Ford Prefect Shrine
About Site

Greetings, weary hitchhiker... I see you have stumbled upon this small, secluded place after a long journey on the web... Your mind is soaked with data, your head reels from contrdictions and impossible download times... Rest a while here and prehaps you will have enough strength by the morrow to crawl out of your cubicle, get yourself a nice black coffee, and resume your game of Quake.

Well, here it is. The Shrine of the Hoopiest Frood in the Galaxy, finally digitalised for your viewing convenience. My friend the Great Collaspsing Hrung and I have been promising to add another pile of Douglas Adams fandom bilge to the internet, but we've been away all summer. Since I'm finally home for a week or two, I decided to just get on with the page and at least set up the layout. Hrung will probably come home and pick all the meat off the bones, so to speak, and redo the content. Whatever.

Thank you Hrung, wherever you are, for flexing your mighty HTML skills and adding a few snide comments and two whole hyperlinks to this page. I wish you well in your summer astronomy course. May the shwartz be with you, always.

The Infinitely Improbable Bratwurst, DAFU Main Appendage.