FIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE - - - - - Part 3 - - - - - - MIND FIELD - A Proposed Script for BEAST WARS/TRANSFORMERS By R. A. Stott ©1996, 97 ARK NORTH - THE DENIVAN MEDIA SERVICES [Key] (BM) Beast Mode (RM) Robot Mode (CM) Car Mode (TM) Truck Mode (-M)>(-M) Transform from > to ANNOUNCER/BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) LAST TIME ON BEAST WARS.... [SHOT/ACTION: A small pair of wings knit up on Bumblebee's back. He moves to the far side of the cavern, then gets a running start. He leaps at the wall in front of him, and with his wings beating furiously, scales is, digging his feet into it for added boost. Since the opening at the top is slightly away from the wall, his last boost off it sends him through it doing a back-flip. He lands on his feet holding the case over his head.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I LOVE THESE WINGS! AIRAZOR: (RM) Uh! You are one hyper-glitched bozo! WASPINATOR: (RM) (Hitting a nerve) Bozo? BOZO!!!?? WASPINATOR NOT BOZO! RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! [ACTION: Waspinator goes berserk, firing everything he can. Airazor manages to dodge them all.] AIRAZOR: (RM) NO! PROTECT THE MATRIX! I can handle this Bozo! [SHOT/ACTION: As the battle continues, Scorponok's drone bee arrives and orbits the fight (the camera following the drone - action continuing behind it). Neither Airazor or Waspinator seem to notice the drone.] [SHOT/ACTION: Shot of Bumblebee, who is aiming the launcher. Bumblebee fires. The missile and the drone bee go through a myriad of maneuvers around, between, and through the two flyers as they continue to fight. Megatron watches the missile track around from his position. Scorponok is beside him getting EXTREMELY dizzy.] [SHOTS/ACTION: The missile hits its target. Scorponok winces in pain.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Falling down) OW! Uuhhhh! Oh, I think I'm gonna be SICK! [SHOT: Full shot of Bumblebee and the launcher.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Oh YES! [SHOT: Airazor inside Bumblebee (CM) who has 4 flat tires.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) BEAST MODE! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Airazor, who is a bit more than surprised, she is flat out scared. Bumblebee transforms (CM)>(BM).] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Scared to death) WHAT are you doing!? You can't transform into your Beast Mode while I'm in here! [SHOT/ACTION: Bumblebee is hit by Megatron's blaster. Terrorsaur dives in, grabs the falling Bumblebee, and continues off into the distance. This ticks Megatron off.] MEGATRON: (RM) NO! That reptilian shall NOT have the matrix! [ACTION: Megatron fires off a series of shots that totally miss their target.] [SHOT: Wide field shot of the battle area. RatTrap (BM) and Dinobot (BM) are there.] DINOBOT: (BM) There are parts of Predacons at multiple locations, and unfortunately some of Airazor's feathers as well. Evidence of some sort of new missile seems to have been used as well. RATTRAP: (BM) Da escape pod's chamber 'been destroyed. [ACTION: Bumblebee reaches for his weapon. To his surprise he pulls out a smaller gun and aims it at Terrorsaur. But then he gets mixed signals in his weapons array.] PROCESSORS: (Internal) Unable to target - Autobot energy signature! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What? TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Switching gears) Bumblebee and I go way back! [ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor look at one another with confused looks.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Camshaft? Is that you? TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Twitching slightly) Of course I'm Camshaft! Who else would I be? Where's my trusty old Number One camera? Why are you looking at me like that? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Cocking her head towards Bumblebee) Was he always this schizo? [ACTION: Bumblebee stands right in front of Terrorsaur and begins to coach him.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No! I think that old cerebro-shell is loosing its hold on him! Camshaft, listen closely... Autobot Command Code, com prefix override - Security 1. Detail 1. Engage! TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! [ACTION: Terrorsaur shrieks. He grabs his head. Bumblebee and Airazor jump back. Terrorsaur's body morphs into its Protoform form, shedding its outer red shell of proto skin. He falls down onto the ground, hands first. While he groans and his body changes in its nearly liquid state, a small shell-like canister drops out of him and rolls away. Finally, the morphing takes on the shape of an older model silver Mazda RX-7.] CAMSHAFT: (CM)>(RM) Camshaft, transform! [ACTION: As soon as the transformation is complete, Camshaft falls back off his feet, and sits down, woozy.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (To Bumblebee) Never get her angry with you! Nasty! Very nasty! So, why did you wonder why I would come after you? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sighing) I've got the Matrix. CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Giving Bumblebee a blank stare) THE MATRIX!? THE Autobot Matrix of Leadership?! [ACTION: Bumblebee opens the lid to the K-Switch on the top center of Camshaft's dash. Airazor nearly jumps out of the seat. A large red button appears. Airazor looks at it in fear.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Every Autobot is installed with a switch. It is called a K-S or K-Switch. 'K' is short for kill. Throwing it terminates the primary power pump in bodies like mine. It terminates the spark in bodies like Camshaft's. [ACTION: Airazor is gasping, and holding her hands to her face.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shocked) Why was a switch like THAT installed in Autobots? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Hanging his head in shame) Decepticons. ...the root mode of life on Cybertron was the original binary Cybertronian. From this group came the first sub-group, the Autobots. But some Autobots went rogue. These were the first Decepticons. That means Autobots are not only the beginning of the Decepticons, but also the root mode for the Predacons... [ACTION: Bumblebee pressing the K-Switch.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining to Airazor) What we need for you to do is to ride Camshaft's switch. If he shows any sign of the cerebro-shell reactivating... we will need you to hit his K-S. TERRORSAUR: (BM) You're mine now, Autobot! [SHOT/ACTION: Terrorsaur looks down to gloat over his catch, but suddenly shows fear. Looking back up at Terrorsaur is Shaft.] SHAFT: (RM) (Menacing) That's what YOU think, Terrorsaur! Ha - ha - ha - ha! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Realizing - Looking at Bumblebee) Oh no! That was Shaft! ANNOUNCER/BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) And now, the conclusion of Fight of the Bumblebee... GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [SCENE/SHOTS/ACTION: Camshaft's cyber-dream (Inside Camshaft's Processors). CU of Shaft (RM), laughing maniacally up at Terrorsaur (BM). OPENING CREDITS RUN HERE.] [ACTION: Terrorsaur drops Shaft and circles over him. Shaft floats in mid space.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Hey! You can't fly! SHAFT: (RM) You'd be surprised what you can do in a cyber-dream! [ACTION: Shaft begins to grow in size. Terrorsaur notices this. He strains hard until he starts to grow as well.] SHAFT: (RM) (Large, boisterous) I don't need you! I was doing FINE until you went on-line while I was in the R-Baths that first time after I crashed on this planet! YOU (pointing at Terrorsaur) are merely surplus parts! TERRORSAUR: (BM) Surplus parts! YOU are the weak-kneed cyber-glitch that wouldn't take over from Megatron! I show ambition while YOU hide in the corners and let him take all the glory! SHAFT: (RM) (Freaked) IDIOT! The FIRST rule of ascending to leader of the Predacons is to be patient and let everyone take each other out! How MANY TIMES have you been DISMANTLED in an attempt to take over from Megatron!? TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Freaking as well) You're just a gut-less twit! You couldn't process your way through a garage door! Wait to take over the Predacons!? NEVER! I WILL be leader! - Huh? [SHOT/ACTION: The camera swings down to a spot at the two Predacon’s feet. As it zooms in, a tiny Camshaft (RM) can be seen. He is yelling up at the Predacons.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Excuse me! Hello! Can I just say something here? Hey you two! I've got news for you! I want you BOTH out of my head! [SHOTS/ACTION: POV from Camshaft looking up at Shaft and Terrorsaur. Shaft rears back and tries to squash Camshaft with his right foot. Shot cuts to a full shot of Camshaft as he jumps out of the way, rolls, then comes up kneeling with both hands in the air, palms facing Shaft and Terrorsaur.