FIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE - - - - - Part 2 - - - - - - PAST TENSE HERO - A Proposed Script for BEAST WARS/TRANSFORMERS By R. A. Stott ©1996, 97 ARK NORTH - THE DENIVAN MEDIA SERVICES [Key] (BM) Beast Mode (RM) Robot Mode (CM) Car Mode (TM) Truck Mode (-M)>(-M) Transform from > to ANNOUNCER/RHINOX: (Voice over) LAST TIME ON BEAST WARS.... [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of RatTrap at the base of a dormant volcano. He pulls a post-puck out of his chest plate. He pops his open like a top hat, then plants it. He take the rope off his shoulder and looks up the hillside.] SOUND EFFECT: CRRRRRRRACK! (Ground) [ACTION: Cracking sound can be heard. The ground at the base of the post cracks in CU. Suddenly the ground gives way. RatTrap falls through the hole.] RATTRAP: (RM) YEOW! AW NUTZ!! CHEETOR: (RM) Yo! RatTrap's down a hole! TIGATRON: (BM) So what else is new? [ACTION: RatTrap notices lights behind him.] RATTRAP: (RM) (To himself) Ea? What's that? [SHOT: Following RatTrap's flashlight beam, he shines it on the source of the two lights, revealing an ancient yellow VW Beetle.] [SHOT: CU of Tigatron looking down the hole.] TIGATRON: (BM) What is that down there with you, RatTrap? TIGATRON: (Continued...) RatTrap, put your light on its hood...I thought I saw something... [SHOT: The light lands squarely on an Autobot Shield.] TIGATRON: (BM) An Autobot! How did that noble creature get down there? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox looking down the hole. Optimus is off to one side.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, I'll be a glitched microcircuit! Bumblebee! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Check out the pod while we discuss ways to get Bumblebee out of there. [ACTION: RatTrap grabs his audio receptors in pain as a pulsing trilling sound erupts from the console in the escape pod.] RATTRAP: (RM) YEAAA! [SHOT: Wide shot of the four Maximals on the surface. All are reacting to their processors chirping.] MAXIMAL PROCESSORS: (Internal) An Autobot Emergency Beacon has been activated nearby - MEGATRON: (RM) An AUTOBOT signal? MY! We must investigate this at once! [SHOT/ACTION: Front end shot of Bumblebee with RatTrap in the foreground and Optimus behind the Beetle. RatTrap gives Optimus a quick three count, and heaves the front end of Bumblebee into the air.] RATTRAP: (RM) (Panic) One - two - three! YEEAA! [ACTION: Optimus hits his jets as Bumblebee reaches his balanced point above him. The camera follows them up and out of the hole. RatTrap follows up his repelling rope.] [ACTION: RatTrap opens Bumblebee's driver's side door and gets in.] [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of instrument cluster on Bumblebee's dashboard. RatTrap taps the Fuel/Energon Gauge, which reads FULL. The camera follows his hand down to the 'keys'. He turns them, and Bumblebee's 'engine' fires up.] [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap leaning out the driver's window gloating over his new wheels.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey! They're right! Dey DO build dees things ta last! [ACTION: RatTrap floors it, and takes off out into the prairie. Tigatron and Cheetor follow behind to either side of the car.] [SHOT: 2 shot of Terrorsaur and Waspinator. They notice the cloud of dust.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Ahh! Our Autobot is for real! AH! [ACTION: Terrorsaur does a loop.] WASPINATOR: (BM) What's with you? TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Shaking his head) I'm gonna have to run a diagnostic when we get back to base! TERRORIZE! [ACTION: Terrorsaur and Waspinator transform (BM)>(RM) then head in for a strafing run.] [SHOT/ACTION: The two Predacons gain on the Autobot, and are about to overtake it, when Tigatron (BM) and Cheetor (BM) leap out of the dust cloud and land squarely on the Pred's backs, and drive them into the ground with a thud. The two cats continue on without missing a stride. They again disappear into the grass.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU side shot looking into the driver's side window of RatTrap. He looks forward at Scorponok (off screen). He looks at the camera and gets a mean grin on his face. He turns forward again, hunkers down in his seat, then floors Bumblebee.] [SHOT: A quick rack zoom in on Scorponok in a fast reaction shot. A quick flash of white followed by crunching sounds.] [SHOT/ACTION: The camera allows Bumblebee and the cats as they head over the hill in their cloud of dust. It then pans back to find sparks and smoke coming out of a flattened Scorponok. Tire tracks run up his chassis (in close-up, the tread marks are little Autobot shields).] [SCENE: Wide interior shot of a storage bay Rhinox has made into a repair bay. Bumblebee (CM) is in the middle of the room. Rhinox (RM) is busy finishing the assembling of the 'Manual Crank' device (it looks like the starters used on an Indy Race Car, except that it has a control pad and a readout screen on top, and a lanyard attached to its rear). Also in the room are Optimus (RM), Cheetor (RM), and RatTrap (RM).] [SHOT: MCU of Optimus watching Rhinox.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) You seem to know quite a bit about Autobot physical structures. [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox working on Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) Humph. Well of course I would. I used to BE one. Late in the 45th summer of the war, our position came under assault. It was an all out Decepticon attack on us. [SHOT: Excerpts from the Battle of Iacon.] RHINOX: (Flashback) As a reward for services given, Optimus Prime promoted me. I was given a new body, and my first name. I became Roadbuster. [SHOT: Rhinox is about to yank the manual crank out of Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) You guys may want to move back a bit. [ACTION: Cheetor, RatTrap and Optimus move back a bit (Cheetor moves so the camera can see more of Bumblebee). Rhinox stands up holding the lanyard in this left hand.] RHINOX: (RM) Right! One - Two - [ACTION: Rhinox yanks the manual crank out. Instantly Bumblebee starts to transform LOUDLY (to the sounds of the Transformers' original t-form sound effect). Cheetor, RatTrap and Optimus grab their audio receptors in pain.] RHINOX: (RM) THREE! SOUND EFFECT: URRR-URRRR-URRR-URRR-URRRRT! [SHOT/ACTION: Extremely distorted POV shot from Bumblebee. Everyone is on the other side of the room. Rhinox and Airazor are trying to calm him down.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Excited) WHERE AM I!? WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE ARE MY COMRADES?! WHY ARE THE ANIMALS TURNING INTO ROBOTS!? ANSWER ME! Are you - are you Maximals? Optimus? Optimus Prime? Is that you? [SHOT: MCU of Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) No, I am not THE Optimus Prime. I was designed and named after him. He was lost long ago. [SHOT/ACTION: The camera does a wild zoom in on Bumblebee from above. He grabs his head by its horns in pain.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pained) YES! I remember - AHH! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU reaction shot of Rhinox as he reacts to what Bumblebee said. Rhinox jumps towards Bumblebee (left of frame). He grabs him and holds him directly in front of himself, holding Bumblebee by the shoulders.] RHINOX: (RM) NO! Autobot command com override prefix - security 1, detail 7! Set for visual conformation! ErrrAAAHHH! [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of Rhinox's head. Rhinox is grimacing and groaning. His face begins to morph, change shape and color. His head settles on its temporary shape.] RHINOX/ROADBUSTER: (RM) Confirm! RATTRAP: (RM) Since when did you’s become a shape changer as well as a Transformer? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) Protoform bodies are more malleable. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Why did you ask if we were Maximals? There weren't any around when you were last active? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Early forms of Maximals were around to counter the main threat to Cybertron. [SHOT: MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) What was the main threat? [SHOT: ECU of Rhinox eyes as he scowls.] RHINOX: (RM) Predaking. DINOBOT: (BM) HARISSSS!! PREDAKING! [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee as he nods in agreement.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) ...the very first Predacon. DINOBOT: (BM) Predaking was a Multibot - 5 Decepticon soldiers who merged together to form a massive and destructive war machine. He was the largest of the Multibots. What the Decepticons did not know at first was that Predaking had been joined by another Decepticon sub-group known as INSECTICONS. One of these was Bombshell, who had a device for warping minds. They called it a cerebro-shell. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) Optimus Prime was hit with a cerebro-shell. I found him during the battle. I could see him struggling against the shell's program. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (IN Flashback) PRIME!! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) Cerebro - - shell - - trying t-to - - reprogram me into - - Predacon - - Bumblebee...I have - - special mission - - take this - - [ACTION: Optimus Prime swings open his cab window doors, pops open a safety hold-down, and ejects a case emblazoned with the Autobot Shield. He closes up again, and hands the case to Bumblebee.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) You MUST keep this safe, Bumblebee - I'm depend - depending on you - URRAH! YOU must ESCAPE! AHHH! [ACTION: Prime grabs Bumblebee and throws him back into the warp shuttle. He them slams the door shut.] [ACTION: Prime grabs the shuttle and heaves it away. From the view of the cockpit, Bumblebee sees Prime in the distance. He is being surrounded by old Insecticons.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) CODE PRIME 1 - 1 A - OPTIMUS - BINARY 7 - IMMEDIATE! [SHOTS/ACTION: In multiple shot, the camera moves away from Prime as he begins to glow. At the third shot, Prime detonates, releasing a great shock wave out into space. It overtakes the shuttle.