9-23-2001 The BattleTec E-Zine is back!

At last!  An official website for Justin Xiang's BattleTec E-Zine.  No longer will you have to go to message board to message board asking for back issues.  Now you can find all six original issues in the same place!  Check it out here.


I enjoyed the BattleTec E-Zine a lot back in it's day, and I decided it was the least I could do to support and thank creator Justin Xiang. I asked his permission to proceed and then began work sometime ago.  It's been sitting around waiting for me to do something with it longer than I like to think about, but I've just been so busy it's taken me this long to launch it!  


A note for you that found it awhile ago, the reason you couldn't download the issues was because I hadn't actually launched the site yet.  It's now fully operational!


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9-06-2001 And then the kid asked.....

The first of our new updates is an article by Augustus which will help boost our spirits a little.  It sure put a smile on my face:)


Article: And then the kid asked, "What Mech's carry a PPC?"


9-06-2001 The silence is broken....

It's been awhile since the last update and I have to admit that for a little while there was the chance that there simply wouldn't BE any more updates.... EVER.  The Shock of WizKids announcement was that intense for me.  Being the cool headed, reasonable guy that I am though, I decided to wait awhile before making any long term decisions.  And that is why everything was silent here for more than a month.


I've given it a lot of thought, and besides all the changes in BattleTech itself, my own life is about to go through some changes.  I'll be going back to school soon, for the first time since graduating High School a few years ago.  I'll finally be correcting a few mistakes I've made over the last couple of years.  


All of that would appear to indicate that it would be a good time to close up the site, at least temporarily.  Still, I find that is something I just don't want to do.  So I'll be keeping the site up including new updates.... when I have the time.  


I think ISN has really gotten a reputation of being one of the most updated BattleTech sites on the web.  Other sites may be bigger or get more hits, they may post news stories every day, but few added as much actual CONTENT to their sites as often as what has been done here at ISN.  That has to change for now, even if my excitement for BattleTech was at an all time high, I simply wouldn't have the time for it.


So ISN will continue, just not updated as often.  It WILL be updated though, and that is an improvement on how things looked a month ago. 



Picture of the Week

catapault.jpg (5353 bytes)


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Have a miniature you would like to see as the Picture of the Week?  Send it to me.


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This page was last updated on:  22 September 2001 

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Site created and maintained by Terren Bruce.  Best viewed at 800x600. 

This page is simply a fan created site which is in no way affiliated or endorsed by Fasa Corporation.  I'm simply giving them some free advertising;)