FIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE - - - - - Part 1 - - - - - - LEGACY OF ONE - A Proposed Script for BEAST WARS/TRANSFORMERS By R. A. Stott ©1996, 97 ARK NORTH - THE DENIVAN MEDIA SERVICES [Key] (BM) Beast Mode (RM) Robot Mode (CM) Car Mode (TM) Truck Mode (-M)>(-M) Transform from > to [SCENE: The story opens with a view of an open prairie with mountains along its edge. The camera swoops down along the grasslands towards the foothills that lead into the more rocky terrain further in. Rather than seeing any Maximals or Predacons, all we see is the landscape, while hearing audio traffic over some com links.] RATTRAP: (Over com) So, ah Rhinox. Remind me just why we are trekin' out here in da wilds of the great unknown? I mean, is dis energon really worth it? RHINOX: (Over com) It's not just the energon, RatTrap. I need to check on this seismic activity we've been having. This is the general direction that it is coming from. We need to map these fault lines as much as we need to map energon deposits. All stations, reports locations. [SHOT: The camera finally finds a Maximal. It settle on a MCU of Tigatron as he is plodding along through the tall grass.] TIGATRON: (BM) Tigatron reporting - I'm about 5 clicks to your southwest. I'm just about ready to set up my scanning post. [SHOT: CU of Cheetor as he charges up to the top of a small foothill looking over the prairie.] CHEETOR: (BM) Ditto here, Big R. I'm up on the hill now. I'll be setting up the post as soon as I exchange my spots for some cooler duds. Cheetor, MAXIMIZE! [ACTION: Cheetor transforms (BM)>(RM). He reaches into his chest plate and pulls out one of Rhinox's hockey-puck shaped scanning posts. He flips it in the air. It extends out into its probe shape. He grabs it on the way down, then plants it into the ground at his feet.] CHEETOR: (RM) I'm in, Big R. Ready to rock! [ACTION: POV from Cheetor as he looks over towards where RatTrap is suppose to be putting his post. Using his high-gain optics, he sees RatTrap looking at a pile of something at his feet.] CHEETOR: (BM) Hey RatTrap! What's up? Find something? [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap at the base of a dormant volcano. He is carrying a rope over his shoulder. He is examining a pile of material at his feet. He gets a bit annoyed being spied on by Cheetor.] RATTRAP: (RM) Jeeze! Hey Spots, let me KNOW when you start SPYIN' on me next time, ea!? Hey Rhinox - why do you's suppose there's a large pile a' seashells at da base a' dis volcano? 'Course, why is there a dormant volcano smack in the middle of a prairie? [SHOT: 2 shot of Optimus (BM) and Rhinox (BM) who are at a portable work station at the far end of the prairie, close to the Maximal base.] RHINOX: (BM) 'Don't know RatTrap. Sometime the geology of this planet baffles me. 'Better get your post up. [SHOT: Shot moves back to a MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Okay, okay, don't get your digits up! I'm on it! Sheesh! [ACTION: RatTrap pulls his post-puck out of his chest plate. He pops his open like a top hat, then plants it. He take the rope off his shoulder and looks up the hillside.] RATTRAP: (RM) Da post is up! I'm gonna see if I can find where dees shells come from - ea? SOUND EFFECT: CRRRRRRRACK! (Ground) [ACTION: Cracking sound can be heard. The ground at the base of the post cracks in CU. RatTrap examines it closely. Suddenly the ground gives way. RatTrap falls through the hole, flinging the end of the rope. It tangles in a nearby bush.] RATTRAP: (RM) YEOW! AW NUTZ!! [SHOT: ECU of Cheetor as he watches RatTrap fall into the hole.] CHEETOR: (RM) Yo! RatTrap's down a hole! [ACTION: Camera pans to a MW shot of Tigatron (BM) as he passes by heading for the hole.] TIGATRON: (BM) So what else is new? [ACTION: MCU of Cheetor as he shakes his head, transforms (RM)>(BM) and follows Tigatron.] [SHOT: Inside the dark hole, RatTrap (MCU) is hanging by the rope, which is quickly loosing its tangle with the bush above.] RATTRAP: (RM) Rat on a rope! What'a great way ta start a day! Yeowp! [ACTION: CU of the bush. The rope gives way. Shot moves back to a MCU of RatTrap as he falls a few more feet to the bottom of the hole. The camera follows him down. But at the bottom he hits something metallic before hitting the ground face first.] SOUND EFFECT: VVVVVOOP! (Rope) CLANG! (Metal body on metal something) THUD! (Metal body on hard dirt) RATTRAP: (RM) OOPH! AH! OUCH! [ACTION: Final indignity - in an ECU shot, the post hits RatTrap in the head.] SOUND EFFECT: CLANG! (The bells are ringing for me and my rat!) RATTRAP: (RM) OW! Hey! Aw, this is nuts! [SHOT: In the same shot as before, and from behind RatTrap, two round lights dimly begin to glow. RatTrap, still checking himself from the fall, takes care of possible energon surges.] RATTRAP: (RM) (To himself) Humm, energon will be concentrated down here. Divert all weapons energy to field dampers. PROCESSORS: Confirmed. [ACTION: RatTrap notices the lights behind him.] RATTRAP: (RM) (To himself) Ea? What's that? [SHOT: CU of RatTrap's right arm as he opens his kit-pack, and pulls out a flashlight. Following the flashlight, RatTrap turns it on, then shines it on the source of the two lights, revealing an ancient yellow VW Beetle.] RATTRAP: (RM) Yoiks! What in de inferno?... [SHOT: ECU of the front of the flashlight. RatTrap give the lens of the light a twist to widen its beam.] [SHOT: Wide shot looking at the Beetle. The flashlight's beam widens to show a round doorway behind it.] RATTRAP: (RM) (To himself) Huh! Dat looks like an old escape pod hatch...ea? [ACTION: RatTrap looks up after a few small chunks of pebbles fall on him. He sees Cheetor and Tigatron looking down at him from the top of the hole. His rope is still dangling down the hole.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey guys! CHEETOR: (BM) Hey fuzz-buddy! You okay down there? RATTRAP: (RM) Oh, sure! If you's call fallin' down a 40 foot hole in da ground okay, then I'm just peachy! Landin' on my face made it just so much sweeter! While, yer there, one of you fuzzballs tie da end of my rope ta somethin', would'ja? I'd like ta be able to get out'a here sooner or later... [SHOT: CU of Tigatron looking down the hole.] TIGATRON: (BM) What is that down there with you, RatTrap? [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap. He's aiming his flashlight on the Beetle.] RATTRAP: (RM) I'm not sure. I hit it on my way down into dis hole. It looks like some sort of car...An' it ain't da only thing down here! It looks like an escape pod at the far end o'dis cave...HEY! [SHOT: CU of Tigatron. Cheetor can be seen beside him.] TIGATRON: (BM) RatTrap, put your light on its hood...I thought I saw something... [SHOT: CU of RatTrap looking up at Tigatron. He fumbles with his flashlight for a moment.] RATTRAP: (RM) Ah! You 'n I got da same idea, ea stripes? Lets see... [SHOT: The light lands squarely on an Autobot Shield.] RATTRAP: (RM) Whoa! Holy Cybertronian Bug Bats! [SHOT: 2 shot of Tigatron and Cheetor looking down the hole.] TIGATRON: (BM) An Autobot! How did that noble creature get down there? [ACTION: Cheetor keys up his com.] CHEETOR: (BM) Cheetor to Rhinox! Cheetor to Rhinox! 'Better get up here right now, Big R! RatTrap just found something we need you to look at! Pronto! (To Tigatron) Noble? [SHOT: Dissolve to MCU of RatTrap examining the Beetle closer. The hole can be seen above. Rhinox and Optimus Primal appear.] [ACTION: Rhinox and Optimus transform (BM)>(RM).] [SHOT: POV shot looking up the hole as Rhinox and Optimus peer down the hole.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) What have you got, RatTrap? [SHOT: Reverse POV shot looking down at RatTrap and the Beetle.] RATTRAP: (RM) I was hopin' you could tell me! I got dis Autobot and an escape pod down here. It's a bit crowded! See for yer'self... [ACTION: RatTrap points the light at the Beetle.] [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox looking down the hole. Optimus is off to one side.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, I'll be a glitched microcircuit! Bumblebee! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) You know this Autobot? RHINOX: (RM) Sure do. That's Bumblebee, an Autobot Scout. But what's he doing down there on a planet that may or may not be Earth? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Um...and what did he need an escape pod for? TIGATRON: (BM) (Entering from side) What was he escaping from? CHEETOR: (BM) (Also entering from side) Did the energon have anything to do with him being here? RATTRAP: (From down the hole) HEY! HEY! HEY! [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap next to Bumblebee.] RATTRAP: (RM) First things first! Is this Autobot even alive? I mean, that escape pod looks like it might go back to da Great Wars! [SHOT: Group shot of the gang on top of the hole.] CHEETOR: (BM) You think a spark could last so long in someone that old? RHINOX: (RM) (Snorting at Cheetor's ref. to "Old") Erf! Most Autobots of his vintage didn't have sparks like ours. Current Protoform based sparks run more things in thier bodies than what would be in him. His spark is probably run by a good old fashioned Autobot Gon-Pump processor with a hard shell body. Since he's in vehicle mode, he probably was trying to shield himself as best he could from the energon field. With that metal outer skin working like an antenna, he's probably in stasis lock. [SHOT: RatTrap looking up at Rhinox.] RATTRAP: (RM) You ain't kiddin'! The fields down here are pretty concentrated. I've had my dampers cookin' ever since I came down here for a visit! So, what do we do with Mr. Autobot here? [SHOT: CU of Optimus looking down the hole.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Check out the pod while we discuss ways to get Bumblebee out of there. See if you can download any flight data from its black boxes. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) I'm on it! [ACTION: RatTrap climbs over Bumblebee to access the escape pod. The camera follows him as he enters hatchway.] [SHOT: Inside the pod. RatTrap enters, then sits down in the pilot's seat. He examines the console in front of himself.] RATTRAP: (RM) (To himself) Humm... oh, great! I can barely READ dis stuff! Well... ours is not to reason why! [ACTION: RatTrap reaches under his chest-plate looking for a device. For humor, have him search for it by finding odd items like a GameBoy, a Classic Star Trek Tricorder, a Sonic Screwdriver, then finally a data recorder.] RATTRAP: (RM) Now where it dat data recorder,... what is THIS? (Sonic Screwdriver) Ah! A data recorder! [ACTION: He sets the recorder next to a bank of control keys. He presses one.] RATTRAP: (RM) Right! Let's see if dis old bucket can still download flight data... there. [ACTION: RatTrap grabs his audio receptors in pain as a pulsing trilling sound erupts from the console.] RATTRAP: (RM) YEAAA! [SHOT: Wide shot of the four Maximals on the surface. All are reacting to their processors chirping.] MAXIMAL PROCESSORS: (Internal) An Autobot Emergency Beacon has been activated nearby - wide field dispersal - location, 4 micro clicks west, 5 micro clicks down. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Yelling down hole) RATTRAP! SHUT IT OFF! QUICKLY! [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap franticly trying to shut the beacon off.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey, I'm tryin' here! I'm tryin'! THERE! (Signal shuts off) RATTRAP: (Continued...) Dumb rat! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! That'll bring the Preds! [SCENE/SHOT: High shot looking over the Predacon Base. Camera starts a slow zoom in.] PREDACON COMPUTER: (Voice over) Autobot Emergency Beacon has been activated. General location, northwest 10 clicks. Signal has terminated. [SHOT: Inside the base. MCU of Megatron as he examines the com deck closely. Waspinator and Terrorsaur are nearby.] MEGATRON: (RM) An AUTOBOT signal? Oh my, my, MY! I haven't seen one of those since the First Battle! MY! We must investigate this at once! I haven't crunched on a fender in a LONG time! [SHOT: MCU of Waspinator.] WASPINATOR: (BM) Waspinator thinks Megatron gets nostalgic for old days! Wants to remember the First Battle! [SHOT: MCU of Terrorsaur.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) Ahh, the First Battle wasn't so great! [SHOT: CU of Megatron.] MEGATRON: (RM) Quiet, both of you! Computer, can you get a better location reading? PREDACON COMPUTER: Wide field transmission keeps actual location of transmission impossible to find. General location can be made. MEGATRON: (RM) General location. [SHOT: CU of the com deck's screen. The computer is displaying a map of the area with the Predacon Base as its center. The computer draws a line off to the northwest showing its estimates for where the transmission came from.] PREDACON COMPUTER: General location - transmission was made in the area of sector Delta 4 through Epsilon 10. Recalibrating for energon field distortions. [ACTION: Camera follows the sweep of Megatron's hand as he turns and points at Waspinator and Terrorsaur.] MEGATRON: (RM) You two, get out there and check on what was causing this signal. If it is an Autobot, treat it just like any other Maximal - OBLITERATE THEM! I will inform Scorponok and Tarantulas to assist you. GO! [ACTION: Terrorsaur transforms (RM)>(BM). Waspinator and he then fly out of scene leaving Megatron to examine the screen.] [SCENE: Wide shot of the Maximals at the hole. Optimus is barking out orders.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Cheetor, Tigatron, scan the skies for Predacons. Airazor is still on assignment, and not due back in communication range until nightfall. We don't need any flyers getting the jump on us! Watch our backs Rhinox! PrimeJets - set for soft landing - ON! [ACTION: Optimus fires up his PrimeJets and descends into the hole. The camera follows him down to the floor of the cavern. RatTrap is still in the pod.] OPTIMUS' PROCESSORS: High energon readings - stasis lock in 5 cycles. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Reroute secondary weapon energy to field dampers... RatTrap, how are you doing? [SHOT: Wide shot looking out the pod's hatch. RatTrap is in the pilot's seat finishing his work. Optimus is in the background examining Bumblebee.] RATTRAP: (RM) Just about finished. There, one overly stuffed storage cart! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Good. Come over here and help me move Bumblebee. [SHOT: MCU of the hole. Rhinox is looking down the hole at Optimus.] RHINOX: (RM) 'Anything we can do to help you down there? [SHOT: MCU of Optimus looking up at Rhinox. RatTrap enters from off screen.