOTS/ACTION: Reaction shot of Airazor as she hears the sounds of repulsor shots from the other side of the wall. View switches back to the targeting scope's screen POV of the bridge. 3 of the 4 shadows are punched across the room by Sentinel's pulse guns. The forth shadow is fighting back. Sentinel switches to energy binders, which wrap around all 4 targets. The shot cuts to outside the ship below the exit hatch lifts. The door opens to the exit hatch. The sound of Sentinel's pulse guns can be heard. The 4 bodies drop out of the hatchway. The door then slams shut. The shot moves to the inside of the bridge, across the room from the hallway leading into it. Bumblebee and Airazor peer into the bridge from the doorway of Rhinox's workroom. They find the place a shambles. They drag RatTrap in with them.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Examining the room - Carrying most of RatTrap) Check the R-Chamber... I'll cover you... AIRAZOR: (RM) (Moving over to the R-Chamber) Right! [ACTION: Bumblebee places RatTrap into the R-Chamber, while Airazor checks the controls. Bumblebee then picks up his launcher, and starts scanning the floor.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Closing the hatch to the R-Chamber) It's fine! (Noticing Bumblebee looking below the bridge) Do you see anything? [ACTION: The bridge suddenly convulses with a thump from below.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Peeking at Airazor from the targeting scope) Uh oh... [SHOTS/ACTION: Shot cuts to a POV of the screen of Bumblebee's targeting scope. It is showing him the view below the ship. The forth body that had been fighting the hardest is tearing the hatch off the exit lift. Shot cuts back to a wide shot of the bridge. Bumblebee opens the glass canopy over the exit hatchway, drops the lift floor, then straddles the exit.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To Airazor) Stand back! [ACTION: Bumblebee points his launcher down the hatchway.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To his targeting scanner) Right! Target lock! TARGETING SCANNER: (Internal) Negative target lock - no target offered... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Miffed) Manual override! [SHOT/ACTION: Shot cuts to the targeting screen. Bumblebee places the targeting marker on the zombie. Just then, the creature looks up at Bumblebee.] TARGETING SCANNER: (Internal) Target locked... standing by... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Recognizing his old friend) TRAILBREAKER!? Aw, NO! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Surprised) What? Who? Is that a friend of yours? [SHOTS/ACTION: View from the scanner shows the zombies wrenching the hatch away. The camera cuts to a full shot of Bumblebee as he fires, filling the hatchway with smoke. It is quickly followed by fire and more smoke as the missile explodes below the ship. The bridge leaps. Airazor can hardly hold her position. In the hatchway, Bumblebee is still looking into his targeting scope when he hears more wrenching sounds.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Aw nutz! I hope I don't know any of THOSE zombies! [SHOT/ACTION: Bumblebee pans to his right and spies the other zombies trying to remove the other hatch.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To targeting system) Lock One - Two - Three... Load three... TARGETING SCANNERS: (Internal) Three loaded... [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee pivots so that the missiles will go down his exit hatch, and fires again. The glass cover over the hatch to his left (our right) instantly fills with smoke, and again the bridge is shaken by the blast of missile explosions. He then reaches down, grabs the lift deckplate that he dropped, and pulls it shut. Optimus (RM), Dinobot (RM) and Cheetor (RM) arrive on the bridge to see Bumblebee come out of the smoking exit hatch.] DINOBOT: (RM) (Sarcastically) Is there a REASON you're making new pot-holes at the base of the exit portals? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Scolding Dinobot in Bumblebee's defence) He was blasting those creatures that wrecked RatTrap! They were about to take out Sentinel's control systems. OPTIMUS: (RM) Humm, sounds like Scorponok found out about your little trick with Sentinel! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Confused) Trick? OPTIMUS: (RM) Yes, these creatures are our own dead comrades... Scorponok is controlling their bodies by means of Insecticons that are imbedding themselves in the base of their necks. CHEETOR: (RM) Yea, and he's made them almost totally impossible to stop by turning their repair systems to max! They fix themselves before you get a chance to scratch 'em a second time! AIRAZOR: (RM) (To Dinobot) So what's this "trick" you pulled on Scorponok? DINOBOT: (RM) Rhinox and the firball found one of these zombies still down in the hold. It had not been able to leave the hold because its Insecticon was damaged by my earlier encounter with their nest. OPTIMUS: (RM) He had Sentinel set up a jamming signal to that Insecticon, thus taking control of it. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Impressed) Well, way to GO Teeth! OPTIMUS: (RM) Unfortunately, that leaves us with 4 more of these zombies to deal with, and some are REAL brutes! Togor and Sprocket weren't slouches... Then there was Trailbreaker... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Shocked) Then that WAS Trailbreaker I saw! He was part of your crew? OPTIMUS: (RM) Old Trailbreaker? Sure, he was part of our crew. He was our advance tactical officer in charge of scouting planets we were going to check over. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Rubbing soot off his face) Well, he was the one who took the hatch off its hinges down there... uh oh! OPTIMUS: (RM) What? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Putting the scope back up to his face) Trailbreaker had a force field generator! He may have deflect-... [ACTION: Trailbreaker comes bursting up the hatchway. As everyone starts firing at the lumbering hulk, Bumblebee switches weapons, then joins the fight. But all this fire seem to be doing little to stop the body of Trailbreaker.] CHEETOR: (RM) His repair systems must be working overtime, Big Bot! OPTIMUS: (RM) It might be the ONLY thing working inside him right now! Any ideas? CHEETOR: (RM) Sure do, boss man! Get ready to jump him and hold him down! Sentinel! How about wrapping him up with some energy bands? Double legs and arms! SENTINEL: (Over com) Acknowledged! [ACTION: Sentinel fires strand after strand at the body of Trailbreaker. It nearly mummifies the zombie.] CHEETOR: (RM) RIGHT! GET HIM FACE DOWN! [ACTION: Optimus and Dinobot jump Trailbreaker, who is fighting and struggling against the strands. They force him to the floor, face first. Cheetor leaps in.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Examining the Insecticon) Which leg was it, Optimus? OPTIMUS: (RM) (Struggling with Trailbreaker) Ah! I see where you're getting at! Top right - HURRY! [ACTION: Trailbreaker breaks one of the straps. Cheetor reaches in and grabs the top right leg of the Insecticon. He pulls, yanks, but can't get the leg to budge.] CHEETOR: (RM) Uh! It won't come out! Dinobot, see if you can get your claw under its arm and cut it off! [ACTION: Dinobot reaches over, and with his thumb and forefinger acting like scissors, cleanly severs the offending leg off the Insecticon, just as Trailbreaker snaps the band holding his legs. His leg hits Dinobot, sending him skidding across the floor.] DINOBOT: (RM) (Clearing his head) Grrrr! You're WELCOME! Sentinel, make duplicate program of Dinobot-1.1 - Run program Dinobot-1.2 on the Insecticon in THAT shell! [QUICK SCENE: Scorponok's workroom in the Predacon Base.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Incensed) NO! NO! NO!!!! Boosting output! [SCENE: Bridge of the Maximal Base.] [ACTION: Without the leg in Trailbreaker's system, Scorponok's orders can not be done. But Trailbreaker also does not respond as Pacer did. He simply goes limp, with no sign of activity.