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Smile for the birdie! [SHOTS/ACTION: Camshaft fires off his ultra-high beam strobes in his hands. Shot cuts to a low angled shot looking up as both Shaft and Terrorsaur turn away from the strobes blinded. Shot returns to Camshaft as he then jumps up, and fires two photon missiles out of his back-pack. The camera follows the missiles as they hit their targets squarely. Returning to Camshaft, the shot shows him enlarging as he beats upon the two Predacons.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Royally ticked) I've put up with you two for a LONG TIME! I'll be rid of you two even if I have to do it BEFORE Rhinox does it! [SHOTS/ACTION: MCU of Camshaft as he pulls out his Neutron Blaster, and starts a rapid fire stream of energy bursts at the two Predacons. A wide shot shows them falling back. The view returns to Camshaft as a strange voice can be heard, causing him to stop firing. The light background starts to darken and get colder.] STRANGE VOICE: (Menacing) Ah, but are you not forgetting something? These two are NOT the only minds you need to worry about! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Shivering) Oh man! Who turned off the heat? BURRR! [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the two Predacons. They are down on the 'ground' after taking all of Camshaft's flack. A small dark figure steps out from behind Shaft, walking towards Camshaft (the camera). The view gets EXTREMELY distorted as the figure begins to enlarge.] STRANGE VOICE: (RM) In fact, they would be my last choice of minds to worry about! [SHOTS: MCU of Camshaft. He is squinting to see who or what this strange figure is. The shot then cuts to an rapid distorted zoom in to an ECU of BOMBSHELL's face.] STRANGE VOICE/BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Frightening) YOU should WORRY about ME! I am one to be VERY afraid of, yesss! [SHOT: Slowly twisting zoom out from a ECU of Camshaft as he recoils away from the sight of Bombshell.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Scared to death) BOMBSHELL!! NO!! NO!! [SHOTS/ACTION: Camshaft begins firing everything he has at the Insecticon. The shot cuts to a wide view of Bombshell with the two Predacons behind him. He begins to walk towards Camshaft (off frame to the right). All of Camshaft's fire is passing right through Bombshell, hitting the two Predacons behind him. The shot cuts to a POV from Camshaft looking at the oncoming Bombshell. Fire continues as the Insecticon continues to advance.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Menacingly) Oh, try as you might, you can NOT get rid of me! I am now very much part of you. You might as well try blowing off your own head! [SHOT: MCU of Camshaft as he falls backwards to the ground, but continues to fire his blaster at the advancing Bombshell (Off frame to the left).] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Frightened) You're - you're dead! Megatron implanted me with that shell! [SHOTS/ACTION: Camshaft stops firing. Shot cuts to a MCU of Bombshell as he continues to approach.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) Yesss, but at the time, Megatron was a puppet of mine! Why else would we want to take over the Predacons? We know that Megatron is vulnerable! Besides, where do you think he GOT those shells, hummm? [SHOT: CU 2 shot of Bombshell's and Camshaft's heads as Bombshell sticks his face point blank into Camshaft's face.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Cooly) And soon, he'll be a puppet again, once MY master returns! CAMSHAFT: (RM) What? What are you talking about? Who? [SHOT: Low angled shot looking up at Bombshell as he rears over Camshaft.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Cackling) Don't you get it? YOU may have been reactivated by a memory signal of Bumblebee, but I was reactivated by the presence of my master! I am his homing signal! The TRUE leader of the Predacons is returning! [SHOT: CU of Camshaft. Any color drops out of his face.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Chilled) By the makers! PREDAKING! [SHOTS/ACTION: A quick CU of a woozy Terrorsaur as he takes note of what he just heard. The view then cuts back to the low shot of Bombshell as he pulls out his blaster and points it at Camshaft.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) Yesss! And there is NOTHING you can do about it! Good-bye, Autobot! [SHOTS/ACTION: CU of Camshaft as Bombshell's blaster's muzzle is pointed at his head. The view is then covered as a red flash streaks past the shot. Camshaft is gone, leaving the blaster's muzzle alone in the shot.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) WHOA! YEOW!! [SHOTS/ACTION: Full shot of Camshaft as he finds himself being flung into the air. He lands on Terrorsaur's (BM) back. He looks behind them. Shot cuts to a POV from Camshaft as he sees Bombshell far below transforming (RM)>(BM) and taking off after them. The shot then cuts to a 2 shot of Camshaft and Terrorsaur.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Autobot, we must work together! The last thing we need is PREDAKING here! CAMSHAFT: (RM) I couldn't agree more, Pred! Got any ideas? - YEOWP! [ACTION: Bumblebee (BM) and Airazor (BM) zoom past Camshaft, and start taking on Bombshell (Transforming (BM)>(RM)). They seem to be doing better than Camshaft did. Camshaft and Terrorsaur continue on.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Watching Bumblebee and Airazor) Wait a minute! Where did those two come from? TERRORSAUR: (BM) Just remember, Autobot, this is all in our collective minds. We must find a way to rid ourselves of Bombshell and Shaft! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Then we've got to get rid of that stinger core that is causing all of this! We've got to put it out of commission! TERRORSAUR: (BM) Fine... We can then figure a parting of ways after that. Any ideas which way we need to go? CAMSHAFT: (RM) Hang on... I'll see if I can sense it... [SHOTS/ACTION: Camshaft puts his arms out trying to sense a direction. He is interrupted by the sounds of explosions. He and Terrorsaur look back to see what occurred. Shot moves down to the battle site, as Bumblebee crashes, then de-resses. The camera follows Airazor as she swoops in, but Bombshell hits her squarely with a mortar. She blows apart like a popped balloon. Shot returns to Camshaft as he quickly puts his hands up again.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) That way, quickly! [SHOT: Aft shot behind Bombshell as he watches Camshaft and Terrorsaur fly off. Shaft moves into the frame from the left and watches as well. Bombshell turns to him.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) I know what they are attempting to do. It is easier for Camshaft to rid himself of us by mentally attacking the stinger core than it would be for this Rhinox character to remove it. But we can stop Camshaft easily if you take control of this body and get it into the Maximal's R-Chamber. SHAFT: (RM) Ah, I get what you're talking about! Recharge and repair the stinger core, and get a body that will work on this world until Predaking arrives! BOMBSHELL: (RM) That will not be soon - I sense him, but he is still not THAT close. Hurry. You must move before they make it to the core! SHAFT: (RM) I'm off! [ACTION: Shaft disappears.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Laughing to himself) And I want to get that Matrix for myself! [SCENE/SHOTS/ACTION: Back in the real world in the darkened rest room Camshaft was taken to at the end of Part 2. High shot looking down on Camshaft's body laying on a cot. Camshaft's body turns black. His eyes light up red. Once again, Shaft is in charge of the body. The camera follows Shaft as he gets up, looks around, then quickly exits the room like a ninja. Scene switches to a brightly lit doorway. Rhinox (RM), Optimus (RM), RatTrap (RM), Cheetor (RM) and Bumblebee (RM) are in a room off the bridge examining the matrix, which has been moved from the case to a scanning frame. The camera swings around to the dark hallway outside the room until it lands on the barely visible Shaft, who is slinking along the wall. He stops at the open doorway. He eyes the glowing matrix.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (From inside the room) So, where did this back-up matrix come from, and what became of it? [SHOT: POV shot looking into the room from the outside of the doorway.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) It turns out that old Alpha Trion made the back-up matrix. He installed it into Ultra Magnus without anyone knowing, including Magnus. If the Decepticons hadn't discovered its existence and tried to get it, we would have never found it. RHINOX: (RM) And since we've not seen or heard from Ultra Magnus since the First Battle, we had better keep THIS matrix safe at ALL costs. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Agreed... What readings are the scanners giving you on its compatibility? [SHOTS/ACTION: The shot quickly pans left. Far down the hallway a thumping can be heard. The shot cuts to a MCU of Shaft as he looks around for a hiding place. The camera follows him as he dives into a dark alcove behind him. Shaft hunkers down in the darkest corner he can find. The red bands on his body turn black. He covers the glow from his eyes using his left arm shield. As the camera continues to orbit him, it shows a monitor screen built into the back side of the shield, showing him the corridor ahead using a camera in his chest.] [SHOT/ACTION: POV low shot from Shaft's chest camera as seen on the monitor in Shaft's arm shield. View is tinged slightly red. The doorway into the work room is brightly visible. The exit from the alcove can be seen. The hallway is partly visible to the left and right. From the left of the hallway Dinobot (BM) tramps into the shot. He pauses a moment to look into the room, then looks down the alcove.] DINOBOT: (BM) (Grousing to himself) Stupid glowing soccer ball! [SHOTS/ACTION: Dinobot continues on. RatTrap looks out the room at the departing Dinobot, shakes his head, then disappears back into the room. The shot cuts back to a full shot of Shaft as he cooly gets up. The red striping returns to his body. He continues out of the frame (On to the bridge).] [SCENE/SHOTS/ACTION: Wide shot of the bridge. Dinobot (BM) can just be seen dropping down the exit lift. Shaft peers around the corner of the corridor entering the bridge. The bridge is deserted. He quickly heads over to the R-Chamber, opens it, then climbs in and shuts the door. The shot cuts to an MCU of Shaft inside the dark chamber. A small work light turns on above him. He begins to give the computer its instructions.] SHAFT: (RM) Recharge and restore using A-Protocol Personality chip - COMPUTER: Confirm - SHAFT: (RM) Sub-root energy flow through A-Protocol Personality chip add-on peripheral - COMPUTER: Confirm - SHAFT: (RM) Deny energy access to B-Protocol Personality chip - COMPUTER: Confirm - SHAFT: (RM) Scan for and locate suitable life form for DNA replication, modified to fit current Autobot frame COMPUTER: Access denied - DNA subroutine already present - SHAFT: (RM) Can current subroutine be modified to work with current Autobot frame? - COMPUTER: Confirm, with moderate modifications - SHAFT: (RM) Modify current DNA structure to adapt for Autobot Mode - COMPUTER: Confirm - SHAFT: (RM) Engage - COMPUTER: Access denied - activation code must be given - SHAFT: (RM) Standby - (To himself) Great. Most recharge centers on Cybertron were free access. Huh! Optimus Primal must have invoked war time security for his R-Chamber! UMPH! He's a Maximal for Pete's sake! That's a Decepticon trick! Hummm... I wonder if Camshaft had an access code to use. [ACTION: Shaft reaches down (off frame) and pulls a handle.] COMPUTER: Door locked... SHAFT: (RM) Set processors for instant revival - Repair mode... [F T B] [F F B] [SCENE: Inside Camshaft's Processors. Camshaft and Terrorsaur flying.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) How much further, Autobot?! You're starting to get heavy! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Holding arms out sensing where to go) Hey, I thought you said this was all in our minds! Think light thoughts! TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Mumbling) I'll give you light thoughts! (Seeing something below them) Hey! Look! [SHOT/ACTION: As the camera follows Camshaft (RM) and Terrorsaur (BM) they come up on a vast white wasteland - void of much surface clutter except for a section of red shapes.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) What the... That's odd... looks like some sort of logo... what's that over there? [SHOT/ACTION: The major other object in this void is in the distance. The camera follows Camshaft and Terrorsaur as they circle it. They find it to be some sort of protrusion from below. It has a spiked end, and many legs which are imbedded all around. Lights running up and down these legs seem to indicate some sort of processor.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Uhh... I don't like the look of that thing! CAMSHAFT: (RM) You've got THAT right, Predacon! Unfortunately, it's also where I feel we need to get to! But first... Let's land over at those red marks over there... [SHOT/ACTION: Ground level at the red marks. Terrorsaur and Camshaft land near the red marks. Terrorsaur transforms (BM)>(RM).] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Okay, Autobot! What IS this thing? CAMSHAFT: (RM) Ah, this is an old friend! [ACTION: Camshaft walks near the shattered pieces. As he touches one section with a foot, the red marks fly about, rearranging itself into a whole Autobot shield.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Ah! 'Nice to see a friendly face again! TERRORSAUR: (RM) Humph! Big deal! You've got'ta wonder what symbolism there is that your precious Autobot shield would be in bits and pieces! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Ahh, you're just... WHOA!! [ACTION: A shadow covers over Camshaft and Terrorsaur. They both dive for cover.] [SHOT: Looking down on the Autobot shield. A giant foot crashes down on the symbol. The camera follows the leg up, finding it attached to a giant Bombshell (RM).] BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Booming) Welcome gentlemen, to the Stinger Core! Won't you come in? [ACTION: Like a huge hourglass of sand, the image of Bombshell pours into the spiked protrusion that Camshaft and Terrorsaur saw earlier. Then the white void follows, pulling Terrorsaur and Camshaft along with it.] TERRORSAUR & CAMSHAFT: YEOW! WHOA! LOOK OUT! HANG ON! COWABUNGA! [SCENE: Opposite side of the spiked protrusion. Camshaft and Terrorsaur emerge from the hole hanging from what looks like the legs that they saw on the other side. The area they have landed in is dark, but full of lights blinking and pulsing. High above, standing on a platform is Bombshell, laughing.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Hummm... so THIS is the inside of a cerebro-shell! Well, I'm unimpressed! CAMSHAFT: (RM) I don't know... it kind'a looks like Vegas! BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Laughing) This is MY world, gentlemen! I do hope you find it lethal! Ha ha ha ha! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Mocking) Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Looking at Terrorsaur) Corny! TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Nodding in agreement) Yup! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bombshell on his platform. Shaft (RM) enters behind Bombshell, startling him.] SHAFT: (RM) Ah, I see you have those two hanging around! 'Ever think about just getting RID of them? BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Startled) WHAT!!?? Oh, it's you! I keep forgetting that stealth was your forte'! SHAFT: (RM) You? Forgetting anything? You surprise me, Bombshell! I find it hard to believe that a mind controlling critter like YOU would forget anything. BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Grousing) EERRRR! What IS it you WANT!? WHY aren't you having the R-Chamber work on you? SHAFT: (RM) Optimus Primal has invoked an old security tracker in the R-Chamber's systems! I need an access code to start it! I thought our friend Camshaft may have one he could PART with! BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Thinking) My, my! The leader of these Maximals thinks like a Decepticon! Yesss... I don't think that Camshaft was with the Maximals long enough to receive a new access code. Hummm... Ah! Let’s try something! The Maximals would be using Cybertronian data bases for their access codes. Let’s try Camshaft's old Autobot access code and see if it still works! [ACTION: Bombshell points at Camshaft, and a 'leg' zips past towards its target.] [SHOT/ACTION: The camera follows the leg as it heads for Camshaft's head.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) LOOK OUT!! [ACTION: The leg spikes Camshaft in the head.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Nulled) UGH! [SHOT: Low shot looking up at Bombshell on his platform.] BOMBSHELL: (RM) Give me your personal access code, Autobot! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Shaft in the R-Chamber. He reactivates. He places his hand on a scan panel.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Camshaft - Autobot access code Alpha Alpha Omni - 3, Password - Guardian. Engage. COMPUTER: Stand by... Access granted... Engaging systems... beginning batch job Camshaft 1... [SCENE: Back in the Stinger Core.] [ACTION: Terrorsaur climbs up the leg to Camshaft. He pulls out his gun and shoots the leg that has Camshaft pinned. Bombshell grabs his head in pain. Terrorsaur takes note of this.