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It looks like you may want to widen the hole a bit. RATTRAP: (RM) Right! What you want ta do first? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Let's roll him closer to the hole. [SHOT/ACTION: Wide side 3 shot of RatTrap, Bumblebee and Optimus. Optimus starts pushing Bumblebee from the rear, but the Beetle's wheels refuse to roll.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Pushing Bumblebee) UMPH! Well, I don't want to hurt him, but his wheels seem to be locked. RATTRAP: (RM) Wheels locked, hummm... Ah! Just a second! [ACTION: RatTrap reaches into Bumblebee's cabin and takes him out of gear.] RATTRAP: (RM) Dere we go! Just needed to take him out a'gear! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Surprised, giving Bumblebee a nudge to see if he rolls) I'm surprised, RatTrap. How did you know that? RATTRAP: (RM) Ah, I was friends wit an old Autobot, Cliffjumper. He's got the same setup. RATTRAP: (Continued...) This guy (pointing at Bumblebee) was one a'those Autobots that based his body on an old Earth vehicle. S'a good thing he didn't use his parkin' break, 'er he'da stretched his linkage somthin' fierce. [ACTION: RatTrap reaches in and steers Bumblebee while Optimus and he push him across the chamber closer to the hole.] [SHOT: Camera moves to in front of Bumblebee looking back at RatTrap and Optimus.] RATTRAP: (RM) Okay, fearless leader, what now? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Okay, this will need to be quick, and timing is EVERYTHING. Get up front there (pointing), and on the count of three, I want you to lift Bumblebee's front end up. I'll haul him up over my head, holding onto his bumper back here. As I balance him, I'll fire my jets and boost him out of here. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap. He is looking at Optimus explain his plan, then looking at the rock wall behind him, then at Bumblebee's bumper.] RATTRAP: (RM) Whoa - whoa - whoa! Just one thing about dis plan o'yers. If yer just ONE little micro-cycle off in yer calculations, ol' Bumble-bug's bumper will make ME one wit ol' terra VERY firma behind me here! 'You sure you’s c'n do dis? [SHOT: CU of a smirking Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Only one way to find out! [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Oh no! No, no no! I don't trust NO ONE when dey give me SMIRKS like THAT! No way, it's unhealthy! [SHOT: CU of Cheetor (BM) yelling down the hole while maintaining watch on incoming flyers.] CHEETOR: (BM) Heads up, heros! Incoming Pred flyers! At extreme range, and heading our way! I give, er, 5 to 6 cycles at their current speed. [SHOT/ACTION: Front end shot of Bumblebee with RatTrap in the foreground and Optimus behind the Beetle. RatTrap gives Optimus a quick three count, and heaves the front end of Bumblebee into the air.] RATTRAP: (RM) (Panic) Okay, you ready?! One - two - three! YEEAA! [ACTION: Optimus hits his jets as Bumblebee reaches his balanced point above him. The camera follows them up and out of the hole. RatTrap follows up his repelling rope.] [SHOT: Wide surface shot of all of the Maximals gathered around Bumblebee. Cheetor (BM) and Tigatron (BM) are keeping eye contact with the incoming Preds, which are still out of range.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, we've got him out of there - now what? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Well, I'd fly him back to base, but he'd be too large and ungainly - too easy a target. The Predacon flyers would overtake me too fast. TIGATRON: (BM) We can't push him - he'd be too slow! RATTRAP: (RM) Gentlemen... allow me! [ACTION: RatTrap opens Bumblebee's driver's side door and gets in.] [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of instrument cluster on Bumblebee's dashboard. RatTrap taps the Fuel/Energon Gauge, which reads FULL. The camera follows his hand down to the 'keys'. He turns them, and Bumblebee's 'engine' fires up.] [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap leaning out the driver's window gloating over his new wheels.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey! They're right! Dey DO build dees things ta last! Hey, kitties! 'Better run as my wingmen. Dis old thing's got no weapons workin'! (To Optimus and Rhinox) See you two back at da base! Chiao! [ACTION: RatTrap floors it, and takes off out into the prairie. Tigatron (BM) and Cheetor (BM) follow behind to either side of the car.] [SHOT: Wide 2 shot of Optimus and Rhinox. Optimus is watching Bumblebee move off. Rhinox is placing a large rock over the hole.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Humm... Are you sure that's Bumblebee, Rhinox? How could RatTrap be running him if he's in stasis lock? RHINOX: (RM) Oh, it's quite possible to do that. It's his processors and circuitry that's in stasis lock, not his drive systems. You can drive him, but don't expect him to answer many questions! One of those old benefits of having wheels instead of feet! Ha, ha! [ACTION: Rhinox transforms (RM)>(BM) and trots off in the direction that the Bug had gone. Optimus shrugs his shoulders, then he also transforms (RM)>(BM) and follows.] RHINOX: (BM) (Singing to himself) Oh, to have wheels under my feet - la de dah! [SHOT/ACTION: High running shot following Bumblebee through the high grass of the prairie. He is leaving a large v-tailed cloud of dust behind him. So much so, that it is hard to discern Tigatron or Cheetor following the Bug on either side.] [SHOT: 2 shot of Terrorsaur and Waspinator. They notice the cloud of dust.] TERRORSAUR: (BM) Ahh! Our Autobot is for real! AH! [ACTION: Terrorsaur does a loop.] WASPINATOR: (BM) What's with you? TERRORSAUR: (BM) (Shaking his head) Huh! That was odd. I'm gonna have to run a diagnostic when we get back to base! But, meanwhile, let’s TERRORIZE! [ACTION: Terrorsaur and Waspinator transform (BM)>(RM) then head in for a strafing run.] [SHOT: POV shot looking at the outside rear view mirror. Camera angle first shows RatTrap driving Bumblebee. As the camera moves closer to the car body, the mirror's angle shows Terrorsaur and Waspinator inbound. RatTrap reacts to in incoming flyers.] RATTRAP: (RM) Aw nutz! Bumble-bud, I wish you came with a sun-roof! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera follows Terrorsaur and Waspinator up the dust cloud being put up by Bumblebee. They start firing shots that hit in front or beside the Bug. RatTrap accelerates. The camera orbits Terrorsaur and Waspinator until it is riding the Beetle's rear bumper. The two Predacons slowly gain on the Autobot, and are about to overtake it, when Tigatron (BM) and Cheetor (BM) leap out of the dust cloud and land squarely on the Pred's backs, and drive them into the ground with a thud. The two cats continue on without missing a stride. They again disappear into the grass.] [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap driving Bumblebee. He is hooting it up watching his rear view mirror.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hoo hooo! Way ta go kitty cats! Prang dem jar-heads inta da ground! Ye haw! - Uh oh! [SHOT/ACTION: POV looking through Bumblebee's windshield at the 'road' ahead. The camera rack-zooms in as Scorponok and Tarantulas transform (BM)>(RM) in front of the onrushing Bug.] RATTRAP: (RM) NUTZ! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera lets the car run underneath it, while watching both Tigatron (BM)>(RM) and Cheetor (BM)>(RM) transform and leap out of the grass, gun ablaze. Tigatron's shots hit Tarantulas squarely, sending him flying. Cheetor's fire hits Scorponok's claws, disabling his rocket shooters.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU side shot looking into the driver's side window of RatTrap. He looks forward at Scorponok (off screen). He looks at the camera and gets a mean grin on his face. He turns forward again, hunkers down in his seat, then floors Bumblebee.] [SHOT: A quick rack zoom in on Scorponok in a fast reaction shot.] [SHOT/ACTION: Return to the same side shot of RatTrap in the driver's seat. Crunching and banging can be heard as RatTrap runs over Scorponok (off screen). The car bounces up and down in shot.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hoo Hooo! That's some speed bump! Ha ha haa! Now I know why Rhinox likes ta barrel THROUGH things! Ye HAW! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera allows Bumblebee and the cats to head over the hill in their cloud of dust. It then pans back to find sparks and smoke coming out of a flattened Scorponok. Tire tracks run up his chassis (in close-up, the tread marks are little Autobot shields). The camera sweeps past the body, and swings up to show the approaching Rhinox (BM) and Optimus Primal (BM).] RHINOX: (BM) (Looking at the heap of Scorponok) You guys just never learn, do ya? If you're about to get run over, get out of the way! Ha ha ha! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera continues to follow Rhinox and Optimus as the trot along in the direction of the fast moving car and cats. Optimus transforms (BM)>(RM) and takes off to follow. The occasional spark pops from the bottom of the frame as Scorponok continues to sizzle.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the lift entrance to the Maximal Base. It starts to descend with Dinobot (BM) riding it. He gets off the lift, and notices something coming over the hill. A cloud of dust is billowing. He then spots the two cats running along side the cloud. Now the cloud of dust is beeping at him.] DINOBOT: (BM) What in the inferno? BUMBLEBEE: (CM) BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! [SHOT/ACTION: Dinobot strains his optics hard to see the front of Bumblebee in the dust cloud. The camera follows Dinobot's reaction.] DINOBOT: (BM) An AUTOBOT! HIZZZZZZZZZ! JUST what we NEED! Where in the inferno did they find THAT!? [ACTION: RatTrap pulls up next to Dinobot.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey there chopper-face! Look what followed me home! I think I'll keep 'um! Hoo Hooo! [ACTION: RatTrap pulls away, leaving Dinobot shaking his head in disgust.] [SCENE: Dissolve to wide interior shot of a storage bay Rhinox (RM) has made into a repair bay. Bumblebee (CM) is in the middle of the room. Rhinox is busy finishing the assembling of the 'Manual Crank' device (it looks like the starters used on an Indy Race Car, except that it has a control pad and a readout screen on top, and a lanyard attached to its rear). Also in the room are Optimus (RM), Cheetor (RM), and RatTrap (RM).] RHINOX: (RM) There. This was known as a Manual Crank. Bumblebee doesn't fit in our Restoration Chamber in vehicle mode, so I'll need to manually transform him to his robot form before we can proceed to that step. CHEETOR: (RM) Oooh! Man, this feels weird! I mean, it feels creepy, transforming someone while they're out like this. RHINOX: (RM) Well, you for one need not worry. It's impossible to do this to a Maximal or a Predacon because of their Protoform skins. You couldn't do THIS for example. [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of the rear of Bumblebee (CM). Rhinox reaches down, and swings open a hatch. Cheetor gets grossed out.] CHEETOR: (RM) Oh GROSS! Stop it Rhinox! Your givin' me the glitches! I won't be able to sleep for a week! RHINOX: (RM) Ha ha. Well, sorry, but I'm going to have to open this anyway. This was where his head would have come out. It's also where the manual crank goes in. [SHOT: MCU of Optimus watching Rhinox.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) It's a good thing you're here, Rhinox. I'd have no idea what I was doing in there. You seem to know quite a bit about Autobot physical structures. [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox working on Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) Humph. Well of course I would. I used to BE one. [SHOT: Wide reaction shot.] ALL BUT RHINOX AND BUMBLEBEE: (Group noise of "What?" - "You're kiddin'!" - "Aw com'mon, tell me another one!" - "Since when?" - "Seen any Quintessons lately?" - etc...) [SHOT/ACTION: Rhinox inserts the crank into Bumblebee and turns it on. It begins to whirr. While it churns, Rhinox starts to reminisce.] RHINOX: (RM) (Flashback mode) My prime core processor is VERY old. It is PRE-AUTOBOT. Its initial memories are VERY jumpy. Early in Cybertronian history, we service droids were turned on and off like lamps. You could be turned off one day, then turned back on months - YEARS later, and only to find that you're in a different body, doing different tasks. I was turned on and off a few hundred times. Then I spent most of the First Cybertronian War, and ALL of the Second turned off. [SHOT: CU reaction shot of RatTrap, Optimus and Cheetor. Cheetor in particular sits bug-eyed soaking in Rhinox's war stories.] [SCENE: Flashback to Rhinox's early years in the Third Cybertronian Wars.] RHINOX: (Flashback voice over) I was finally brought on-line full time during the Third Cybertronian War. I had no name, but I did have a job. I was a weapons carrier for the Sixth Legion of the Autobot Forward Guard, in charge of protection of Iacon, the Autobot Headquarters. Late in the 45th summer of the war, our position came under assault. It was an all out Decepticon attack on us. During the battle, the Decepticons managed to disable or destroy all but three members of the garrison. One was the garrison's demolition expert, Brawn. The second was a new recruit, our friend Bumblebee here. The third was that un-named weapons carrier. The three of us took all those weapons I was carrying and held off the Decepticon for 2 days until reinforcements came. RHINOX: (Exiting flashback) As a reward for services given, Optimus Prime promoted me. [SHOT: MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) You met Optimus PRIME? COOL! [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox, then continue flashback.] RHINOX: (RM) (Continuing flashback) Prime and I became very good friends. I was given a new body, and my first name. I became Roadbuster. My vehicle mode was an all-terrain - go over - under - through mobile gun emplacement (remember, there was a war going on at the time). [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Yea, but dat 'over - under - through' bit still fits ya, Mr. Rhino! [SHOT: Continue Flashback.] RHINOX: (RM) (Continuing Flashback) I was designated as an interceptor and charge leader. I often worked alone, so I taught myself how to repair and maintain equipment and personnel in situations where repair bays could be months away. It was hard, but it made me a better warrior. [SHOT: Front MCU of Cheetor. Camera