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Yelling into Trailbreaker's audio receptors) Trailbreaker - TRAILBREAKER!! Humm... Nothing... Maybe it's because he was an Autobot - Was he an Autobot or a Maximal when he died? OPTIMUS: (RM) (Keying his communicator) Maximal... His transformation was an Aldeveran Mammoth - it looked more mechanical than our bodies do on THIS planet, but it still looked like a mammoth! Rhinox and Pacer to the bridge! [SHOT/ACTION: View dissolves to a few minutes later on the bridge as Rhinox and Pacer arrive.] RHINOX: (RM) (Surprised at the sight on the floor) Umph! Trailbreaker! Well, that would explain all the wreckage! [ACTION: Rhinox and Pacer start scanning Trailbreaker. Rhinox then taps his scanner, not believing the readout.] RHINOX: (RM) (Showing his scanner to Optimus) Er... Optimus, look at this reading... OPTIMUS: (RM) (Shocked) That can't be! That's impossible! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking over Optimus' shoulder at Rhinox's scanner) What is it? Wait a minute... that's a SPARK! CHEETOR: (RM) (Surprised) A SPARK? PACER: (RM) (Adjusting her scanner) A SPARK!? Great makers! IT IS! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Gasping) HUUUH! [SCENE: Scorponok's workroom in the Predacon Base.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Holding his head and shrieking) NO! NO! NO!! A SPARK!? Where are the other three bodies now? Insecta-drones, report diagnostics! Scan for sparks inside your shell! INSECTI-DRONE 2: (Over com) Drone 2 - repairs 75%... Spark at 45%... SCORPONOK: (RM) I can't believe it! INSECTI-DRONE 6: (Over com) Drone 6 - repairs 80%... Spark at 30%... SCORPONOK: (RM) I can't believe it! INSECTI-DRONE 8: (Over com) Drone 8 - repairs 30%... Spark at 50%... SCORPONOK: (RM) I can't believe it! I've created LIFE! [ACTION: Scorponok is startled by a thumping behind him. He turns to see Megatron (BM) tromping in from the dark background.] MEGATRON: (BM) You've RESTORED life, not CREATED it, yesss! It's been DONE BEFORE! SCORPONOK: (RM) (Stuttering) M-M-MIGHTY MEGATRON!? Oh, forgive me Megatron! I wanted to s-s-surprise you with my new Insecticons, but I never though my Insecti-drones... MEGATRON: (BM) (Calmly) But you HAVE surprised me, Scorponok, yesss. What you may have WANTED to do is irrelevant. What you HAVE done is provided me with THREE NEW PREDACON CANDIDATES! YESSS! Get those remaining Maximal bodies back here! SCORPONOK: (RM) Er... Yes, mighty Megatron! R-right away! (Into the com) Insecti-drones! Return to the Predacon Base at once! [SUB-SCENE: High shot over the Maximal Base.] [ACTION: Airazor (BM) passes over the camera as she flies down towards the Maximal Base.] [SCENE: The bridge of the Maximal Base.] [ACTION: Rhinox is busy scanning Pacer. Airazor (BM) comes up the exit hatch and transforms (BM)>(RM).] AIRAZOR: (RM) No sign of the other 3 bodies, Optimus... And there's not enough parts out there for them to have been vaped by Bug's missiles. How's our doctor doing? RHINOX: (RM) There's a spark there... It's small, but growing. And it does have your energy signature. 'Looks like Scorponok did us a favor this time, Optimus. Even if he wasn't trying to in the first place. OPTIMUS: (RM) (Nodding) Maybe, but I can just bet that he knows what he's done, and he's having those 3 bodies get back to him. We're about to have 3 more Predacons to worry about! AIRAZOR: (RM) Maybe not... Remember, we're talking Scorponok here! He may have found a way to restore life in a dead body... DINOBOT: (RM) Which HAS been done before... AIRAZOR: (RM) It has? Well, assume they all have sparks working in them right now... OPTIMUS: (RM) Okay... They've got sparks... so? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Taking Optimus aside - whispering) They will be MAXIMAL sparks in those bodies. How much do you want to BET that old Scorponok doesn't shut down the Predacon defensive perimeter, that just so happens to be scanning for Maximal energy signatures? [ACTION: Airazor cocks her head at Optimus. Optimus grins.] [SUB-SCENE/ACTION: The shot moves high above the Predacon base. 3 objects can be seen heading for it. Suddenly, bells, whistles and gongs go off. A phalanx of guns come up and start firing at the 3 objects. Terrorsaur (BM)>(RM) and Waspinator (BM)>(RM) fly in and drop rocks and missiles on the objects.] MEGATRON: (Voice Over) SCORPONOK!! [SHOT: Wide shot inside the Maximal Base.