Hanging out under The Man
Burning Man home page
Burning Man home page
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I can not describe Burning Man and what it means using words. Pictures can help a little, but really don't do it either. This year I added some sound to this website. The sound helps get my point across more than the words and pictures, but it all still comes up a bit short. There is no way to convey the thoughts and feelings effectively. I guess it's because everyone's experience is different, and Burning Man is an experience. To know it is to pack your desert survival gear and anything else you want to have with you and go to Black Rock City, the home of the man. Personally, I go to Burning Man looking for a perfect moment. The kind you wish you could freeze in time and live forever. You can't force these moments to come, but at Burning Man the odds are definitely pushed in favor. With 20-25 thousand people and the odds being push so far, it is safe to say that at any given moment during Burning Man someone is feeling the most bliss they have ever felt. So, every moment is someone's perfect moment. When I am not having this peek blissful perfection myself, I enjoy seeing and feeling others have it all around me. Just to feel the spill off of that vibe is a gift.
This year I got lucky. I peaked harder than ever. I am so stoked! I can't explain what happened to me in a way that you'll get it, but let's just say that for the new millennium I was reduced to a giggling baby, laughing because I'm alive.

Ride the snail to the PHOTOS!
There are countless web sites dedicated to Burning Man photos, and experiences. To list them would be and exercise, so instead I am linking to the Burning Man web ring below. I have made one page of photos taken by friends & I, and included one person's description of their own perfect experience. (Thanks Katweasel) Just follow the psychedelic cyclops snail bicycle and you will find yourself there. You can also follow the flaming icon above to the official Burning Man homepage, where there is a wealth of information. But remember, you could spend a year reading about Burning Man, and looking at cool photos and still have no idea what is going on out there in the desert. There is only one way to find out... start packing.


The Burning man Web Ring
The Burning Man Web Ring
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