pans around his head until it rests on a POV shot over Cheetor's shoulder looking at Rhinox.] CHEETOR: (RM) Awesome! But how did you become a Maximal? RHINOX: (RM) (Returns to Flashback Mode) First of all, let’s get one thing straight - there are MANY former Autobots who are now Maximals. Some became Maximals by choice. But many more still became Maximals by necessity or without having any choice. I was in the later. Towards the dark days of the Third Cybertronian War, when energon was in extremely short supply, I was call upon to join the best of the Autobot warriors in an effort to find a new source for it. The Autobots had built a spaceship they dubbed "The Ark." We were going to search nearby solar systems for new supplies of energy and resources in a desperate effort to defeat the Decepticons. But as I was heading for the launch complex outside Iacon, the Decepticons attacked the ship. Time was short. I went into intercept mode, and attacked the incoming Decepticon battle group. I knew by doing so, I would be left behind, but the ship HAD to launch. Shockwave, the Decepticon marksman, finally managed to take me out. I was taken prisoner, but the Ark had managed to escape. At the time, Decepticons had a nasty way of detaining prisoners. They removed the prisoner's Personality Chip and stored it in Detention Centers they had scattered across Cybertron - as they did with me. [SHOT: MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) Personality Chip? What's a Personalty Chip? [SHOT: Rack focus over Cheetor's shoulder at RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Jeeze, where were you’s durin' Cyber-Health Class? It's dat chip-doohicky thing inside you’s dat makes you, you! [SHOT: POV shot from RatTrap's position looking at Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) I thought that was part of the Spark! [SHOT: POV moves off Cheetor and onto Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) It does, to a point - the Personality Chip regulates it. Without a Personality Chip, a Spark could go wild. There ARE cases of chipless Sparks - Starscream is a good example... but I digress... [SHOT: Return to Flashback.] RHINOX: (RM) (Return to Flashback) A Personality Chip was easy to remove in those old bodies - it's extremely difficult to do it in current Protoform based bodies. As the dark days of the Third War got worse, many of the detention centers were lost and forgotten. My chip spent millions of years in one of these detention centers. My release came soon after the end of the war when the victorious Autobots began to rebuild Cybertron with help from humans from Earth. Priority was given to the release of the prisoners in the detention centers. In most cases, the Decepticons had recycled the old bodies of the detained chips. The Autobot's chief scientist, Perceptor, needed to come up with new bodies for the detainees. With the old body forge permanently out of commission, he decided to create a new body type all together. He created the first Protoform based bodies. These bodies used the Sparks as their primary power processor, rather than the old conversion pumps. As it turned out, these new bodies performed better than the old styles. They used less energon, functioned smoother, and were more malleable because of their 'liquid' pre-formed state. Cybertronians didn't need to restrict themselves to being vehicles or objects when they were in root mode anymore. [SHOT: MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) Speaking of being restricted to vehicle mode, when's this 'bot gonna change? I mean, that crank you put in him has been grindin' for a quartect now! [SHOT: Medium 2 shot of Rhinox and the aft section of Bumblebee. Rhinox is reaching down for the lanyard at the rear of the manual crank.] RHINOX: (RM) You've got to remember, Bumblebee is an old Transformer, Cheetor. He doesn't transform the way we do. As a matter of fact, all I'm really doing is winding his transformation system. [SHOT: CU of the back of the manual crank. A light starts blinking green on it.] RHINOX: (RM) And, by the signal the crank is giving me, we are ready to proceed with transformation! [SHOT/ACTION: Camera zooms out to show a wide field view of the room with Bumblebee in the middle. Cheetor is slightly off to the left of center between the camera and Bumblebee. RatTrap is in front of Bumblebee. Optimus is behind and to the left of Bumblebee. Rhinox is directly behind Bumblebee preparing to yank the manual crank out of the car. He is waiving the rest of the Maximals away from Bumblebee so that they don't get hit by any transforming part.] RHINOX: (RM) You guys may want to move back a bit. I don't know just how wild his transforming will be. [ACTION: Cheetor, RatTrap and Optimus move back a bit (Cheetor moves so the camera can see more of Bumblebee). Rhinox stands up holding the lanyard in this left hand.] RHINOX: (RM) Right! Get ready. One - Two - [ACTION: Rhinox yanks the manual crank out. Instantly Bumblebee starts to transform LOUDLY (to the sounds of the Transformers' original t-form sound effect). Cheetor, RatTrap and Optimus grab their audio receptors in pain.] RHINOX: (RM) THREE! SOUND EFFECT: URRR-URRRR-URRR-URRR-URRRRT! [SHOT Medium 2 shot of RatTrap and Cheetor. They are still holding their audio receptors.] CHEETOR: (RM) JEEEZE! Wow! That hurts! RATTRAP: (RM) Yeow! What was DAT!? Man, I'm seein' SPOTS! [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox. He is giving everyone the confused puppy look.] RHINOX: (RM) What? [SHOT: MCU of Optimus getting upright from being bent over in pain.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Didn't you hear that? It was painful! [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap removing his hands from his head.] RATTRAP: (RM) Oh, man! It was like dat time when Dinobot dragged his claws across that slate slab! OOOOOH! That was nasty! Hey! Would'ja look'it dat! [SHOT: POV shot from behind RatTrap looking at Bumblebee (RM) laying on the floor in front of him. RatTrap is pointing at him.] RATTRAP: (RM) Yo, Mr. R, what gives? I mean Cliffjumper got SMALL, but not DAT small! CHEETOR: (RM) Yea, how did something the size of that car get to be so teeny weeny? RHINOX: (RM) Oh, that's just another of those MANY differences between our Protoform bodies and good old Autobot Hardframes. Here Cheetor, give me a hand in getting him into the Restoration Chamber. [SHOT/ACTION: Camera tracks to the left, settling on a 3 shot of Rhinox, Bumblebee and Cheetor. Rhinox and Cheetor lift Bumblebee off the floor, then exit the shot to the right.] [SHOT: Tight 2 shot of Optimus and RatTrap as they watch Bumblebee being taken away (out of shot).] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Have you found anything in the data that you downloaded from Bumblebee's escape pod? RATTRAP: (RM) Nuthin' much yet - dat data is pretty much a jumbled mess. I've got our ol' confuser workin' on straightenin' any USEABLE info it c'n find from dat muck. So far, all da info I've got from it is that it was an ion storm of some sort that caused him ta crash on dis "unknown planet." So much fer findin' out just what rock we're sittin' on! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Hummm... it probably doesn't tell us just HOW long he's been here either. RATTRAP: (RM) Naa. We're lucky it knows its own data base! Huh? [SHOT/ACTION: Wider 2 shot as Optimus and RatTrap react to a klaxon going off.] SOUND EFFECT: BING! BING! BING! . . . AIRAZOR: (Over com) RatTrap! You'd better get up here! The computer is having kittens! RATTRAP: (RM) Ooh, now THERE'S a sight I want ta see! Com'on! Dis sound like BAD NEWS! [SHOT/ACTION: Wide group shot starting with a MCU of Airazor, who is examining a readout hologram in front of her being projected above the table in the center of the bridge. The camera swings around the hologram to show RatTrap and Optimus entering the bridge. Rhinox and Cheetor are off to one side closing up the R-Chamber. The hologram is showing the data that RatTrap was having the computer work on. Bits are dropping out of the graph as parts of the programming disappears.] MAXIMAL COMPUTER: Incompatible programming! Data error! Incompatible programming! Data error! Batch file error! Corrupt data! Terminal viral crash! Incompatible programming! Data error! RATTRAP: (RM) Aw, no - no - NO! Stop it! STOP IT! Computer, STOP IT! MAXIMAL COMPUTER: Batch job terminated. Do you wish to continue? RATTRAP: (RM) Are you out'a yer digitized hyperbolic data clusters!? NO! I want you's ta hold onto dis data in buffer memory until we c'n figure out just WHAT damage ya DID to dis data file, ya poor excuse fer a digital WATCH! Rhinox, what d'ya think? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox as he examines the hologram.] RHINOX: (RM) Humm... ah! Here it is! It's an old CCV program. We used them back in the days of the Great War. [SHOT: CU of Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) CCV? That's an old security virus, right? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) Right. It was placed in the compression command of a data file. If you didn't have the correct password, it creates a data worm. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap. He is covering his head in anguish.] RATTRAP: (RM) Which goes through yer data an' turns it inta a picture a' Swiss Cheese! ARRGH! [SHOT: MCU of Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) How bad is it? [SHOT: Group shot of Rhinox, Optimus, RatTrap and Airazor at the table. Cheetor is in the far background watching.] RATTRAP: (RM) Oh, it really couldn't get much worse! Since we had ta get out'a there in a hurry, I performed a data dump on da escape pod's computer. Dis (pointing at the hologram) is da only copy of that memory left, and now about 75% of it is gone! ARRRRGH! RHINOX: (RM) Who ran the anti-virus? AIRAZOR: (RM) I did. When I saw the data starting to drop out of the field, I punched it up. RHINOX: (RM) Good move. Our modern AV stopped the old CCV cold. There wouldn't have been much left if it hadn't worked. One thing's for sure, though... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) What's that? RHINOX: (RM) That virus was placed in there ON PURPOSE. I hope Bumblebee doesn't have a similar program in HIS system! [ACTION: The camera pans left off the group shot and zooms in on the R-Chamber.] [SHOT/ACTION: Diss. to a wide shot from the side of the R-Chamber looking at the center table on the bridge. Everyone has left the bridge except Airazor, who is monitoring something at the scanners. The camera pans left to an ECU of the R-Chamber.] [SHOT: Diss. to the interior of the R-Chamber with a MCU of Bumblebee as he begins to stir.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Ohhhhh - - - - Man, what a trip! Ea? [SHOT: POV shot from Bumblebee as he looks around himself. Everything he can see is extremely blurred.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) W - W - Whoa! D - d - dark... Nnnot p - p - p - pod - d - d - d... D - dooor... M - mmust find d - d - door... [SHOT/ACTION: MCU side shot of Bumblebee. He begins to panic, searching franticly for the door. This exhausts him. He drops his head, and brings his left hand down against the hull of the R-Chamber with a thud. Airazor (outside the chamber) calls into him, and he calms down.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) C - can't finnnd d - d - door. T - trapped... Mmmust g-g-get out. SOUND EFFECT: THTONGGGG! (Metal hand against metal wall) AIRAZOR: (Outside chamber) Hello? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (A bit giddy) H - Helloooooo! AIRAZOR: (Outside chamber) Are you awake? Do you need any help? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Ummmmmm....nnnice soooothing lady's v-v-voice - p-p-panic-c-c later! Hhhellllloooooo Carlieeee! [SHOT/ACTION: Side MCU of Airazor (RM) looking at the outside of the R-Chamber. She looks a bit startled at the chamber in reaction to the sounds coming from inside. She taps her com and calls for Optimus and Rhinox. She then moves to the side of the chamber and throws the open switch. The door begins to open.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Huh? Carlie? Airazor to Optimus and Rhinox. Mr. Bee has awakened. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (Over com) Good. We'll be right there. SOUND EFFECT: CLICK! (Latches releasing) KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSZZZZ! (Door swinging open - steam venting) [SHOT/ACTION: As the door swings away, the camera lands on a MCU of Bumblebee sitting in the R-Chamber, blearily peering through the steam. He gives a futile attempt of parting the haze with his hands.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Oohhhh...Ah! [SHOT/ACTION: POV shot from Bumblebee's perspective of Airazor's face as she kneels down in front of Bumblebee. It is a murky haze. It stuns Bumblebee.] AIRAZOR: (RM) (Slightly distorted by Bumblebee's audio receptors) Hello there. Do you need help out of there? [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Helllooo - - angel... [SHOT: Quick MCU reaction shot of Airazor as she is taken by surprise by Bumblebee's response.] [SHOT: Return to the same shot of Bumblebee as before.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) I m-m-must be dead! Th-th-this must be the afteer - aftor - after life! Iszzz this the abtor lif? [SHOT/ACTION: Return to the same POV shot of Airazor as before. She looks to the left quickly just as Dinobot's Beast head enters the shot at EXTREMELY CLOSE range.] DINOBOT: (BM) (Slightly distorted by Bumblebee's audio receptors) HARUMPH! DON'T COUNT on IT! I would not be caught DEAD in an AUTOBOT'S AFTER LIFE! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee in the chamber. He reacts giddily to Dinobot's head, and pushes it out of the chamber. He attempts to get up.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Ha ha! Grrrimlocky! G-g-get yer face out of my face - whoa! Steady! [SHOT: Reaction MCU of Dinobot to Bumblebee's comment. Dinobot watches Bumblebee (off screen) attempt to stand.] DINOBOT: (RM) GRIMLOCK!? I am NOT that piece of SLAG! [SHOT: Wide group shot of Bumblebee, Dinobot and Airazor. Bumblebee is standing on very weak knees. Airazor is on the other side of the frame waiting to catch him WHEN he falls.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Of course you're not Slag - He's a Tri - tri - triceratops! [ACTION: Bumblebee starts to fall forward. Airazor catches him. He squints hard at Dinobot.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Y - yer not my buddy Grim - Grim - Grimlock, either! In fact, if my optics are seeing you right, you're a REAL dino-s-s-saur! A real TALKING dinosaur! [SHOT: Quick MCU reaction shot of Dinobot.] DINOBOT: (BM) So? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) HA! Get me s-some paint! I want to paint him purple! [SHOT/ACTION: Closer 2 shot of Bumblebee and Airazor. Bumblebee lands on his knees. Airazor grabs him by his shoulders to hold him up.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Oh, h-hello... We've not been p-prop-perly innntroduced. My name is Bubble - Blub - BeeBumm - Bramble - oh, I'm yellow! [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee and Airazor from over Bumblebee's right shoulder.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Bumblebee. [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee and Airazor from over Airazor's left shoulder.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) That's right! How did you guess? Do me a favor... [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee and Airazor from over Bumblebee's right shoulder.] AIRAZOR: (RM) What? [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee and Airazor from over Airazor's left shoulder.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Say my name again! It sounded so nice when you said it! [SHOT: MCU of Dinobot as he looks at the ceiling shaking his head. He covers his head with his hands.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide group shot of the bridge doorway. RatTrap (RM) can hardly contain himself. Cheetor (BM) is having a hard time holding back a chuckle. Optimus (BM) and Rhinox (RM) look at one another, amused. Tigatron (RM) is scratching his head.] RATTRAP: (RM) Ah hoo hoo hoo! Oh - oh - oh! [SHOT: Quick MCU of groggy Bumblebee looking over at the group by the doorway.] [SHOT: POV from Bumblebee as he zeros in on Cheetor in his Beast Mode. Bumblebee's left hand can be seen coming up from the bottom of the frame as he calls to Cheetor.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) (To Cheetor off frame) Oooh, nice kitty! Here kitty - kitty - kitty! [ACTION: Cheetor gets a bit miffed and transforms (BM)>(RM).] [SHOT: MCU of a disappointed Bumblebee as he reacts to Cheetor's transforming.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Oh. Bad kitty! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of RatTrap as he is howling. Camera pulls away from him and follows Rhinox as he comes over with a scanner and examines Bumblebee.] RATTRAP: (RM) (In pain) OH! OH! OH! IT HURTS! STOP HIM! STOP HIM! PLEASE STOP HIM! HA HA HA HA! RHINOX: (RM) (Chuckling) Try to contain yourself, RatTrap - ha ha. My scanner say that the Bug's processors are still recovering from stasis shock. Give him a few cycles and he'll recover fine. [SHOT: MCU reaction shot of Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Groggy) Bug. THE Bug. I - I rememb-ber someone calling me Bug. I remember someone calling me Buggy! But who... whoo... whoooom... [SHOT/ACTION: Full shot of Optimus as he verbally calls out his transformation (BM)>(RM).] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (BM)>(RM) Optimus, Maximize... [SHOT/ACTION: Things suddenly get very claustrophobic for Bumblebee. CU shot of him jumping to his feet and clamoring away from the others.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Excited) MAXIMIZE!? YEOW! [SHOT/ACTION: Extremely distorted POV shot from Bumblebee. Everyone is on the other side of the room. Rhinox and Airazor are trying to calm him down.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Excited) WHERE AM I!? WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE ARE MY COMRADES?! WHY ARE THE ANIMALS TURNING INTO ROBOTS!? ANSWER ME! AIRAZOR: (RM) Bumblebee, please! Settle! Settle! RHINOX: (RM) Cool your jets, Bug! You're among friends! [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee being held by his shoulders. He has his head down, and he is talking to the floor. Airazor is holding his right shoulder. Rhinox is holding his left.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Excited - panting) HUH! HUH! HUH! How do you know my nickname!? RHINOX: (RM) Settle down! Settle down! What caused all that? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Calming) Huh - huh - huh! Are you - are you Maximals? [SHOTS: Quick MCU reaction shots of Rhinox, Airazor and Optimus to Bumblebee's question.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Yes, we are. [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee. He has settled down for the moment. Airazor and Rhinox allow him to stand up by himself. He raises his head and looks hard at Optimus across the room (out of frame).] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Squinting at Optimus) Optimus? Optimus Prime? Is that you? [SHOT: MCU of Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) No, I am not THE Optimus Prime. I was designed and named after him. He was lost long ago. [SHOT/ACTION: The camera does a wild zoom in on Bumblebee from above. He grabs his head by its horns in pain.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pained) YES! I remember - AHH! [ACTION: Bumblebee bends over, still clutching his head.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Code 2-7-2 binary 1! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU reaction shot of Rhinox as he reacts to what Bumblebee said. Rhinox jumps towards Bumblebee (left of frame). He grabs him and holds him directly in front of himself, holding Bumblebee by the shoulders.] RHINOX: (RM) NO! Autobot command com override prefix - security 1, detail 7! Prepare for binary 1 code termination! Set for visual conformation! ErrrAAAHHH! [SHOT/ACTION: ECU of Rhinox's head. Rhinox is grimacing and groaning. His face begins to morph, change shape and color.] [SHOTS: Quick MCU reaction shots of Cheetor, Optimus, Airazor, RatTrap and Dinobot. Tigatron nods as if he knows what Rhinox is doing.] CHEETOR: (RM) Look at that! OPTIMUS & AIRAZOR: (RM) HUH! RATTRAP: (RM) Yo! How in da world...? DINOBOT: (BM) HIZZZZ! [SHOT: MCU on Rhinox/Roadbuster. His head settles on its temporary shape.] RHINOX/ROADBUSTER: (RM) Confirm! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU shot of Bumblebee looking through Rhinox's arms, which are still holding Bumblebee's shoulders. Bumblebee's eyes are glowing slightly as they scan the new head on Rhinox.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Weakly) Roadbuster? Is that you? [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Rhinox/Roadbuster's head. Rhinox/Roadbuster taps the head while explaining it to Bumblebee. He relaxes, and the head returns to Rhinox's cranium.] RHINOX/ROADBUSTER: (RM) Yup. It's me Bug. I just don't look like this anymore. Besides, this is hard to do! RRRUMPH! - Ahhhh! [SHOT: MCU of Optimus in I WANT ANSWERS mode.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Whoa, whoa, whoa! What just happen here!? Rhinox, what was all THAT about? [SHOT: 2 shot of Bumblebee and Rhinox. Airazor is off to the left of the frame.] RHINOX: (RM) That code Bumblebee yelled had to be his own personal code, because the phrase "binary 1" is the old Autobot self destruct code. I, being an old Autobot, used the old deactivation code needed to prevent such a nasty thing from happening. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap as he comes up to Rhinox.] RATTRAP: (RM) Well, we're all happy dat Mr. B didn't make a mess of da bridge, but what was dat wit yer head? I mean, sheesh! Since when did you’s become a shape changer as well as a Transformer? [SHOT: MCU of Rhinox.] RHINOX: (RM) Remember what I said earlier? Malleable! Protoform bodies are more malleable. [ACTION: Rhinox turns his attention back to Bumblebee.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, Bug... Why did you try to activate your self destruct? [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee, who is shaking the cobwebs from his head.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I - I don't know why - I can't remember why... It was like some involuntary knee-jerk reaction. [SHOT: 3 shot of Rhinox, Optimus and Bumblebee.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Why did you ask if we were Maximals? There weren't any around when you were last active, were there? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well, sure there were. The Autobots have had Maximal prototypes for a long time. Early forms of Maximals have been around to counter the main threat to Cybertron. RHINOX: (RM) (Excited about remembering old stuff) That's right! Prior to Perceptor's creation of Protoform bodies there were early Autobot and Decepticon attempts at animal form transformation. The Autobots had Steeljaw and Ramhorn, a lion and a rhino... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Another rhino? RHINOX: (RM) Yes, another rhino. But they LOOKED like robots when transformed in their version of 'Beast Mode'. In base mode, they were cassettes. They hardly looked like true Maximals. And, of course there was old Sky Lynx... [SHOT: MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) Yo, time out! You mentioned that this was about some 'Main threat' to Cybertron... What was the main threat? [SHOT: ECU of Rhinox eyes as he scowls.] RHINOX: (RM) Huuuu... Predaking. [SHOT: Return to the MCU of Cheetor.] CHEETOR: (RM) Predaking? [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Dinobot as he hisses his displeasure of hearing the name Predaking. Cheetor is off to the right of the frame reacting to Dinobot's outburst.] DINOBOT: (BM) HARISSSS!! PREDAKING! [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee as he nods in agreement.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Predaking, the very first Predacon. [SHOT/ACTION: Shot starts with an MCU of Cheetor, then swings around to show an MCU of Dinobot.] CHEETOR: (RM) The FIRST Predacon!? Whoa! DINOBOT: (BM) THAT is putting it MILDLY. Remember, originally Predacons were only a SUB-GROUP of the Decepticons. Predaking was a gestalt, a Multibot - 5 Decepticon soldiers who merged together to form a massive and destructive war machine. He was the largest of the Multibots. He also has indestructible. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Wait a minute! If he was so indestructible, why isn't he around now? [SHOT: POV shot looking up at Rhinox from RatTrap.] RHINOX: (RM) Where were you during history class in school? [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey! I didn't get dat download! [SHOTS: Same POV shot of Rhinox as before. Shot dissolves to a FLASHBACK of Predaking.] RHINOX: (RM) (Into FLASHBACK) Predaking rebelled against his Decepticon handlers. He went off to form his own Cybertronian sub-group separate from the Decepticons. When the Decepticons went to retrieve their wayward Multibot, most were destroyed, including GALVATRON - or at least, that was what was first thought. DINOBOT: (BM) (Flashback) What the Decepticons did not know at first was that Predaking had been joined by another Decepticon sub-group known as INSECTICONS. One of these in particular, Bombshell, had a device for warping minds. They called it a cerebro-shell. By implanting a shell in a Cybertronian, he could make them do anything. What had REALLY become of the first group of Decepticons was that Bombshell had turned them all into the first PREDACONS. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Flashback) The Decepticons that were left requested help from the Autobots. If the Predacons were NOT STOPPED, both sides would soon be at war again, except this time, not against each other. The Autobots agreed, and joined the remaining Decepticons in a joint attack on the Predacons. The Predacons had stolen Perceptor's new Protoform technology, and they were busy making new Predacons on their own. Worst yet, the long lost Megatron was back, and was now leading the Preds as he had the Decepticons. But somehow, he didn't seem to be the one calling the shots. It turned out that Predaking was using one of Bombshell's cerebro-controllers to manipulate Megatron's mind to do his bidding. During the battle, Optimus Prime battled Megatron and Bombshell. The rest of the combined forces were busy taking on Predaking and his horde of Predacons. They would have lost the battle if Perceptor had not arrived in one of his new experimental warp shuttles. [SHOT: MCU 2 shot of Airazor and Bumblebee, then return to Flashback. NOTE that Flashback starts to get a bit jerky, with bursts of white representing Bumblebee's missing memory.] AIRAZOR: (RM) A warp shuttle? How would THAT help in a battle? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Return to Flashback) Well, you've got to remember, warp shuttles are - er - WERE not exactly reliable back then, and Perceptor knew that. They had a nasty habit of creating worm-holes when not properly tuned. Perceptor sacrificed himself by creating a worm-hole in space directly aft of Predaking. While Predaking wasn't looking, Perceptor attached a tractor beam on him, and yanked him into the worm hole. The multibot left for parts unknown. As soon as the worm-hole collapsed, the link Predaking had on Megatron was broken. This left Megatron stunned. He floated off out of the battlefield. Optimus Prime, injured, was left to battle Bombshell. They both managed to get off one final shot. Optimus destroyed Bombshell, but Bombshell finally got a cerebro-shell into Optimus. I saw Prime take that hit. I came in using Perceptor's second warp shuttle to assist him. I found him loosing the battle against the cerebro-shell. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (IN Flashback) Optimus! Get in! The whole Predacon Army is heading for us! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) Nothing. He was mumbling code. I could see him struggling against the cerebro-shell's program. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (IN Flashback) PRIME!! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) Cerebro - - shell - - trying t-to - - reprogram me into - - Predacon - - Bumblebee...I have - - special mission - - take this - - RUUAHH! - COMMAND COM - SET CASE - SHIPTRACK - DEPLOY TO SAFETY CASE - DOWNLOAD P1 - PURGE LINK - RELEASE AND DISENGAGE - EJECT! [ACTION: Optimus Prime swings open his cab window doors, pops open a safety hold-down, and ejects a case emblazoned with the Autobot Shield. He closes up again, and hands the case to Bumblebee. The entire scene is jumpy, with bits missing.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) Uhh! This is hard to read. Parts are missing... OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) Take this - you MUST keep this safe, Bumblebee - I'm depend - depending on you - URRAH! YOU must ESCAPE! AHHH! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (IN Flashback) Prime! I'm not going to leave you like this! [ACTION: Prime grabs Bumblebee and throws him back into the warp shuttle. He them slams the door shut.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) Prime was not one to argue a point. He threw me back into my shuttle, and heaved it away. OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) GO!! [ACTION: Prime grabs the shuttle and heaves it away. From the view of the cockpit, Bumblebee sees Prime in the distance. He is being surrounded by old Insecticons.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) As I floated away, I saw Prime rear back. I knew what he was going to do next. I punched the shuttles thrusters to clear the area. [SHOT/ACTION: Wide full body shot of Optimus Prime as he rears back. Insecticons are clinging to him. The camera does a rapid zoom in as he speaks.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) CODE PRIME 1 - 1 A - OPTIMUS - BINARY 7 - IMMEDIATE! [SHOTS/ACTION: In multiple shot, the camera moves away from Prime as he begins to glow. At the third shot, Prime detonates, releasing a great shock wave out into space. It overtakes the shuttle.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Explaining Flashback) I was hit by a great shock wave as Prime detonated. The Insecticons were gone, but now many of the Predacons were after the shuttle. I keyed in the warp field generators, and set course for Cybertron. [SHOT: Diss. to an MCU of Bumblebee finishing his story. Airazor is nearby listening intently.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) But a shell hit the shuttle just as I entered warp - I think. My memory gets a bit jumbled by then. I do remember being chucked into the escape pod by a very excitable ship's computer. Perceptor was always throwing safety gadgets into everything he built. [SHOT: MCU of Tigatron.] TIGATRON: (RM) Curious. Have you any idea what the case Prime gave you was? [SHOT: MCU of Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hummm... I can't say... I'm not totally sure of anything yet. I'm not reading all of my memory storage, especially late data. I'm not even sure the case came with me when that computer shunted me into that escape pod. It probably went up with the ship. [SHOT: Full shot of Dinobot.] DINOBOT: (BM) HISSSS! As it were, that battle was the start of the Forth Cybertronian War, the so called 'Great War' that everyone seems so fond of remembering. [SHOT: MCU of RatTrap.] RATTRAP: (RM) Oh ho! Look who's talkin', Mr. War Journals! You’s seem ta be our walkin' talkin' battle encyclopedia! [SHOT: MCU of Dinobot.] DINOBOT: (BM) Why, thank you... Someone needs to heed HISTORY from time to time! You'd be SURPRISED what you could LEARN from it! [SHOT/ACTION: 2 shot of Bumblebee and Rhinox. Rhinox slaps Bumblebee on the back and introduces everyone to him.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, however you came to us Bug, it's good to have you with us. You've met Optimus - this is Airazor, Tigatron, Cheetor, RatTrap and Dinobot. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Dinobot? What, that's your name? DINOBOT: (BM) Yes? What of it? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) The Dinobots were an Autobot Sub-Group. You're named for an Autobot Sub-Group? DINOBOT: (BM) (Surprised and a bit ashamed about this fact) Welll - Blame my Processors! The name wasn't in use at the time! RHINOX: (RM) Ha ha! You're feeling better, aren't ya? [ACTION: Bumblebee just nods slightly with a little smile.] RHINOX: (RM) Well, we'll need to get to work on your retrofit... BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Not smiling now) Retrofit... What retrofit? RHINOX: (RM) You're gonna need one, if you want to leave the ship. A Maximal outer skin to keep the energon from building up in your system. It's the only way! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Agitated) Oh no! Not ANOTHER retrofit! Not AGAIN! Do I have to? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Another? What do you mean? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Optimus, this poor old body has seen its share of retrofits in its day! I've been through... let's see - one - two - three - four - - FIVE retrofits! And some of those were doozies! I didn't mind my first change. I never really liked my old Cybertronian Hovercar body I started out with. When we landed on Earth the first time, and I got my Bug body, that was great! And when that chassis was supped up, and I became Goldbug, that was even better! But then there was the failed first attempt at Protoform outer skins. My classification was changed to a sub-group called Pretender. We had this weird humanoid Protoform outer suit we wore over our bodies. I couldn't breath in those suits! For added insult, to fit, they had to remove the upgrades from my previous retrofit. I became Bumblebee again. And the system never worked! My final indignity, but NOT my final retrofit, was to have my transformation system removed and placed inside a backpack. Granted, this backpack allowed me to fly, but not being able to transform into car mode again and roam the highways hurt. We abandoned that system when it drove some Autobots mad. To get my transformation powers back, I had to have a Protoform processor installed. It allows me to transform, but unlike the original Autobot processor it replaced, it wasn't designed for the heavy stress a car-based all metal system calls for. RHINOX: (RM) That's because Protoform processors were designed to work with an outer skin that absorbs what nature gives them. It's more than just an outer skin. It works just like real skin, taking in sunlight, air, nourishment, what have you. This added boost is what gives you the energy to work at your fullest. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well, THAT sure explains a lot of things... Okay. I'll do it. But ONLY on MY TERMS. RHINOX: (RM) Would there be any other way? [ACTION: Bumblebee gives him a stern silent scowl.] RHINOX: (RM) Okay, don't answer that! What would you like to do? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Well first of all, I DON'T want to change my name just to suit a new body. I've become quite fond of Bumblebee. RATTRAP: (RM) (Mumbles to himself ALOUD) Huh! I can't even remember MY first name! RHINOX: (RM) No problem! Your name already befits a Maximal. We'll just have to find a bumblebee for Bumblebee! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Second, I don't want to loose my car mode! I want to be able to ROLL FOR IT when I want to! I may join the Maximals, but I'm still an Autobot! RHINOX: (RM) Whoa! Wait a minute! You're talkin' old Triple Changer technology. That's never been tried in Protoforms before! RATTRAP: (RM) (Jokingly tapping his head) Remember what you's said earlier! Malleable! RHINOX: (RM) (Angry) Now wait a minute! That may be a Protoform processor inside Bumblebee, but it's still an Autobot body on the outside! You can cover it with a Maximal hide, but changing the internal workings is VERY different! You just can't bend his body into shape using the life form replicators like you can if it were a Protoform based body! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No, I'd have to go through a FULL UPGRADE - retrofit and redesign. [SHOT: Wide group shot as everyone reacts to Bumblebee's suggestion.] RHINOX: (RM) (A bit worried) A full Autobot retrofit hasn't been done in centuries, Bug... Would you really want one of those? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I'm about due. At least this change would be because of the environment, and not because of some tactical upgrade. RHINOX: (RM) (Excited) Well, let's get started! First we'll need to draw out some plans. Care to join us, Airazor? AIRAZOR: (RM) 'Wouldn't miss it! [ACTION: Rhinox, Airazor and Bumblebee move off to Rhinox's work room. Optimus and RatTrap watch them leave.] RATTRAP: (RM) Huh! First it's a Pred joining the Maximals, now an Autobot! What's next, a Democrat or a Republican? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Deep and stern) Never! RATTRAP: (RM) HA! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) I want you to take Cheetor and Tigatron back to the cave and see if you can find anything else in the escape pod. RATTRAP: (RM) Ea? You’s don't trust him? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) I trust him, RatTrap. I just think he might not be remembering everything. RATTRAP: (RM) After THAT story he just told us? You got'ta be kiddin'! Oh well, maybe I c'n get more out'a dat confuser in da pod... Maybe find dat CASE he was talkin' about... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Exactly... RATTRAP: (RM) Ah... you're worried about dat case, ea? What ch'you think it had in it? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) I have my theories. Check it out. RATTRAP: (RM) Righto fearless leader! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) And RatTrap... If you FIND it, DON'T OPEN IT! For safety sake... RATTRAP: (RM) (Hesitating) Right... Come on, kitties! CHEETOR: (Off screen) Knock it off, RatTrap! I HATE IT when YOU say it THAT WAY! [SCENE: Dissolve to a montage of blueprints, schematics and designs for Bumblebee's refit.] RHINOX: (Voice over) Okay, if we're going to do this right, we need to first look at which mode will be the hardest to merge into the others. BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Well, that's easy. My car mode will be. My root mode would fit in almost any mode. I'm not so sure about the bee's mode. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Well, let’s first overlay a real bee over your car mode, and correct for fit... BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Boy! That's a big bee! RHINOX: (Voice over) Umm... There's no using dimensional stabilizers here! BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Well, I only used them in root mode anyway. RHINOX: (Voice over) Um... That's standard in Autobot bodies... Okay, let’s try this... First, your root mode is going to need a slight reversal. Sorry to say this Bug, but your head's gonna have ta swap ends! BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Oh great! Does that mean if I get a headache, I'll feel it in my feet? AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Ha ha... Why swap ends with his head? RHINOX: (Voice over) Well, if you look at the overlay, the shape of the vehicle mode fits well with the shape of the body of the bee. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Ahh, I see! The body of the vehicle is the bee's abdomen, and the front section... BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) The trunk... AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Trunk? BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Yea, my vehicle mode was designed after a rear engined car. Its storage area, or trunk, was up front. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Okay... the trunk becomes the thorax. RHINOX: (Voice over) Right. The bee's head would swing up from underneath the trunk, using the front bumper as a pivot point. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) You've got bumpers? BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Front and rear! AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Kinky! So now, in root mode, his feet will come out of his rear wheel wells, instead of his front wheels. BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Moving the dimensional stabilizers down there should be a snap! Looks like I'll be wearing a backpack again... At least this one will be functional, and part of me... RHINOX: (Voice over) At least you HAVE those stabilizers... Protoform bodies can't maintain as many... They only work in Beast Mode... Okay, now transforming to root mode, the front end of the vehicle, or the thorax of the bee will swing down, and your head will come up here... your arms will swing out of your front wheel wells... the bee's legs will store in your undercarriage... Okay, so far, so good... NOW for the REAL problem... BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) The wings. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) The wings? RHINOX: (Voice over) Umm, the wings. In bee mode, they mount on the thorax. That's fine in bee mode - it also works in root mode. It DOESN'T WORK in vehicle mode. BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Any ideas? RHINOX: (Voice over) Hey, you know me, Bug. I'm FULL of ideas! How about this... wings on an 'as needed' basis. AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Oooh! This sounds nice! What have you in mind? BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Remember, they're going on me! AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Doesn't mean I can't be interested! What 'chu got? RHINOX: (Voice over) We install these two pods on the back of the bee mode. They would literally knit wings on an as-needed basis out of Dura-Plast. The wings could be modulated to vary for size, strength, texture, and durability. If a wing is lost during flight, the pod would instantly replace it. Best of all, when the wings are not in use, they are ejected. And without an energy field running through them, Dura-Plast wings dissolve quickly when not connected to the pods. BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Whoa, wild! That means I'd be able to use them in root mode as well! RHINOX: (Voice over) Sure. The pods don't retract, so you'd be able to use your wings in root mode as well! And with additional upgrades - adding a locking chip and field dampers to your systems, bringing your optics and communication systems up to current standards, and maybe a serious reworking of your weapons systems - we'll have you purring like a kitten in no time! BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Great... And I thought you were going to make me into a bumblebee, not a tigermoth! RHINOX: (Voice over) Careful, or I'll drop your pan and clean your linkage with a hammer! BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Ha ha... It all looks great, Rhinox! AIRAZOR: (Voice over) Looks like a plan! See you all in the morning! [F T B] [SCENE: The storage bay that Rhinox transformed Bumblebee in earlier. Rhinox (RM) has set up an operating room. Airazor (RM) will assist Rhinox, using her extra fine optics to work through the delicate areas around Bumblebee's processors.] [SHOT: Wide set-up shot of the storage bay/operating room. Everyone is in the room (except Bumblebee and RatTrap) to watch the operation. RatTrap enters to report to Optimus.