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Trailbreaker - Trailbreaker, can you hear me? So what gives, RB? Why isn't he responding like Pacer did? RHINOX: (RM) I think I know what's different... That leg on the Insecticon sent a suppression command to Trailbreaker's core consciousness. One way or another, he's going to have large lapses of memory due to degradation. I'm surprised by how MUCH memory Pacer has kept! PACER: (RM) (Touching the Insecticon) Do you think I'll be able to remove this - ew - Insecticon from my neck? RHINOX: (RM) Humm, I hope so. The R-Chamber will reject you with that on your neck. And that beastie is causing you to use energy RAPIDLY. As soon as RatTrap is out of the chamber, we'll need to get you into it. PACER: (RM) There's something... Who IS this RatTrap? You all have been talking about him, but I don't remember anyone on the crew's manifest named RatTrap! CHEETOR: (RM) (Laughing) Ho HOO! You know him well enough! He's your BROTHER! PACER: (RM) (Half laughing herself) Jax? RatTrap is Jax?! Why on Cybertron did he choose a name like RatTrap? CHEETOR: (RM) Just wait 'til you see him in Beast Mode, Doc! RHINOX: (RM) (Comically scolding Cheetor) Ahumph! It is very IMPOLITE to make FUN of Jax's new transformation, Cheetor! HA! - At least not while he's not here for comment! Right! Sit here, Pacer... I'll try to remove the Insecticon. (Handing Airazor his scanner) Airy, keep an eye on this scanner. If there's any flux in the readings on her spark, let me know immediately. Dinobot, we'll need you to modify your program. [ACTION: Optimus takes Pacer's hand and nod reassurance. Dinobot notices, raises an eyebrow, then shrugs it off.] DINOBOT: (RM) Sentinel - modify programming to program Dinobot-1.1... SENTINEL: (Over com) Standing By... DINOBOT: (RM) Tell the Insecticon to disengage and retract... SENTINEL: (Over com) Disengaging Insecticon... negative... attempting again... disengaging Insecticon - priority 1 command... Insecticon disengaged... retracting... retraction complete... [ACTION: Rhinox looks over at Airazor. She nods approval. He takes his chip puller and attaches it to the back of the Insecticon. He slowly removes the bug.] RHINOX: (RM) Got it! Er... Bumblebee, could you... [ACTION: Rhinox points to a box on a console behind Bumblebee. Bumblebee picks it up and brings it over to Rhinox. Rhinox deposits the Insecticon into it. Bumblebee slaps the lid on it. Then he notices the Insecticon is still moving.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Er... Dinobud, this thing is STILL MOVING! Ew! DINOBOT: (RM) (Pointing out the MOST important order) Ah! Sentinel, shut the Insecticon down! SENTINEL: (Over com) Insecticon shut down! [ACTION: Rhinox again looks over at Airazor.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Reading the scanner) All is fine and dandy! I'd take a moment before attempting to stand, since your repair system is coming back down to a more realistic level. Your spark is at 85% of its proper level. The R-Chamber will get you the rest of the way, as well as give you a chance to get your new Beast Mode body. PACER: (RM) I was wondering why you all were wearing those textured skins. OPTIMUS: (RM) (Patting her hand) It's a long story... [ACTION: A bell goes off behind Optimus. The R-Chamber pops open. As the door swings open, Pacer looks in. RatTrap comes on-line. He sees a blurry image of his sister before him.] PACER: (RM) Jax? Jax? Wakie wakie! RATTRAP: (RM) (Weakly) Sis? Sis, is dat you’s? Aw great! I've been scrapped! So dis is da great recycle bin in da sky, ea? DINOBOT: (RM) (Snorting) Phah! I thought I once told you (pointing at Bumblebee) that I wouldn't be caught DEAD in an Autobot's after life! Well that's DOUBLY SO in YOURS vermin! RATTRAP: (RM) (Happy to see Dinobot - strangely) Yo! Chopper Face! (Catching himself) Wait a minute... You're right! You wouldn't be caught dead in my after life! (Taking a HARD look at his sister) Sis? PACER: (RM) (Slugging him in the shoulder) Hi kid! How are you doing? And WHY do you STILL have that ACCENT? RATTRAP: (RM) WHOA - WHOA - WHOA!! Dis is TOO WEIRD! Sis, not to put dis too bluntly, if you know what I mean, but you're DEAD! RHINOX: (RM) (Showing