The Background Information on the "501st" Clan





The History of the "501st"


The "501st" was started by Opacus02 last year, and originally consisted of him and myself (Darkseide). It took awhile to remind Uglyloser to add the "501st" prefix, but we finally got him to. Uberghost joined earlier this year, and we added Tetrambs and CyberX979 the third week of March. On April 7th, we added mutual friend Sgt.Xander, who despite owning the game, mainly plays "WoW". On April 11th, we added VorpalToothpick, yet another mutual friend, who seems to have a strange and inexplicable fascination with "Vorpal" and "Toothpick". On April 22nd, we added S7evin to the Clan as our 9th member. We don't know what his specialty is yet... Opacus02 picked the name "501st" because he and I are "Star Wars" fans, and we played "Star Wars: Battlefront II" quite a bit. It was revealed in "Star Wars Battlefront II", that the "501st" is Darth Vader's personal Stormtrooper Regiment. We are a fairly small group, all friends In-Real-Life, and chances of recruiting are possible, but We don't really have our own server or anything, though we might get one. We just like to play, and we're not "hardcore competitive" (well, some of us might be...), and we try to have fun.