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Did you find anything more at the pod site? RATTRAP: (RM) Naa.... not much more dan we were expectin'. No case. No pieces a’da puzzle - Oh, we did manage ta get some more fluff out o'da computer. 'Guess I didn't squeeze it dry the first time! Dis time, I'm gonna watch over da program 'n make SURE it don't get no worms crawlin' through it! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Good idea... [SHOT/ACTION: Camera watches Bumblebee, in car mode, enter the room. He comes to a stop next to the operating table. Rhinox is at the head of the table. Airazor is at the far end. Bumblebee transforms (CM)>(BM) with the old sound effect ringing. RatTrap can be seen cringing.] RATTRAP: (RM) Jeeze Louise! Man! Dat is one NASTY sound you make when you transform! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Getting up on the table) I've never really noticed... I have noticed how quietly you guys do it... RHINOX: (RM) I kind of miss it! You ready? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (With a wry smile) Ummhuu... RHINOX: (RM) Hey, bunk up! You'll love the new goodies you're about to get! Just lay back and set up for repair mode, and we'll be under way... [ACTION: Bumblebee nods, and lays back onto the table.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Repair mode... [SHOT/ACTION: Bumblebee's eyes turn dark. The shot FTB. The view suddenly swirls back into view as he begins to cyber-dream. The operating room is deserted, except for Rhinox, who has his back towards the camera, and Bumblebee, who is still on the table. Rhinox whirls around, and he has Roadbuster's head again. He is also dressed in a dirty old surgical gown.] RHINOX/ROADBUSTER: (RM) Well, let's not be too delicate with it! [SHOT/ACTION: Rhinox/Roadbuster proceeds to pull out a huge cleaver. The camera follows it as Rhinox/Roadbuster raises it over his head. The camera DOES NOT follow it as he brings it down with a thud chopping off Bumblebee's head (off screen). The shot quick-cuts to Bumblebee as he wakes up with a yell, clutching his neck.] [SHOT: POV shot from Bumblebee looking at Rhinox and Airazor, who are across the room at a prep table looking at him befuddled.] RHINOX: (RM) 'You okay? You were only off for a click! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Breathing hard) Oh, this is going to be ugly. I think you'd better take my reactivation processor off line while you're working on me. That was SOME nasty cyber-dream I just processed! RHINOX: (RM) (Comforting) Bad news, ea? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Shaken) 'Y-you were playing dice the Bumblebee... Yea, it was bad! AIRAZOR: (RM) (Containing a slight giggle) Just him? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Hey, seeing him standing over you with a REALLY BIG cleaver will scare the living energon out of you! Ha ha... RHINOX: (RM) Ah, I was going for the delicate approach, was I? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Giving Rhinox the cautious eye) Ahh, right... well I wouldn't want to reactivate while in bits and pieces. RHINOX: (RM) Oh, I agree. And I think I can help to control the Bogey Man while you're off-line. Here... [ACTION: Rhinox places a magnetic device on Bumblebee's forehead.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What's that? RHINOX: (RM) It's a cerebro-scanner. It controls the alpha waves put out by your processors. It should keep your dreams from being as bad as that first one obviously was. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Okay... Maybe I'll have the cleaver this time! - g'night! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee as he tries again to switch to repair mode. Shot FTB.] [SCENE: Outside old AUTOBOT HEADQUARTERS at the ARK CRASH SITE on Earth. Bumblebee is with friends from his past. Things are strangely out of proportion.] [ACTION: Optimus Prime (TM) pulls up to a HUGE Bumblebee. He transforms (TM)>(RM), and gives Bumblebee a HUGE GUN. Bumblebee, for some reason, is as large as Optimus Prime. Wheeljack (RM) pops out of Optimus' trailer.] WHEELJACK: (RM) Now aim it carefully, Bumblebee! Remember, the first time you tried it, you blew a hole in a mountain! [SHOT: The queazy camera swings down to look at Bumblebee's feet. There is a tiny Gears standing there jumping up and down.] GEARS: (RM) That's okay! They put an Interstate Highway through the hole! [SHOT/ACTION: Medium 2 shot of Bumblebee and Prime. Bumblebee is checking out the scope on the gun while Prime is instructing him.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) Bumblebee, you and your new toy must stop Megatron before he takes over the world. Can you do it? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Cocking the gun) Piece of polychromic dytrillium! [ACTION: Bumblebee wheels. He aims at a poster of old Megatron (RM) on a wall. It morphs into the REAL old Megatron (from the waist up). Bumblebee drills a hole through old Megatron's belly.] OLD MEGATRON: (RM) NOOO! NOOO! I WILL NOT BE MADE INTO A TUNNEL! [ACTION: A tiny road crew put an Interstate through the hole. Traffic follows closely behind, much to Megatron's dismay.] OLD MEGATRON: (RM) (With his hands on his head) YEEEAAAAA! NO! NO! NO! [SHOT: ECU of Bumblebee, cocking his head to the camera.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Smugly) Dang they're fast! Ah, I feel like I'm on top of the world! [SHOT: Camera quickly pulls away from Bumblebee, showing that he is gigantic. He is standing ON a proportionally small Cybertron, still holding onto that large gun.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Noticing that he IS standing on top of the world) Well hot diggy... I am! This is weird! I didn't dream like this while I was in stasis lock. This is fun! Ha ha! [SHOTS/ACTION: In a series of CU shots, we see Rhinox and Airazor working on Bumblebee in the 'real world'. Rhinox is working on wiring harness' and circuit systems at one end, while Airazor is using her optics to help her disengage mechadendrites at the base of Bumblebee's neck.] RHINOX: (RM) Okay, I'm installing a new buffer system in section 4. You're clear to work on mechadendrites servicing locations 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9. AIRAZOR: (RM) Okay... I've released service ports 14 through 82 on his motor relays and disengaged his primary couplers to his dimensional stabilizers... his legs should now be connected... RHINOX: (RM) (Checking Bumblebee's legs/car front) Yup... They've become the front of the vehicle again... stabilizers are off line... Installing his new locking chip deck... hope he likes having a spare or two... AIRAZOR: (RM) Being extra sure? RHINOX: (RM) Hey, how often does one get to do a complete upgrade? 'Might as well give him all the upgrades we can muster! 'Think he's gonna LOVE the new weapons system I'm installing! AIRAZOR: (RM) Ummm... I saw that pile of field dampers over there... are you expecting to put all of those in him?... Disconnecting micro-plugs to forward back-up processors... RHINOX: (RM) I don't think he'll be able to use them all... But, what the hey! On THIS planet, you NEED them! AIRAZOR: (RM) Oops! RHINOX: (RM) (Panicking) WHAT!? WHAT!? Are you okay!? AIRAZOR: (RM) (Unfazed) I'm fine... I just knocked the cerebro-scanner... releasing service to com deck... RHINOX: (RM) (Checking the Cerebro-Scanner's monitor) Few! I nearly jumped out of my protoskin! Alpha waves did a slight spike... they're settling to normal again... shouldn't do anything... [SHOT/ACTION: Camera starts with a head-on MCU of giant Bumblebee standing on little Cybertron. Camera, continuing on Bumblebee, swings over him as a shadow moves over him. He looks up. He suddenly shows fear.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What the... [SHOT/ACTION: Rear shot of Bumblebee looking up at an even larger SHOCKWAVE (RM). He is lowering his blaster hand at Bumblebee.] SHOCKWAVE: (RM) PUNY AUTOBOT! [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot as Shockwave blows Bumblebee off the little Cybertron. Bumblebee lands on his back on a darken surface. He looks around and finds no sign of the giant Shockwave. He does see something nearby - a large blue pillar.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) WHOA! What was all THAT about? Whoosh! Whoa! What is that... [SHOT: CU of Bumblebee as he starts looking up the pillar. Concern on his face is replaced by terror.] [SHOT/ACTION: POV from Bumblebee's perspective. He is looking up the blue pillar, only to find that it really is STARSCREAM'S FOOT. Starscream starts to bend down to grab him.] STARSCREAM: (RM) Come here puny Autobot! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee as he tries to raise the large gun to fire on Starscream. As he does so, the gun disappears. He jumps to one side, dodging Starscream's first attempt to grab him.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Starscream as he comes in for a second try on Bumblebee.] STARSCREAM: (RM) You can't evade me forever, Autobot! [ACTION: Starscream suddenly looks up. He is met by an enormous blue fist. The camera follows as Starscream falls back. He lands on his back, feet towards the camera.] SOUND EFFECT: WHONGGGGGG! (Blue metal against more blue metal) STARSCREAM: (RM) UUUH!! [SHOT: Quick ECU of Bumblebee as he turns to look behind him.] [SHOT: 2 shot of Bumblebee at the feet of Optimus Prime (RM). Bumblebee is now proper scale to Prime.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) No Decepticon shall have it! [SHOT/ACTION: Shot returns to the fallen body of Starscream. He sits up, but it is now Old Megatron's head on Starscream's body. The head is distorted, and larger than it should be for Starscream's body. It bends over at Bumblebee, as the camera pulls behind him on the ground.] OLD MEGATRON: (On Starscream's body) Don't you mean Predacons? HA HA HA HA HA! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera follows a frightened Bumblebee as he scrambles along the ground. He dives behind two magenta legs. He notices that they are legs, and looks up. The camera quickly follows his gaze up to see RODIUMS PRIME (RM).] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (In awe) HUHHHhhhh! Rodimus Prime! [ACTION: Rodimus aims his gun at the Megatron/Starscream creature (off screen).] RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) What difference does it make!? We will fight you until all are ONE! [ACTION: Rodimus fires. The camera follows the beam over to the Megatron/Starscream creature, as it erupts in flames.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee as he covers his face from the flames. He manages to glance up and shock covers his face again.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the flames burning. A figure walks out of the inferno. Galvatron stands there gloating.] BUMBLEBEE: (Off frame) GALVATRON! GALVATRON: (RM) As you can see, little Autobot, it keeps going, over and over again! You can not run from it! We just repeat the same story - it's a FULL CIRCLE! [ACTION: Galvatron transforms into his cannon mode and begins to charge.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU looking down at Bumblebee in a sitting position, as he tries to scamper away. From behind him suddenly come a brilliant light. Covering his eyes, he looks back.] [SHOT/ACTION: Huge bust shot of Optimus Prime (RM). His chest doors swing open where the light is coming from. A small Bumblebee is in the foreground.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) You will be safe inside... [SHOTS/ACTION: Bumblebee leaps for the light. Just as he reaches the light, Galvatron fires and hits him squarely in the back. All goes black. Then the light is back as he rides a roller coaster ride through a spark pump. Coming out the far end of the pump, another burst of light erupts in front of him.] [SHOT: The light burst fades to show an MCU of Bumblebee, head-on, holding the case. He examines it. As he does, the camera pulls away to show that Bumblebee is floating in space.] [SHOT: ECU of Bumblebee, as he looks over his shoulder. He reacts to what he sees.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) HUHHH!! OH NO! NO! NOT AGAIN! NOOOO! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera starts with a full aft shot of Bumblebee. It then tilts up to show Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime drifting off, arms and legs stretched out in snow angel positions. Behind them is Predaking.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) You are our protector, Bumblebee! You hold our past - you hold our futures! RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) Protect what makes us, Bumblebee! 'Till all are one! [SHOT/ACTION: MCU of Bumblebee as he looks at his old leaders drift towards their doom. A large black hand lands on his shoulder. He wheels around. The camera follows his POV to see Optimus Primal (BM).] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (BM) Ready to get out of here? [SHOT/ACTION: Side 2 shot of Bumblebee and Optimus Primal. Primal places Bumblebee on his shoulders and starts to run. Bumblebee looks behind them.] [SHOT/ACTION: POV from Bumblebee. He sees the two Primes hit Predaking, and they all explode. Suddenly, all of the Predacons of the past start chasing after Bumblebee and Optimus Primal, just as they did on that day he escaped the first battle of the Great War.] [SHOT/ACTION: Shot returns to a full side shot of Optimus running with Bumblebee on his back. As they continue to run, they are joined by Rhinox (RM), Cheetor (BM), RatTrap (RM), Tigatron (RM), Airazor (RM), and Dinobot (BM). Dinobot transforms, but he becomes Old Grimlock.] [SHOT/ACTION: MCU front shot of Optimus and Bumblebee. The Predacons can be seen in the far distance. Optimus is looking over at the transformed Dinobot (off screen).] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (BM) (Looking back at Bumblebee) You know, that's wrong. BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Sorry. I haven't seen him in robot mode yet! BUMBLEBEE: (Continued...) (Looking over at Airazor) Of course, I haven't seen the pretty lady in Beast Mode yet either. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Ha ha ha! Careful. She's playing with your head! [SHOTS/ACTION: Return to the operating room.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Okay... I've removed his head... All that's left is the primary power circuit. RHINOX: (RM) Oh, very good! Right on time, too... I've just finished the new coupling center for it... Okay, remember the power must be restored in less than 10 micro clicks, or memory degradation can take place. AIRAZOR: (RM) Just have the power cable ready when I get there! RHINOX: (RM) (Looking over at Bumblebee's head) Right! Why is he smiling so? [SHOT: ECU of Airazor's hands as she disconnects the last coupling.