RatTrap the box with the Insecticon in it) Not anymore! And it's all thanks to Scorponok and his little friend here! RATTRAP: (RM) (Looking into the box) An Insecti-bug? Is DAT what made those bodies come after me down in da service bay? (Seeing Trailbreaker) YO! Dat's da big lug who yanked my arms out! Let me at 'um! PACER: (RM) (Grabbing RatTrap before he jumps Trailbreaker) Are you out of your mind? WAIT! RATTRAP: (RM) (Laughing) Ha! Hey, I'm just kiddin', kid! It's GREAT ta have ya back! (He looks at Optimus and her) Hey, does dis mean you’s two are still gonna... OPTIMUS: (RM) (Turning a slight shade of red) Let's give her a chance in the R-Chamber first, ea RatTrap? (To Pacer, as he shows her to the R-Chamber) I'll see you in a couple of hours... [ACTION: RatTrap watches his sister enter the R-Chamber, then looks over at Optimus and back to her.] RATTRAP: (RM) Ah yes... Where there's a spark, there's a way! HAW! [SHOTS/ACTION: An apple core bounces off RatTrap's head (Unknown where it came from). The camera pans off RatTrap and down to Trailbreaker and Bumblebee. Sentinel is heard finishing an order of Bumblebee's.] SENTINEL: (Over com) Core consciousness activated... RHINOX: (RM) (Entering shot from left) Cheetor, get me some jumpers from my workroom... we'll need to give Trailbreaker some juice while Pacer is in the R-Chamber... CHEETOR: (Off shot) I'm on it! TRAILBREAKER: (RM) (Dizzy - tapping Bumblebee on the arm) S-s-so, when did Ratchet do the make over of Teletran 1? [ACTION: Bumblebee pats Trailbreaker on the head.] [SCENE: Optimus' quarters.] [SHOTS/ACTION: Shot dissolves to an MCU of Optimus (RM) as he is reading a manual. There is a knock on his door.] OPTIMUS: (RM) Come... [ACTION: The door slides open. A snow white horse enters the room.] PACER: (BM) Do you like my choice? OPTIMUS: (RM) (Speechless) Ahb - da - ah... Pacer? PACER: (BM)>(RM) Pacer, MAXIMIZE! [ACTION: The horse rears up on its hind legs. The body opens, the head drops to its chest, the rear legs twist to bend forward, arms deploy. Finally, a cleaned up and polished Pacer is revealed.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (Closing his gaping jaw - taking a DEEP breath) You look wonderful, Pace... You don't know how hard it's been without you... Where did you find a horse? I know you always loved those creatures... PACER: (RM) Jax - I mean RatTrap - told Bumblebee and Airy... They went out with a portable DNA scanner... They found one some 500 clicks south of here... Isn't it great? I love the tail! It's better than Trailbreaker's. He chose an elephant! OPTIMUS: (RM) (Laughing) How does he expect to get down our exit hatch? PACER: (RM) (Giggling) Rhinox needs to go down the supply ramp when he goes out in Beast Mode... I guess that's what he'll have to do! I hear you're carrying some new options! Bumblebee gave you the Matrix? OPTIMUS: (RM) Now, that isn't to be mentioned out loud! We've managed to keep the Predacons thinking it was destroyed! PACER: (RM) Well, as ship's doctor, I need to know any and everything about the ship's crew and commander! [ACTION: Optimus gets up and moves towards Pacer.] PACER: (RM) So, are you going to answer RatTrap's question from earlier? [ACTION: Optimus takes Pacer's hand and gives it a kiss. He presses a button on a table next to them. The door shuts in front of the camera.] OPTIMUS: (RM) (As the door shuts) Giddy-up! [SCENE: Outside the Predacon Base.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the area the Maximal zombies were smashed. All of the Predacons are retrieving parts left of the 3 Maximal zombies that were blown away by the defense system. Scorponok looks a bit dented.] MEGATRON: (RM) (Bellowing) Scour the area! We MUST find ALL the parts for these zombies! I WILL make new Predacons from them! IF ONLY TO REPLACE YOU!! SCORPONOK: (RM) B-b-but, Mighty Megatron... it was an honest mistake! MEGATRON: (RM) Oh stop snivelling! DIG! Or I'll show YOU how those Insecti-drones feel PERSONALLY!! SCORPONOK: (RM) Yes, Mighty Megatron! Right away, Mighty Megatron! Oh... MEGATRON: (RM) (GREATLY bothered) Yessss? SCORPONOK: (RM) H-h-happy Birthday! MEGATRON: (RM) (Bewildered) Huh? Oh... Thank you... F T B oOo