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, we'll need to get to work on your retrofit... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Not smiling now) Retrofit... What retrofit? RHINOX: (RM) You're gonna need one, if you want to leave the ship. A Maximal outer skin to keep the energon from building up... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Okay. I'll do it. But ONLY on MY TERMS. I don't want to loose my car mode! I want to be able to ROLL FOR IT when I want to! I may join the Maximals, but I'm still an Autobot! RHINOX: (RM) Whoa! You're talkin' old Triple Changer technology. That's never been tried in Protoforms before! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I'd have to go through a FULL UPGRADE - retrofit and redesign. RHINOX: (RM) (Excited) Well, let's get started! AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Well, let’s first overlay a real bee over your car mode, and correct for fit... BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Boy! That's a big bee! [SHOT/ACTION: From the cyber-dream sequence. The operating room with Rhinox who has his back towards the camera, and Bumblebee, who is still on the table. Rhinox whirls around, and he has Roadbuster's head again. He is also dressed in a dirty old surgical gown.] RHINOX/ROADBUSTER: (RM) Well, let's not be too delicate with it! [SCENE: Outside old AUTOBOT HEADQUARTERS at the ARK CRASH SITE on Earth. Bumblebee is with friends from his past. Things are strangely out of proportion.] [ACTION: Optimus Prime (TM) pulls up to a HUGE Bumblebee. He transforms (TM)>(RM), and gives Bumblebee a HUGE GUN. For some reason, Bumblebee is as large as Optimus Prime. Bumblebee checks out the scope on the gun.] [SHOT/ACTION: Rear shot of Bumblebee looking up at an even larger SHOCKWAVE (RM). He is lowering his blaster hand at Bumblebee.] SHOCKWAVE: (RM) PUNY AUTOBOT! [SHOT/ACTION: POV from Bumblebee's perspective. He is looking up the blue pillar, only to find that it really is STARSCREAM'S FOOT. Starscream starts to bend down to grab him.] STARSCREAM: (RM) Come here puny Autobot! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) Take this - you MUST keep this safe, Bumblebee - I'm depending on you! RAT: Boy'o, you are one real schizo, you know dat? OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) You are our protector, Bumblebee! You hold our past - you hold our futures! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Careful. She's playing with your head! [SHOT: Airazor removing Bumblebee's head during the operation.] RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) Protect what makes us, Bumblebee! 'Till all are one! GALVATRON: (RM) ...Autobot, it keeps going, over and over again! You can not run from it! We just repeat the same story - it's a FULL CIRCLE! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) HUHHH!! OH NO! NO! NOT AGAIN! NOOOO! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) GO!! CODE PRIME 1 - 1 A - OPTIMUS - BINARY 7 - IMMEDIATE! [SHOT: Rhinox (BM) walking into the sky.] RATTRAP: (RM) I don't ever remember him doin' that! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) No Decepticon shall have it! RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) Until all are one! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) Until all are one! [SHOT/ACTION: Looking down at Bumblebee on his bed. He suddenly sits up startled awake.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Melt me in a body forge! What have I done!? RHINOX: (RM) (Entering Bridge) The MATRIX! SLAG! That's what was in that case! How could I be so blind! [SCENE: Inside the Predacon base at the Communication Station. Megatron and Scorponok were looking at the com screen.] MEGATRON: (RM) (Excited) The legendary Autobot Matrix of Leadership! I want it NOW! Let us both go and find the matrix, yes! Who knows, maybe we'll see my 'old friend' Bumblebee, yes - before I scrap him! HA HA HA HA!! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Terrorsaur (RM). He stops squarely in his tracks in reaction to Megatron's reference to Bumblebee.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Shocked - Worried - Shivering - Acting as if something just switched on in his head) Bumblebee? Megatron can't hurt Bumblebee! He's MY FRIEND! I must warn him! [SCENE: The Escape Pod's cave.] [SHOTS/ACTION: A wide shot inside the darkened pod cave. A light turns on inside the pod. The shot moves inside the pod. Bumblebee opens a hidden panel with a key pad inside it. He keys in a code and the pilot's seat pops open. The camera swings overhead to show that tucked inside the seat is a large case with the Autobot Symbol on it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) I've got it, Prime... [ACTION: Bumblebee places his right hand on the Autobot Shield. A light bar scans his hand, and the top of the case pops open. As the lid swings open, a bright light blinds the camera.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) I will protect our futures - 'til all are one! [SHOT: The camera runs up the side of the case. As it clears the top edge of the case, it looks in. Inside the case, the matrix pulses like a spark contained within a shell. Opening titles run.] ANNOUNCER/RHINOX: (Voice over) And now, Part 2 of Fight of the Bumblebee... GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee (RM) as he closes the lid to the case, then places his hand on the Autobot shield. A scanning line runs down his hand. A loud CLICK is heard from the box as it seals itself. He picks it up and prepares to exit the cave.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Looking at the roof, talking to himself) Humm... Large case, big hole, BIG jump! This should be fun! [SCENE: Flying along with Airazor (BM).] [SHOT/ACTION: Camera zooms into a CU of Airazor (BM) flying towards the pod cave. She spies things below her.] AIRAZOR: (BM) Uh oh... What have we here? [SHOT: POV from Airazor's optic sensors. She sees Megatron (BM), Scorponok (BM), Blackarachnia (BM) and Tarantulas (BM).] AIRAZOR: (BM) Let’s see... Megatron and Scorponok, heading up the canyon from the southwest... calculate current rate to pod site... PROCESSORS: (Internal) Approximately one half hour, barring holds or delays... AIRAZOR: (BM) And, OH HO! From due south come Blackarachnia and Tarantulas using platforms from the Predacon base! I didn't think those things could leave their ship! Interesting! Time to hole... PROCESSORS: (Internal) 15 minutes... AIRAZOR: (BM) (Mocking her own processors) ...barring holds or delays! Humm... I'd better risk breaking radio silence... [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee (RM) in the cave, reacting to Airazor's message.] AIRAZOR: (Over com) Airazor to Bumblebee - Airazor to Bumblebee, come in! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Tapping com to acknowledge Airazor] Hey, Airy! What brings you out here on a night like this? AIRAZOR: (Over com) YOU, silly! You've got company coming from TWO different directions! I figure you've got less than 15 minutes to get out of there before the first group of Preds reach you! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Great! How far are you? AIRAZOR: (BM) I'm only a few nano-clicks away! GET OUT OF THERE! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Yes 'mam! Can you give me air cover while I get out of this hole? AIRAZOR: (BM) That's what I'm here for, Bug! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Got'cha! [ACTION: Bumblebee assess an attempt to fly the case out of the hole.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Wing processors - give me a pair of small booster wings. PROCESSORS: (Internal) Acknowledge... [ACTION: A small pair of wings knit up. Bumblebee moves to the far side of the cavern, then gets a running start. He leaps at the wall in front of him, and with his wings beating furiously, scales is, digging his feet into it for added boost. Since the opening at the top is slightly away from the wall, his last boost off it sends him through it doing a back-flip. He lands on his feet holding the case over his head.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I LOVE THESE WINGS! [SHOT: MCU of Airazor watching Bumblebee from on high.] AIRAZOR: (BM) Ha - at least he's happy! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera zooms past Airazor to show that Waspinator (BM) is coming up behind her.] WASPINATOR: (BM)>(RM) Bird-lady not see Waspinator! Waspinator finally GET Bird-lady! [ACTION: Waspinator fires a missile at Airazor. Airazor notices the flash, and takes a quick peek behind her.] AIRAZOR: (BM) Aww... Won't you EVER learn? [ACTION: Airazor moves up slightly, and grabs the missile with her left claw, slicing the motor off with a talon from her right. The motor, spitting and popping, tumbles away.] AIRAZOR: (BM)>(RM) Airazor, MAXIMIZE! Is THIS yours? [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Waspinator reacting to Airazor's catch. Shot cuts back to a full shot of Airazor as she heaves the missile at Waspinator. He ducks. The missile fragments explodes behind him on the ground.] WASPINATOR: (RM) OOOOOOH! Waspinator NOT BE BEAT THIS TIME! Waspinator has been practicing! BIRD-LADY NOT GET WASPINATOR THIS TIME! AIRAZOR: (RM) Waspinator, what you NEED to practice at is NOT SAYING YOUR NAME SO OFTEN! I think we KNOW who you are! WASPINATOR: (RM) (Happy with himself) Humm? Waspinator LIKE his name! Waspinator - Waspinator - Waspinator! Humm - humm - hummm! AIRAZOR: (RM) Uh! You are one hyper-glitched bozo! WASPINATOR: (RM) (Hitting a nerve) Bozo? BOZO!!!?? WASPINATOR NOT BOZO! RRRRRAAAAAHH! [ACTION: Waspinator goes berserk, firing everything he can. Airazor manages to dodge them all.] [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee watching the battle.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I think you hit a nerve! AIRAZOR: (RM) Yes, I think I did! This is the BEST exercise I've had in WEEKS! I'll have to REMEMBER that from now on! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well, give me a moment to set up my wings, and I'll be there to help! [SHOT: MCU of Airazor.] AIRAZOR: (RM) NO! PROTECT THE MATRIX! I can handle this Bozo! [SHOT/ACTION: Rack focus to Waspinator who comes up from behind.] WASPINATOR: (RM) WHAT did you CALL Waspinator!? [SHOT: ECU of Airazor's head as she coyly turns to Waspinator and says...] AIRAZOR: (RM) Bo - Zo, big boy! A - Great - Big - Royal - Fat - BoZo! [SHOT/ACTION: First, a moment of calmness, then a wild maddening shot of Waspinator as he goes ballistic at the camera.] WASPINATOR: (RM) Oh... RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! [SHOT: Full shot of Bumblebee looking down from above.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) The MATRIX!? Ah, so THAT'S why she's here! The Maximals figured out what was in the case as well! Fair enough! At least I can give her ground support. But first, I'd better secure the case... Open storage! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera moves down to an MCU aft shot of Bumblebee. His wings fall off, and his hood opens.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What the... Aww... HEXAGONAL NUTS! Where's my chest plate door? I can't REACH back there! UMPH! Welll... Maybe... [ACTION: With a slight juggling act, Bumblebee manages to drop the case into the backpack.] PROCESSORS: (Internal) Autobot protocol processor - Matrix of Leadership present. Install? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Panicked) NO! Storage only! PROCESSORS: (Internal) Acknowledged... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Weapon! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU front shot of Bumblebee as he reaches over his head to receive his weapon. Expecting his little blaster, Bumblebee is surprised to find a launcher handed to him by his weapons array.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Surprised) WHOA! What is THIS thing! Where's my little blaster? (Examining it) Humm, Stingers! [SUB-SCENE: End of a canyon southwest of the pod site. Megatron (BM) and Scorponok (BM) are watching the explosions ahead of them.] MEGATRON: (BM) Flyers fighting. Scorponok, check on it! [ACTION: Scorponok transforms (BM)>(RM). He fires off a drone bee towards the fray.] [SUB-SCENE: Thickets to the south of the pod site. Blackarachnia (BM) and Tarantulas (BM) are following a trail through the brush. They come to a stop to watch the battle.] BLACKARACHNIA: (BM)>(RM) (Chuckling) I think we'd better be ready to get involved in this - Blackarachnia, TERRORIZE! TARANTULAS: (BM)>(RM) (Giddy) I love it when you talk nasty! Tarantulas, TERRORIZE! [SHOT: MCU of Blackarachnia as she looks at Tarantulas (off camera) with questioning distrain. She rolls her eyes (if you can DO that with her type of eyes) and squeezes the throttle hard on the platform she is riding and moves on. Tarantulas enters the frame, then continues on as well.] TARANTULAS: (RM) (Hurt) What? What!? [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot further down the trail. Blackarachnia, approaching the camera, comes to a screeching halt, and fires her crossbow into the ground in front of the oncoming Tarantulas so that the spear end sticks up. The front of Tarantulas' platform strikes the spear, sending him hurling off it.] BLACKARACHNIA: (RM) (Giggling) Oh look! You've become a flyer! [SHOT: Full shot of Tarantulas heaped into a thorny bush.] TARANTULAS: (RM) What did you do THAT for? [SHOT: POV from Tarantulas at Blackarachnia.] BLACKARACHNIA: (RM) AH! Spring must be in the AIR! The SAP has HIT your PROCESSORS! Look, you may have found this form for me, but you sure didn't LEARN from it! YOU would NOT survive! [SHOT: The camera follows Blackarachnia as she continues down the trail. It then swings back onto an ECU of Tarantulas.] TARANTULAS: (RM) Maybe not - but I'd sure like to give it a try, witch! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! [ACTION: Tarantulas jumps onto his platform and follows Blackarachnia.] [SCENE: Pod site air battle.] [SHOT/ACTION: As the battle continues, Scorponok's drone bee arrives and orbits the fight (the camera following the drone - action continuing behind it). Neither Airazor or Waspinator seem to notice the drone.] [SHOT: Full shot of Bumblebee and the missile launcher. Bumblebee is having trouble with the working of the beast.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Humm... won't fire... let’s see... [SHOT: POV of targeting scope. Shot shows Airazor, Waspinator and the drone.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Voice over) Ahh! Here it is! It won't fire until it reads a target lock! Target scanners, scan for targets! [ACTION: The target scanners lock on ALL THREE objects in the scope.] [SHOT: CU reaction shot of Bumblebee looking into the targeting scope.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Perturbed) Uh, target scanners, explain target lock possibilities... TARGET SCANNERS: (Internal) There are three possible target locks available. 2 Predacon, 1 Maximal. No Autobot energy signature present. [ACTION: Bumblebee holds the launcher away with a 'I don't believe you just said that' look.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Miffed) WHAT!? Ah! I get it! My weapon systems are still only recognizing Autobots as 'friendly'! Reconfigure and reprogram weapon systems - consider ALL Maximal energy signatures as friendly! And don't give me this 'We're not talking to the master processors' jive! [SHOT/ACTION: Bumblebee puts the launcher back on his shoulder and spies through the scope again. The shot switches back to the POV of the target scope. Bumblebee sees the drone and zooms in.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Voice over) What is that thing? [SHOT/ACTION: The view of the drone dissolves from the POV from the targeting scope to a travelling shot that follows the drone's movements. As the camera continues to get closer to the drone, it picks up a POV image from the drone's perspective. Scorponok begins to narrate what the drone is seeing.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Voice over) Waspinator is attacking Airazor. And what's this? Some strange looking robot pointing a really big launcher up at my bee! [SHOT: 2 shot of Megatron (BM) and Scorponok (RM)] MEGATRON: (BM) Ah, that must be my old 'friend' Bumblebee, yes! A big launcher you say? [SHOT/ACTION: Shot returns to Bumblebee, who is aiming the launcher. Bumblebee fires. The missile and the bee go through a myriad of maneuvers around, between, and through the two flyers as they continue to fight. Megatron watches the missile track around from his position. Scorponok is beside him getting EXTREMELY dizzy.] MEGATRON: (BM) My, MY! That IS an impressive missile system! [SHOT: 2 shot of the 2 spiders. They come to a halt to watch the missile tracking the drone.] BLACKARACHNIA: (RM) Whoa! Look at THAT! TARANTULAS: (RM) Yes, but WHAT is it TRACKING? [SHOT: POV from Tarantulas as he zooms in on his own scanners.] TARANTULAS: (RM) Oh my! It's tracking one of Scorponok's Drone Bees! And it's KEEPING UP WITH IT! [SHOT: 2 shot of Blackarachnia (RM) and Tarantulas (RM)] BLACKARACHNIA: (RM) UMPH! Any missile system that can keep up with one of those IS TROUBLE! TARANTULAS: (RM) Yes, but WHO on the Maximal's side HAS such a weapon? I guess it's not impossible for them to develop... OH! [SHOTS/ACTION: The missile hits its target. Scorponok winces in pain.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Falling down) OW! Uuhhhh! Oh, I think I'm gonna be SICK! [SHOT: Full shot of Bumblebee and the launcher.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Oh YES! [ACTION: Bumblebee aims, locks, and fires again. Waspinator saw what the last missile had just done, and wants nothing to do with what was just launched in his direction.] WASPINATOR: (RM) OH NO! Bye bird-lady! YEOWWWWWW! [ACTION: Waspinator mimics the bee's attempt to avoid the missile, attempting at one point to send it back to its launcher. It avoids Bumblebee, and continues to follow him.] WASPINATOR: (RM) Oh, go away! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!!! [ACTION: In a final attempt to avoid the missile, Waspinator zips down the hole in the ground and into the pod cave. The missile follows along behind him. Blooie!] [SHOT/ACTION: Airazor, impressed by the new weapon, lands next to Bumblebee. Bumblebee checks the scanner for more airborne hostiles, but only finds more coming from ground level.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Whoa! That is SOME missile system! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Checking the targeting scope) I'll say! Let’s see if we have any more company... Nothing airborne... Ah! 4 Predacons at ground level... Time to see if this system also works ground to ground! Stand back! [ACTION: In rapid succession, Bumblebee locks and fires on the 4 targets. The camera follows along with the four missiles. 2 veer off and hit their targets nearby. The camera then stops following the other two missiles as they head off for the canyon southwest of the pod cave.] [SHOT: ECU reaction shot from Megatron with the flashes of the other explosions on his face.] MEGATRON: (BM)>(RM) Megatron, TERRORIZE!! [ACTION: Megatron sees the incoming missiles just as he finishes his transformation, and fires off his beam weapon in a sweeping motion. He triggers the missiles only 10 yards away, sending both he and Scorponok away in a heap.] [SHOT: MCU of Airazor as she tracks the missiles. Bumblebee is in the background.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Whoa! Even I can't hit a target that far away! Were you ever a marksman? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Embarrassed) Me? No, I couldn't hit the far side of a shuttle door! I was an espionage and communications expert. And this gun used to be only a pea-shooter! [ACTION: Bumblebee looks into the targeting scope again.] PROCESSORS: (Internal) 6 missiles spent - reprocessing new armaments. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Good thing it hit its target. It's out of ammunition... AIRAZOR: (RM) Well I know Rhinox upgraded your weapons systems... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I hope he remembered a simple pop-gun! This is a nice gun, but six shots and you're down until it regenerates is a bit scary! Do you know this thing almost targeted you? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Startled) Why would it do that? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) It only recognized Autobot energy signals as friendly! I had to explain to it that Maximals are friendly too! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Thinking) Well, it sounds like your weapons array isn't talking to your main processor. I thought I got all of those mechadentrites set! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Those are touchy things... You could burn one out without even knowing it! Even ol' Ratchet couldn't get them right all the time... he once had me talking out of my right audio receptor! I'm just going to have to go through a full shake down once we get back to Maximal headquarters. [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Megatron. He awakens to find himself tangled in a tree, one leg badly mangled. The camera pulls back and pans left to show Scorponok, who is just standing up. He had only been blasted down the road, and not seriously damaged.] MEGATRON: (RM) Scorponok, shell that area!! SCORPONOK: (RM) (Clanking his head with a claw) Right away! [ACTION: Scorponok proceeds to lob shells in rapid fire from one claw launcher to the other.] [SHOT: ECU reaction shot of Airazor. She hears the launching of shells, and turns to see where they are coming from.] AIRAZOR: (RM) INCOMING FIRE! LOOK OUT! [SHOT/ACTION: Airazor shoves Bumblebee out of the way. She jumps, but gets caught by the first blast. Bumblebee sees this, and come over to her aid.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Damaged... Can't transform! BUMBLEBEE: (RM)>(CM) AUTOBOT MODE! (Opening his driver's side door) Get in! [ACTION: Airazor, who is now also getting an energon surge, struggles into Bumblebee’s seat. As his door shuts, the energon surge stops.] AIRAZOR: (RM) The energon surge stopped! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) It must be that outer Maximal skin you two installed on me. AIRAZOR: (RM) We installed a few other things to this form as well... Try this! [ACTION: Airazor flips a switch on Bumblebee’s dashboard. Outside, deflector shields come up. Shells start bouncing away.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Deflector shields? Holy Alpha Trion! Keen gear! Anything else I should know about? AIRAZOR: (RM) Those lumps over your wheels... BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) You mean my turn signals? AIRAZOR: (RM) Why do you need to turn your signals? BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) You definitely have never been in New York City! AIRAZOR: (RM) I don't even know where New York City is! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) What about my turn signals!? [SHOT: POV shot looking out Bumblebee's windshield. Extremely singed Blackarachnia and Tarantulas come out of the bushes in front of them firing all they have left.] AIRAZOR: (RM) We installed lasers in them, for and aft! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Well FIRE THEM ALREADY! [SHOTS/ACTION: Airazor searches for the control. She finds the turn signal stem on the steering wheel and gives it a flip up and down. Lasers shoot out both front and rear turn signals - first left turn, then right turn - as she flips the switch. One beam hits Blackarachnia, then Tarantulas, sending them backwards. One of the rear beams knocks Waspinator back down the hole he had just crawled out of.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Huh! I'd hate to ask what you two put in my windshield wiper switch! Those turn signals sure would clear traffic! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Feeling slightly pained from her wound) Uha... Let’s get out of here - huh? [ACTION: Airazor notices a large case moving into the passenger seat beside her.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Is that the matrix? BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Yes, I'm moving it to a more secure location - NO, PROCESSORS! STORAGE ONLY, DO NOT INSTALL! [ACTION: Bumblebee starts driving away. Shells continue to fall all around, but the shields seem to be holding. Problem is, the shields do not cover the tire's footprint, and Bumblebee runs over some shell fragments, blowing out his tires.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) AH, PHOTONS! I think I found a flaw in the shields! AIRAZOR: (RM) Well, it’s more of a 'only way it would work' flaw! If the shields cover your tire's footprint, you couldn't go anywhere! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) As it is, with four flats, I'm still not going anywhere! AIRAZOR: (RM) True... Now what do we do? BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Hang on a moment! I'm discussing it with my processors... Is there room in that mode? There is? Good! BEAST MODE! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Airazor, who is a bit more than surprised, she is flat out scared. Bumblebee transforms (CM)>(BM).] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Scared to death) WHAT are you doing!? You can't transform into your Beast Mode while I'm in here! BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Sure I can! The main part of my Autobot body is the abdomen of the Beast body! [SHOT: MCU of a stupefied Airazor.] AIRAZOR: (RM) I don't think anyone has EVER ridden a Maximal this way! Okay, just remember, you don't have any shields this way! BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Right! [SHOT/ACTION: Bumblebee takes off. As he flies, a pair of cross-hairs set on him. Megatron isn't about to let him get away, as he targets Bumblebee with his arm cannon. Shot cuts to a MCU of Bumblebee's dashboard. Bells and whistles are blaring.] PROCESSORS: (Over radio) Warning - Target lock acquired... AIRAZOR: (RM) Did you hear that!? BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Yes, but where? WHERE!? [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Megatron as he fires. Shot cuts to Bumblebee as the beam strikes him just behind his right wing mount. The shock knocks Bumblebee and Airazor out. They start to fall.] [SHOT: Full shot of Scorponok.] SCORPONOK: (RM) You got him, boss! MEGATRON: (RM) Yes! Yes! [ACTION: Terrorsaur dives in, grabs the falling Bumblebee, and continues off into the distance. This ticks Megatron off.] MEGATRON: (RM) NO! That reptilian shall NOT have the matrix! [ACTION: Megatron fires off a series of shots that totally miss their target.] SCORPONOK: (RM) Uh, bad aim, boss! [SHOT/ACTION: Megatron proves to Scorponok that his aim is VERY good at close range. The camera moves in to an CU of Megatron growling.] [F T B] [SCENE: F F B to a wide shot of the bridge of the Maximal ship. Optimus Primal is at the com station.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) What's the news RatTrap? Anything? RATTRAP: (Over com) Err... it ain't pretty... someone threw a war here an' didn't ask us ta join in! We're hip deep in shell fragments from Scorponok's launchers... [SHOT: Dissolves to a wide field shot of the battle area. RatTrap (BM) and Dinobot (BM) are there.] DINOBOT: (BM) There are parts of Predacons at multiple locations, and unfortunately some of Airazor's feathers as well. Evidence of some sort of new missile seems to have been used as well. RATTRAP: (BM) Da escape pod's chamber 'been destroyed. I found a large chunk o' Waspinator in da hole... his processor section seems to have left the scene. DINOBOT: (BM) I must say, if all this damage has been done by little Bumblebee, I've found a new respect for him! RATTRAP: (BM) An' you’s thought he was just another cute Bug, ea? We still haven't found enough pieces of either Airazor or Bumblebee for dem to have been scrapped, so dey got'ta be around here somewheres. We'll let ya know... [SHOT: Wide shot of the bridge.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Distressed) Blast! I should have gone with Airazor! Rhinox, we'll need a plan on how to get them from the Preds! RHINOX: (RM) We'd better check on Tigatron... I had him set up shop at Airazor's favorite post for spying on the Pred Base. Maybe he's seen something. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) I can always depend on you! Optimus to Tigatron - Optimus to Tigatron, come in... [SHOT: Long shot looking up a tall hill. On top of a tall tree clings Tigatron (BM).] TIGATRON: (BM) (A bit unsure of himself) Whoa! Tigatron here. Tell Rhinox that tall trees are NOT for big cats! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (Over com) What are the comings and goings there at the Predacon base? TIGATRON: (BM) Relatively quiet... I have seen 4, maybe 5 battle damaged Predacons returning to the base, but no signs of any Maximal or Autobot with them. Inferno is walking guard duty outside. The only Predacon unaccounted for is Terrorsaur. [SHOT: Wide view of the bridge.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Ahh, Terrorsaur is as bad as Starscream when it comes to power hungry Predacons. The matrix is NOT something I'd want him to get! Optimus to all Maximals - set up to do a sector by sector search for Maximal energy signatures using hand scanners if necessary. Contact Rhinox for sectors assignments. RHINOX: (RM) You may wish to widen that scan width a bit. Bumblebee still has an Autobot energy signal. It's a touch mixed with a Maximal signal, but the Autobot signal should be easier to read. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Okay. I'll set up Sentinel. You give the firing orders to the crew. Let’s find those two. [SCENE: A deep narrow cave.] [SHOT/ACTION: Full shot of Bumblebee (BM). He awakens to find himself in a cave.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Uhhh... Oh, these wake-up calls are murder! Two out of three days I wake up with a thumping in my head! UGH! SOUND EFFECT: THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Wait a minute! That's not in my head! That's in my gut! AIRAZOR: (Inside Bumblebee) Hey, Bumblebee! Wake up! I need some air in here! BUMBLEBEE: (BM)>(CM) Oh, right! AUTOBOT MODE! [ACTION: Airazor gets out of the now Auto version of Bumblebee. Terrorsaur (BM) nearly gags at this sight. He is standing by the cave entrance.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Gagging) I didn't know anyone could DO that! AIRAZOR: (RM) PREDACON! TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Confused) Predacon? Where? BUMBLEBEE: (CM)>(RM) Bumblebee, MAXIMIZE! [ACTION: Bumblebee reaches for his weapon. To his surprise he pulls out a smaller gun and aims it at the Predacon. But then he gets mixed signals in his weapons array.] PROCESSORS: (Internal) Unable to target - Autobot energy signature! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What? TERRORSAUR: (BM) Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Bumblebee, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you since the First Battle! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Confused, panicked, looking back and forth) What are you waiting for? My weapons are still off line! Shoot him! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Confused) I can't, Airy. My weapons system is telling me that he's an Autobot!... Or, he was! Who are you? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Sternly) This is Terrorsaur, the Predacon who tried to kill me on the day I came on line! TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Switching gears) A pleasure, I'm sure... though Bumblebee and I go way back! [ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor look at one another with confused looks.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Confused further) We go way back? How far back? TERRORSAUR: (BM) How about Data Input Academy? Without your help, Iwould have blown the finals during photo recon and surveillance! [ACTION: This confuses Bumblebee even further. He squints and looks closely at Terrorsaur, while Airazor attempts to keep him back.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Baffled) Gim'me a break! The only Autobot I helped during the finals was... [ACTION: Bumblebee looks harder. Terrorsaur, arms out stretched, gives a 'yup, it's me' look.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Camshaft? Is that you? Naa, it can't be. TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Indignant) And why not? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well, for one thing, you've got a mouth! [ACTION: That comment even has Airazor looking at the Bug oddly.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I mean, if you ARE Camshaft, you look absolutely NOTHING like him! And Camshaft wouldn't be caught dead without his cameras! TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Calmly - less squawking) Soon after I became a Predacon, they replaced my body with a Protoform unit. It was a common practice with the Preds. And as for my cameras I was so fond of back then, well, I lost the need for them once I had that cerebro-shell implanted in me during the First Battle! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Unsure) Oh, this is too weird! Camshaft was part of Ultra Magnus' Omnibot Task Force! What happened to the rest of the team members? Where are Overdrive and Downshift? TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Voice starting to change) I don't know... My last memory as an Autobot was of my team breaking formation on Overdrive's command, and promptly being attacked by the Insecticons. Next thing I remember was my name was now just Shaft, and I was a Predacon mercenary - basically Camshaft with a bad attitude. [ACTION: Airazor senses something, then realizes what it is and takes Bumblebee aside.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Bumblebee, you're RIGHT! I have scanned Terrorsaur before, and I've always read a Predacon energy signature! I still read one, but it is very weak. The signature I'm reading now isn't any I've read before! This is an Autobot signature? (Bumblebee nods yes.) It's so - - smug. It's nothing like yours. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Omnis always had odd readings. 'Goes with their motto 'Radical Steel on Wheels'! But that proves it to me, if you're reading THAT signature. This HAS to be Camshaft! TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Twitching slightly) Of course I'm Camshaft! Who else would I be? Where's my trusty old Number One camera? Why are you looking at me like that? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Cocking her head towards Bumblebee) Was he always this schizo? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Seeing a chance) No! I think that old cerebro-shell is loosing its hold on him! TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Things a poppin') Cerebro-shell? What are you talking about? Are you afraid of being hit by one in today's battle? [ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor stand there looking at the Predacon with their jaws agape.] [SCENE: Predacon repair bay.] [SHOT/ACTION: High shot looking down into the R-Baths. Megatron (BM) emerges from his dip. Scorponok (BM) follows close behind in the next bath. The two spiders (RM), still in need of repair themselves, are standing, waiting their turn in the dip.] TARANTULAS: (RM) (Well beat) Megatron! Why did you change the access code to the R-Baths? We are in need of repair ourselves! MEGATRON: (BM) Take a WILD guess, yes! Did you think you could deceive ME!? No, no. You two were spying on the communications center when my Insecticon reported! You were going for the Matrix yourselves, yes! If I didn't NEED you two, I'd SCRAP YOU NOW! [ACTION: The two spiders hunker away from Megatron's bellowing.] MEGATRON: (BM) Get into the R-Baths! While you two are repairing and recharging, Scorponok and I will be going after the matrix ourselves! Yes! [ACTION: The spiders slink onto the dip-grills. The grills drop into the baths.] MEGATRON: (BM) Computer, engage R-Baths, HALF POWER - and make sure that they are set to VERY LOW temperature! SCORPONOK: (BM) (Chuckling) That should delay them! But a COLD BATH? Burrr! MEGATRON: (BM) I should set it to MELT them! They're worse than Starscream EVER was! [ACTION: As Megatron is walking away from the baths, he has to step over Waspinator (RM), who is dragging himself across the floor towards the baths.] MEGATRON: (BM) And what is YOUR explanation, Waspinator? WASPINATOR: (RM) Waspinator spotted Airazor. Waspinator engaged Airazor! Next thing Waspinator spots is an incoming missile with Waspinator's name on it! Waspinator wants to know what THAT was ALL ABOUT!? MEGATRON: (BM) You do not know? Interesting! I wonder if Terrorsaur knows? [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of a confused, totally terrified Terrorsaur.] TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) MY CAMERAS! WHERE ARE ALL OF MY BEAUTIFUL CAMERAS? [ACTION: Bumblebee grabs Terrorsaur by his shoulders.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Camshaft! Hang on! Do you know what is going on here? TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Now completely in CAMSHAFT's voice) I don't know... Last thing I remember was preparing to attack Predaking. Magnus had given our final orders, Overdrive gave us the call to move in, then... flash! [ACTION: Terrorsaur puts his taloned hand to his forehead, then pulls it away, noticing that is not 'his'.] TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Camshaft's voice) What is going on here, Bumblebee? That's not my ha... [ACTION: Terrorsaur sees his body in its reflection off of Bumblebee's chest plate.] TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Camshaft's voice) AAAH! Where is the real me!? What have I been put into!? Transform! [ACTION: Terrorsaur stands there arms stretched out. Nothing happens.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Try Maximize... TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) (Camshaft's voice) MAXIMIZE! - - - MAXIMIZE!! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well... How 'bout... AIRAZOR: (RM) (Taking Bumblebee aside) No no! Don't try 'Terrorize'! That could snap him back into Predacon mode again! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hummm... you're right... But I've got the answer... [ACTION: Bumblebee stands right in front of Terrorsaur and begins to coach him.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Camshaft, listen closely, and open your processors. Autobot Command Code, com prefix override - Security 1. Detail 1. Engage! TERRORSAUR/CAMSHAFT: (BM) YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! [ACTION: Terrorsaur shrieks. He grabs his head. Bumblebee and Airazor jump back. Terrorsaur's body morphs into its Protoform form, shedding its outer red shell of proto skin. He falls down onto the ground, hands first. While he groans and his body changes in its nearly liquid state, a small shell-like canister drops out of him and rolls away. Finally, the morphing takes on the shape of an older model silver Mazda RX-7.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Rhinox was right! Extremely malleable! CAMSHAFT: (CM)>(RM) Camshaft, transform! [ACTION: As soon as the transformation is complete, Camshaft falls back off his feet, and sits down, woozy. Airazor notices the shell-like canister that fell out of Camshaft while transforming, and attempts to pick it up.] AIRAZOR: (RM) What's this? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Whoa! Don't touch that! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Looking at it with concern) What is it? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) That it is the cerebro-shell, and that it's not a good thing to pick up without protection. [ACTION: Bumblebee opens a wrist pack (much like RatTrap's) and pulls out some tweezers. He picks up the shell, and examines it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Concern) Let’s see... Uh oh... It's not all here! AIRAZOR: (RM) What do you mean? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey, the thing is, what, three hundred years old? It's never been replaced! It fell apart! Who knows where the rest of it is - probably still inside him! [ACTION: Bumblebee moves over to his old school chum.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey Camshaft! What do you remember now? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Shaking his head) Everything! Oh, man! By the matrix, what a nightmare! (Looking up at Airazor.) I even remember being disassembled by a very pretty lady robot on her on-line day. Sorry... [ACTION: Airazor nods to him.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (To Bumblebee) Never get her angry with you! Nasty! Very nasty! AHHH! [ACTION: Camshaft suddenly erupts in a short energon surge. It fades.