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide side shot of the Maximals and Bumblebee running through space. Suddenly, everything is running in slow motion, and the picture gets snowy.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) YEOWwwww! Wwwhherrre diddd thhhhatt brrrickkk wwwalllll commme fffrommm???? [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot in the operating room. Airazor is rushing to the other end of the table. She quickly reinserts the coupling in Bumblebee's neck into its power conduit at its new location.] AIRAZOR: (RM) There! RHINOX: (RM) Well done! I'll move down to the other end so you can reinstall those mechadentrites. [SHOT/ACTION: Wide group shot of the Maximals running in slow motion in a snowy outer space. The picture suddenly clears, and Bumblebee is forced to cling to Optimus for all he's worth, as the ape takes off like a shot.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) YEOW!! WHOA!! JUMPIN' JETFIRE!! WHO TURNED ON THE BOOSTERS!? [SHOT/ACTION: MCU front shot of Bumblebee and Optimus. Bumblebee looks behind them. The Predacons are quickly falling behind. Then, so are the rest of the Maximals. He looks forward again. He suddenly is VERY worried.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Pointing) Ahh... Optimus... [SHOT/ACTION: Reverse shot showing Bumblebee and Optimus heading towards a worm hole that is opening in front of them.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (BM) I see it! Quick! Get into the escape pod! [SHOT: MCU of a confused Bumblebee.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What escape pod? HEY! YEOWP! [ACTION: Optimus reaches back and grabs Bumblebee. The camera follows along with Bumblebee as Optimus brings the Bug around, and heaves him back away from himself. The camera continues to follow Bumblebee as he passes through the doorway of his escape pod. He hits the pilot's chair with a thud.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) OOFF!! [SHOTS: CU of Bumblebee as he rights himself, and looks out the door of the pod. The shot switches to a POV shot from Bumblebee, as he watches Optimus disappear into the worm hole. The hatch closes. Shot cuts to MCU of Bumblebee as he flops into the pilot's seat.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Foof! Well, I've been here before! [SHOTS/ACTION: Wide side shot of the pod flying through the worm hole. It is slightly bumpy. The view moves to a POV shot looking out of the hatch door window. A planet bursts out of warp in front of him, smack in the middle of a nasty ion storm.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) AW NUTZ! It's that ion storm again! UUHH!! SHIELDS!! POD'S COMPUTER: Confirmed... [SHOTS/ACTION: The camera follows the pod's flight. A glow from the shield can be seen surrounding the pod. The pod enters the planet's atmosphere, shields blazing. The camera moves around the pod, through the fire of re-entry, until it is looking over top of the pod, peeking at where the pod is going. Below the pod, a volcano can soon be seen.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Ah, wing nuts! I've got'ta have something about volcanos! First, I crash land in the Ark on Earth with the rest of the Autobots, now I'm crashing into another planet via a volcano! SSSSmokin'! [SHOTS/ACTION: Long shot outside the mouth of the volcano. The pod can be seen approaching. Switching to a closer view of the pod, the glow from the shields can still be seen. The camera follows the pod as it enters the mouth of the volcano. The shot cuts to the bottom of the magma chamber. The camera looks up, finds the incoming pod, then follows it down, and into the lava at the base of the chamber. The pod disappears for a few seconds. It suddenly pops out of the lava, shields intact, like a beach ball that had been held under water. The shields are popping and snapping against the lava, but also cause the pod to glide across the magma. The shot cuts to inside the pod, showing an MCU of Bumblebee as he hangs on to his ride. The shields cause him to rotate off axis slightly. [SHOT/ACTION Continued: The shot returns outside the pod, as the camera follows it through the magma chamber. The pod finds a corridor off the chamber. The view cuts to the other side of the corridor. There isn't any magma in this cave, so the shields that made for a relatively smooth slide in the magma chamber are now reacting violently against the hard ground and walls of the chamber. The pod reacts much like a superball being bounced in a confined area. The shot cuts back and forth between the exterior of the pod and the interior as Bumblebee gets buzzed by the vibrations. The corridor narrows greatly, and the forward progress of the pod comes to an abrupt stop. The shot cuts to an CU of Bumblebee as he finds himself plastered against the hatch window. The shot returns to a wide view of the pod. Pulses from the still active shields bring the cavern behind the pod down, sealing it off from the magma chamber . The hatch blows as the shields finally shut down. Bumblebee looks out of the pod, who's light is all that illuminates the chamber.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself as he exits the pod) Oh no! Not again! The cave... Even though I'm in a cave INSIDE a volcano, BESIDE a pod that just entered the planet's atmosphere, OH - OH - OH - OH!! BURRRRR! Oh, I feel so COLD! VOICE FROM INSIDE THE POD: It's the energon fields that's doin' it, ya know! [SHOTS/ACTION: POV shot from inside the pod looking out. Bumblebee peers in, looking at the camera. The shot cuts to a POV shot from Bumblebee looking down at the pod's floor, and finding a normal sized rat sitting on the case. It is tapping the case with one paw, while eating a piece of cheese with the other.] RAT: (Eating the cheese and tapping case) You's got some work ta do, don't ya? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Yes, I know... You know, it is a common misconception to relate rats with cheese eating. RAT: (Picking his teeth with his tail) Yea, but if you's think dat dis is reality, well I've got news for you! 'Sides, rats eat anything and everything! But, I figure, you's want ta get out'a here, don't cha? [ACTION: Bumblebee nods in agreement.] RAT: Well, I c'n help you out'a here. But you's got'ta transform first. 'Think you c'n do that? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No sweat! [ACTION: Bumblebee transforms into his FIRST Cybertronian mode (flat with a slight bubble canopy).] RAT: What da heck is that?! I can't do anything with that! Try agin'! [ACTION: Bumblebee tries again, and suddenly he's got his old Pretender body again.] BUMBLEBEE: (Pretender Humanoid Mode) NUTS! [ACTION: Bumblebee tries again. This time he is in his robot mode with some silly backpack on. The backpack has a helicopter rotor attached. The blades fall off with a clang.] RAT: Boy'o, you are one real schizo, you know dat? [ACTION: Bumblebee strains. He retracts the backpack into his back. He then transforms into a series of forms in rapid transitions. A piano, a computer, a TV showing ReBOOT, a sofa, a stop sign, the show's producer, etc... The rat pinches his eyes in disbelief.] RAT: (Rubbing his eyes) Oie! Yer hurtin' my eyes! WHOA! HOLD IT! RIGHT THERE! [ACTION: Bumblebee finally finds his VW mode.] RAT: 'Bout time, Bug! [ACTION: The rat grows in size. It then transforms (BM)>(RM) into RatTrap. He climbs into Bumblebee.] RATTRAP: (RM) Now, UP AND AT 'EM! [ACTION: RatTrap floors Bumblebee's throttle. Bumblebee jumps up the wall, and bursts through the roof of the cavern. We see bright daylight as Bumblebee disappears out of frame. Then we hear a loud crash.] [SHOT: 2 shot of Bumblebee (RM) and RatTrap (RM). They are sitting on the ground rubbing their heads.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Rubbing head) What did we hit? [SHOT/ACTION: POV shot from Bumblebee looking ahead of himself. He sees Roadbuster (CM) sitting in front of him. It transforms (CM)>(RM) into Rhinox.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) What are you doing here, Rhinox? You don't transform into cars anymore! RHINOX: (RM) Harumph! Sometimes I miss having my wheels in the well - patrolling the highways. [ACTION: Rhinox transforms (RM)>(BM)] RHINOX: (BM) But this body has its advantages! Got'ta fly! [ACTION: Rhinox trots off. He then begins to walk into the sky. Bumblebee and RatTrap look at one another, then back at the ascending Rhinox.] RATTRAP: (RM) I don't ever remember him doin' that! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) I do... As Roadbuster I mean. It took two thermal charges and a drunk Decepticon to do it, though... RHINOX: (Flying BM) Come on! You're going to be able to do this soon, you know! Better start practicing! [ACTION: Bumblebee transforms into the VW again. RatTrap gets in and floors Bumblebee again. This time, the car takes to the air.] [SHOT: Wide shot of the operation room. Airazor is at the left side of the table holding Bumblebee, Rhinox is on the right.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Okay! I'm finished... All I need to do is close the service hatches on the lower support... RHINOX: (RM) Great! I've just about worked out the new dimensional buffers for his legs... There! Give me power, would you please? [ACTION: Airazor touches something at the base of Bumblebee's neck with a probe. Bumblebee's new legs extend from his rear wheel wells.] AIRAZOR: (RM) Cool! RHINOX: (RM) Yea! I forgot how much fun it was tinkering in these older vehicle based chassis! You can't DO this in a Protoform! [ACTION: Optimus Primal enters the frame from left.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) So, how are we doing? RHINOX: (RM) Just about finished... I'm happy to announce the patient will survive - unfortunately, he won't recognize himself when he wakes up! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Ha ha ha! RHINOX: (RM) All we need now is that bumblebee for Bug's DNA scan... is Cheetor back yet? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Err - speaking of patients... [SHOTS: 2 quick ECU reaction shots of Rhinox and Airazor. Airazor quickly turns around to quell a laugh. Shot cuts to Cheetor (BM) as he enters the room. His face is swollen. One of his eyes is almost shut from bee stings. His nose looks like an apple. He transforms (BM)>(RM), and his robot's head isn't much better. He pulls a jar with a single EXTREMELY GRUMPY bumblebee out from under his cat's head chest-plate.] CHEETOR: (RM) (Through swollen lips) I think I'm allergic to bee stings... (Reacting to Airazor's now hysterical laughter off screen) Oh, thank you VERY much, Miss Bird Lady! [SCENE: Dissolve to Bridge of Maximal Base. Rhinox is working at the R-chamber. He scans the bumblebee, and sends the information into the DNA processors.] RHINOX: (RM) Okay... Replication of host DNA complete. Let's just hope it doesn't make our Bumblebee as grumpy as the host is! CHEETOR: (RM) (Through swollen lips) Ha ha... [SHOT/ACTION: Side shot of the R-Chamber. A chime chirps and the door swings open. Bumblebee's head peers out.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Buzz buzz, everyone! [ACTION: Bumblebee attempts to take a step, but start to fall over. Rhinox quickly grabs him, helps him out of the chamber, and rights him, showing off the new improved Bumblebee in the process.] RHINOX: (RM) Your center of gravity has shifted... You're not accustomed to your new setup yet... Give it a few clicks... you'll get your legs back... So, what do ya think? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Am I seeing things, or am I a little taller? RHINOX: (RM) Slightly... You used to have 5 dimensional stabilizers that handled arms, legs and size. Your new setup made me use the fifth one for transitional functions between your three modes... Is there a problem with it? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No, no! It's about time I grew up! Ha ha... Umm... I see I've got that backpack again! Oh well, at least this one works WITH me... I never liked that old system! RATTRAP: (RM) 'Ey, remember dat used ta be yer FEET! RHINOX: (RM) Okay... Time to see if our designs work out! Let’s try your transformations out... [ACTION: Bumblebee nods to Rhinox.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM)>(BM) BEAST MODE! [ACTION: Bumblebee instantly becomes an extra large economy sized bumblebee. The sound made is that of a standard Maximal transformation.] RATTRAP: (RM) WHOA! Where did all dat HAIR come from? Someone ought ta get him a barber! Hey... where's da wings? RHINOX: (RM) They would be too large for him to have on in here. I haven't hooked that system up yet. How does it feel? BUMBLEBEE: (BM) To put it mildly, flat out STRANGE! I must say, though, I do feel more part of this body than I did with my Pretender system. AIRAZOR: (RM) You mean you feel more as one with yourself? BUMBLEBEE: (RM) No, I mean I can BREATHE with this body! RHINOX: (RM) Ha ha ha! Right - let’s try your vehicle mode. Keywords are "Autobot" and "Mode." BUMBLEBEE: (BM) AUTOBOT MODE! [ACTION: Bumblebee transforms (BM)>(CM). Sound should be classic transformation sound. Since the body of the Beetle makes up the abdomen of the bumblebee, it is now yellow with a large black stripe. Two small humps remain on the hood of the car, where the wings would mount. The nose of the Bug is also covered with a black stripe.] RHINOX: (RM) There ya go... And an added bonus with your new Triple Change ability is the fact that your Autobot Mode covers you sufficiently to protect you from the energon fields around here! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Confused) How so? It didn't help him in the cave. Why would it work now? RHINOX: (RM) It wasn't the mode that didn't work back then, it was his outer skin. In Autobot Mode, Bumblebee is actually in a modified Beast Mode. There are no robot extremities to act as energon receptors. And the rubber tires act as a natural insulator as well. BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over his radio's speaker) It still feels like I'm wearing a car cover, but it's better than other designs that have been tried. Thanks RB. RHINOX: (RM) (Reacting to the 'RB' snatch) It's been a long time since anyone's called me RB, Bug. Roll for it. [ACTION: Bumblebee digs out, then comes to an abrupt halt next to Airazor (RM). He opens up his driver's side door.