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Shooting the leg) I can't believe I'm doing this for an AUTOBOT! CAMSHAFT: (RM) UH! BOMBSHELL: (RM) (Pained) RRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! TERRORSAUR: (RM) Ah! Interesting! [SHOT/ACTION: 2 shot of Camshaft and Terrorsaur. Camshaft pulls what is left of the leg out of his head.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Did you see that? Bombshell felt great pain when I shot that leg off you! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Rubbing his head where the leg was attached) That's normal... Bombshell could be hurt if his cerebro-shells were damaged in any way. 'Gave him the glitches. TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Mean look, cocking his gun) Then why not give him major heart-burn? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Also cocking his gun) Try 'head ache'! TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Stammering) Right - head ache - that's what I meant! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Cocking his head) Right! I'm right behind you - shoot all these spindly leggy things! GO! YEEEAAAAAAAA! [SHOTS/ACTION: The camera follows Camshaft as they both leap off the legs. As Terrorsaur flies about shooting up the place, Camshaft drops like a rock, but he too is letting go with everything in his arsenal. He lands feet first at the bottom of the legs. Leg parts are flying everywhere. Bombshell is writhing in pain. Legs keep regenerating after being blasted.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Yelling over the din) We need to get to the actual core! TERRORSAUR: (RM) As you say, I'm right behind you, Autobot! Lead on! [SHOTS/ACTION: They head further in leaving Bombshell behind. Once out of sight, The camera swings up onto Bombshell as he stands up laughing. He fades out, as does the rest of the shot.] [SCENE: On the Maximal's bridge looking at the outside of the R-Chamber.] [SHOT/ACTION: Full shot of the R-Chamber. The camera pans right to show Tigatron (RM) waiting to get into the R-Chamber himself. He has a towel over his forearm. He is looking around, looks at a time piece on his wrist, looks at the R-Chamber, sighs, and continues to stand there. Airazor (RM) enters the bridge.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Hello Tigatron! I don't see you here too often. TIGATRON: (RM) Hello, Airazor. No, normally I'd use my portable R-Pack to recharge. But a recent rock slide (pointing to a well bent R-Pack) at my recharge post damaged it. So here I am waiting to use the R-Chamber. (He looks at the pressure cooker/R-Chamber) I wonder if it's stew yet? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Giggling at Tigatron's joke - then realizing something) Ha ha - Wait a minute... Who's in there? TIGATRON: (RM) (Confused) What do you mean? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Worried) I just passed Dinobot exiting the ship. The rest of the gang are in the work room ogling over the Autobot Matrix... I think... [SHOT: POV from inside the work room looking at the doorway across the room. Airazor peeks in. She sees everyone there.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Rhinox, did Camshaft reactivate? RHINOX & BUMBLEBEE: (RM & RM) (Unison) Not that I know of. Why? AIRAZOR: (RM) Well, someone is in the R-Chamber, and all hands are accounted for. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking at Rhinox) Oh no! The chips! Shaft! [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee runs out the door. He runs up to the door to the chamber and starts pounding it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Nearly hysterical) Cam! Cam! Do you hear me!? CAMSHAFT! ANSWER ME! RHINOX: (RM) (Pulling Bumblebee away from the door) Computer, access information, R-Chamber... [SHOT: Wide pan left to right of the bridge showing everyone reacting to what the computer is saying.] COMPUTER: Access to Camshaft, Autobot Omnibot Scout. Orders as follows - Recharge and restore using A-Protocol Personality chip - Sub-root energy flow through A-Protocol Personality chip add-on peripheral - Deny energy access to B-Protocol Personality chip - Modify current DNA structure to adapt for Autobot Mode... RHINOX: (RM) (Shocked) By the matrix! It's a power play. The Shaft personality is fighting with the Terrorsaur personality for that Protoform body! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Distraught) But what about Camshaft? RHINOX: (RM) (Shaking his head) I don't know, Bug... I don't know! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Computer - this is Optimus Primal. Authorization Prime 1 - terminate batch job - R-Chamber. COMPUTER: Confirmed - Authorization Prime 1 - batch job terminated... [ACTION: The computer shuts the chamber down.] SENTINEL: This is Sentinel - Warning - warning - Partial Predacon energy signature present - R-Chamber! RHINOX: (RM) Odd as this sounds, that's a GOOD sign! Sentinel, what is the other energy signature you are reading? SENTINEL: Scanning... (A moment of silence) Scanning four signatures. [ACTION: Everyone looks at one another, then at the R-Chamber.] BUMBLEBEE: Four? RATTRAP: (RM) Kind'a crowded in there, don't 'ja think? SENTINEL: (Continuing report) Scanning one Autobot, two Predacon, and one Decepticon energy signature. AIRAZOR: (RM) Decepticon? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Realizing) Bombshell! [SCENE/SHOT/ACTION: Back in the Stinger Core. Terrorsaur and Camshaft are still firing everything they have at anything that moves. Parts of the legs are everywhere as more legs sprout.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) I wish you still had that saw blade you could pop out of your hand! It sure would take CARE of these LEGS in a hurry! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Looking up at Terrorsaur questioning) I never had a saw blade! That was Hot Rod! TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Confused) Ea? 'You sure? CAMSHAFT: (RM) Yea, I'm sure! Just how many bodies have you been in anyway? TERRORSAUR (RM) (Not getting the joke) Just this one... I think... CAMSHAFT: (RM) Just keep firing! Look! [ACTION: They make it to what looks like the actual core, a massive round orb made up of the legs, pulsing and throbbing with energy.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Hey! That's GOT to be IT! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Looks good to me! Get on THAT side ... I'll get on THIS side. We'll get it in the crossfire! TERRORSAUR: (RM) Right! [ACTION: They take positions on either side of the orb and prepare to fire. Then they hear laughter. The orb starts to change shape. It becomes Bombshell's head.] BOMBSHELL: (Head) (Laughing) Well, that was fun! - Useless, but fun! I must say, you two have certainly been very, how should I say, - loud? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Disappointed) Aw, come on now! How come you're not in pain? We've been shooting up all of these cyber-roots of yours for a bit now! What's going on?! TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Realizing) A diversion! You weren't in pain back there! You were LETTING us shoot up this place! BOMBSHELL: (Head) Well, you're not as dumb as you look! You ARE correct. I needed you two to waste time here while Shaft put my plan into action! As a matter of fact, if Optimus Primal hadn't stopped the recharge systems, YOU, my dear Terrorsaur would have ceased to exists! But, we all have to bear our troubles! Yesss! SHAFT! GET THE MATRIX! [SHOT: Wide shot of the outside of the R-Chamber.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Computer - This is Optimus Primal, open the R-Chamber do... SOUND EFFECT: BANG!! [SHOTS/ACTION: Everything shakes to the sound of an explosion. But nothing is disturbed on the bridge. Tigatron presses the open switch on the R-Chamber. As the door opens, a cloud of smoke pours out. The shot cuts to a view looking at the floor of the R-Chamber. The floor of the chamber is burst.] TIGATRON: (RM) (Grumpy) So much for my recharge... [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot showing all on bridge from the POV of the com station. Everyone reacts to Dinobot's voice coming over the com.] DINOBOT: (Over com) Dinobot to Optimus Primal - There is a very large pterodactyl out here that just came from the ship. Am I clear to shoot at it, or should I consider it a friend? YEOW! SOUND EFFECT: (Over com) PWEEE!!! KABOOM! PWEEEE! BOOM! RATTRAP: (RM) (Jumping at the com station in front of Optimus) This is no time for you ta start thinkin' before shootin', chopper-face! Dat's Shaft or Terrorsaur! [SHOT: ECU of Dinobot (RM) ducking a few blasts from Shaft (Off screen).] DINOBOT: (RM) Acknowledge - but Terrorsaur was never black before. [SHOT: Returns to the wide shot on the bridge.] RATTRAP: (RM) Errr... Maybe it's both? [SHOTS/ACTION: Wide shot of the battle outside the ship. Dinobot (RM) is firing his eye lasers at the massive black pterodactyl when it vanishes. Dinobot looks at the empty sky confused.] DINOBOT: (RM) Dinobot to base. The - thing - has a cloaking system! It has disappeared. [SHOT/ACTION: Return to the wide shot of the bridge. Everyone now looks at Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Defensively) Hey, don't look at me! That's a new one on me! Maybe this Shaft persona had one! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Whatever... Mind your step, Maximals! Now he could be anywhere! [SHOT: ECU of Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Panicked) THE MATRIX! [ACTION: Bumblebee runs back into the work room.] [SHOT/ACTION: POV from the lab bench across the room from the entrance to the work room. Bumblebee runs in (becoming a CU in shot) towards the camera. He closes and locks something below camera view. He looks to his right. The camera follows his glance, landing on the case. He closes the lid on the it. Placing his hand on the Autobot shield, he seals it tight. The others enter the room behind him. He turns to them.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Wryly smiling, patting the case) Well, at least it will be bait. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It's a good idea - Prime would have agreed... [ACTION: Dinobot (RM) enters behind Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) What are we up against, Dinobot? DINOBOT: (RM) (Impressed) An interesting foe, these triple-changers! He fired a beam weapon at me while in Beast Mode! RHINOX: (RM) (Worried) Oh, that's a nasty development! A Predacon that can fire a blaster in Beast Mode gives them an advantage we can't beat. RHINOX: (Continued...) (Looking at Bumblebee) Have you been able to fire a weapon in Beast Mode? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I haven't had the CHANCE to FIND OUT! I think the stinger works, but I'm not sure yet! RATTRAP: (RM) (Frazzled) Great! Let me know when you's get in touch wit' yerself! (To Cheetor) Com'on fur-ball, let’s put some sort'a screen up over dat hole in the floor so ol' Psycho-saur don't get in here wit'out our knowin'! [ACTION: RatTrap and Cheetor head out of the room.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Mumbling) About as sensitive as a brick, isn't he? [ACTION: Bumblebee notices Airazor leaving the room dejectedly. He nods to Tigatron, who takes heed of his lead, and follows her out.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Will Sentinel be able to read a cloaked Predacon, Rhinox? RHINOX: (RM) I'm not sure... If the system is an old one, like one from the Great War era, no sweat. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Tapping his chest to activate his com) Optimus to Sentinel - scan for operational cloaking devices. SENTINEL: (Over com) Scanning... Scanning 84 cloaked devices around the ship. [QUICK-SCENE: The Predacon Com Station at the Predacon Headquarters. Scorponok looks at his monitor nervously, after hearing what Sentinel said.] SCORPONOK: (RM) Uh oh... [SHOT: Return to the work room.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Shocked) 84!? Send out a low end photonic energy pulse throughout the ship, NOW! SENTINEL: (Over com) Acknowledged... [SHOTS/ACTION: Wide shot of the table on the bridge of the Maximal ship. Sentinel fires the pulse (seen as a translucent white field of energy heading out from the table), and small Insecticons burst all around the bridge and the rest of the ship. On the bridge, Cheetor and RatTrap were about to exit when the popping and snapping starts.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Dodging falling Insecticon bugs) Whoa! Just call him Big Bot the Exterminator! [SCENE: A junction of alcoves and walkways in the Maximal ship. The halls and alcoves are dark. A central light illuminates the junction. Airazor is slowly walking into the light, dejected. Tigatron catches up to her.] TIGATRON: (RM) Hey, Ladybird! 'You okay? What's pulling on your feathers? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Upset) Oh... I... Aw... TIGATRON: (RM) RatTrap is a loud mouth blithering idiot, right? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shocked at Tigatron's frank statement) Tigatron! TIGATRON: (RM) I was just saying what you were just thinking! AIRAZOR: (RM) Well, yes... But I never expected YOU to SAY THAT! TIGATRON: (RM) (Pointing to his split lipped mouth) What, blithering? Believe me, just TRYING to say THAT with THIS type of mouth is a challenge! So, what's the trouble... You're worried about Camshaft? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Nodding, head down) RatTrap's comment hurt... And I can't figure out why... I like Bumblebee and Camshaft. They've let me into areas of Autobot secrets I never knew about - they're willing to do almost anything for each other or anybody - they're so easy to get along with. It's no wonder Rhinox risked his life when he repaired my stasis pod. TIGATRON: (RM) (Slight laugh of agreement) You're probably right. A Maximal like myself would have probably attempted to move the pod, or found some other way to remove you. They probably also would have failed. But Rhinox showed his Autobot side when he plugged himself into your stasis pod. Autobots were just that way. They were willing to risk everything, do anything, go anywhere, to get the job done. Maximals may have come from Autobots, but Autobots still have a noble and illustrious history that no Cybertronian can match. AIRAZOR: (RM) (Smiling, looking up at Tigatron) You say that as if you either wished you were one, or you HAD been one. TIGATRON: (RM) Ha ha ha! No no... I'm not THAT old - at least as much as I can remember... But I have met quite a few Autobots in my time... in my three activations that I can remember. AIRAZOR: (RM) Oh - This is only my second. You met many Autobots, you say? TIGATRON: (RM) Sure. AIRAZOR: (RM) Did you ever meet Aleta One? I always wanted to meet her. TIGATRON: (RM) No, unfortunately she was gone by the time I was first brought on-line. I hear that she was some lady, though. You'll do her proud. [ACTION: Tigatron tweaks her chin, then walks on. He doesn't get too far.] SHAFT: (Unseen) I've met Aleta. [ACTION: Airazor and Tigatron take a defensive positions, looking about for something that they can't see.] TIGATRON: (RM) (Angrily) Shaft! Show yourself, coward! SHAFT: (Unseen) (Coldly) Yes, I met Aleta One! She was my third assignment as a Predacon. It was quite easy. I stunned her, then I dusted her! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! TIGATRON: (RM) (To Airazor) Can you locate where his voice is coming from? It's bouncing all over this area! AIRAZOR: (RM) Sorry! You're the one with the ears, Stripes! I've got the eyes! SHAFT: (Unseen) Pretty ones too! [ACTION: The outline of Shaft's driver side door appears behind Airazor's back.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Flattery will get you nowhere, Pred! SHOW YOURSELF! [ACTION: The door snaps open, and a pair of charged cables zip out, attach to Airazor's and Tigatron's legs, then fire a beam. Both Maximals freeze in position. The cable attached to Tigatron releases. The cable attached to Airazor drags her into the car. The door shuts. The sound of an engine revs and drives away.] [SHOT: Full shot of stasis-stung Tigatron as he snaps out stasis.] TIGATRON: (RM) (Royally miffed) GRRRROWL! Null ray! This Shaft is a true assassin! Sentinel! Code Red - intruder alert! Scan for Doppler shifts in any energy field within Maximal Command. SENTINEL: (Over com) Scan shift detected... TIGATRON: (RM) Location? SENTINEL: (Over com) Doppler shift appears across the entire ship. Unable to fix a position... [ACTION: Tigatron stamps his foot in frustration.] [SCENE/ACTION: Inside the Stinger Core. Camshaft and Terrorsaur are dodging and shooting tentacle legs being flung at them by Bombshell's head.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Shooting and dodging) UMPH! Well, Predacon - UHH! - it looks as - GET AWAY! - it looks as if we're to get out of this, I'll need to take out Bombshell! TAKE THAT! TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Sarcastically) RRHA! - Be my guest... (Realizing) Wait a minute... that means you'll have to attack your own personality chip! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Or, at least the stinger core attached to it! (Using the butt of his gun on some tentacles) UH - UH - UH - UH!! You and I know that if Bombshell and Shaft get the matrix, they will give it to Megatron. The LAST person we would want to get the matrix would be Megatron! TERRORSAUR: (RM) I couldn't agree with you more! Er - Wouldn't I be your second-to-the-last person you would want to get the matrix? CAMSHAFT: (RM) The lesser of FOUR evils! Get ready! [ACTION: Camshaft leaps out from a bundle of legs and confronts Bombshell's head.