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) We've got to get you shielded from the energon fields! This cave can't be doing us any good... And you're too large to ride inside me... CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Pointing out the cave entrance) It gets worse... Take a look out the door. [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee and Airazor look at one another, then go over to the cave entrance. The shot moves outside the cave. As they look outside, they find that the cave they are in is half way up a cliff with no way up or down without flying. The shot returns to the inside of the cave.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) And I'm the only Omnibot that could NOT fly! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No problem! Piece of cyber-alloy! CAMSHAFT: (RM) I saw those wings you had earlier. They may have been able to lift you with her on board, but you'll never get me out of here with those dinky things, especially with Airazor riding again. [ACTION: Airazor looks at Camshaft a bit taken aback, then transforms (RM)>(BM).] AIRAZOR: (BM) That will not be necessary, thank you VERY much! Besides, his wings are variable! He could lift you without breaking a coolant line! [SHOT: Outside view of the cave. Bumblebee is taking another glance out of the cave.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Maybe so, but I'll need to take a dive out of the opening first to get enough room to make them! [ACTION: They all look out of the cave.] [SCENE: Airborne with Optimus Primal.] [ACTION: Optimus Primal (RM) is flying around with a scanner in front of himself. He taps his communicator.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Optimus to all Maximals, report! [SHOT: RatTrap (BM) is in the prairie with a scanner.] RATTRAP: (BM) RatTrap here, back in da prairie agin'! Not a pip from my scanners from around dees parts! [SHOT: Rhinox (RM) has set up a larger scanner on the top of a mountain above the cave where they found Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) I've got the high gain scanners humming up here, Optimus... I've got nothing here either... [SHOT: Returns to Optimus Primal.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Optimus to Tigatron - how are you doing? [SHOT/ACTION: Tigatron is running across the plains near the Standing Stones.] TIGATRON: (BM) I am reading an Autobot signal east of my position. The signal is not strong, but I should be able to triangulate it when Cheetor gets into position about 2 miles south of my position. [SHOT/ACTION: Cheetor (BM) is racing through the thickets and brush.] CHEETOR: (BM) I'll be in position shortly, Big Bot! Just need to get into the clear! [SHOT: Dinobot heading for the Maximal base.] DINOBOT: (BM) I, on the other hand, have found nothing. I will rejoin the search as soon as I have recharged. Dinobot out! [SHOT: Full shot of Airazor (BM) flying outside the cave. The camera moves off her, and continued into the cave. Camshaft (RM) and Bumblebee (RM) are prepping themselves for the flight out of the cave.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) So tell me, why did you come after me back there? Were you looking for something? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Looking at Bumblebee oddly) Ea... Loaded questions can make you squirm... I overheard Megatron talking about you. He said something about scrapping you. At that point, something in Terrorsaur caused him, or myself, to wake up and smell the energon. I wasn't about to let Megajerk scrap my buddy! [ACTION: Camshaft slaps Bumblebee on the back.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Thanks. Listen, we've got another problem. [ACTION: Bumblebee shows Camshaft the broken cerebro-shell.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Surprised) That's a cerebro-shell! Is that the one out of me? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Yea, it fell out while you were changing. But it's not whole. Part of it is still in you. We've got to get you back to the Maximal base in case it tries to reactivate. Rhinox seems to be very good with Protoform bodies. CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Shaken) Great... Look, if I feel that it’s attempting to reactivate, I'll set myself into repair mode, okay? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Sounds great... Okay, I'm about ready, how 'bout you? CAMSHAFT: (RM) Just about. - So, why did you wonder why I would come after you? What's the secret? Do you have something to hide from Megatron? [ACTION: A moment of deft silence.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sighing) I've got the Matrix. CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Giving Bumblebee a blank stare) THE MATRIX!? THE Autobot Matrix of Leadership?! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I was carrying it when I crash-landed on this planet. Optimus Prime gave it to me just before he self destructed during the First Battle. [ACTION: There is again silence for a moment. Airazor enters.] AIRAZOR: (BM) It's all clear out there... ...Okay, who died? [ACTION: Bumblebee gives a slight laugh. Airazor notes this.] AIRAZOR: (BM) You told him about the matrix. (Bumblebee nods) So? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) The matrix of leadership must be passed on to the leader of the Autobots. It is very powerful. It increases the power of the bearer, as well as increases their intelligence. AIRAZOR: (BM) Well, if anyone should have it, what about Optimus Primal? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Shaking his head) I don't know. First of all, he is a Maximal, not an Autobot. It might not function correctly. When it was placed in a Decepticon, the Decepticon was driven insane. Second, I'm not sure that the matrix can be placed inside a Protoform body. It may be rejected, and that could harm it. CAMSHAFT: (RM) Just having it around me could be trouble... If that piece of cerebro-shell reactivates, I could attempt to get it from you. I wouldn't want to do that. [ACTION: Bumblebee thinks for a moment, then looks at Airazor.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Seriously) Airy, what I'm about to tell you MUST be kept a secret. I'm sure Rhinox knows of this, but it's something Autobots have kept to themselves for centuries. I want you to ride in Camshaft. [ACTION: Airazor looks at Bumblebee with a questioning look, then transforms (BM)>(RM).] AIRAZOR: (RM) What's so secret about that? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Understanding) It's not riding that's secret. (Looking at Bumblebee) You're going to tell her about the switch, aren't you? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Nodding) Every Autobot is installed with a switch. It is called a K-S or K-Switch. 'K' is short for kill. Throwing it terminates the primary power pump in bodies like mine. It terminates the spark in bodies like Camshaft's. [ACTION: Airazor is gasping, and holding her hands to her face.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Shocked) Why was a switch like THAT installed in Autobots? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Hanging his head in shame) Decepticons. It was originally told to us by the matrix that Autobots and Decepticons were created separately... that Autobots were “consumer goods” and Decepticons were “military hardware.” It was discovered this was NOT totally true... When the matrix knowledge was restored by its back-up, the back-up also restored all truths that had been altered or deleted by SOME of the Autobot matrix bearers. One truth restored was the TRUE origins of the Decepticons... In the beginning, the root mode of life on Cybertron was the original binary Cybertronian. These were created by the Quintessons as service droids. From this group came the first sub-group, the Automated Service Robots, or Autobots. Autobots were peaceful. But some Autobots went rogue. These were the first TRUE Decepticons. That means Autobots are not only the beginning of the Decepticons, but that we are also the root mode for the Predacons, through the Decepticons. CAMSHAFT: (RM) After it was found that early Decepticons were caused by an abnormality during construction of their bodies, all Autobots built afterward would have a K-Switch. The fact that Decepticons continued to multiply afterwards was because they were being built by Decepticons AS Decepticons. So more Decepticons were made, but no more came from the ranks of the Autobots. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining to Airazor) What we need for you to do is to ride Camshaft's switch. If he shows any sign of the cerebro-shell reactivating, and that he can not hold it or switch to repair mode, we will need you to hit his K-S. [ACTION: Airazor is still holding her mouth, and shaking her head.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Frightened) No - no - no! You CAN'T ask me to DO that! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Calmly) It's the only way, Airy. We've got to keep everyone safe. Come on... [ACTION: Camshaft transforms (RM)>(CM). Both doors open. Airazor cautiously climbs into the driver's seat. Bumblebee looks under the dashboard from the passenger seat.] AIRAZOR: (RM) What's under there? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) The door switch... Ah! There it is! [ACTION: Bumblebee opens the lid to the K-Switch on the top center of Camshaft's dash. Airazor nearly jumps out of the seat. A large red button appears. Airazor looks at it in fear.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Instructing) Now, this is processor driven... It is NOT instantaneous. I can even press it now, and nothing will happen. [ACTION: Bumblebee press the K-Switch.] PROCESSOR: (Over Camshaft's radio) Kill Switch activated. Terminate - Yes, no or test? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No, test. (To Airazor) Can you handle it? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Concerned) He's so different than Terrorsaur. I like him. Bumblebee, must I? CAMSHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) Hey, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it! If you're ready, I'd like to get out of here before I hit a stasis lock! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Closing Camshaft's door) So, what do you want to be, once we find you a Maximal body? CAMSHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) I don't know. I kind'a like the flying part I had as Terrorsaur. BUMBLEBEE: (Transforming (RM)>(BM)) Well, how 'bout a house fly? Or a gnat! Look out! It's Camshaft the Gnat! CAMSHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) Ha ha. [ACTION: Bumblebee climbs onto Camshaft's roof.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Right! Get ready to floor it! (To wing processors) Wing processors, measure weight, mass and forward velocity. Construct wings capable to lift said measurements ON MY COMMAND. PROCESSORS: (Internal) Acknowledged. BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Okay Camshaft, ROLL FOR IT! [ACTION: Camshaft floors it. They exit the cave, wheels squealing.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Processors, NOW! [ACTION: The wing processors create a set of huge wings, which tear away immediately.] CAMSHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) OH MOMMA! I TOLD YOU SO! BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Processors, compensate for wind shear effect and reinstall wings, NOW! [ACTION: As they begin to fall, another pair of wings, more solid than the last pair erupt from Bumblebee's back. He pulls out of the dive, and begins to fly towards Maximal headquarters.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Oh ye of little faith! CAMSHAFT: (CM) (Over radio) My faith has NOTHING to DO with where my GON-PROCESSOR is currently! UUURP! [SHOTS/ACTION: In a quick three shot sequence, Tigatron (RM), Cheetor (RM) and Optimus Primal (RM) all look at their scanners oddly.] TIGATRON: (RM) Uhh, Tigatron to Cheetor... Are you reading what I'm reading? CHEETOR: (RM) I HOPE you are, otherwise, my scanner just flipped out! Who's signal was that we were tracing? It's HUGE! TIGATRON: (RM) I don't know, but it's NOT Bumblebee's... his is the signal below that second odd Autobot signal! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) THREE Autobot signals? What is going ON here? TIGATRON: (RM) Well, we can just about GUESS what that BIG signal is coming from! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Umm! They seem to be airborne as well. I'm heading for it... stand by... [ACTION: Optimus Primal flies in to investigate.] [SHOT: CU of Optimus Primal.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Well, I'll be a Cybertronian Bug Bat! [SHOT/ACTION: Optimus Primal finds the threesome flying along heading towards the base. He pulls along side them.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Hey there, Optimus! Do me a favor and tell Rhinox that he should be ready for another patient. [ACTION: The threesome peel off for a landing. Optimus shakes his head, and taps his com.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Optimus to Rhinox... [SCENE: Lower exit hatch of the Maximal ship. Dinobot (BM) is exiting the ship again after recharging. As he gets off the lift, he sees another cloud of dust coming over the hill.] DINOBOT: (BM) Hummm? What in the inferno? [ACTION: Bumblebee seems to be riding on the cloud. The cloud pulls up, and ANOTHER AUTOBOT is there.] DINOBOT: (BM) WHAT!!?? Not ANOTHER AUTOBOT! Is there a JUNK YARD nearby that we DON'T KNOW ABOUT!? [SHOTS/ACTION: Inside Camshaft. Airazor, who has been staring at the K-Switch sighs with relief. But then Camshaft starts to really get hit by energon surges, which also hit Airazor hard. She leaps out of the driver's seat, and quickly transforms (RM)>(BM). Camshaft transforms (CM)>(RM) so that he can go up the lift.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Passing Dinobot) Hi chopper face! Remember me? [ACTION: Dinobot watches as Bumblebee and Camshaft go up the lift. Dinobot is left behind totally confused, looking between the lift and Airazor. The hatch closes.] DINOBOT: (BM) Should I know him? AIRAZOR: (BM) You do. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but yes you do. [ACTION: Airazor spots something on the ship.] AIRAZOR: (BM) How are you a zapping a tick? [SHOTS/ACTION: Airazor whispers something into Dinobot's ear. He peers up at the ship and nods. From a POV shot looking down at the two Maximals, another Insecticon is attached to the hull of the ship just above the hatch lid. It watches Dinobot transform (BM)>(RM). He whirls around and spears the insect with his eye beams. Instantly a screen in the Predacon base goes to snow.] SCORPONOK: (RM) (Working at the console of the screen that went blank) Who was THAT Autobot? MEGATRON: (RM) That, my dear Scorponok, was our own Terrorsaur. Yes. Well, I see old Shaft is back! Or, is it Camshaft? Humm, I wonder... SCORPONOK: (RM) (Confused again) THAT was Terrorsaur? What happened? MEGATRON: (RM) The Autobot Bumblebee must have found a way to remove the cerebro-shell that had been inside him. Hummm, interesting. SCORPONOK: (RM) (Shuddering) A cerebro-shell, ooh! They give me the glitches! How did you know that he had one in him? MEGATRON: (RM) (Smugly) Oh, simple... I put it into him! Yes. I wonder... I wonder if all of the shell came out. I heard that in some cases, not all of the shell comes out, and the remaining piece becomes a ticking bomb! SCORPONOK: (RM) Sure, that's the stinger core. It doesn't explode, but it does reactivate without warning. [SCENE/SHOT: The shot dissolves to a schematic of Camshaft's head showing where the stinger core is located. Rhinox (RM) is pointing to it, continuing where Scorponok left off.] RHINOX: (RM) ...They attach themselves to the host's Personality Chip. We can remove it, but it's tricky. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) How long do you think we have before it goes off? RHINOX: (RM) I'm not sure... These stinger cores varied. Different models worked in different ways. From the shell casing that Bumblebee gave me, I'd say that this model was designed to activate as soon as the host began to do any heavy processing. CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Indignant) Well, not to sound like a total dip switch, but I think I already have done some of that! RHINOX: (RM) Oh, I'm sure you have. I think because of the age of this core, it has become dormant. I believe the humans had a name for things like this. They called them U-X-Bs - Unexploded Bombs. [ACTION: RatTrap (RM) come up from the central console.] RATTRAP: (RM) I think I've found another reason for dis situation. [ACTION: RatTrap throws some switches. The schematic gets some additional data placed over it.] RHINOX: (RM) (Surprised) Whoa! What a mess! RATTRAP: (RM) You said it! Seems dat when da Preds switched yer old Autobot body for dis newer Protoform model, dey left a few things in yer system. CAMSHAFT: (RM) Like? RATTRAP: (RM) (Pointing at the schematic) Like dis here! You's see, dis is yer personality chip - da one dat the cerebro-doo-hicky-thing attacked, right? Well, looky - looky here! Dis is another personality chip! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Whoa! What's that doing there? RHINOX: (RM) It's probably from when they switched your body for the Protoform body. Rather than make a new sub-system for your new body, they simply dumped your old sub-systems into an existing Predacon Protoform body. This chip does show signs of activation, though you are currently using the chip with the stinger attached. I'd bet that this other chip is Terrorsaur. It's too dangerous to leave it in there WITH your chip. We'd better get it out of there as well! CHEETOR: (RM) (Shivering) GROSS! What do we DO with it once we get it out of him? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Autobot law said that we incarcerated the enemy, but it never followed the Decepticon law of removal of a personality chip. RHINOX: (RM) Sure. Protocol called for a found personality chip to be returned to its next of kin, or sub-group leadership. RATTRAP: (RM) Whoa - whoa - whoa! Are you’s tellin' me dat we should GIVE dat personality chip to da Preds? Just GIVE it to dem? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) That's EXACTLY what we will do. Maximal Code of Ethics are directly derived from that of the Autobot Rules of Conduct. We SHALL abide by them. DINOBOT: (RM) (Disgusted) Nothing personal to you, Camshaft - I know it wasn't your idea to become a Predacon - but if I found an 'evil seed' in my head, much like yours, I'd DESTROY IT! [ACTION: Dinobot turns and starts to leave the room.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (In Terrorsaur's voice) And if I had as much teeth as YOU DO, I'd be too busy flossing them! [ACTION: Camshaft realizes what just came out of himself, and quickly covers the area of his mouth plate. Everyone looks at him startled except Dinobot. He has stopped cold in his tracks and stiffens up. He quickly turns to face his returned enemy, only to find Rhinox facing him point blank. Dinobot was not expecting this, and shows startled surprise for a moment.] RHINOX: (RM) (Sternly) The Terrorsaur chip is NOT DORMANT! I would recommend that we do NOT stir it UP any until I can figure a way to REMOVE IT! [ACTION: Dinobot shies away, taken by Rhinox's outburst.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Concerned) Are you expecting problems? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox. He looks at Camshaft, then points at Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) (Apprehensive) It was easier to move his head from one end of his body to the other. Removing a personality chip is hard enough as it is, but attempting to separate a conjoined pair is EXTREMELY dangerous. You never know just which chip is controlling vital functions, or if it is possible to exchange functions from the one to the other. [ACTION: Airazor (RM) puts her hand on Rhinox's his shoulder.] AIRAZOR: (RM) You've done this before, haven't you. RHINOX: (RM) (Sadly nodding his head) I've done three of these procedures. The first was on a good friend of mine we rescued from the Preds. His name was Whirl. He had been transferred into a Predacon Protoform body. But early attempts at these transfers weren't always successful. He managed to shake off the effect of the cerebro-shell, just like you did. The second personality chip hadn't become active, WE THOUGHT. When we attempted to remove it, it fired a compressed takion beam right into Whirl's spark. [SHOTS/ACTION: Rhinox sadly shakes his head. Bumblebee and Camshaft are looking at Rhinox rather ill. Cheetor, bug eyed, chimes in.] CHEETOR: (RM) But, what about the other two? They survived, didn't they? RHINOX: (RM) Yes they did, though the third one is in much better shape than the second. It is impossible to remove one of these chips without some loss to the body. The second Autobot was an agent called Hub Cap. He wound up functional, but unable to move. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) And the third? RHINOX: (RM) Well, you know him. You remember Kup. D'you ever wonder why he didn't have sight in his left eye, and why he had that bad limp? CHEETOR: (RM) (Confused) I always thought he was just a beat-up old Autobot! RHINOX: (RM) (Snorting at Cheetor's remark) Of course he is a beat-up old Autobot! But before chip removal, he was a fully functional working Autobot! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Confused) Wait a minute! The Predacons put KUP in a Protoform body?! WHY? CHEETOR: (RM) (Sarcastically) Good question! RHINOX: (RM) Without the matrix for knowledge, Kup was the next best thing the Preds could get for a storehouse of information on the Autobots. The idea was to turn him into a Predacon, and all that information would be theirs. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sarcastically) He probably was too crotchety for it to work! RHINOX: (RM) (Having a hard time arguing THAT point) Er, yea... He wound up arguing with himself mostly. RATTRAP: (RM) (Slapping his forehead) So DAT'S what he talkin' about when he says dat he doesn't have ta talk to himself anymore! RHINOX: (RM) (Perturbed) THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT! What IS important is removing that chip as soon as possible! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Calmly) What's the consequences if I leave it in there? RHINOX: (RM) (Matter of fact) Psychosis, schizophrenia, any number of mental problems. And worse, we don't know which chip is the dominant processor. I would assume that it would be the one WITHOUT a stinger core sticking into it. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) But what activated the Camshaft chip in the first place? RHINOX: (RM) Bumblebee... Terrorsaur must have learned of Bumblebee's presence here. That triggered a dormant memory in Camshaft's chip, activating a recall program ALL Cybertronians have. CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Loosing patience and control) So what do we need to do to get this process rolling? What's the holdup? Remove Terrorsaur, so that I can be RID OF HIM! [ACTION: Everyone looks at Camshaft startled. His eyes changed from blue to red. His body panels seemed to flash from their silver to a black with red trim, then back to silver.] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Spooked) Wha - what was that? Who was that? RATTRAP: (RM) (Aloud and rudely) Whoa, schizomainia! [ACTION: Airazor snaps an EXTREMELY cold look at RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) (Chilled rat) Oooh, if looks could kill! CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Realizing - Looking at Bumblebee) Oh no! That was Shaft! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Patting Camshaft on the shoulder) Look Cam, you'd better switch to repair mode for your own good. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Coldly, less sympathetic) Shaft? Do you mean Shaft the Mercenary? [ACTION: Optimus coldly looks over at Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) (Realizing why Optimus is suddenly so cold) Oh no, Optimus! If I remove that stinger core, you can't hold that on him! It wasn't Camshaft's fault! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Coldly) That is for the court to decide. [ACTION: Everyone else is looking at Optimus like HE has a stinger core in him. But they nearly jump out of their proto skins when they hear Camshaft say -] CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Calmly) No Rhinox, Optimus is right. If I get out of this with a working personality chip, I'll still have to answer for any crimes my other selves have done. It's the Autobot way. AIRAZOR: (RM) (Extremely worried) What did you do? CAMSHAFT: (RM) (Sadly, putting his head in his hands) Well, if you look at it from the side of worst case scenarios, you could say I was the reason that we are all here right now, that is except you, Bumblebee! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It was the Predacon Shaft whom is accused of the theft of the golden disk for Megatron. DINOBOT: (RM) (Startled and angry, pointing and snarling at Camshaft) HE is ACCUSED!? YOU!? Don't make me LAUGH! [ACTION: Dinobot suddenly has Rhinox's hand on his neck and Rhinox's face EXTREMELY CLOSE to his.] RHINOX: (RM) (MAD) Okay, I WON'T! But I may have to HURT YOU if you don't stop trying to incite his CHIPS that way! DINOBOT: (RM) (Surprised at Rhinox's outburst - Cooling his jets) I always though everyone thought it was me! RHINOX: (RM) (Ignoring Dinobot and moving back to Camshaft) Bumblebee is right... Go into repair mode. It's going to take me a while to set up the operation theater for this job. I don't want any more of your 'friends' to crop up without an invitation! CAMSHAFT: (RM) Right... Set com to recall - 24 hours. Repair mode. [ACTION: Camshaft shuts down. Bumblebee watches his friend shut down. Cheetor and RatTrap pick Camshaft up and carry him out of the room.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sighing) Now for our next problem of the day! AUTOBOT MODE! [ACTION: Bumblebee transforms (RM)>(CM).] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over radio) Airy, would you remove the case from my internal storage center, please? [ACTION: Cheetor (RM) comes charging back into the room with RatTrap (RM) slowly walking behind him.] RATTRAP: (RM) Jeeze, fuzz-ball! You nearly DROPPED him head first onto dat rest cot in there! SOUND EFFECT: URRH-URRH-URRH-URRH-URRHT! (Bumblebee transforming (CM)>(RM) off frame) CHEETOR: (RM) (Looking back at RatTrap) I didn't want to miss this! [ACTION: As Cheetor turn back around, he turns in time to face Bumblebee at point blank range.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Angry) Hurt him, I'll hurt YOU! Capire? [SHOT/ACTION: Cheetor quickly nods.] [SHOT/ACTION: Airazor places the case on the console. Bumblebee places his hand on the Autobot shield. It scans Bumblebee’s hand, and instantly the case opens, illuminating the room.] ALL: Ooohs and aahh. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It's spectacular. What are you going to do with it, Bumblebee. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Concern) I don't know... It is suppose to be given to the next Autobot leader. I'd give it to you, Optimus, but I'm not sure what it would do with a Protoform body. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) That, and the fact that I'm not an Autobot... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Maximals are family. The matrix was once used to rid the Earth of a viral plague, in the process, loosing all of its stored knowledge of Autobot history, and Cybertron Pre-History. But a back-up matrix was discovered, and most of the knowledge was returned. Since then, it was decreed by Optimus Prime that the matrix be used as a beacon of knowledge and hope for the galaxy. CHEETOR: (RM) (Mesmerized by the flashing light) It's no wonder they call it the Spark of Cybertron. [ACTION: Cheetor reaches out to touch it. Bumblebee slaps his hand.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Sternly) NO! Don't touch! The matrix would have encoded to you. CHEETOR: (RM) (Snatching his hand back and sucking on a stinging finger) What do you mean? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) The matrix knows that it is in need of a leader. It encodes itself to the first Autobot that touches it after the passing of a leader. That way, the matrix can not be removed without consent, and used against its host. Or, at least that's the theory. RHINOX: (RM) Last time the matrix was forcibly removed from an Autobot leader, it was by the previous Autobot leader. That was the only time I know of in the recorded history of the matrix, that it was taken lawfully without permission. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Protective) I WILL guard it with my life! This case that encloses it is the last piece of Optimus Prime. I will decide what will happen to the matrix that it holds. (Turning to Rhinox) Search your scanners and readings. Before I give the matrix to anyone, I MUST know whether it is compatible with Protoform bodies, and whether it can be installed into a Maximal. If it can't, I'll just keep looking for a suitable Autobot. If it can, the most suitable candidate is of course, Optimus Primal. RHINOX: (RM) I'm on it! I'll need to run some scans on it to make sure of the compatibility readings. The scanner computers can work on it while I continue to set up the operation room for Camshaft. [TRANSITION SCENE: Camshaft on his rest cot. He begins to cyber-dream.] [SCENE: In Camshaft's cyber-dream. He sees himself racing along in Autobot Mode. Overdrive (CM) and Downshift (CM) join him.] OVERDRIVE: (CM) (Voice over) Hey flashbulb! I hear you've fallen in with the wrong crowd! DOWNSHIFT: (CM) (Voice over) Yea! All those cameras, and you never saw it coming! HA! OVERDRIVE: (CM) (Voice over) You've let us down, Camshaft! DOWNSHIFT: (CM) (Voice over) You've let Ultra Magnus down! OVERDRIVE: (CM) (Voice over) You're not an Omnibot anymore! DOWNSHIFT: (CM) (Voice over) PREDACON! OVERDRIVE: (RM) (Voice over) See you later, traitor! [ACTION: Camshaft’s two former comrades lower their wings and take off.] CAMSHAFT: (Transforming (CM)>(RM)) OVERDRIVE! DOWNSHIFT! Come back! I AM NOT A TRAITOR! I'm not! [ACTION: Camshaft drops his head. As he stands there, Terrorsaur (BM) flies in and grabs him by the shoulders.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) You're mine now, Autobot! [SHOT/ACTION: Terrorsaur looks down to gloat over his catch, but suddenly shows fear. Looking back up at Terrorsaur is Shaft.] SHAFT: (RM) (Menacing) That's what YOU think, Terrorsaur! Ha - ha - ha - ha! CAPTION: TO BE CONTINUED... [FADE TO BLACK] - - - - - END OF PART 2 - - - - -