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over his radio's speaker) Care to go for a ride, Airazor? AIRAZOR: (RM) Why, thank you, sir! I would love to! [ACTION: Airazor gets in, while RatTrap across the room looks on. His free ride just picked up a new passenger.] RATTRAP: (RM) Hey! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Looking down at RatTrap) What's wrong? RATTRAP: (RM) My free ride just picked up a new passenger! CHEETOR: (RM) (Whispering into RatTrap's audio receptor) She's cuter than you! RATTRAP: (RM) Ea, guess so... HA! [ACTION: Optimus can hardly contain himself.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over his radio speaker - reacting to Airazor in his seat) Ah, that feels better! Someone in one of my seats, and my wheels rolling! Let me tell you about my friends Spike and Carlie... RHINOX: (RM) (Yelling down the corridor at Bumblebee) You be careful, Bumblebee! BUMBLEBEE: (CM) (Over his radio's speaker) (Coming to a stop) Why's that? RHINOX: (RM) Yer startin' to sound like Kup! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Yea, he is, isn't he? RATTRAP: (RM) Dead ringer! CHEETOR: (RM) (Still mumbling through swollen lips) Could'a fooled me! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (Over his radio's speaker) Thanks a bunch, guys! ‘Good to see things haven't changed! [ACTION: Bumblebee drives off down the corridor.] [SCENE: Dissolves to a darkened ship. The camera is trucking down a corridor, occasionally peeking into rooms as it passes them. These are rest quarters. Cheetor (BM) is seen in one resting on his cot. The camera finally moves into a room. Bumblebee (RM) is restlessly laying on his bed, specially designed to fit his new backpack. He is seeing flashes of the visions he saw during the operation. Snatches of discussion from the day before haunt him. The case that Optimus Prime gave him keeps coming back to him.] OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) Take this - you MUST keep this safe, Bumblebee - I'm depending on you! RAT: Boy'o, you are one real schizo, you know dat? OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) You are our protector, Bumblebee! You hold our past - you hold our futures! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Careful. She's playing with your head! RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) Protect what makes us, Bumblebee! 'Till all are one! GALVATRON: (RM) ...Autobot, it keeps going, over and over again! You can not run from it! We just repeat the same story - it's a FULL CIRCLE! BUMBLEBEE: (RM) HUHHH!! OH NO! NO! NOT AGAIN! NOOOO! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) (Pained) GO!! CODE PRIME 1 - 1 A - OPTIMUS - BINARY 7 - IMMEDIATE! AIRAZOR: (Voice over) You've got bumpers? BUMBLEBEE: (Voice over) Front and rear! RATTRAP: (RM) I don't ever remember him doin' that! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) No Decepticon shall have it! RODIMUS PRIME: (RM) Until all are one! OPTIMUS PRIME: (RM) Until all are one! [SHOT/ACTION: Looking down at Bumblebee on his bed. He suddenly sits up startled awake.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) Melt me in a body forge! What have I done!? [ACTION: Bumblebee exits the room.] [SHOT/ACTION: Wide shot of the service hatch at the rear of the Maximal base. Bumblebee exits the ship and transforms into Autobot mode. He peels out.] [SCENE: Bridge of the Maximal ship. RatTrap is at a computer station working on the pod's latest download.] [SHOT/ACTION: Camera starts with a MCU of RatTrap working at the station. Optimus Primal enters from behind him. The camera widens out to show them both as RatTrap works on the data.] RATTRAP: (RM) Oh, fearless leader! 'You still up? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Rhinox is doing astro-scans again... RATTRAP: (RM) Ah, an' dat means Sentinel is down... B'nice if he'd come up wit some scanner dat didn't need all yer shields down! So yer playin' guard? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Well, someone has to! Rhinox is scanning, Dinobot is off on patrol, Cheetor and Bumblebee are asleep, and Airazor and Tigatron are off doing whatever THEY do at this time of night! SIGH! RATTRAP: (RM) You's sound like someone who's in serious need of a night life! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Huh! How are you doing? RATTRAP: (RM) Done! I was just about ta call ya when ya came in here! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) No bugs? RATTRAP: (RM) Nope! Kept it clean dis time! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Great! So what did you find? RATTRAP: (RM) Com traffic! It seem dat dis bit o'data we found is a communications transcript from the Warp Shuttle's com deck... It's between Bumblebee and some Autobot named Hot Rod. OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) If it's personal, I'd disregard it... RATTRAP: (RM) Naaa... 'sides, I'd read it anyway! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Displeased) Prime... RATTRAP: (RM) No, it ain't! Get this... I've got the computer reconstructing their voices... BUMBLEBEE: But Hot Rod, Optimus gave it to me for protection! You are the ONLY one who should have it! HOT ROD: I don't care! I'm sorry about Optimus. It's a great loss. But I don't want it again! 'How about asking Springer? BUMBLEBEE: I don't know if Springer survived the battle! Roddy, you're my only hope! HOT ROD: Look, I can send help from here on Nebulos, but that's the best I can do! BUMBLEBEE: By the makers! Hot Rod, I'm being chased! I'm being chased by every Predacon around! Help me! HOT ROD: Hang in there Bumblebee! Get that shuttle out of there! KUP: Bumblebee, this is Kup. DON'T HEAD FOR CYBERTRON! DON'T HEAD FOR EARTH! That's where they'll be looking for you! Set your course randomly! Do you hear....Bu... RATTRAP: (RM) At that point, da message gets trashed... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Sitting down at console) Curious... Computer, historical data - Give data on old Autobot by the name of Hot Rod... Specs and bio, please... COMPUTER: HOT ROD - AUTOBOT WARRIOR - SUB-GROUP - TARGETMASTER - FORMER LEADER OF AUTOBOTS UNDER THE TITLE OF RODIMUS PRIME - ASSUMED DESTROYED BY PREDACONS DURING FIRST BATTLE OF THE GREAT WAR WHILE ATTEMPTING A RESCUE MISSION OF AUTOBOT/DECEPTICON CO-BATTLE GROUPS... OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Standing back up with a start) What caused this Hot Rod to become Rodimus Prime? COMPUTER: WAR JOURNALS REPORT - BATTLE OF UNICRON - AUTOBOT HOT ROD ASSUMED POSITION OF PRIME BY HAVING AUTOBOT MATRIX PASSED TO HIM FROM OPTIMUS PRIME TOWARDS THE END OF THE THIRD CYBERTRONIAN WAR... RHINOX: (RM) (Entering Bridge) The MATRIX! SLAG! That's what was in that case! How could I be so blind! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Worried) They're talking about THE matrix, aren't they? RHINOX: (RM) (Turning pale) They sure are! The AUTOBOT MATRIX OF LEADERSHIP! That's what Optimus Prime must have given Bumblebee! We've got to find out what happened to it, Optimus! If the Predacons ever got hold of it...! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) What? It only works for Autobots, doesn't it? RHINOX: (RM) No, they found it to work on Decepticons as well. It doesn't like it at first, but after awhile it bends to match its host. If Megatron was to ever get his hands on it, he could learn secrets that could destroy us all! RATTRAP: (RM) Plus, if I remember right about dat doohickey, installation not only raised you ta Prime status, but yer power levels jumped up as well! Megatron wit' a bigger pop-gun isn't my idea of a nice day, you know what I mean? [SHOT: ECU of Optimus Primal's head. He is hushing everyone.] SENTINEL: (Over Optimus' receiver - Optimus taps at confirm) BEDOOP! Sentinel to Optimus Primal... Private message to Optimus Primal. Predacon presence detected - bridge coordinates.... RHINOX: (RM) What's up Optimus? [SHOTS/ACTION: Wide shot of entrance to the bridge. A groggy Cheetor (RM) enters yawning. Optimus pops open his wrist gun and fires a bolt over Cheetor's head at the top of the doorway arch. Cheetor drops to the floor.] CHEETOR: (RM) (VERY Awake) What did I do!? [ACTION: A small blue-green article falls into Cheetor's lap.] CHEETOR: (RM) Hey! What's this? [ACTION: Rhinox takes it from Cheetor and gets a closer look at the blue and green - well slagged bug device.] RHINOX: (RM) Hummm... Looks like we've just found our first new Insecticon in a long time! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) (Less than thrilled) And it just told Megatron everything we were discussing! That's just Prime! [SCENE: Inside the Predacon base at the Communication Station. Megatron and Scorponok were looking at the com screen, which is now showing snow.] MEGATRON: (RM) (Excited) The legendary Autobot Matrix of Leadership! Yes! I wanted it back then, I want it even more NOW! SCORPONOK: (RM) (Confused) Back then? What are you talkin' about? You weren't around back then! MEGATRON: (RM) Oh, yes I was! At least, a good PART of me was! SCORPONOK: (RM) (Confused even further) Huh? MEGATRON: (RM) Ever since our run in with Starscream's ghost, I had this feeling I had met him before... yess! So I did a FULL data scan of my core processors. SCORPONOK: (RM) (Shivering) Whoa! You did that to YOURSELF? We only do that to the ENEMY when we're yanking secrets out of 'em! MEGATRON: (RM) Ummm... It's not as bad as you think... sometimes it's a GOOD thing to interrogate your old data storage systems! You'd be surprised at what you will find! SCORPONOK: (RM) So, what did you find? MEGATRON: (RM) Ha ha ha ha! Oh, I found my ROOTS! YESSS! My data core goes CLEAR back to the original Megatron! Yesss! I remembered being Galvatron, TRASHING Optimus Prime, destroying Iacon, EVERYTHING! SCORPONOK: (RM) But, doesn't that over-stuff your memory storage systems? MEGATRON: (RM) No... I've set my systems to core access only! Information is brought up on an as-needed basis! And right now, the file I have open is the one on the MATRIX! I must HAVE IT! Yesss! It is a power ULTIMATE! By simply opening it, the Autobots destroyed Unicron! THINK of THAT power! SCORPONOK: (RM) (Thinking hard) Ummmmmm... whoosh! MEGATRON: (RM) (Watching Scorponok's attempt to think about it) Nice try! The Matrix! It is hardly a power I can trust ANY of the Predacons to attempt to retrieve, no. They'd all try to install it in themselves. SCORPONOK: (RM) Not ME, Megatron! [ACTION: Megatron clangs his T-Rex head down on Scorponok’s head.] MEGATRON: (RM) Hush, Scorponok! I don't want the rest of the Predacons to know about this development, no! Let us both go and find the matrix, yes! [SHOT/ACTION: Camera tilts up and zooms in to the dark ceiling area above Megatron and Scorponok. Blackarachnia (BM) and Tarantulas (BM) are there, lurking in the shadows spying on Megatron's activities. They nod to one another and move off.] [SHOT/ACTION: The camera trucks along following Megatron and Scorponok on their platforms. The view is as if the camera were following them in a side corridor. Many objects pass through the shot between the camera and them as it follows.] MEGATRON: (RM) Who knows, maybe we'll see my 'old friend' Bumblebee, yes - before I scrap him! HA HA HA HA!! [SHOT/ACTION: The camera stops trucking along with Megatron and Scorponok with an MCU of Terrorsaur (RM), who was walking in the other direction. He stops squarely in his tracks in reaction to Megatron's reference to Bumblebee.] TERRORSAUR: (RM) (Shocked - Worried - Shivering - Acting as if something just switched on in his head) Bumblebee? I THOUGHT I recognized that car earlier! Megatron can't hurt Bumblebee! He's - He's MY FRIEND! I must warn him! [ACTION: Terrorsaur transforms (RM)>(BM) and takes off.] [SCENE: The rock that Rhinox placed over the cave entrance. Bumblebee arrives and surveys the rock.] BUMBLEBEE: (CM)>(RM) Hummm... 'Looks as if RatTrap used a hydraulic lift to move the rock earlier... [ACTION: Bumblebee transforms (RM)>(BM), and grabs the rock. He strains to lift it, but barely budges it.] BUMBLEBEE: (BM) Humm... let's see just what these new wing generators can do! Wing Processors - measure weight - mass of object being lifted - Generate wings capable of lifting object... PROCESSOR: (Internal) Confirmed... [ACTION: The processors proceeds to increase the size of his wings. Suddenly Bumblebee has the lifting strength to pick the rock up and hurl it away. Transforming (BM)>(RM), Bumblebee discards the huge wings.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) Okay! That was NEAT! I think I'm going to LOVE these wings! 'Processors - give me a pair of glider wings so I can get to the bottom of this hole! PROCESSOR: (Internal) Confirmed... [ACTION: The wing processors knit up two smaller wings. Bumblebee then jumps into the hole.] [SUB-SCENE/SHOT/ACTION: The bridge of the Maximal Base. Rhinox and RatTrap are working at a station to the right of the frame. Optimus Primal enters the bridge and hurries towards the camera (Com Station). He presses a button below the view of the camera.] OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Optimus to Airazor - Optimus to Airazor... AIRAZOR: (Over com) Here, big guy. What's up? OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) Bumblebee is missing... I can guess where he's gone... he may need help. Check out the area around his escape pod. AIRAZOR: (Over com) On it! Hawk you later! RATTRAP: (RM) Uh oh! Da Bug's gone an' done it! RHINOX: (RM) Hey, he's not a prisoner... he can come and go as he pleases! OPTIMUS PRIMAL: (RM) That's why I want Airazor to 'help him' - If he has remembered something that he has there, he's going to need as much help as WE can provide! [SCENE: The Escape Pod's cave.] [SHOTS/ACTION: A wide shot inside the darkened pod cave. A light turns on inside the pod. The shot moves inside the pod. Bumblebee opens a hidden panel with a key pad inside it. He keys in a code (Keys intone "More than meets the eyes" theme) and the pilot's seat pops open. The camera swings overhead to show that tucked inside the seat are a number of document bundles (see DR. STRANGEGLOVE for titles on bundles) and a large case with the Autobot Symbol on it.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) I've got it, Prime... [ACTION: Bumblebee places his right hand on the Autobot Shield. A light bar scans his hand, and the top of the case pops open. As the lid swings open, a bright light blinds the camera.] BUMBLEBEE: (RM) (To himself) I will protect our futures - 'til all are one! [SHOT: The camera runs up the side of the case. As it clears the top edge of the case, it looks in. Inside the case, the matrix pulses like a spark contained within a shell.] CAPTION: TO BE CONTINUED... [FADE TO BLACK] - - - - - END PART 1 - - - - -