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Right! Let's have a little history lesson here, Bombshell! First, weren't you destroyed, then rebuilt as Cyclonus? We never did understand where you and the rest of the Insecticons returned from... BOMBSHELL: (Head) (Surprised) What? Insecticons were the only Cybertronian race that mass produced itself in limited body styles, Autobot! I am the ORIGINAL Bombshell, or at least a cyber shell from him. The Bombshell that became Cyclonus was only one of my MANY clones! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Smugly) Oh, come now! Unicron would take a CLONE? HA! You don't expect me to fall for that! I think YOU are the clone, and the REAL Bombshell got smeared attempting to get into Metroplex, was DUMPED by the Decepticons while trying to get back to Cybertron, and was stripped and rewired by Unicron into Cyclonus - a REAL charasmatic character, I must say! HA! What a ridiculous waste of a Insecticon shell! BOMBSHELL: (Head) (Pulling the tentacle legs into himself and growing) I will SHOW you just HOW MUCH of the real Bombshell is here for your destruction, Autobot! [ACTION: Camshaft avoids a pair of beams shot from Bombshell's eyes. He takes a kneeling stance across from the Insecticon. He puts his wrists together and aims his open palms at Bombshell.] [SHOT: MCU of Terrorsaur.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) (To himself) Very good, Autobot! While you are distracting Bombshell, I can get RID of YOU! Ha ha ha! Huh? BOMBSHELL: (Head) What do you think you're doing, Autobot!? [SHOT: Full front shot of Camshaft.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) You've been in here long enough to know, Bomberman! This is how I gather photons to fire a photon plasma bolt - you know, a LOW GRADE PHOTON TORPEDO? [SHOT: ECU of Terrorsaur reacting to Camshaft's action.] BOMBSHELL: (Off frame) Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND!? You are IN YOUR MIND! If you fire that off, you'll destroy ALL OF US! [SHOT/ACTION: Full front shot of Camshaft as photons start to build in his hands.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) Well, this all is mind games, isn't it? And if I mentally fire this at you in my mind, I figure I stand a fifty-fifty chance of purging the LOT of you! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Camshaft from behind him. As the ball of photon energy grows in his hands, Camshaft glances over at Terrorsaur.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) You'd better find your personality chip in a hurry! TERRORSAUR: (RM) Uh oh! [ACTION: Terrorsaur jumps into the air, then blinks out of sight.] BOMBSHELL: (Massive head) Last chance to avoid this, Autobot! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Aw, shutter your lens and watch the birdie! [ACTION: Camshaft fires. Everything turns white.] [SCENE: Another part of the mind-scape overlooking a processor board.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the board as Terrorsaur (RM) reappears. He is standing on a processor chip. There are chips of many sizes scattered everywhere. He looks down at his feet. A huge Predacon shield is there, printed on top of a personality chip with his serial number on it.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Huh! Now where am I? (Looking down at the shield and numbers) What's this? AH! My I.D. code! My personality chip! This must be the processor board... [ACTION: Terrorsaur takes off so that he can get a better view of the chips around him.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Humm... That's odd... My chip seems to be in the co-processor location! Where's the main processor? YEOW! [ACTION: A flash of light tells him its location to his right. He turns to see another chip about the same size as his personality chip. It has an Autobot shield on it. On the far end of it is the stinger core, attached by feeders that touch where the personality chip meets the chip mounts. The core is smoking.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) That must be it! And the stinger core attached to it! From that smoke, I'd say Camshaft was successful in ridding us of Bombshell... But I wonder... Computer, diagnostics - scan this personality chip. Is it functional? DIAGNOSTIC COMPUTER: Yes. It is operating with a forced duality command. There are TWO resident hosts, one Autobot, one Predacon. TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Gloating) Welllll, what a unique situation! What I need is a chip puller! [ACTION: A chip puller appears, large economy sized.] [SCENE: The workroom.] [SHOT/ACTION: The camera follows Bumblebee (RM) as he enters the work room from the bridge, and runs into something hard. He doesn't see anything, but he can feel it there.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Smarting) By the matrix! What is this? WHOA! [SHOT/ACTION: POV shot from Bumblebee looking across the room. He sees three statues [Rhinox (RM), Optimus (RM) and Dinobot (RM)] with cables leading from them to a point in front of him. A forth cable has the matrix case in tow, and it quickly disappears to where the cables lead to.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) SHAFT! [ACTION: Bumblebee quickly pulls out his small gun, and places a round squarely where Shaft's hood aught to be. The cloaking turns off. Now that he can see the car, Bumblebee can see inside the cabin as well. He spots the stasis stung Airazor (RM) inside.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Airy! Let her GO Shaft! SHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) Hardly! [ACTION: Shaft (CM) releases and retracts the cables, closes the driver's door, quickly backs up, aiming his front end at Bumblebee, and fires off some blinding headlights at the Autobot.] SHAFT: (RM) (Over radio) Here! I hope you see the light! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Blinded) RAH! Optic shields! [ACTION: Shaft peels out, just missing Bumblebee as he races out the door. Bumblebee transforms (RM)>(CM) and follows. They are heading aft, to where a ramp is located to leave the ship. As they leave the room, the three statues snap out of their stasis shock.] [SHOTS/ACTION: The camera follows the wild ride through the Maximal ship. A quick zoom in to a ECU of Tigatron (RM) is seen as Shaft heads for him. Tigatron leaps into the air as Shaft warps below him. He lands on all four paws (BM) as he has transformed while in mid leap (off frame).] TIGATRON: (BM) Reckless Predacon! Huh!? [ACTION: Tigatron hears Bumblebee coming up behind him. He leaps again as Bumblebee passes under him again. This time, he lands on his feet as he again transforms while off frame.] TIGATRON: (RM) GET'EM BUMBLEBEE!! [ACTION: Tigatron pulls his gun, then runs off in the direction the two vehicles went.] [SCENE: Outside the Maximal Base.] [SHOT: Wide view of Cheetor (BM) and RatTrap (BM) as they check scanners for Shaft in cloaked mode.] CHEETOR: (RM) Anything on those scanners? RATTRAP: (RM) Naa... I don't think dees things could scan a rock, let alone a cloaked car! CHEETOR: (RM) Bummer. (Hearing a muffled engine noise from inside the ship) Hey! D'ya hear that? RATTRAP: (RM) 'Ey, do dees look like ears dat hear like yours? What are those spots o'yers hearin' now? CHEETOR: (RM) I don't know... It sounds like something is racing through the ship! LISTEN! There it is again! [ACTION: RatTrap reacts as the sound is louder this time.] [SHOT: POV from either Maximal following the sound of engines racing through the ship towards the aft section.] RATTRAP: (RM) You’s got sharp ears on there, kid! 'Sounds like dey'r headin' fer da aft hatchway! [SHOT/ACTION: RatTrap and Cheetor pull their guns and take a stance in preparation for Shaft exiting the ship.] CHEETOR: (RM) You'd think he'd find a way to cloak his engine noise! YEOW! [SHOTS/ACTION: An energy bolt land squarely between Rattrap and Cheetor from behind, flinging them away in either direction. Cheetor hits a rock. RatTrap bounces off the side of the ship. Both are out cold. Shot cuts to an MCU of Megatron's arm gun, which is still smoking. The shot pans up to a gloating Megatron.] MEGATRON: (RM) Yess, but a cloaked engine doesn't work as a distraction, yess! [ACTION: Megatron follows the sounds of engines through the Maximal ship.] [SCENE: The wild ride through the Maximal Ship.] [SHOT: Inside Bumblebee's cabin.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (To himself) Ah, spanners and bolts! I'm no match for Shaft's vehicle mode! Airy is our only hope! I've got to get her back on-line! I wonder if Maximals still use MRPs? (Over Com) Bumblebee to Airazor Processors - Maximal reactivation protocol - Bumblebee Alpha one! - Reset! [SHOT: MCU of Stasis stung Airazor. She snaps out of stasis.] AIRAZOR: (RM) What, where, who? BUMBLEBEE: (Over com) Airy!! You've got to hit Cam's K-Switch! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Now FULLY awake) WHAT!? [ACTION: Airazor looks over at the dashboard. The K-Switch is still open. She looks out the windows, and see that she is about to exit the ship.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Oh no! Camshaft! Don't! BUMBLEBEE: (Over radio) Airy, Shaft has the matrix case! You've GOT to hit that switch! Uh oh... [ACTION: That 'Uh oh' gets Airazor's attention. The windshield lights up as they exit the ship.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Bumblebee what is it? BUMBLEBEE: (Over com) Jeeze, is THAT Megatron? I wouldn't recognize him! [ACTION: Airazor looks out the windshield.] [SHOT: POV looking through Shaft's windshield down the hill alongside the Maximal ship. Megatron is seen at the base of the ship.] [SHOT: Full front shot of Shaft as he approaches the camera. He pulls to a halt. Bumblebee appears in the doorway behind him.] SHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) Stay back, Bumblebee! I'll fry your bird-friend here if you come any closer! [ACTION: Bumblebee complies, but does transform (CM)>(RM). Shaft turns his attention downhill.] SHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) Megatron! I have the matrix! [SHOT: MCU of Megatron (RM).] MEGATRON: (RM) Very good, Shaft! I should have reactivated that old Bombshell program sooner! You are MUCH better than Terrorsaur ever was at this espionage game, yesss! SHAFT: (CM) (Confused) You activated? What do you mean? MEGATRON: (RM) When I found that you, as Terrorsaur, had rescued Bumblebee WITHOUT knowing he was bearing the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, I knew that your old personality chip had reactivated, yess! So I sent out my own reactivation signal! To the very stinger core I placed in you so long ago! SHAFT: (RM) Then, Bombshell was wrong. Predaking is NOT coming. MEGATRON: (RM) (Chuckling) PREDAKING!? Ha ha! I think not, no. Predaking was most likely made so much flotsam when Perceptor drew him into that worm hole he created! [SHOT: Inside Shaft's cabin looking over Airazor's shoulder. A monitor on the dash flickers on with Camshaft's face.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Over monitor) Airy! - Airy, you've got to push the K-Switch! I can't stop Shaft, and I can't guarantee that Terrorsaur won't - kzzzzzz. [ACTION: The picture fades.] [SHOT: MCU reaction shot of Airazor.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Distressed) CAM! NO! [ACTION: Airazor jumps on the button.] [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of the base of the Autobot Personality chip. The front of the chip puller's crow's foot slides under the chip. The camera pulls and pans back to the left to show Terrorsaur adjusting the tool.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) THERE!... Now, to get some leverage! [SHOT: Wide shot from below the Predacon chip. Terrorsaur leaps to the top of it.] [SHOT: High shot looking over the edge of the Predacon chip at the other end of the chip puller. Terrorsaur looks down at it, then takes a diving stance.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Mocking an announcer) Terrorsaur needs this dive to win the gold! He will be trying a quadruple somersault in the pike position... [ACTION: Terrorsaur jumps into the air, aiming for the end of the puller.] [SHOT: ECU of Airazor's hands on the K-Switch looking back at her. The camera rack focuses to show her reaction to the K-Switch's question.] PROCESSOR: (Over radio) Kill Switch activated. Terminate - Yes, no or test? [SHOT/ACTION: The camera follows Terrorsaur in his dive. He hits the end of the puller feet first. The Autobot personality chip pulls out of its socket.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) YES! ALL TENS! THE CROWD GOES WILD! [SHOT: Return to the shot of Airazor on the K-Switch as she hangs her head.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Distraught) Y-yes... [SHOT/ACTION: Full shot of Shaft in car mode. The car changes color from black to mottled red. It also begins to morph. The driver's door flings open, and ejects Airazor, who lands on the ground in a dust cloud. The shot cuts to a POV view from Airazor as she turns to see Terrorsaur in beast mode looking down at her. He spits something out of his beak.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Here, I believe this is yours. [SHOT: ECU of Terrorsaur's hand as he hands Airazor Camshaft's Personality Chip.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) I present it to you, being the closest thing to his next of kin! [SHOT: The camera starts with a low shot of Terrorsaur, then moves around him until it becomes a POV looking over his shoulder down the hill at Megatron.] MEGATRON: (RM) Terrorsaur! What are you doing!? How DARE y.... [SHOT: Full front shot of Terrorsaur, which shows that he has one of his clawed feet hooked onto the Autobot case.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Thoroughly miffed) MEGATRON!! SO!! I'm replaceable by an Autobot psycho, ea? Well, I have the matrix, Megatron! And I will reap its rewards! HA HA HA HA HA!! [ACTION: Terrorsaur takes off with the matrix case hanging below him. With this, Bumblebee takes action. As Optimus (RM), Rhinox (RM), Tigatron (RM) and Dinobot (RM) exit the ship behind him, he pulls out his missile launcher. He locks onto the case.] [SHOT: POV of target scanner's readout screen.] TARGET SCANNER: (Internal) Autobot signal present... [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee looking through the scope.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sternly) Over-ride and lock on... TARGET SCANNER: (Internal) Acknowledged... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) Sorry Optimus... [SHOTS/ACTION: Quick ECU of Bumblebee's trigger finger. He pulls the trigger. The shot moves to the front of the launcher. From there, the camera follows the launched missile from just above the warhead. The background goes squirrely for a moment, then settles on the case below Terrorsaur.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) OH NO! [ACTION: Before Terrorsaur can do anything, the missile strikes the case.] [SHOT: MCU of Megatron.] MEGATRON: (RM) The Matrix! NO! All that POWER! Lost! [SHOT/ACTION: As the smoke clears, a full shot of a wounded Terrorsaur appears. He drops the now very bent case. It crashes to the ground and splinters into pieces.] [ACTION: Bumblebee quickly whirls around and fires a second missile at Megatron. Megatron is already running as fast as he can over the hill. There is a explosion, but the wreckage is not seen.] [SHOT: Full shot of Bumblebee as he puts his launcher away. The other Maximals are behind him. He looks down hill (To the right).] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) AIRY! [SHOT/ACTION: Long shot of Bumblebee and the rest coming down the hill. The camera lowers to show Airazor on the ground cradling Camshaft's personality chip, with stinger core still attached.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Airy! Airy! Are you all right? [ACTION: Airazor, trembling, holds the chip up for Bumblebee to see.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Cam's Personality Chip! Is THAT what Terrorsaur gave you? HUH! I guess I shouldn't have singed his tail like that! (Yelling at the smoking Terrorsaur flying off in the distance) SORRY!! [ACTION: Rhinox arrives. Airazor looks up to him and hands him the chip.] RHINOX: (RM) (Examining the chip) It looks intact... The stinger core is disabled, so removing it should be a snap. Now all we need is a body. AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shaking) We also need to remove Shaft. He's still in there somehow... [ACTION: Bumblebee notices Airazor shaking. He bends down to comfort her.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey! Are you going to be okay? AIRAZOR: (RM) I told it to do it, Bumblebee! I told the K-Switch to do it! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Placing his hand on her shoulder) You did what needed to be done. I don't think I could have ever done it myself. Prime would have been proud of you. RHINOX: (RM) (Looking at Bumblebee shocked) You told her about the K-Switch? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Camshaft and I both told her about it. Why? RHINOX: (RM) And, as Shaft, he still took her on board knowing she would know of the switch? Strange. It's as if Shaft was hoping for her to push that button - end it all in a flash! [ACTION: RatTrap (RM), rubbing his head, comes up the hill from where Megatron flung him against the ship.] RATTRAP: (RM) (Still smarting) Switch? What switch? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I'll tell YOU later! RATTRAP: (RM) Yea! Sure! Another Autobot secret! I'll be lucky if I get a ride anytime soon! [ACTION: Cheetor (BM) enters in a quick trot.] CHEETOR: (BM) The Matrix! Did I see you detonate the matrix?! