Portland Oregon Temple

The Spiritual Journal of Sister Bonita D.
A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

A new update on My Journal Page.

I am sure that visitors have thought I had dropped off the face of the earth, but I have just been super busy with Church, Family and work. Updates will be posted in a few days as I finish up work on them. Thanks to all who have taking the time to come here and check out this corner of the WWW.
I know that Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of God and that both God, the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ appeard to him in a quiet grove of trees in upstate New York in 1820.
I know that by and though the power of Jesus Christ, Joseph translated the collected writings of the Ancient Prophets who lived in this "new world".
It is true, and you can know it's true as well, if you will read The Book Of Mormon with a real quest to know the truthfulness of it and pray for an answer to your prayers.
I did it and so can you. Its true, its all true.
In the name of Jesus Christ, A-Men

Hello and welcome to my homepage and online journal. For years I have kept a spiritual journal and for a time I wandered different paths, but have found my way back to the roots of my faith.

Now with the support of my husband, Brother Randy D. I am bringing my journal to this online venue in hopes that I may be a help and a guide to others who have wandered away from the Gospel but want in their deepest hearts and souls to return.

First let me assure you that there is nothing you've done that you can't be forgiven for but the burden rests upon you to seek out your local Church Authorities and begin the process of retuning to full fellowship.

I can testify that there is nothing so healing, nothing that will give you the peace and comfort of knowing you are on the right road.

Your Heavenly Father loves you and will rejoice in your repentance.

If you are one of the fortunate Saints that has never struggled, made mistakes or needed to go though the repentance process, then please know how blessed you have been in your life. ~smile~.

I am always adding and expanding the scope of this site as well as my journal entry page updates quite often, so each time you visit you'll find something new. I pray that you will enjoy my efforts and please take time to sign my guestbook as I would like your imput as to what you liked, disliked and would like to see added to this site.

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