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee as he looks around with his hands to his face in fake panic.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Any of those newfangled Insecticons about? No? Good! [ACTION: Bumblebee nods for everyone to follow.] [SCENE: The Work Room.] [SHOT/ACTION: Dissolve to a wide view of the work room. Bumblebee enters the room, then goes over to the scanning deck. He is followed into the room by the rest of the Maximals. He unlocks the scanning chamber, and slides out the matrix, still being probed for compatibility.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) All they got was the case. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It's a shame you needed to destroy the case, being the last known part of Optimus Prime. I know how much it meant to you. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Wryly smiling) It's okay... I would have heard an earful from Prime if I hadn't used it as I did! [ACTION: A bell chimes, and Rhinox checks his scanner's monitor.] RHINOX: (RM) Are you ready for this? Not only is it compatible, but it will modify itself to Protoform status once installed within a Protoform body. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Somehow, that really doesn't surprise me... It would have had to have modified itself each time it was installed in a new leader. Speaking of which... (Pointing to the matrix while looking at Optimus Primal) I'd hand it to you, but without the case, it would encode to me... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Maybe you should take it. It has been with you the longest. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Bluntly) No... I have been its guardian, not its bearer. My job is to pass it on, not become one with it. I present it to the new leader of the Autobots, and now, Maximals. [ACTION: Bumblebee swings the scanner chamber over towards Optimus. Optimus hesitates for a moment, looking around at the others.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Go on Optimus! CHEETOR: (BM) Only you, Big Bot! TIGATRON: (RM) (Nodding) Um humm! RATTRAP: (RM) SHEESH! WILL YOU’S TOUCH IT ALREADY!? [ACTION: Optimus laughs slightly at RatTrap. He then reaches over and touches the matrix. Instantly, the matrix flashes, changes shape slightly, then settles down.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) NOW I can touch it! [ACTION: Bumblebee picks up the matrix, checks it over, then readies to install it into Optimus.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Okay, open wide! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Nervously) I don't think I've ever opened this hatch while not in repair mode! [ACTION: Optimus' chest hatch swings open, and a hold-down brace pivots out. Bumblebee installs the matrix, making sure it is straight.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Okay Optimus... Close it up! [ACTION: Optimus closes his chest hatch. He begins to glow slightly, growing slightly larger and bulkier.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Growing) Urrha! OPTIMUS PRIME: (Internal) 'Til ALL are ONE! RODIMUS PRIME: (Internal) 'Til ALL are ONE! ALPHA TRION: (Internal) I, Alpha Trion, welcome you, Optimus Primal of the Maximals. With acceptance to the Matrix of Leadership, the lineage of Autobots and Maximals is complete. We, the forebearers of the Matrix, grant you access to all of our combined knowledge and wisdom from down the millennia. And as we add to your knowledge, you shall add to ours. There is still much for us the learn from one another. And we still must welcome our brothers, friend or foe, until the day comes when ALL are ONE once again! [SHOT: Wide panning shot of all the Maximals and Bumblebee as they watch Optimus settle in with the Matrix.] RHINOX: (RM) (Checking his scanners and keeping an eye on Optimus) It's a good take! How do you feel, Optimus? [SHOT: MCU of Optimus Primal. He is smiling.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Calmly) Prime! [ACTION: The glowing around Optimus fades.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Seeing something of interest) Humm... That's interesting! Do me a favor, Optimus - transform, would you? [ACTION: Optimus shrugs, then transforms (RM)>(BM).] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well I'll be! You've become a silverback! RHINOX: (RM) Looks good on you, Optimus! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Stretching) It feels GREAT! But I also feel as if I should sprout wheels! [ACTION: Bumblebee and Rhinox laugh at Optimus' comment, then look at one another.] RHINOX: (RM) Malleable? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hummm... [SCENE: Later that evening in the work room.] [ACTION: Rhinox (RM) is working on Camshaft's personality chip at a workbench. Bumblebee (RM) enters the room.] RHINOX: (RM) I've removed the stinger core from Camshaft's chip. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Studying Rhinox's work) Good... we can put it into a ground test-bed stimulator. That will keep it warm at least. Any ideas about a body for him? RHINOX: (RM) I don't know. I haven't the materials or the energy to make a Protoform frame for him here. I could cobble up enough parts to give him a class 7 Autobot frame like yours. The dimensional stabilizers would take over then, and give us basically the same Camshaft as we had before... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Then add Maximal Protoform attributes like mine? That would probably be perfect! He'd have to get his own cameras, though! RHINOX: (RM) UMPH! Yea, but first he'll have to figure out where he ends, and where Shaft begins. It's up to him now to settle it between his two selves. [ACTION: Rhinox places the chip into the ground test-bed stimulator, then turns it on.] [SCENE: Inside the chip.] [SHOT: Wide shot of Shaft and Camshaft as they sit on either sides of a large table eying one another.] SHAFT: (RM) (Sneering as he reveals a handful of playing cards) Got any queens? CAMSHAFT: (RM) Go fish! SHAFT: (RM) (Sitting back in his seat looking at his cards) Umph! Well, s'better than solitaire! [ACTION: They both chuckle, then continue their card game.] [SCENE: Predacon base.] [SHOT: Wide shot of the entrance of the base. Megatron (RM) stomps in carrying a part of his tail that was blown off by Bumblebee's missile. Waspinator and Tarantulas are working on the com station console.] MEGATRON: (RM) (Grumbling to himself) Stupid, low down miserable BUG! TARANTULAS: (RM) Uh oh! WHAT did you do NOW Waspinator? WASPINATOR: (RM) It not ME! Waspinator didn't do ANYTHING! 'Must be you! TARANTULAS: (RM) DON'T get your HOPES UP! I'M not a BUG! WASPINATOR: (RM) Yes you are! TARANTULAS: (RM) NO I'm NOT! WASPINATOR: (RM) YES you ARE!! TARANTULAS: (RM) NO I'm... MEGATRON: (RM) (Pointing his Arm Gun at them) KNOCK IT OFF, or I'll SWAT BOTH of you BUGS! I was referring to the AUTOBOT! TERRORSAUR: (RM) Ah! Looks as if you had another run in with that missile system they put into him! MEGATRON: (RM) (Disgruntled) Yess! It IS an impressive system! He blew my - er - hit me in the rear... BLACKARACHNIA: (BM) (Descending from the ceiling on a thread.) He blew your TAIL off, ea? And I bet you STILL didn't get the Matrix! HA! MEGATRON: (RM) As a matter of fact, the BUG destroyed it! And when you see Terrorsaur, let him know that I wish to SEE him! WASPINATOR: (RM) Ah! It's TERRORSAUR that's a bug! TARANTULAS: (RM) (Leaning his head on his left claw looking at Waspinator) It's amazing how you GRASP things! The flotsam in there must be mind blowing! MEGATRON: (RM) I'm heading for the R-Baths... Wait a minute, what is wrong with the Com-Station? TARANTULAS: (RM) (Surprised) Wrong? The base's transmitter has been off line for a couple of days now! We could receive, but not transmit! Didn't you know? MEGATRON: (RM) (Angry) If I had KNOWN, don't you think I wouldn't have ASKED!? Now FIX IT! [SHOT: Front MCU of Megatron as he walks down the corridor leaving the confused Predacons behind him. He is full of thought.] MEGATRON: (RM) (Thinking to himself) Odd... That would mean that the reactivation signal I sent DIDN'T reactivate the BOMBSHELL PROGRAM in the stinger core!... So if I didn't reactivate it... only ONE other being COULD HAVE... uh oh... [ACTION: Megatron stops in his tracks. He looks up at the ceiling.] [SHOTS: The camera starts with a MCU looking down on Megatron, then starts pulling away. The view dissolves to that of the planet. The camera continues to pull away, then swings away from the planet to show the star field. Far off in the upper right quadrant of the screen is a small warp hole. A streak of light shoots out of it heading for the center of the screen. Another warp hole opens, and the streak of light enters it.] [F T B] - - - - - END OF PART #3 - - - - -